TuffStuff TS-1000 Owner's Manual

Introduction - Pg. 1
Safety Precautions - Pg. 2
Cable Adjustments - Pg. 22
Cable Mapping Diagrams Pg. 24 - Pg. 29
Parts List - Pg. 31
Exploded View Diagram Fold-Out Pg. 32
Adjustment Features - Pg. 33 - Pg. 34
Maintenance - Pg. 35
Warranty - Back Page
Home Gym w/Adjustable
High-Low Pulley System
Revision Date 10-16-01
America’s Premium Exercise Equipment
L 108” W 48” H 83”
i e
v e
e o
y y
bout the Home Gym (TS-1000)
ongratulations on your new purchase of the Home Gym (TS-
000). This gym is capable of a variety of different exercises, as ell as, smooth and user-friendly adjustment features. In addition,
is gym has been designed to meet the needs and performance
quirements for a suitable home exercise machine. We hope you re completely satisfied with this product and wish you many years f enjoyment.
uff Stuff Equipment
his Tuffstuff product has been built to precise quality standards nd has been carefully packaged to ensure that damage will not ccur during shipment. The Home Lifetime Warranty and signature
dicating final inspection has been conducted by our line foreman, an expression of our confidence in the completeness, the
aterials, and workmanship of this product.
egistration Card
o avoid unnecessary delays in warranty service and to insure that permanent record of your purchase is on file with our factory, be ure to complete the warranty registration card and send it to Task
dustries today.
.Maximum Wt. Capacity - 200 Lbs. Fixed . Total Machine Weight - 475 Lbs.
. Footprint (LWH) - See Front Cover
About the Icons
The icons displayed in this Owner’s Manual are used to facilitat the correct assembly and safe use of this Product, as-well-as t prevent injury to yourself or anyone else.
Note provides information necessary to properl complete a procedure or information which wil
make the procedure easier to understand.
Caution indicates a potentially hazardous situa tion, which, if not avoided, may result in minor o moderate injury. It may also be used to aler against unsafe practices.
Loosely Fasten provides a instruction to loosel fasten (ex: hand tighten) a hardware assembl only. This instruction is intended for the alignmen of hardware components during the assembl process.
Fully Fasten provides a instruction to fully fasten (ex: completely tighten) a hardware assembly.
rior to the Assembly of the TS-1000
. We advise you to consult your local Tuff Stuff retailer if you
should have a question or problem regarding the proper assembly of this Home Gym.
. Consider the complete surface area of the TS-1000. Use the
overhead view on the front page for designing your layout before assembling. Once the TS-1000 has been fully assembled it will be heavy and difficult to move, therefore you should assemble the TS-1000 in the area where it is to be used upon completion.
. It is recommended that another person assist you with the
assembly this unit.
. Neatly organize and identify all parts according to the Parts List
on page 31 and the Exploded View Diagram on fold-out page 32.
Tool Requirements
1. One 9/16” combination wrench
2. One 3/4” combination wrench
3. One 7/8” combination wrench
4. One 1/2” combination wrench
5. Two 7/16” combination wrenches
6. One ratchet
7. One 9/16” socket
8. One 3/4” socket
9. One rubber mallet
0. External retaining-ring pliers
1. Windex or household glass cleaner
2. One can silicone spray/ teflon spray lubricant
3. Multi-purpose grease
4. Measuring tape
5. Utility knife
Assembly Notes
1. Read and follow each step of this Assembly Instruction Manual sequence. Do not skip ahead, as it will result in an improp assembly or in having to disassemble parts later.
2. During the assembly of this unit you will be instructed to lea some Hex Head Cap Screws loosely fastened. Naturally, th will be fully fastened later in the assembly process. This is do to prevent any difficulty with alignment of some parts during th assembly.
Hardware Measurement Diagram
Note: Due to continuing product improvements, specifications and designs are subject to chan
without notice.
Even though we have prepared this manual with extreme care, neither the publisher nor the auth can accept responsibility for any errors in, or omission from, the information given.
TS-1000 Home Gym w/Adjustable High-Low Pulley Syste
h h
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Safety Precautions
afety First
egardless of how enthusiastic you may be about getting on our equipment and exercising, take the time to ensure that our safety is not jeopardized. A moment’s lack of attention an result in an accident, as can failure to observe certain imple safety precautions.
. Read, study and understand the Owner’s Manual and all
the warning labels on this product. Furthermore, it is recommended to familiarize yourself and others with the proper operation and workout recommendations for this Tuff Stuff product prior to use. Some of this information can be obtained in this Owner’s Manual, as-well-as from your local Tuff Stuff retailer.
. It is imperative that you retain this Owner’s Manual and be
sure all warning labels are legible and intact. Replacement Owner’s Manuals and labels are available from your local Tuff Stuff retailer.
. Consult with your physician before beginning any exercise
. Use proper discretion when children are present.
5. Frayed or worn cables can be dangerous and may caus injury. Periodically check these cables for any indicatio of wear.
6. Keep hands, limbs, loose clothing and long hair well out o the way of moving parts.
7. Do not attempt to lift more weight than you can contr safely.
8. Inspect the Unit for any sign of wear on parts, hardwar becoming loose or cracks on welds. If a problem is foun do not use or allow the machine to be used until th defective part is repaired or replaced.
9. Pay special attention to the Push Pull Pins 1/2 X 3-1/
(#56) located on the Press Bar Selector Housing (#23)
and the High-Low Carriage (#14), the Push Pull Pins 1/
X5-5/8 (#58) located on the and the Front Upright (#6)
also the Turn/Pull Pin w/Knob (#57) located on the Le
Extension Bench Frame (#9). See Fig.1. Be sure the
are fully engaged into the selected holes. Refer to Fig. 2 3 for further illustration of this instruction.
ush Pull Pin
/2 X 3-1/2 (#56)
urn/Pull Pin
/Knob (#57)
Push Pull Pin 1/2 X 3-1/2 (#56)
Push Pull Pin 1/2 X 5-5/8 (#58)
Push Pull Pin 1/2 X 3-1/2
Fig. 2 Caution: Check that the two Push Pull Pins 1/2 X 3-1/2 (#5
located on the Press Bar Selector Housing (#23), and the High-Lo
Carriage (#14), also the Push Pull Pins 1/2 X 5-5/8 (#58) located on t
and the Front Upright (#6) are fully engaged into the selected holes of t
Press Bar (#23), High-Low Selectorized Upright (#13), and the Ba Pad Bracket (#7).
Turn/Pull Pin w/Knob Fully Engaged
Fully Engaged
ig. 1 Illustration above depicts the location of the Push Pull Pins 1/2” X
1/2 (#56), Push Pull Pins 1/2” X 5-5/8 (#58), and the Turn/Pull Pin w/
nob (#57) on this unit.
S-1000 Home Gym w/Adjustable High-Low Pulley System 2
Fig. 3 Caution: Check the Turn/Pull Pin w/Knob (#57) to be ful
engaged into the selected hole of the Adjustable Seat Frame (#37).
IG. 4 On a flat surface, lay the Base Frame (#1) down and insert two
lastic End Caps w/Groove 2” Sq. (#70) onto the tube-ends of the Base
rame (#1), as shown above.
Note: When positioning the Base Frame (#1) consider the complete area surface of the TS-1000. Use the overhead view on
the cover page for designing your layout before assembling.
FIG. 5 Next, using a rubber mallet, insert four Plastic Insert Caps Rd. (#75) into the four tube-ends of the Low Row Stabilizer (#2) and th
Foot Roll Tube 1 x 16 (#4).
IG. 6 Next, attach the Low Row Foot Support (#3) to the Low Row
tabilizer (#2) and secure it into place using one Foot Roll Tube 1 x 16
4). Using the supplied Hex Key 3/16” (#114), secure the Foot Roll
ube (#4) into place using one Set Screw 3/8-16 x 1/2 (#51), as shown in
ption above.
Note: Be sure the Foot Roll Tube (#4) is flush on each end after inserted into the Low Row Foot Support (#3).
FIG. 7 Insert the Low Row Stabilizer (#4) into the receptacle on th
Base Frame (#1), as shown above.
TS-1000 Home Gym w/Adjustable High-Low Pulley Syste
3 r
t t
wner’s Manual: Assembly Instruction
IG. 8 Locate the Rear Upright (#5), and using a rubber mallet insert
o Plastic End Caps w/Groove 2 x 3 (#69) onto the tube-ends of stabi­er tube. Next insert a Plastic Insert Cap 2” Sq. (#71), and a Plastic In-
rt Cap 2 x 3 (#78) into the tube-ends, as shown above.
FIG. 9 Next, attach the Rear Upright (#5) to the Base Frame (#1) a secure it into place using two Hex Head Cap Screws 3/8-16 x 4 (#98), fo Flat Washers SAE 3/8” (#87), and two Nylon Insert Lock Nuts /38-1 (#92).
Loosely Fasten: Do not completely fasten this hardware asse bly at this time, as it will be completely fastened later in the a sembly process.
IG. 10 Caution: It is recommended to use another person in as-
sisting with this assembly.
ttach the Front Upright (#6) to the Base Frame (#1) and secure it into lace using one Hex Head Cap Screw 3/8-16 x 2 3/4 (#100), two Flat
ashers SAE 3/8” (#87), and one Nylon Insert Jam Lock Nut 3/8-16
Loosely Fasten: Do not completely fasten this hardware assem­bly at this time, as it will be completely fastened later in the as­sembly process.
Note:The black boxed letters pointing to the pulleys are used throughout this manual as reference to the Cable Mapping
Diagram on pages 21-29. These black boxed letters will be primarily used for locating certain pulleys during the cable routing process beginning with Fig. 11.
S-1000 Home Gym w/Adjustable High-Low Pulley System 4
FIG. 11 Affix a Nylon Pulley 4 1/2 Rd. (#67- Labeled A4) to the pulle plate located on the Front Upright (#6) and secure it into place using on
Cable Retainer Bracket L-Shaped (#8), one Hex Head Cap Screw 3/
16 X 1 3/4 (#102), two Flat Washers SAE 3/8” (#87), and one Nylon Inse Jam Lock Nut 3/8-16 (#93). Note: Be sure to position the Cable Retain
Bracket L-Shaped (#8) as shown above.
Next, attach two Nylon Pulleys 4 1/2 Rd. (#67-Labeled A6, B into the pulley brackets located on the Front Upright (#6) and secu them into place using two Hex Head Cap Screws 3/8-16 X 1 3/4 (#102 four Flat Washers SAE 3/8” (#87), and two Nylon Insert Jam Lock Nu 3/8-16 (#93). Next, insert a Nylon Pulley 4 1/2 Rd. (#67-Labeled B1) in the Front Upright (#6) and secure it in place using one Hex Head Ca Screw 3/8-16 X 2 1/2 (#10), two Flat Washers SAE 3/8” (#87), and on Nylon Insert Jam Lock Nut 3/8-16 (#93).
IG. 12 Attach the Leg Extension Bench Frame (#9) to the Base
rame (#1) and secure it into place using one Hex Head Cap Screw 3/8-
X 4 1/2 (#96), two Flat Washers SAE 3/8” (#87), and one Nylon Insert m Lock Nut 3/8-16 (#93). Next, attach the Leg Extension Bench
rame (#9) to the Front Upright (#6) and secure it into place using one
ex Head Cap Screw 3/8-16 X 2 3/4 (#100), two Flat Washers SAE
8” (87), and one Nylon Insert Jam Lock Nut 3/8-16 (#93).
Loosely Fasten: Do not completely fasten this hardware assembly at this time, as it will be completely fastened later in the assembly process.
ext, using a rubber mallet, insert one Plastic Insert Cap 2” Sq. (#71) into
e front of the Leg Extension Bench Frame (#9).
FIG. 13 Locate the Leg Extension Arm (#10), and using a rubber m let, insert one Plastic Insert Cap 1 1/2 Sq. (#72) into the tube-end.
above, to the Leg Extension Bench Frame (#9) and secure it into pla by inserting the Leg Extension Axle 1/2 X 2-3/4 (#11) through the Le
Extension Bench Frame (#9) and Leg Extension Arm (#10) until it b
comes flush with both sides of the Leg Extension Bench Frame (#9).
Leg Extension Bench Frame (#9) using two Set Screws 1/4-20 X 3/
(#52), as shown above. Use the supplied Hex Key 1/8” (#115) f fastening these Set Screws.
Affix the Leg Extension Arm (#10), in the position as sho
Next, secure the Leg Extension Axle 1/2 X 2-3/4 (#11) to th
IG. 14 Using a rubber mallet, insert a Plastic Insert Cap 2” Sq. (#71)
to the tube-end of the High-Low Selectorized Upright (#13). Next, in-
rt a Nylon Pulley 4-1/2 Rd. (#67-Labeled C#) into the pulley bracket of
e High-Low Selectorized Upright (#13) and secure it into place using
ne Hex Head Cap Screw 3/8-16 x 1 3/4 (#102), two Flat Washers SAE
8” (#87), and one Nylon Insert Jam Lock Nut 3/8-16 (#93)
FIG. 15 Insert the two Nylon Pulleys 3 1/2 Rd. (#68) into the High-Lo
Double Pulley Bracket (#15) and secure them into place using two H
Head Cap Screws 3/8-16 x 1 3/4 (#102), four Flat Washers SA 3/8” (#87), and two Nylon Insert Jam Lock Nuts 3/8-16 (#93). Next, a semble two Hex Head Cap Screws 1/4-20 x 1 1/2 (#104), and two Nylo Insert Lock Nuts 1/4-20 (#95) to the High-Low Double Pulley Brack
(#15), in the positions indicated by the black arrows.
TS-1000 Home Gym w/Adjustable High-Low Pulley Syste
wner’s Manual: Assembly Instruction
IG. 16 Slide the High-Low Carriage (#14) onto the High-Low Selec-
rized Upright (#13), in the position as shown above. Be sure to release
e Push Pull Pin 1/2 x 3 1/2 (#56) to allow the insertion of carriage as-
FIG. 17 Next, insert the High-Low Sectorized Upright (#13) onto th tube-connector of the Rear Upright (#5) and secure it into place usin one Hex Head Cap Screw 3/8-16 x 2 1/2 (#101), two Flat Washers SA 3/8” (#87), and one Nylon Insert Jam Lock Nut 3/8-16 (#93).
IG. 18 Caution: It is recommended to use another person in
ount the Top Pulley Assembly (#12) to the Front Upright (6), and affix
to the Rear Upright (#5) and the High-Low Selectorized Upright (#13)
ing two Hex Head Cap Screws 3/8-16 x 4 1/4 (#97), four Flat Washers
AE 3/8” (#87), and two Nylon Insert Lock Nuts 3/8-16 (92).
Loosely Fasten: Do not completely fasten this hardware assem­bly at this time, as it will be completely fastened later in the as­sembly process.
assisting with this assembly.
FIG. 19 Affix the Top Pulley Assembly (#12) to the Front Upright (#
using two Hex Head Cap Screws 3/8-16 x 4 1/4 (#97), four Flat Washe SAE 3/8” (#87), and two Nylon Insert Lock Nuts 3/8-16 (#92).
S-1000 Home Gym w/Adjustable High-Low Pulley System 6
IG. 20 Attach a Nylon Pulley 4 1/2 Rd. (#67-Labeled C4) into the pulley
t a
racket located on the Top Pulley Assembly (#12) and secure it into lace using one Hex Head Cap Screw 3/8-16 x 2 1/2 (#101), two Flat
ashers SAE 3/8” (#67), and one Nylon Insert Jam Lock Nut 3/8-16
93). Next, attach a Nylon Pulley 4 1/2 Rd. (#67-Labeled C6) into the
ulley bracket located on the Top Pulley Assembly (#12) and secure it
to place using one Hex Head Cap Screw 3/8-16 x 1 3/4 (#102), two Flat
ashers SAE 3/8” (#67), and one Nylon Insert Jam Lock Nut 3/8-16
FIG. 21 Attach a Nylon Pulley 4 1/2 Rd. (#67-Labeled A1) into the pull bracket located on the Top Pulley Assembly (#12) and secure it in place using one Hex Head Cap Screw 3/8-16 x 2 1/2 (#101), two Fl Washers SAE 3/8” (#67), and one Nylon Insert Jam Lock Nut 3/8-1 (#93). Next, attach the Lat Bar Holder (#26), in the position as sho above, to the Top Pulley Assembly (#12) and secure it into place usin one Hex Head Cap Screw 3/8-16 x 2 3/4 (#100), two Flat Washers SA 3/8” (#67), and one Nylon Insert Jam Lock Nut 3/8-16 (#93).
IG. 22 Attach the Press Bar Selector Housing (#23) to the Top
ulley Assembly (#512), as shown above. Using a rubber mallet, insert
Pivot Axle 1 X 8 1/8 (#24) through the holes in the Press Bar Selector
ousing (#23) and through the receptacle on the Top Pulley Housing
12) until it is flush with both sides of the Press Bar Selector Housing
Note:The four Plastic Insert Caps 2” Sq. (#71) located in the tube­ends of the Press Bar Selector Housing (#23) have been pre-
assembled by the factory.
FIG. 23 Insert two Plastic Insert Caps 2” Sq. (#71) into the tube-end the Press Bar (#25).
Caution: It is recommended to use another person in assisti with this assembly.
Next, insert the Press Bar (#25) up into the Press Bar Selector Housin
(#23) and support in into place using the Push Pull Pin (#56). Next, usin
a rubber mallet, insert the Pivot Axle 1 X 8 1/8 (#24) into the Press B
Selector Housing (#23) and through the Press Bar (#25) until it is flus
with both sides of the Press Bar Selector Housing (#23).
TS-1000 Home Gym w/Adjustable High-Low Pulley Syste
wner’s Manual: Assembly Instruction
IG. 24 Next, secure the Press Bar Selector Housing (#23) to the
ivot Axle 1 X 8 1/8 (#24) using two Set Screws 3/8-16 X 1/2 (#51), as
own above. Then, secure into place the Press Bar (#25) to the Pivot
xle 1 X 8 1/8 (#24) using two Set Screws 3/8-16 X 1/2 (#51). Use the
upplied Hex Key 3/16 (#114) for securing the Set Screws 3/8-16 X 1/2
51) into the threaded sockets on the Press Bar Selector Housing
FIG. 25 Next, attach two Nylon Pulleys 4 1/2 Rd. (#67-Labeled A3, A
to the pulley bracket located on the Press Bar Selector Housing (#2 and secure them into place using one Hex Head Cap Screw 3/8-16 X 3/4 (#100), two Flat Washers SAE 3/8” (#87), and one Nylon Insert Ja Lock Nut 3/8-16 (#93).
IG. 26 Insert one Rubber Donut 3/4 x 2 1/2 (#64) onto each Guide
od 3/4 x 72 (#16). Next, insert the two Guide Rods 3/4 x 72 (#16) into
e receptacles on the Base Frame (#1), as shown above.
FIG. 27 Carefully begin sliding the Weight Plates over the Guid
Rods (#16) beginning with the five 15 Lb. Weight Plates (#17) at the b
tom, the nine 10 Lb. Weight Plates (#18) in the middle, and the five 5 L
Weight Plates (#19) on top of the weight stack.
S-1000 Home Gym w/Adjustable High-Low Pulley System 8
x v
IG. 28 Slide the Top Plate/Selector Bar (#20) over the Guide Rods
16) allowing it to come to rest on the completed weight stack.
Note: Be sure the Label located on the Top Plate/Selector Bar
(#20) is facing toward you before you slide the Top Plate/Selector
Bar (#20) over the Guide Rods 3/4 X 72 (#16).
FIG. 29 Attach the Decal Weight Numbers (#113) to the Weight Plat (#17, #18, #19) in the corresponding order. Begin with the 15 at the to 20 next, and so on.
IG. 30 Next, locate the Selector Pin w/Coil (#21) and slide its ring
er the Selector Bar (#20) as shown above.
FIG. 31 Maneuver the two Guide Rods 3/4 X 72 (#16) into the hol on the bottom side of the Guide Rod Retainer Housing (#22).Ne mount the Guide Rod Retainer Housing (#22) along with the two capti
Guide Rods 3/4 X 72 (#16) to the side of the Top Pulley Assembl (#12). Secure this assembly using two Hex Head Cap Screws 3/8-16 X
(#112), four Flat Washers SAE 3/8” (#87), and two Nylon Insert Lock Nu 3/8-16 (#92).
Loosely Fasten: Do not completely fasten this hardwa assembly at this time, as it will be completely fastened later in t assembly process.
TS-1000 Home Gym w/Adjustable High-Low Pulley Syste
wner’s Manual: Assembly Instruction
IG. 32 First, locate the Adjustable Pulley Bracket (#27) and insert ne Nylon Pulley 4 1/2 Rd. (#67-Labeled A8). Secure the Nylon Pulley 4
2 Rd. (#67-Labeled A8) into place using one Hex Head Cap Screws 3/8-
X 1 3/4 (#102), two Flat Washers SAE 3/8” (#87), and one Nylon Insert m Lock Nut 3/8-16 (#93). Next, thread one Regular Hex Nut 1/2-13
90), and insert one Split Washer B/O 1/2” (#82) over the bolt on the
djustable Pulley Bracket (#27), as shown above. Second, locate the
o Adjustable Stoppers (#28, #29) and thread one Regular Hex Nut
2-13 (#90), and insert one Split Washer B/O 1/2” (#82) over each bolt,
shown above.
FIG. 33 Locate the Closed-End Adj. Double Pulley Bracket (#30), a the Closed-End Double Pulley Bracket (#31). Then, attach four Nylo Pulleys 4 1/2 Rd. (#67-Labeled D3,B2,D1,A7). Secure them into pla using four Hex Head Cap Screws 3/8-16 X 1 3/4 (#102), eight Fl Washers SAE 3/8” (#87), and four Nylon Insert Jam Lock Nuts 3/8-1 (#93).
Note: The four holes on the Closed-End Adj. Double Pulle
Bracket (#30) are used to adjust the cable tension once the cab
routing has been completed.
Next, locate the Floating Double Pulley Bracket (#32), shown above the right, and attach two Nylon Pulleys 4 1/2 Rd. (#67-Labeled C7,C5 Secure the pulleys into place using one Hex Head Cap Screw 3/8-16 X 3/4 (#100), two Flat Washers SAE 3/8” (#87) and one Nylon Insert Ja Lock Nut 3/8-16 (#93).
IG. 34 Insert the welded bolt of the Adjustable Pulley Bracket (#27)
rough the hole located on the Top Pulley Assembly (#12) and secure it
to place at the top using one Flat Washer SAE 1/2” (#86), and one Nylon
sert Lock Nut 1/2-13 (#91).
Loosely Fasten: Do not completely fasten this hardware assem­bly at this time, as it will be completely fastened later in the as­sembly process.
FIG. 35 Insert (from bottom to top) the Long Adjustable Stopp
(#28) into the receptacle of the Front Upright (#6) and secure it into pla
using one Split Washer B.O. 1/2” (#82), and one Regular Hex Nut 1/2-1 (#90), as shown above. Loosely fasten the Regular Hex Nuts 1/2-1 (#84) to allow adjustment for cables tension later in the assembly proces
S-1000 Home Gym w/Adjustable High-Low Pulley System 10
+ 24 hidden pages