TTI PSA2701T, PSA1301T Instruction Manual

PSA-T Series PSA1301T & PSA2701T
1.3GHz & 2.7GHz RF Spectrum Analyzers
Table of Contents
1.Supplied Items 4
2.Using This Manual & Meaning of Terms 4
3.Initial Operations 4
3.1. Charging the Batteries 4
3.2. Initialising the P alm T|X 4
3.3. Software provided by Palm on CD 5
3.4. Linking to a Personal Computer 5
4.First Use of the Spectrum Analyzer 5
4.1. Quick Start Guide 5
4.2. Detailed Operating Guide 6
5.Product Description and Capabilities 6
6.Specification 8
6.1. Frequency Measurement 8
6.2. Amplitude Measurement 8
6.3. Sweep 9
6.4. Signal Input 10
6.5. Demodulation (Zero Span mode) 10
6.6. Display 10
6.7. Memory Storage 10
6.8. Connectors 11
6.9. Power Sources 11
6.10. Mechanical 12
6.11. Environmental and Safety 12
7.Declaration of Conformity 13
8.EMC 14
9.Safety 15
10.Connections 16
10.1. RF Signal Input 16
10.2. DC Power Input 16
10.3. Demodulated Audio Output 16
10.4. USB ‘through’ Connector 16
11.Stylus 17
12.Memory Card 17
12.1. Removing and Inserting the Card 17
12.2. Using an Alternative Card 17
12.3. Card Storage Capacity 18
13.Removing and Re-fitting the Palm T|X 18
14.Re-initialising the Pa lm T|X 19
14.1. Procedure for Re-Initialising 19
14.2. Technical Note about the OFF s tate 19
15.Language Choice for the Palm T|X 19
16.Turning On and Turning Off 20
16.1. Palm T|X On/Off 20
16.2. PSA1301/2701 On/Off Control 20
16.3. Operation Delay after Turning On 20
17.Battery and AC Power 21
17.1. Battery Operation 21
17.2. AC Power Operation 21
17.3. Extended Periods Without Use 22
18.Using the PSAnalyzer Application 22
18.1. Initial Conditions 22
18.2. Selecting and Leaving the Application 22
18.3. Touch Screen or Hard Key operation 22
18.4. The PSAnalyzer Screen 23
18.5. Operation and Navigation 23
18.6. Turning Off / Power Saving 24
19.The PSAnalyzer Menu System 24
19.1. Home Menu 24
19.2. Menus Summary 24
19.3. Mode Menu 25
19.4. Centre Menu 25
19.5. Step Value Sub Menu 26
19.6. Span Menu 26
19.7. Start Frequency Menu 27
19.8. Stop Frequency Menu 27
19.9. AM/FM Me nu 28
19.10. Level Menu 28
19.11. Markers Menu 28
19.12. Sweep Menu 29
19.13. Traces Menu 30
19.14. Stores Menu 30
19.15. System Menu 31
19.16. Exit Menu 32
19.17. Quick Menu 32
20.PSAnalyzer Operating Techniques 33
20.1. Menu Navigation 33
20.2. Frequency Setting 33
20.3. Performing Sweeps 35
20.4. Level Measurements 35
20.5. The PRESET Key 36
20.6. Using Markers 36
20.7. Reference Trace 37
20.8. Store, Recall and Copy 37
20.9. Creating and Displaying Limit Lines 38
20.10. Screen Resolution and Trace Thickness 39
20.11. Changing the Palm Input Area type 39
20.12. Adjusting the Display Brightness 39
21.Help Screens 39
22.Functions outside of PSAnalyzer 40
22.1. Viewing a St or ed Scr een Image 40
22.2. Printing a Stored Screen Image (using a printer connected to a PC) 40
22.3. Transferring PSAnalyzer Files to a Personal Computer 40
23.PSAnalyzer Files and Defaults 41
23.1. Factory Default Settings for PSAnalyzer 41
23.2. File Locations for PSAnalyzer data files 42
23.3. File Structures for PSAnalyzer data files 42
24.Maintenance, Calibration and Repair 42
24.1. Screen Protection 42
24.2. Cleaning 43
24.3. Maintaining Battery Condition 43
24.4. Calibration 43
25.Trouble Shooting 43
25.1. Correcting Unexpected Conditions in PSAnalyzer 43
25.2. Resetting the Palm T|X 44
25.3. Reinstalling or Updating the PSAnalyzer application 44
25.4. Optional Accessories 45
25.5. Creating a Shortcut to PSAnalyzer 45
1. Supplied Items
The PSA1301T or PSA2701T portable spectrum analyzer is made up of three main items:
The PSA1301/PSA2701 spectrum analyzer unit manufactured by TTi and incorporating a Palm T|X handheld computer. The PSAnalyzer software application created by TTi to run on the Palm T|X. An SD (or MMC) Memory Card for storing and transferring data
The following support items are also provided by TTi:
“Read This First” leaflet. Universal mains adaptor/charger. USB lead (mini B plug to standard A plug). SD/MMC USB Card Reader Printed instruction manual (English only). Support CD containing multi-language manual and backup sof tware. M2.5 security screws to prevent easy removal of the Palm T|X (if required). Transparent storage case for memory card.
The spectrum analyzer is supplied with the Palm T
X mounted into it, and the PSAnalyzer software
application pre-installed. The memory card is fitted into the Palm T
Note: The SD/MMC USB Card Reader and other small items may be packed inside the shipping box.
2. Using This Manual & Meaning of Terms
Cross References within this Manual
This manual is also provided as multi-language PDF files. The manual includes many cross references which are shown as follows - see section X.X.
Within a PDF file, t he boxed number is a hyperlink to that section number, thus enabling the user to jump rapidly the section referred to and t hen jump back to continue reading the text.
TTi is used throughout this manual as the abbreviation for Thurlby Thandar Instruments Ltd.
Handheld Computer and PDA
Devices such as the Palm T
X are commonly described as handheld computers, palmtop comput er s or
PDAs (personal digital assistants). The term ‘handheld computer ’ is used throughout t his m anual.
This is used to describe the spectrum analyzer unit excluding the Palm T
X handheld computer.
This is used to describe the complete spectrum analyzer unit including the Palm T
X handheld computer.
3. Initial Operations
3.1. Charging the Batteries
It is probable that the batteries will be discharged when the product is r eceived. Conseq uently the first action should be to charge the unit using the supplied mains adapt or. To fully charge t he bat teries it should be left charging for 4 hour s.
3.2. Initialising the Palm T|X
If the battery has been fully discharged, the Palm T|X handheld computer will have to be re-initialised before the spectrum analyzer can be used. Details of how t o r e-initialise it are given in section 14.
Note: The PSA1301/2701 spectrum analyzer adaptor does not require any manual initialisation.
3.3. Software provided by Palm on CD
The software and support informat ion pr ovided by Palm assumes that you will want to link your Palm T|X to a personal computer on a regular basis. The Palm “Read t his First” manual instructs you to load the CD software immediately as part of the initial set up.
Users of the PSA1301/2701T do not need to do this unless they choose to. TTi recommends that user s read the relevant sections of the Palm documentation and consider their own use of the product before deciding whether to install to Palm software.
Note: Do NOT make a USB connection between the PSA1301/2701T (or the Palm T
X) and a PC
unless the Palm software has already been installed.
3.4. Linking to a Personal Computer
The following applies to both the PSA-T and the Palm T|X by itself. (The mini USB connection on the side of the spectrum analyzer is a direct throug h connec t ion t o t he USB port of the Palm T|X).
Although the Palm T|X was designed to be USB connected to a PC using Palm Desktop soft ware, this software is now obsolete and will not work with 64-bit operating systems.
It is NOT necessary ever to link the PSA1301/2701T to a personal computer. It is a self contained instrument which can perform its primary f unc t ion of RF spectrum analysis without linkage to other devices. TTi provides a USB linked memory card reader in order that PSAnalyzer files can be transferred to a PC where this is required.
4. First Use of the Spectrum Analyzer
After charging the batt er y and initialising the Palm T|X, it will then be possible to use the Spectrum Analyzer by launching the PSAnalyzer application.
TTi recommends that you should read this manual in full before using the PSA1301/2701T.
However, if immediate use of the spect r um analyzer is requir ed, t he following procedure can be
used to start making measurem ents quickly.
4.1. Quick Sta rt Guide
Before commencing - the batteries m us t have been charged and the Palm T|X initialised as
described in sections 3.1 and 14
1. Connect the signal to be measured - connect signal to the SMA connector at the top of t he spectrum analyzer. The maximum allowable signal without damage is +20dBm (+127dBuV or
2.2 V rms). The maximum measurable signal is 0dBm (+ 107dBuV or 223 m V r m s). If there is a possibility of the signal exceeding these levels, add suitable in-line attenuation.
2. Launch the PSAnalyzer application - enter the Applications screen (by pressing the Home key
once or twice). Press the PSAnalyzer icon on the touch screen of the Palm T|X, (the touch screen can be operated with a fingertip or the stylus of t he Palm T|X).
3. Select the Mode Menu - press the on-s cr een Mode key.
4. Select Preset – press the Preset key. This sets Quick Menu mode, Span maximum, Attenuation on, Highest RBW, Sweep mode normal, Marker M1 on at the centre of the sweep.
5. Observe the Sweep - the sweep time will be slow because of the wide span.
6. Adjust the Attenuator – If the peak signal is below the –20dBm gr aticule line, press the Attenuator
On/Off key to toggle the attenuator to Off t hus incr eas ing the sensitivity.
7. Move the Marker – use the 5-way navigator to move the mark er to the area of interest and position it
at the centre of the signals t o be obs er ved.
8. Centre the Sweep es s t he Set C= M1 key to re-centre the sweep around the new marker position (Note: the span will be reduced to the maximum that can be achieved with the new centre frequency)
9. Zoom the Span – Press the Zoom-In key successively to create a narrower span that shows more detail of the signals of interest.
The above procedure should be sufficient to get start ed. Thereafter adjustments can be made to sweep parameters, attenuator, resolution bandwidth, etc. as may be appropriate to the signals being obser ved.
Basic on-screen help information for every menu is available by pressing the Help hard k ey. Some general information regar ding the capabilities of the unit is available from the Info key on the Exit menu.
4.2. Detailed Operating G uide
To fully understand the operat ion of the PSA1301/2701T and PSAnalyzer, it is neces sar y to r ead this manual.
From an operating point of view, the key sections are “Using the PSAnalyzer Application” section18
“The PSAnalyzer Menu System” section 19, and “PSAnalyzer Operating Techniques ” sec t ion 20.
5. Product Description and Capabilities
Brief Summary
The PSA-T series (PSA1301T and PSA2701T) are fully portable spectrum analyzers incorporating a handheld computer (a Palm T
X). They are sufficiently small and lightweight to be operated as a handheld instrument and has a typical battery life of four hours from each charg e. Alternatively they can be used as bench instruments using the supplied mains adaptor/char ger. They can be set horizontally or vertically, or at an angle of about 25 degrees using t he built -in tilt stand.
The spectrum analyzer has a frequency rang e of 0.15 MHz to 1300 MHz (PSA1301T) or 1MHz to 2700MHz (PSA2701T). The span can be set anywhere between 0.320 MHz and 1299.850 MHz (PSA1301T) or 2699.000 MHz (PSA2701T) with a resolution of 1kHz. Start, stop or centre frequencies can be set to the same resolution. The resolution bandwidth is selectable as 280 kHz or 15 kHz (PSA1301T) or 1 MHz, 280 kHz or 15 kHz (PSA2701T).
The on-screen amplitude range is 80 dB with a refer ence level of -20dBm or 0dBm. Amplitudes can alternatively be displayed in dBµV. Vertical magnification to 5dB/div can be selected. Average noise floor is better than -90dBm at -20dBm reference level and 15 kHz RBW.
Sweeps can be continuous, single shot, peak hold or average (2 to 256 sweeps). Sweep time is defined by the span and resolution bandwidth, and varies between 0.1 sec and 30 sec. A zero span mode is available with AM or FM audio demodulation.
Twin vertical marker lines are available giving a readout of frequency and amplitude to a resolution of 0.1 kHz and 0.1 dB. Markers can be manually positioned or automatically peak finding and t r ac king.
A reference trace can be displayed in addition to the live trace. Limit lines can also be created and displayed.
The graticule is fully controllable. Any number of traces can be stored to perm anent m emory for recall to the screen or for data export. Limit lines, inst rument set-ups and complete screen bitmaps can also be stored.
Battery life depends upon screen brightness, but is around four hours of cont inuous oper at ion from a charge. To conserve the batt er y, auto-sleep mode can be selected whereby the unit turns off automatically after a defined period from the last key press. All data is retained when off.
Pressing the Help hard key brings up a help screen relevant to the current menu position. Full details of the product capabilities are given with the Specification section 6
and Using the
PSAnalyzer Application section 18 onwards.
6. Specification
6.1. Frequency Measurement
Frequency Span
Frequency Range: 150 kHz to 1300 MHz in one range (PSA1301)
1 MHz to 2700 MHz in one range (PSA2701) Setting Modes: Centre frequency plus Span, or Start frequency plus Stop frequency Maximum Span: 1299.85 MHz [150 kHz to 1300 MHz] (PSA1301)
2699 MHz [1 MHz to 2700 MHz] (PSA2701) Minimum Span: 320 kHz, or Zero Span with demodulation Setting Resolution: 1 kHz at any frequency Setting Accuracy: Reference Frequency Accuracy for Start, Stop & Centre (Zero-Span) frequencies
Reference Frequency A ccuracy
Initial Accuracy: Better than ± 10 ppm at 20oC Stability: Better than ± 10 ppm over 10
C to 30oC
Ageing: Better than ± 3 ppm per year
Phase Noise
Phase Noise: Typically -100dBc/Hz at 100kHz offset at 500MHz (PSA1301)
Typically -90dBc/Hz at 100kHz offset at 500MHz (PSA2701)
Resolution Bandwidth
RBW: Selectable as 280 kHz or 15 kHz (PSA1301)
Selectable as 1 MHz, 280 kHz or 15 kHz (PSA2701) Video Filtering: Selectable independently of RBW setting
Frequency Markers
Number of Markers: One, Two, or None Marker Resolution: 0.1 kHz at all frequencies Marker Accuracy: 1/320
of Frequency Span ± 0.1kHz + Reference Frequency Accuracy
Frequency Readout: Display of absolute and difference frequencies f or bot h m ar kers
6.2. Amplitude Measurement
Amplitude Range
Display Range: 80 dB Measurement Units: dBm or dBµV (dB milliwatts or dB micro volts) Reference Level: Selectable as -20 dBm or 0dBm (87 dBµV or 107 dBµV)
Amplitu de A ccuracy
Ref. Level Accuracy: Better than ± 1 dB at 50MHz at 10dB below reference level (20oC ± 5oC) Level Flatness: Better than ± 1.5 dB relative to 50MHz over 500kHz to 1300MHz (PSA1301)
Better than ± 1.5 dB relative to 50MHz over 1MHz to 2700MHz (PSA2701)
Amplitude Linearity: Bet ter than ± 1 dB over 50dB range down from ref er enc e level
Noise Floor
Noise Floor: Better than -93 dBm average displayed noise floor (PSA1301)
(reference level = –20 dBm, RBW = 15 kHz) Better than -93 dBm average displayed noise floor for F > 3MHz (PSA2701) (reference level = –20 dBm, RBW = 15 kHz)
Distortion and Spurii
3rd Order Intermod.: < –60dBc for two signals (500MHz and 501MHz) at 10dB below reference level
(PSA1301) < –60dBc for two signals (500MHz and 502MHz) at 10dB below reference level
(PSA2701) Harmonic: < –60dBc at 10dB below reference level (100MHz) 1st & 2nd Image: <– 55dBc, typically <– 60dBc Residual Spurii: Below noise floor (PSA1301)
<3dB above noise floor (PSA2701)
Amplitude Markers
Number of Markers: One, Two, or None Marker Resolution: 0.1 dB Amplitude Readout: Display of absolute and diff er ence amplitudes for both markers
Limit Lines
Limit lines are created from lists of amplitude & frequency points. Straight lines
are drawn between these points. Displayed Lines: One, two (or none) differentiated by colour. Line Storage Any number of limit lines can be stored.
6.3. Sweep
Sweep Method: Peak detection for 320 points per sweep. The amplitude of the peak level found
within each sub-span is stored (sub-span = span/320). Sweep Time: Set automatically by Span and RBW.
Typically 200ms + 2ms/MHz of span for RBW = 1MHz (PSA2701 only)
Typically 200ms + 7ms/MHz of span for RBW = 280kHz
Typically 200ms + 75ms/MHz of span for RBW = 15kHz Sweep Modes: Normal (continuous), Single, Peak Hold, or Average (2 to 256 sweeps) Sweep Control: Separate buttons for Run and Stop. Peak Hold and Average are reset whenever
Run is pressed.
6.4. Signal Input
Input Connector: SMA connector, 50 Ohms VSWR: 1.5:1 typical
Absolute Maximum Input Level:
+ 20 dBm or +127 dBµV (2.2V rms) or 15V dc
6.5. Demodulation (Zero Span mode)
Demod. Modes: AM or FM Display: Carrier amplitude only (horizontal line). Audio Out: 30 mW into 32 Ohms mono or stereo headphones, adjustable volume, 3.5mm
jack socket ( marked
) adjacent to the Signal Input.
Audio Filter Selectable low-pass filter to attenuate high freq uency inter ference.
2 pole filter with turnover point at approximately 3 kHz.
6.6. Display
Display Ty pe: 3.7 inch ( 9.4 cm) transflective backlit TFT LCD, 480 x 320 pixels total, 16 bit
colour, touch screen. Trace Area: 300 x 320 pixels (high resolution mode). Graticule: 8 x 10 divisions light grey graticule. Selectable as fully on, horizontal lines
only, or off). Displayed Points: 320 points per sweep (peak detec t ed) . Live Trace: Dot-joined tr ace from current or held sweep. Selectable on or off. Reference Trace: Stored trace either recalled from m em or y or copied directly from live trace.
Selectable on or off. Resolution Modes:
Selectable as High Resolution or Low Resolution *
In low resolution mode the trace area becomes 150 x 160 points where each point is a block of 4 pixels. Only 160 sweep points are displayed. This mode is useful in situations where the display could otherwise be difficult to see - e.g. when the instrum ent cannot be viewed at an optimum distance.
6.7. Memory Storage
Memory Ty pe: Non volatile Flash memory using removable SD or MMC memory cards. Store Trace: Any number of traces can be stored under eit her default file names or user
entered file names. Traces are stored as tables of amplitude versus frequency and can be imported into other pr ograms, as well as being recalled
to the screen. Recall Trace: Recalls any stored trace to the reference t r ac e of the display. Store Set-up: Any number of instrument set-ups can be stored under either default file
names or user entered file names. All settings of the instrum ent ar e s aved. Recall Set-up: Recalls any stored set-up, overwriting the existing settings of the instrument.
Store Screen: This function copies the whole screen area to memory as a bit-map. Any
number of screens can be stored under eit her default file names or user entered file names. Screen bit-maps can be viewed using the “Media” application of the Palm T
X, or transferr ed t o a PC for printing.
Store/Recall Limit Lines
Any number of limit lines can be stored under either def ault file names or user entered file names, and recalled as required.
6.8. Connectors
RF Input Connector: Standard SMA connector. Power Connector: 1.3 mm dc power socket (centre positive) f or 5.2V/1A external AC power
adaptor/charger as supplied by TTi.
USB Connector: Mini USB connector (5 pin mini B) which provides direct access to the USB port
of the Palm T
Audio Connector: 3.5 mm jack socket for demodulated audio out (accepts mono or stereo plugs).
6.9. Power Sources
AC Line Operation/Charging
The PSA1301/2701T can be operated from mains power using the AC power adaptor provided by TTi. This powers and recharges both the Spectrum Analyzer and the Palm T
X simultaneously.
AC A daptor/Charger
Input Voltage Range: 100V to 240V nominal 50Hz/60Hz. Interchangeable plus for UK, Euro, USA
and Australia are supplied.
Battery Operation
The PSA1301/2701 and the Palm T|X contain their own internal rechargeable battery packs. The PSA1301/2701 is turned off automatically whenever the PSAnalyzer program is exited, or when the Palm T
X is turned off.
PSA1301/2701 Spectrum Analyzer
Battery Type: Ni-Mh 3.6V 700mA-hr (3 x AAA cell) Battery Life: > 5 hours continuous operation (PSA1301)
> 4 hours continuous operation (PSA2701)
Recharge Time: < 3 hour s from fully discharged
Palm T| X
Battery Type: Li-ion 3V 1050mA-hr Battery Life: Typically 4 hours continuous operation (depending on backlight br ig htness) Recharge Time: < 4 hour s from fully discharged
Auto Sleep Mode
To conserve battery life, the system can be set to automatically switch into sleep mode after a defined time from the last k ey press. This can be set bet ween 5 mins and 60 mins ( or never) .
6.10. Mechanical
Size: 170mm high x 97mm wide x 47mm deep (including feet) Weight: 495 grms total including Palm T|X. Tilt Stand: Built-in tilt stand for bench use which angles the unit at appr oximately 25
degrees to the horizontal and can alternatively be used as a hook mount.
6.11. Environmental and Safety
Operating Range: +5oC to + 40oC, 20% to 80% RH. Storage Range: -10
C to +50oC Environmental: Indoor use at altitudes to 2000m, Pollution Degree 2. Electrical Safety: Complies with EN61010-1. EMC: Complies with EN61326.
7. Declaration of Conformity
EC Declaration of Conf ormity
We Thurlby Thandar Instruments Ltd Glebe Road Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE29 7DR England
declare that the
PSA1301T and PSA2701T Portable RF Spectrum Analyzers
meet the intent of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC and the Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC. Compliance was demonstrated by conformance to the following specifications which have been listed in the Official Journal of the European Communit ies.
Emissions: a) EN61326 (2006) Radiated, Class B Immunity: EN61326 (2006) Immunity Table 1, referring to:
a) EN61000-4-2 (1995) Electrostatic Dischar ge b) EN61000-4-3 (2006) Electromagnetic Field c) EN61000-4-4 (2004) Fast Transient
Performance levels achieved are detailed in the user manual.
Safety EN61010-1 Pollution Degree 2.
1 May 2009
8. EMC
Spectrum Analy zer
This instrument has been designed to meet t he requirements of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC. Compliance was demonstrated by meeting the tes t limits of the following standards:
EN61326 (2006) EMC product standard for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use. Test limits used were:
a) Radiated: Class B
EN61326 (2006) EMC product standard for Electrical Equipment for Measurement, Control and Laboratory Use.
Test methods, limits and performance achieved are shown below (requirement shown in brackets):
a) EN61000-4-2 (1995) Elect r os tatic Dischar ge : 4kV air, 4kV contact, Performance A ( B) . b) EN61000-4-3 (2006) Elect r om agnetic Field:
3V/m, 80% AM at 1kHz, 80MHz – 1GHz: Performance B (A) and 1.4G Hz to 2GHz: Performance B (A); 1V/m, 2.0GHz to 2.7GHz: Performance B (A).
Note: The PSA-T Series spectrum analyzers are extremely sensitive instruments and, as a result, show some susceptibility to high electromagnet ic fields throughout their measurement range. In g eneral, the instrument will operate correctly but may show the interfering frequencies on the measurement trace if t he levels are very high.
c) EN61000-4-4 (2004) Fast Transient, 0.5kV peak (signal input), Perform ance B ( B) .
Performance Definitions
The definitions of perf or mance criteria are:
Performance criterion A: ‘During test normal performance within the specificat ion limits.’ Performance criterion B: ‘During test, temporary degradation, or loss of function or
performance which is self-recovering’.
This AC adaptor/charger has been designed to meet the requirements of the EMC Directive 2004/108/EC.
Compliance was demonstrated by meeting the test limits of the following standards:
EN55022, radiated and conducted Class B.
EN55024:1998/A1:2001/A2:2003, referr ing to: a) IEC 61000-4-2 ( 2001) Electrostatic Discharge.
b) IEC 61000-4-3 ( 2002) Electromagnetic Field. c) IEC 61000-4-11 (2004) Voltage Interrupt. d) IEC 61000-4-4 ( 2004) Fast Transient. e) IEC 61000-4-5 ( 2001) Surge. f) IEC 61000-4-6 (2003) Conducted RF.
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