This instrument has been designed to meet t he requirements of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC.
Compliance was demonstrated by meeting the test limits of t he following standards:
EN61326-1 (2006) EMC product standard for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and
Laboratory Use. Test limits used were:
a) Radiated: Class A
b) Conducted: Class A
c) Harmonics: EN61000-3-2 (2006) Class A; the instrument is Class A by product category.
EN61326-1 (2006) EMC product standard for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and
Laboratory Use.
Test methods, limits and performance achieved are shown below (requirement shown in brackets):
a) EN61000-4-2 (2009) Electrostatic Discharge: 4kV air, 4kV contact, Perfor m anc e A (B).
b) EN61000-4-3 (2006) Electromagnetic Field:
3V/m, 80% AM at 1kHz, 80MHz – 1GHz: Performance B*(A) and
1.4GHz to 2GHz: Performance A (A); 1V/m, 2.0GHz to 2.7GHz: Performance A (A).
c) EN61000-4-11 (2004) Voltage Interrupt: ½ cycle and 1 cycle, 0%: Performance A (B);
25 cycles, 70%: Performance A (C); 250 cycles, 0%: Performance B (C), if Function 11 is
set (Output status at power-up same as at last power-down), ot her wise Performance C.
d) EN61000-4-4 (2004) Fast Transient, 1kV peak (AC line only; DC Output connections <3m,
therefore not tested
), Performance B (B).
e) EN61000-4-5 (2006) Surge, 0·5kV (line to line), 1kV (line to ground), Perform ance B ( B) .
f) EN61000-4-6 (2009) Conducted RF, 3V, 80% AM at 1kHz (AC line only; DC Output
connections <3m, therefore not tested
), Performance A (A).
signal lines were not tested on the basis that typical use will be with connections <3m, for which
there is no test requirement. Immunity performance with connections >3m is not g uar ant eed.
According to EN61326-1 the definitions of per formance criteria are:
Performance criterion A: ‘During test normal performanc e within the specification limits.’
Performance criterion B: ‘During test, temporary degradation, or loss of function or performance
which is self-recovering’.
Performance criterion C: ‘During tes t , temporary degradation, or loss of function or performance
which requires operator intervention or system reset occurs.’
*Performance B is stated because DC Output r egulation, or V & I measurement accuracy, may
deviate beyond Specification limits under the test conditions. However, t he possible deviations are
still small and unlikely to be a problem in practice. Minor deviations are possible at 300-350MHz,
670-740MHz and 810-820MHz at 3V/m.
Note that if operation in a high RF field is unavoidable it is good pract ice t o c onnect the PSU to the
target system using screened leads which have been passed (together) t hr ough an absorbing
ferrite sleeve fitted close to t he PSU ter m inals.
To ensure continued compliance with the EMC directive observe the following precautions:
a) after opening the case for any reason ensure that all signal and ground connections are remade
correctly and that case screws are correctly ref it t ed and tightened.
b) In the event of part replacement becoming necessary, only use components of an identical type,
see the Service Manual.