Tuoshi network communicationc LT15 User Manual

192. 168.1 88.1
192 .168. 188.1
4G Wireless Router
Instruction Manual
Thi s device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rule s. Ope ration is subject to the following two conditi ons: (1) T his de vice m ay not c ause h armf ul int erfe renc e, and (2) this device must accept any interference rec eived, including interferenc e that m ay cau se undesired operation.
Ver 4. 09.2 7001
Tha nks for c hoosi ng our pr oduct , pleas e read th is inst ructi on
man ual car efull y befor e using , use the s teps to o perat e this
pro duct. K eep it in s afe pla ce for fu ture us e after r eadin g.
Ins ert SI M card and Con nect ion me thod
Ins ert Mi cro SI M card
According to the interface identification on the device, insert the Micro SIM card, pay attention to the metal electric shock and the missing direction of the card.
SIMc ard
Mic roSIMca rd Nan oSIMcar d
Plug power adapter power on to boot router
Out of the corner Chip down
Please insert sim card and connect correctly 1: Insert SIM card on right position of router 2: Power on power adapter and connect to router 3: Suggest using cell phone for configure settings, no need cable. If you want to use computer for configuration you need connect router lan port to computer, make sure connection is correct, computer use dynamic IP obtaining.
Use router wifi signa l
Turn on your cell phone wifi and search wifi name LTE-WiFi_XXXX, input wifi password stating on the label of back router (Each product got certain SSID name and password, you can find these information on rating label), connected to wifi network.
Remindi ng:
Aft er rou ter po wer on i t will tr ansmit default wifi LTE -WiF i_XX XX, ce ll
Pas sword:* ***** **
phone just connect this wifi. If you did not find this wifi network please che ck SSID a nd pas sword on label, or re set router. How to reset router please refer FAQ 1.
Congratula tions
You ca n use S IM data to surf in ter net now!
Wif i Name a nd pas swor d sett ings
1: Use the cell phone to connect the default WIFI signal transmitted by the router. See step 3 of insert and connection mode by using the router WiFi signal.
2: Scanning QR code, using mobile browser to open links or manually enter in the browser address bar to enter management backstage.
3: In t he background login page, enter the def ault a ccou nt admin and password admin to ente r the ro uter m anag emen t backsta ge interface.
War m tips , you ca n use th e comp uter t o set up 1 : Set up a com puter to automatically get IP 2: Co mpute r network interface con necting router LAN port 3: The ad dres s bar of t he com pute r bro wser is e nter ed into, opens the route r man agement interface, and enters the default ac coun t and password to set it up. If y ou are n ot fam ilia r with c ompu ter,
use c ell pho ne to se t it up.
192.168.1 88.1
192.168 .188. 1
4: In the router management background, click on the navigation bar "LAN Setting" -> "Wi-Fi 2.4G", enter the name of what you want in the network name, and select AES in the "WPS password policy" and enter the password you want in WPA-PSK, click the application button to confirm the setting. Warm reminder: after the installation is completed, your cell phone WIFI connection may be disconnected, reconnect the name you set, and enter the password you set to connect.
Ans wers to c ommo n ques tion s
FAQ 1: F orgo t user name and password how to do? (H ow to
res et the r oute r?). If yo u forg et the u sername and password, or you can't do the backsta ge in the setup process, when the router is energized, pre ss rout er's RESET key f or 5-8 seconds and release, r oute r mak e fact ory de fault.
FAQ 2: C an’t find router ’s wif i sign al? The c omputer connects to the LAN port through the network cab le, login in router management interfa ce "La n sett ings ", wireless function enable / dis able , conf irms t hat th is opt ion is enabled. If you do not have a computer, you can res et the rou ter. For d etai ls, see FAQ1.
FAQ 3: E nter 1 in the browser's addre ss bar, can ’t open management page? 1: If t he computer is set up, open the IE browser, click the tool ­cli ck the In terne t optio n, click the connection - click the LAN set ting s to ensure that the proxy server does not tick. 2: If t he computer is set up, please check the computer's wireless network configuration or loca l netw ork co nfig urat ion to en sure th at the co mputer "automatically gets the IP address", "automatically gets the DNS server addre ss", res tart s the ro uter, disconnects the router power, and th en plug in the power supply later. 3: If y ou can not login to the router management interface after com pleting the above operations, it is recommended th at you res et the r oute r and res et meth od see FAQ1.
FAQ 4: T he router signal lights up, has data transmission , but the I nter net is sl ow. 1: Pl ease move the router to other locations, such as n ear th e window, to ensure better reception of 4G sign als. 2: Re power the router to reboot the router.
FAQ5 : Wh en the r oute r chan ges th e card d urin g its operation, why can't the device read the SIM card? SIM c ard hot plug is not supported by equipmen t, and t he insertion and removal action s shou ld be ca rrie d out un der power failure. Please discon nect t he pow er of th e rout er and the n plug in the power.
FAQ 6: W hy can 't you fi nd pages when using mobile ter mina l settings? Some phones may be able to intelli gent ly det ect wh ethe r the connected WIFI can access the Internet and may be disconnected during se ttin gs. You on ly nee d to loo k at the WIF I you ar e now co nnected to . If the co nnection is not the WIF I that t he dev ice launches, you only need to reco nnec t and refresh the page.
Rou ter ne twor k sign al lig ht
4G mobile data network indicator
3G mobile data network indicator
Internet status indicator, network connection success (scintillation)
Wifi wireless status indicator, WIFI enabled (constant) data transmission (scintillation)
Matters needing att entio n
1: pl ease do not cause this product to be subject ed to st rong impact or vibration, so as not to damage the product, resulting in failure of this pro duct . 2: do n ot disassemble or refit this product without authorization. 3: pl ease do not place this product and its accessori es in high or low temperature areas; otherwise i t may ca use th e product to be malfunctioning a nd una ble to r un nor mall y. 4: pl ease do not keep this product near the s ourc e of hea t or naked fire, such as electric heater, microwave oven, oven, water heater, candle or other pla ces wh ere hi gh tem pera ture may occur. 5: in t he sto rage, transportation and opera tion e nvir onme nt, please pay attention to waterproofing. 6: us e device rated power adapter. 7: pl aced the device on a flat surface. 8: mi crowave oven, Bluetooth equipment, fridg e and so o n will seriously interfere with the wirele ss sig nal. P leas e try to place it in a spacious and accessi ble ar ea and k eep it a way fro m the above equipment.
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