10MHz programmable DDS function generator
Arbitrary Waveform Capability, Extensive Modulation Modes
Direct Digital Synthesis
All the versatility of a function generator
with the precision of Direct Digital Synthesis
A DDS generator at a non-DDS price
The TG1010A breaks new ground by of fering a DDS functiongenerator at asimi lar price to that of a conventional generator of comparable functionality.
It can generate a wide variety of wave formsbetween0.1mHzand10MHzwith a resolutionof 7digits andan accuracy bet ter than 10ppm.
Direct digital synthesis for accuracy & stability
Direct digital synthesis (DDS) is a tech nique for generating waveforms digitally using a phase accumulator, alook-up ta ble and a DAC. The accuracy and stabil ity of the resulting waveforms is related to that of the crystal master clock.
TheDDSgenerator offers notonlyexcep­tional accuracy and stability but also high spectral purity, low phase noise and ex­cellent frequency agility.
A wide range of waveforms
The TG1010A generates high quality sine, square and pulse waveforms over the full frequency range of 0.1mHz to 10MHz.
Triangle waveforms, ramp waveforms and multi-levelsquarewavescanalsobegener atedsubjectto some limitationsinthe maxi mum useable frequencies.
Variablesymmetry/duty-cycleisavailable for all waveforms.
Powerful modulation modes
Allwaveformscan besweptover theirfull
­frequency range at a rate variable be
­tween 10 milliseconds and 15 minutes.
The sweep is fully phase continuous. Sweep can be linear or logarithmic, sin
­gle or continuous. Singlesweeps can be
triggered from the front panel, the trigger
­input, or the digital interfaces.
Two sweep markers are provided which are adjustable whilst sweep is running. The markers can provide a visual indica tion of frequency points on a ‘scope or
chart recorder.
Amplitude Modulation is available for all waveforms and is variable in 1% steps up
­to 100%. An internal AM source is incor porated. Alternatively modulation can be controlled from an external generator.
Frequency Shift Keying provides phase coherent switching between two selected frequencies at a rate defined by the switching signal source.
­Theratecan be setfromdcto 50kHz inter nally, or dc to 1MHz externally.
Fully bus programmable
Addressable RS-232 standard, GPIB optional
The TG1010A has an RS-232 interface asstandardwhich can beusedforremote controlof all of the instrumentfunctions or for the down-loading of arbitrary wave forms.
As well as operating as a conventional RS-232 interface, it can also be used in addressable mode whereby up to 32 in struments can be linked to one PC serial port as part of a TTi “ARC” system.
Alternatively, a GPIB interface conform ing to IEEE-488.2 is available as an op tion.
0.1mHz to 10MHz frequency range, 7 digit resolution.
Eight standard waveforms, plus multiple “complex” waveforms, true arbitrary waveforms and noise.
Powerful modulation modes including Sweep, AM, Gating, Trigger/Burst, FSK and Hop.
Variable symmetry, variable start/stop phase.
20V pk-pk output from 50Ωor 600Ω(switchable).
Storage for five Arbitrary waveforms (1024 x 10-bits).
Fully programmable via RS-232 or GPIB interfaces.
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