Sep 2018 – Version 3.1.5
FG-NET_Operation & Installation Manual_UK_v3.1.5_201809.docx
The FG-NET Digital system ensures an immediate detection and the precise location of any liquid leaks
(water, acids, bases, solvents, hydrocarbons) in both industrial applications and buildings.
The FG-NET system is composed of an FG-NET Digital Unit, plus lengths of sense cables and accessories.
The FG-NET Digital Unit is designed to be used with TTK digital sense cables FG-EC (water and bases), FG-
AC (acids), or FG-OD (hydrocarbons and solvents). Different types of sense cables can be connected on
the same unit.
The presence of liquid on the sense cable triggers an audible alarm and activates the relevant relays. The
7’ (175mm) touch screen display shows the location of the leak to the nearest metre and details of the
fault in text format; an interactive installation plan (optional) highlights the location of the fault in real
Each sense cable comes equipped with a microchip at the female connector end. The Digital Unit
questions each cable successively; the microchip then digitally transmits the ‘state’ of the cable to the
Digital Unit. Due to the autonomy of each cable, several faults can be detected at the same time within
the same circuit.
A Digital Unit can manage three circuits of sense cables; each one of these circuits has a maximum
capacity of 40 sense cables (15 metres I total), or 120 lengths of sense cable, that is 1,800 metres
maximum for an FG-NET unit. In addition to the presence of liquid, the system detects and locates any
faults in cable breaks within the circuit.
The FG-NET Digital Unit is available in a rack-mounted (19’ and 4U in height) version (FG-NET E), or a wall
mounted version (FG-NET F).
The touch-screen on the front face makes the setup of the system easy: For example, you can nominate
the zones for detection (by assigning a name to each sense cable), choose and configure the set-up
(relays, serial links), set the system parameters (language, time adjustment, date, user access levels, relay
setup, serial link connection, etc.).
The system's reaction time to faults on each sense cable is adjustable. It is possible to remotely isolate a
sense cable for up to 72 hours. The Digital Unit can store up to 5000 events in the event log.
In order to explore the fault, three types of interface with a centralized technical management system are
available: TCP/IP connection via an Ethernet port; JBUS/MODBUS protocol (Serial links - RS232,
RS422/485 output) and nine relays: eight of which are fully configurable and one to interrupt the power
This document is available on our web sites: www.ttkuk.com; www.ttk.fr; www.ttkasia.com; www.ttkaustralia.com;
The information contained in this document is subject to modifications without notice. This information and diagrams have been drawn up carefully, however
TTK UK Ltd., TTK Asia Ltd. or TTK S.A.S. cannot guarantee that the information provided does not contain any error s or omissions, and cannot accept any
comparative responsibility for which the information is used. No part of this guide can be reproduced or transmitted without the express and written
permission of the TTK UK Ltd., TTK Asia Ltd. or TTK S.A.S.
FG-NET and TOPSurveillance® are trademarks of TTK S.A.S.