在 IP 负载均衡技术中,主要有通过网络地址转换(Network Address Translation)
将一组服务器构成一个高性能的、高可用的虚拟服务器,我们称之为 VS/NAT 技
术(Virtual Server via Network Address Translation)。还有通过 IP 隧道实现虚拟服务
器的方法 VS/TUN (Virtual Server via IP Tunneling),和通过直接路由实现虚拟服
务器的方法 VS/DR(Virtual Server via Direct Routing),它们都可以极大地提高系统
VS/NAT 的优点是服务器可以运行任何支持 TCP/IP 的操作系统,它只需要一
个 IP 地址配置在调度器上,服务器组可以用私有的 IP 地址。缺点是它的伸缩能力
有限,当服务器结点数目升到 20 时,调度器本身有可能成为系统的新瓶颈,因为
在 VS/NAT 中请求和响应报文都需要通过负载调度器。
如果您想让调度节点也作为真实服务器使用,那么请在“Do you want to use
the director as a real server? ”时选择 yes,否则选择 no。如果您选择结果
为 no,那么就不会出现让您选择负载均衡技术的选项。
[root@test1 root]# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
[root@test1 root]# cd /mnt/cdrom
[root@test1 cdrom]# ./install_lb
Following RPMs will be installed or upgraded to newer version if
*) pdksh
*) lsof
*) sg_utils
*) GreatTurbo Load Balance Server
*) GreatTurbo Load Balance Server realserver agents
Please select the operatating system version you are using:
0) GreatTurbo Enterprise Server 10 SP1 (x86_32, kernel:2.6.9-5.15)
1) GreatTurbo Enterprise Server 10 SP1 (x86_64, kernel:2.6.9-5.15)
2) GreatTurbo Enterprise Server 10 SP1 (OpenPower ppc64, kernel: 2.6.9
3) GreatTurbo Enterprise Server 10 SP1 (IA64, kernel:2.6.9-5.15)
4) cancel
Please select an OS version, then the installation procedure will begin.
Select 4 to abort [0/1/2/3/4]: 1
Do you want to use the director as a real server? (y/n) [y]: y
Please select the network forwarding method you want to use:
0) direct routing
1) NAT
2) IP tunnel
Please select a network forwarding method [0/1/2]: 0
[root@test1 iso]# ./install_realserver
The real server agents will be installed or upgraded to newer version.
Please select the network forwarding method you want to use:
0) direct routing
1) NAT
2) IP tunnel
3) cancel
Please select a network method, then the installation procedure will
begin. Select 3 to abort [0/1/2/3]: 0
-----------------------------------Cluster Member Configuration Utility
-----------------------------------Version: 10.0 Built: Sat Apr 29 18:11:19 CST 2006
This utility sets up the member systems of a 2-node HA cluster,
or the 2-node director members of a Load Balancing cluster.
It prompts you for the following information:
o Hostname
o Number of heartbeat channels
o Information about the type of channels and their names
o Power switch type and device name
o Information about the routers and network type of the Load Balancer
In addition, it performs checks to make sure that the information
entered is consistent with the hardware, the Ethernet ports, the raw
partitions and the character device files.
After the information is entered, it initializes the configure file
and saves the configuration information to the configure file
- Checking that cluster daemons are stopped: done
- Configuration file exists already.
Would you like to use those prior settings as defaults? (yes/no)
如果以前运行过 member_config 命令,那么配置文件中会保存我们的配置结
果,该选项就是问我们是否使用以前的配置结果作为缺省值,通常回答 yes。
接下来,输入本地节点的名称。GreatTurbo Load Balance Server 会自动的从
---------------------------------------Setting information for cluster member 0
---------------------------------------Enter name of cluster member [test1]: test1
Looking for host test1 (may take a few seconds)...
Host test1 found
Cluster member name set to: test1
Enter number of heartbeat channels (minimum = 1) [1]: 4
You selected 4 channels
Information about channel 0:
Channel type: net or serial [net]:
Channel type set to: net
Enter hostname of cluster member test1 on heartbeat channel 0 [test1]:
Looking for host hb11 (may take a few seconds)...
Host hb11 found
Hostname corresponds to an interface on member 0
Channel name set to: hb11
Information about channel 1:
Channel type: net or serial [net]:
Channel type set to: net
Enter hostname of cluster member test1 on heartbeat channel 1: hb12
Looking for host hb12 (may take a few seconds)...
Host hb12 found
Hostname corresponds to an interface on member 0
Channel name set to: hb12
Information about channel 2:
Channel type: net or serial [net]:
Channel type set to: net
Enter hostname of cluster member test1 on heartbeat channel 2: test1
Looking for host test1 (may take a few seconds)...
Host test1 found
Hostname corresponds to an interface on member 0
Channel name set to: test1
Information about channel 3:
Channel type: net or serial [net]: serial
Channel type set to: serial
Enter device name: /dev/ttyS0
Device /dev/ttyS0 found and no getty running on it
Device name set to: /dev/ttyS0
Information about power switch connected to member 0
Specify one of the following switches (NONE/RSA/RPS10/APC) [NONE]: NONE
Power switch type set to NONE
Information about watchdog to member 0
Choose one of the following watchdog drivers: NONE/softdog/...) [NONE] :
对方节点信息包括节点的机器名,heartbeat 的设置,watchdog driver 等。
---------------------------------------Setting information for cluster member 1
---------------------------------------Enter name of cluster member: test2
Looking for host test2 (may take a few seconds)...
Host test2 found
Cluster member name set to: test2
You previously selected 4 channels
Information about channel 0:
Channel type selected as net
Enter hostname of cluster member test2 on heartbeat channel 0: hb21
Looking for host hb21 (may take a few seconds)...
Host hb21 found
Channel name set to: hb21
Information about channel 1:
Channel type selected as net
Enter hostname of cluster member test2 on heartbeat channel 1: hb22
Looking for host hb22 (may take a few seconds)...
Host hb22 found
Channel name set to: hb22
Information about channel 2:
Channel type selected as net
Enter hostname of cluster member test2 on heartbeat channel 2: test2
Looking for host test2 (may take a few seconds)...
Host test2 found
Channel name set to: test2
Information about channel 3:
Channel type selected as serial
Enter device name [/dev/ttyS0]: /dev/ttyS0
Device name set to: /dev/ttyS0
Information about power switch connected to member 1
Specify one of the following switches (NONE/RSA/RPS10/APC) [NONE]: NONE
Power switch type set to NONE
Information about watchdog to member 1
Choose one of the following watchdog drivers(NONE/softdog/...) [NONE]:
6)配置第三方 IP 地址
如果条件实在不具备,输入 no,然后回车。
Do you want GreatTurbo Load Balance Server to determin network status?
(yes/no) []: yes
The IP address of a third computer is needed to determin network status.
The third computer should be up all the time, so it is recommend to use
gateway IP address here. Please use IP address instead of domain name.
Enter the IP address of a third computer []:
Looking for host (may take a few seconds)...
Host found
---------------------------------------Enter load balancer primary server IP []:
Looking for IP address (may take a few seconds)...
IP address found
Load balancer primary server IP set to:
Enter load balancer backup server IP []:
Looking for IP address (may take a few seconds)...
IP address found
IP address corresponds to an interface on member 1
Load balancer backup server IP set to:
Enter load balancer network forwarding type(direct/nat/tunnel) [nat]:
Load balancer network forwarding type set to: nat
Enter NAT router IP address []:
NAT router IP address set to:
Enter NAT router netmask []:
NAT router netmask set to:
Enter NAT router device(e.g. eth1:1) [eth1:1]:
如果以上内容全部配置完毕,member_config 将会询问是否保存改动。如果
然后程序还会询问是否运行"diskutil -I"来初始化配置文件,这里请选择
注意:当GreatTurbo Load Balance Server的守护进程正在运行时,请不
要选择运行diskutil -I 来初始化配置文件,以免造成不可预知的后果。
Save changes? yes/no [yes]: yes
Writing to output configuration file...done.
Changes have been saved to /etc/opt/cluster/cluster.conf
---------------------------Setting up Quorum Partitions
---------------------------Run diskutil -I to set up the configure file now?
- Select 'yes' to clean up a previous install
- Select 'no' if you have just set them up on other member
and have not started the cluster services on that member
- Select 'no' if you are running it on other cluster member
Warning: Do not run 'diskutil -I' on a running cluster, because it would
have severe consequences. yes/no [no]: yes
Saving configuration information to configure file: done
cluster status
cluster monitor
cluster loglevel
cluster loglevel syncd
cluster loglevel svcmgr
cluster loglevel svccheck
cluster loglevel powerd
cluster loglevel heartbeat
cluster loglevel clumon
cluster heartbeat
cluster mail from
cluster mail to
cluster mail smtpserver
cluster mail level
cluster reload
cluster name
cluster edit
cluster backup
cluster restore
cluster saveas
cluster restorefrom
service add
service show state
service show config
service show services
service modify
service disable
service enable
service relocate
service delete
nbd add
nbd delete
nbd show
help apropos
help clear
help exit
help help
help cluster status
help cluster monitor
help cluster loglevel
help cluster reload
help cluster name
help cluster edit
+ 53 hidden pages
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