13.2V DC ± 15%
156 (W) x 176 (L) x 51(H)
990 g
SO-239 type
Duty cycle 10% 4 Watts @13.8V DC
AM:from 85% to 95%
FM:1.8KHz ± 0.2KHz
300Hz to 3000Hz
50ohms, Unbalanced
More than -36dBm
AM Full Mod. 1.6A Max.
Receiving System
IF Frequencies
Dual conversion superheterodyne
Double Conversion 1st 10.695MHz/2nd 455KHz
0.7 V for 10dB(S+N)/N
in AM Mode
0.5 V for 20dB SINAD in FM Mode
Audio Output Power
Audio Distortion
Image Rejection
Adjacent Channel Rejection
2.0W @ 8 Ohm
Less then 8% @ 1KHz
60 dB
60 dB
Conducted Spurious
Frequency Response
Built-in Speaker
More than 60 dB
300 to 2500Hz
8 Ohms, round
Adjustable; Threshold less than 1 microvolt
* Specification is subject to change without prior notice.
------------ Contents -------------
1 General
1-1. Receiver
1.2. Transmitter
2. Technical Description
2-1. General
2-2. Type of emission
2-3. Frequency Table
2-4. RF Power Output
2-5. DC input Voltage and Current with 13.2V DC Input to Power AMP
2-6. Receiver IF and Local Oscillator Frequencies
3. Semiconductors and Function
4. Description of Frequency Determining and Stabilizing Circuit
4-1. Introduction
4-2. Basic Synthesis Scheme
4-3. Descriptions of Each Block
4-3-1. Introduction
4-3-2. Reference Frequency
4-3-3. VCO
4-3-4. Programmable Divider and its Control
4-3-5 Phase Detector and VCO Control
4-3-6. Transmitter / Receiver Buffer AMP
4-3-7. Transmitter Doublers
4-3-8. Switching of Turning Capacitor in VCO
4-3-9. Receiver Local Oscillator Outputs
4-4. Frequency Stability
4-5. Description of other Circuits
4-5-1. Transmitter
4-5-2. Receiver
5. Test Equipment Setup and Alignment Instructions
5-1. General Section
5-2. Transmitter Section
5-3. Receiver Section
1. General
1-1. Receiver
① Display : 40 Channels and other functions indication
② Frequency Range : 26.965 to 27.405 [MHz]
③ Frequency Response : 300 to 2,500 [Hz]
④ Power Source : 13.2 [V] DC
⑤ Audio Output Load : 8 [OHM]
⑥ Audio Output : 4.0 [W] (or More)
⑦ Squelch : Adjustable from 0.3[uV] to 100 [uV]
⑧ Sensitivity :
- FM : 20 dB [SINAD] under 1.0 [uV] RF Signal or less
- AM :10 dB [S/N] under 1.0 [uV] RF Signal or less
⑨ Intermediate Frequency :
- 1st IF : 10.695 [MHz]
- 2nd IF : 455 [KHz]
1-2. Transmitter
① Carrier Power(Conducted) : AM 1 [W] / FM 4 [W]
② Current Drain ( 13.2 [V] Supply Voltage)
- No Modulation : 1,000 [mA]
- Max Modulation : 1,400 [mA]
③ Modulation Capabilities
- AM : ± 90 [%]
- FM : ± 1.8 [KHz/Dev]
④ Spurious Radiation : Less then 74 [dBc]
⑤ Antenna Impedance : 50 [OHM]
⑥ Frequency Tolerance : 0.002 [%]
2. Technical Description
2-1. General
Model CB-880 is an mobile type AM/FM radio transceiver for use of the Citizen Radio Service.
z Front Panel Controls
① LCD (Cannel and RX/TX Signal Level Indicator).
② Receiver Audio Control (With Power ON/OFF Control) Volume
③ Squelch Control Volume
④ RF Gain Control Volume
⑤ MIC GAIN Control Volume
⑥ CHANNEL UP/DOWN Rotary Switch
⑦ Q.CHANNEL UP/DOWN Rotary Switch
⑧ Memory(M1, M2, M3, M4) Key
⑨ DW(Dual Watch) Key
⑩ EMG(Emergency Channel Select) Key
⑪ AM/FM Select Key
⑫ Scan Key
⑬ CB/PA Slide Switch
⑭ ANL/OFF Slide Switch
⑮ LOCAL/DX Slide Switch
z Accessorily Connectors
① Antenna Socket
② External Speaker Jack
③ External PA Jack
④ External Signal Meter Jack
⑤ Microphone(Condenser Microphone)
2-5. DC Iinput Voltage and Current with 13.2V DC Input to Power AMP
z Transmitter Power Amp : Voltage 12.5 V
Current 727 mA
z Transmitter Driver Amp : Voltage 12.5 V
Current 120 mA
2-6. Receiver IF and Local Oscillator Frequencies
z First IF : 10.695 [MHz]
z Second IF : 455 [KHz]
z First Local Oscillator : 10.695 [MHz] Below Receiving Frequency
z Second Local Oscillation : 10.240 [MHz]
Q101 KTC3880S KEC RX Amplifier
Q102 KTK211 KEC 1’st Mixer
Q103 KTK211 KEC 1’st Mixer
Q104 KRC101S KEC RX Band1 Switching
Q105 KRC101S KEC RX Band2 Switching
Q121 KRC110S KEC
Q122 KRC112S KEC RX RSSI Level Control
Q131 KTC3875S KEC Squelch
Q151 KTC3875S KEC RX FM AF Amplifier
Q152 KRC112S KEC FM AF Mute at AM Mode
Q153 KRC101S KEC FM AF Mute at AM Mode
Q154 KRC112S KEC RX AF Mute at TX Mode
Q161 KTC3880S KEC AM IF Amplifier
Q162 KTC3880S KEC AM IF Amplifier
Q164 KTA1504S KEC Automatic Noise Level Control
Q181 KTC3875S KEC RX RF Mute at TX Mode
Q201 KRC101S KEC AF Mute
Q202 KRC202S KEC AF Path
Q233 KTA1504S KEC Automatic Level Control
Q234 KTC3875S KEC Automatic Level Control
Q302 KTC3880S KEC RX/TX VCO Buffer
Q303 KTC3880S KEC VCO Buffer
Q305 KRC101S KEC TX VCO Control
Q311 KRC101S KEC RX Band1 Switching
Q312 KRC101S KEC RX Band2 Switching
Q313 KRC101S KEC RX Band3 Switching
Q502 KTC3875S KEC FM TX AF Mute at AM TX
Q701 KTC3880S KEC TX Doublers
Q702 KTC3880S KEC TX Pre-Amplifier
Q703 KTC1006 KEC TX Driver Amplifier
Q704 2SC2078 SANYO TX Power Amplifier
Q742 KTC3875S KEC TX RF Mute at RX Mode
Q801 KRC101S KEC CPU Reset
Q802 KRC101S KEC CPU RX/TX Control
Q803 KRA101S KEC MIC Lock Control
Q911 KTA1658 KEC Main Regulator
Q912 KRA1504S KEC Main Regulator
Q913 KRC112S KEC Main Regulator Control
Q914 KRC102S KEC Power Low Control
Q921 KTC3875S KEC 8.2V Regulator
Q922 KRC112S KEC 8.2V Regulator Mute at PA Mode
Q923 KTC3875S KEC RX B+
Q924 KRA1504S KEC TX B+
Q941 KRC111S KEC Mute
Q942 KRC112S KEC TX B+ Mute at TX Mode
Q951 KTA1241 KEC Back Light LED Control
Q952 KTA1241 KEC Back Light LED Control
Q953 KRC101S KEC Back Light LED Control
Q954 KRC101S KEC Back Light LED Control
Q961 KRC110S KEC TX AF Mute at RX Mode
Q962 KRC111S KEC MIC AF Path at AM Mode
Q963 KRC111S KEC MIC AF Path at PA Mode
IC101 TK144889V TOKO IF IC
IC102 KIA358F KEC AGC, Squelch Control
IC201 KIA7217AP KEC AF Power Amplifier
3-3. Manufacture Information
z KEC ---------------------- KEC Co., LTD.
z SANYO ---------------------- SANYO Semiconductor Co., LTD.
z TOKO ---------------------- TOKO, Inc.
z TOSHIBA ---------------------- Toshiba Semiconductor. Co., LTD.
z ATMEL ---------------------- ATMEL Co., LTD
4. Description of Frequency Determining and Stabilizing Circuit
4-1. Introduction
The Frequencies for transmitter and receiver first local frequenci es are all derived from a signal
4.5MHz crystal by means of a phase locked loop(PLL).
The first local oscillator frequencies are 16.270MHz(CH1) to 16.710MHz(CH40). The second local
frequency is fixed at 10.240MHz to generate second IF 455KHz.
Transmit, the VCO of the PLL operates 13.4825MHz(CH1) to 13.7025MHz(40CH). The VCO frequency
goes to the doublers circuit Q701, L701, L702 with doubles the frequency to generate 26.965MHz(CH1)
to 27.405MHz(40CH).
The VCO op erating frequency for the receiver is 16.27MHz(CH1) to 16.710MHz(CH40) as the
first local oscillator, injected through the buffer amplifier Q302 into the first FET balanced mixer Q102,
4-2. Basic Synthesis Scheme
The crystal frequency(4.5MHz) is divided by 1800 times to make 2.5KHz which is fed to one
side of the phase detector. The VCO output is divided by a programmable divider, and fed to other side of
the phase detector Pin 9, 10 of IC301. Passing the phase detector output closes the feedback loop through
an active low pass filter and using the output to control the VCO frequency through varicap diode D301.
Under locked conditions, both of phase detector input signal must be identical at 2.5KHz.
The VCO frequency is then given by ;
Receiver : Fvco / N = 0.005 [MHz] OR Fvco = 0.005 X N [MHz]
Transmitter : Fvco / N = 0.0025 [MHz] OR Fvco = 0.0025 X N [MHz]
Since “N” is an integer, the VCO frequency can be stepped up with in receiver mode 5KHz and
transmitter mode 2.5KHz increments.
By suitable choice of “N” the desired output frequency can be obtained.
The VCO frequency goes to the doublers circuit, with doubles the incoming signals.
VCO Output Frequency Doublers Output Frequency
Since all frequencies are obtained from the crystal controlled PLL oscillator, all outputs are
coherent with the crystal oscillator frequency and matching the sample percentage accuracy.
Note that the reference frequency of 5KHz(receiver) and 2.5KHz(transmitter) is obtained by
dividing the 4.5MHz by 900 times and 1800 times
See Table 1 for transmitter/receiver mode VCO frequencies.