The FG-SYS Digital system ensures an immediate detection and a precise localization of any liquid
leak (water, acids, bases, solvents, hydrocarbons) in industrial applications and buildings.
The system is composed of a FG-SYS Digital Unit, lengths of sense cables and accessories.
The FG-SYS Digital Unit is designed to be used with sense cables FG-EC (Water and Bases), FG-AC
(Acids), or FG-OD (Hydrocarbons and Solvents). The presence of a liquid on the sense cable starts an
audible alarm, as well as a luminous alert. The information of the fault is displayed on the LCD screen,
which specifies the localization of the initial leak point to the nearest meter.
Each sense cable is equipped with a microchip at female connector end. The digital unit questions
successively each cable; the microchip then transmits numerically ' the state ' of the cable to the digital
unit. Because of autonomy of each cable, several faults can be detected at the same time (but only
one fault per cable).
A digital unit can manage three circuits of sense cables; each one of these circuits has a maximum
capacity of 40 sense cables of 15 meters, or 600 meters maximum per circuit. In addition to the
presence of a liquid, the system detects and locates any fault of cable break on the circuit of cables.
The FG-SYS Digital Unit is available in rack-mounted version (FG-SYS E), or wall mounted version
(FG-SYS F), with a metal enclosure.
The keyboard (of thirteen buttons) on the front face makes it possible to configure the system:
Nominate the zones for detection (by allotting a name to each sense cable), choose and configure for
the set-up (relays, serial communication), setting the parameters of the system (language, adjustment
of the time, date, protection code).
The green luminous witness, or red, indicates the state of the digital unit under surveillance mode or
alarm. The button on the right (ECS) allows the manual acknowledgement of the sound alarm, the
validation of an operation, and the return to the previous screen. The last thirty defects are kept in
memory and their description is accessible in the historical menu.
FG-SYS also has a general test function. The Digital Unit indicates the number of sense cables
installed on a circuit, the length of each sense cable, the nominated zones, associated sense cables,
as well as the overall length installed.
In order to explore the fault information, several tools are available. The FG-SYS digital unit is
equipped with eight configurable dry contacts: the choice of dry contact is associated with a cable and
the type of fault (leak, discontinuity, or both). Two independent serial links of type RS232/RS485, with
a JBUS/MODBUS communication protocol, are used for the connection to a supervisor.
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FROG-SYS and TOPSurveillance are trademarks of TTK S.A.S..