TTI TG300 Technical data

TG300 Series
3MHz function and sweep/function generators
simultaneous display of frequency&litude
seven digit 120MHz external frequency counter
internal sweep generator, amplitude modulation
TG315, TG320, TG330 function generators
A state-of-the-art instrument
The function generator is one of the most versatile pieces of test &measurement in strumentation available.
It can generate a variety of precision waveshapes over a range of frequencies from mHz to MHz. It can provide a wide range of controlled amplitudes from a low-impedance source, and maintain con stantamplitudeasthe frequencyisvaried.
Voltage control of frequency enables a source of swept frequency to be gener ated for frequency response testing. Modulation can also be added.
The TG300 series represents the state­of-the-art in low-cost analogue function generators.
Exceptional waveform quality
The TG300 series provides very high waveform quality under all conditions.
That means low sinewave distortion, low aberration triangle waves and fast-edged square waves with low overshoot.
Unlike many competitive products good waveform quality is maintained through out the frequency range and at low output
V ariab le symmetry for pulse
and ramp wa v ef orms
The TG300 series provides bi-directional variable symmetry from 1:9 to 9:1. Unlike some products, frequency is independent of symmetry setting.
Wide range level control
The TG300 series provides a main output with a maximum emf of 20V pk-pk from a 50or 600source.
An amplitude vernier with a range of 20dB is combined with two switched attenua tors of -20dB and -40dB to provide levels down to 2mV pk-pk unterminated.
­Variable DCoffset of ±10V is available via
acentredetent control. Anauxiliary output provides a fixed 0V to +5V level suitable for driving both TTL and CMOS loads.
Wide sweep range
Each range can be swept by at least 1000:1 either manually or via the external sweep input.
0.03Hz to 3MHz frequency range
Simultaneous display of frequency & amplitude
External 7 digit 120MHz frequency counter (not TG315)
Very high waveform quality at all frequencies & levels
2mV to 20V pk-pk from 50 or 600
Auxiliary TTL/CMOS output
Variable symmetry with constant frequency
Variable DC offset with zero detent
1000:1 frequency change by vernier or sweep voltage
Precision internal linear or logarithmic sweep (TG330)
Internal or external amplitude modulation (TG330)
A choice of three models
The TG315 includes dual digital display of frequency and amplitude, along with the basic generator functions of sine, square & triangle waveforms, variable DC offset, variable symmetry and an ex ternal sweep input.
The TG320 adds an external frequency counter with up to 7 digits of resolution covering 5Hz to 120MHz.
The TG330 has all the features of the TG320 plus an internal sweep generator with linear or log sweep, variable sweep rate and a sweep output socket.
It also offers internal or external ampli tude modulation.
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