TTI FTE-7000A User Manual

Optical Time Domain Refl ectometer
User's Guide
Revision B
Information contained in this manual is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Terahertz Technologies Inc. for its use nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent rights of Tera her t z Te chn olo gi e s I nc..
The information contained in the publications is subject to change without notice.
Copyright 2014
Chapter PAGE
1. Using This Manual.….....…………................................……....................................................….…………………1
2. Safety...................…...................................................…….………..............................…………………...…………2
3. FTE-7000A Quick Start Guide.................................................................................................…….……..………4
4. Introduction ………….........……................................................................................................…….……...……..6
5. OTDR Inspection and Identifi cation.....................................................................................………………...……7
5.1 Inspection
5.2 Identifi cation and Confi guration
6. FTE-7000A Depscription…….……….........................................................................................…….......……….8
6.1 OTDR Physical Description/Packaging Instrument Enclosure Front Panel Top Plate
6.2 Home Screen Display
6.3 Power Requirements
6.4 Battery Replacement
7. OTDR Operations............................................……..............................................................................................11
7.1 Key Pad
7.2 Entering OTDR Function
7.3 Icon Defi nitions
7.4 Main OTDR screen
7.5 OTDR Parameter Settings Screen Trace Parameters Event Table/Fib0R-Map Sensitivity Settings Pass/Fail Thresholds Settings Date/Time Settings Exit Parameter Settings Screen
7.6 Auto Test Set IOR Set Wavelength Start Auto Test
7.7 Manual Expert Mode Set IOR Set Wavelength Set Range Set Pulse Width Set Averaging Time Scan
7.8 Construction Mode Open or Create a Project Folder Set Base File Name Set Wavelenghts Start Testing Exit Construction Mode
7.9 Trace Analysis Unit of Measure Zoom Cursor Movement
7.10 Loss Measurements 2 Point Loss dB/km Optical Return Loss Basic Splice Loss Least Square Approximation (LSA)
Table of Contents
7.11 Loss Measurement Settings Setting Basic Splice Loss Measurement Areas Splice Loss Adjustment Areas Splice Loss Adjustment Positions LSA Examples
7.12 Event Analysis Enter Event Analysis Threshold Settings Sensitivity Settings Macrobend Analysis Event Analysis Screen Fib-R-Map Event Table Table Defi nitions
8. Project Management............................................................................................................................................29
8.1 Project Management Description Project Management Screen Project Management Menu Project Management File Tab Project Management Edit Tab Project Management View/Help Tabs
8.2 Project Management Operation Create a New Project Open an Existing Project Delete a Project Upload a folder to CertSoft Rename a Project Modify Properties Temporary Modifi cation of Parameters Exit Project Management
9. File Management..................................................................................................................................................33
9.1 File Management Description File Management Screen File Management Menu File Management File Tab File Management Edit Tab File Management View/Help Tab
9.2 File Management Operation Saving a Trace Open/View a Trace Dual Trace Delete a File Upload a Trace to CertSoft Rename a Trace File Exit File Management
Table of Contents
10. Video Scope........................…..................................................................….................................…...................36
10.1 Entering Video Scope Function
10.2 Video Scope Display
10.3 Video Scope File/Help Icon Menu Home Quick Save Project Management File Management Help
10.4 Video Scope Operations Icon Menu Grading Rings Pass/Fail Label Brightness
10.5 Video Scope Operation Video Probe Tips Viewing/Focusing a Connector Centering a Connector Image Pausing Image Scan Grading Rings Pass/Fail Marking Points of Contamination Exiting Video Scope Operation
10.6 Pass/Fail Criteria Tables Fiber End Face Criteria Table for Angled PC Polished Connectors Fiber End Face Criteria Table for Ultra PC Polished Connectors Fiber End Face Criteria Table for PC Polished Connectors
11. Loss Test Set.......................................…...................................................…..................................…..................41
11.1 Entering Loss Test Set Function
11.2 LTS File/Help Icon Menu Home Quick Save Project Management File Management Help
11.3 Light Source Operation Selecting Light Source Wavelength Selecting Source Modulation
11.4 Power Meter Operation Set Power Meter Wavelength Set Reference Set Measurement Units
11.5 LTS Project Management
11.6 LTS File Management
11.7 Exit Loss Test Set
Table of Contents
12. Specifi cations.........................…...................................................…..............................................…..................43
12.1 OTDR Specifi cations
12.2 Power MeterSpecifi cations
12.3 Light Source Specifi cations
13. Repair/Warranty.......................................................................................…..................................…...................44
13.1 Repair Information
13.2 Warranty Information
14. Version Control........................….........................................................................................................................45
Chapter 1 Using This Manual
This manual contains operation information for the Terahertz Technologies Inc. FTE-7000A Optical Time Domain Refl ectometer. This OTDR may be operated by using the touch scree or the onboard key pad. The touch screen is a resistive style screen and only proper stylus devices should be used when operating the OTDR using the touch screen capability.
This guide is written to instruct operation via the onboard keypad. There will be tips throughout the manual to assist with touch screen operation.
Optical time domain refl ectometers are optical instruments that do emit laser radiation and though this level of radiation is not considered a danger, there are safety considerations and certain practices that should be followed.
Please read and follow all warning and caution information noted in this manual.
There are warning s, cautions and n otes post ed throughout th is manual .
A warning alerts to situations that could cause personal injury.
A caution alerts to situations that may cause damage to the equipment or produce poor testing condi­tions resulting in inaccurate test results.
A special annotation that will assist the user with operational features.
Touch Screen Tip
These tips will be found throughout the manual to assist with touch screen operation.
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Chapter 2 Safety
Chapter 3 of this manual is a quick start guide. Prior to using the quick start guide or operat­ing the equipment in any way, it is highly suggested the user reads all safety information.
The information in this chapter pertains to safety consideration of OTDRs in general.
This product has been designed and tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s safety standards, and has been supplied in a safe condition.
This document contains information that must be followed by the user to ensure safe operation and to maintain the product in a safe condition. Failure to follow these safety warnings and cautions can result in harm to the user or damage to the instrument.
Personnel should always be aware when working with fiber optic test equipment that active fibers may be present, therefore infrared optical energy may be present.
Never look directly into the end of a connected fiber optic cable or fiber optic interface of optical test equipment, to do so could expose the user to laser radiation and could result in personal injury.
To Prevent Fire or Shock Hazard:
Do not install battery types other than those specifi ed by the manufacturer
Do not use the charger without the batteries installed
Do not expose the battery charger to rain or excessive moisture
Do not use the AC adapter when there are signs of damage to the enclosure or cord
Ensure the correct charger is being used for the local line voltage
Do not use any other charger than the one provided with this instrument.
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Chapter 2 Safety
Failure to follow these cautions statements may void the warranty of, or cause damage to this equipment.
Fiber-optic connectors are easily contaminated or damaged. The connection to the OTDR is physical contact type of connections and dirty or damaged connectors may impair the instruments capabilities at minimum and at worst result in the need to return the OTDR to the factory for expensive repairs. Prior to making any connection to the unit, ensure that all proper cleaning procedures have been followed. Use UPC Finish Connectors Only -- DO NOT insert APC connectors into the optical ports.
The OTDR is equipped with a protection circuit to avoid damage from live fiber connections The in­strument will not operate properly with active fibers. Even with this protection, high power output from EDFA’s or other equipment can damage detectors and should never be connected to the OTDR.
If a live fiber is connected to the OTDR and a scan is attempted, a warning dialog will be displayed as in fig. 2.1. Immediately remove the live fiber from the OTDR and press select to continue testing.
Fig 2.1
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Chapter 3 Quick Start Guide
Press to turn on the OTDR.
Use the directional buttons to highlight the OTDR icon and press to enter the OTDR function.
Connect the ber to the appropriate port. (SM or MM OTDR Optical Port)
Press to enter the Menu mode. The menu is displayed at the top of the screen. (To hide the
menu, press the menu button a second time.)
Use the right button to highlight the (wavelength) icon and use to cycle to the desired wave-
If approximate fi ber length is unknown:
ress to have the OTDR start a test using the selected wavelength with the OTDR determining
the most appropriate range and pulse width. (Autotest will set the averaging time to 60sec.)
If approximate fi ber length is known:
et the Wavelength as above and further set the range, pulse width and averaging time.
Press to open the icon menu, use the left or right arrow to highlight the (range) and use
to cycle through the available ranges of 250m, 1km, 4km, 16km, 64km, 128km or 256km.
Use the left or right buttons to highlight the (pulse width) icon and use to cycle through the
available pulse widths of 5ns, 10ns, 30ns, 100ns, 300ns, 1us, 3us, 10us or 20us. (Not all pulse
widths will be available, only pulse widths appropriate for the selected range will be presented)
Press the left or right button to highlight the (average) icon and use to cycle to the averaging
times of Real-Time, 15 seconds, 1, 4, 16 or 40 minutes.
Press to exit the menu mode and hide the menu bar.
Press (Scan) to start a trace. Pressing the again will stop a trace.
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Chapter 3 Quick Start Guide
To operate the cursors, use the left and right buttons. Press the A/B button to toggle between A and B
as the active cursor.
To view the Fib-R-Map and event table, press , use the left and right buttons to highlight the
(schematic view) icon and press .
Alternately, the touch screen may be used to view the trace with the event table or the Schematic view by touching the tabs immediately below the grid scale. The OTDR tab displays the trace with the pa­rameters listed and loss and distance measurements displayed. The Event tab displays the trace with numbered events and an interactive event table, while the Schematic tab displays the trace with num­bered events and an interactive schematic view of the data.
To save a trace, touch the button and use the left or right buttons to highlight the (fi le
storage) icon and press . Press , press and with save highlight press . Use the
touchscreen keyboard to enter the fi le name and touch save.
The Quick Save icon may also be use to save the trace. Touching the Quick Save icon will store the trace to the active project folder and use the last base fi le name entered.
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Chapter 4 Introduction
Dear Valued Customer,
Thank you for choosing Terahertz Technologies Inc. for your fi ber optic testing requirements. Our professional staff is available to answer any questions or provide assistance that you require. We, at TTI Inc., strive to provide premier customer care and technical support by providing timely responsiveness and training. We are proud of our quality and high standards and assure you, our customer, the most user friendly and affordable fi ber optic solutions to meet individual needs.
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Chapter 5 Inspection and Identifi cation
5.1 Inspection
Before shipment, this instrument was inspected and found to be in perfect working order and free of defects.
The shipping carton contains the following:
1. OTDR with Protective boot and 4-AA NiMH batteries
2. Universal AC/DC charger with interchangeable mains
3. USB cable
4. Manual and CertSoft software on CD.
5. Set of interchangeable adapters, SC, ST and FC.
5.2 Identifi cation and Confi guration
The instrument’s Model/Part Number, Serial Number and Date of Manufacture are indicated on a label located on the back of the unit. The instrument’s history is fi led at the factory by model/part number and serial number. The unit's serial number is also located on the top plate just above the USB Port.
Fig 5.1
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Chapter 6 FTE-7000A Description
6.1 OTDR Physical Package/Description
Instrument Enclosure
The ODM FTE-7000A is packaged in a rugged housing which is further protected with a rubberized boot. Although the front panel is weather resistant, care must be taken to avoid liquids and contami­nants around the fragile optical and electrical connectors, and the glass display. Use a mild cleaning agent and soft damp cloth to clean up the panels and the outside case. See the maintenance sec­tion to clean the optical connector. NEVER open the instrument for cleaning. Return to the factory for servicing if necessary.
Front Panel
Protective Rubber Boot
Color Touch Screen
Top panel
Position of Second
Optical Port for Quad
Wavelength OTDRs
Power Button
Video Probe Port
Key Pad
Fig 6.1
Unit Serial Number
Power Jack
Battery Charge
USB Port
Fig 6.2
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Chapter 6 FTE-7000A Description
6.2 Home Screen Display
This unit is equipped with a 4” color TFT resistive touch display. All keyboard functions are also executable on the touch screen.
Loss Test Set
If CW source is available, Select this icon to access the CW mode of the light source.
Visual Fault Locator
If unit is equipment with a VFL,
selecting this icon with will cycle
through the CW, Modulate and Off.
Video Scope Icon
Select this icon to open the video scope function.
Optical Time Domain Icon
Select this icon to open the
OTDR function
Firmware Version
Fig 6.3
Touch Screen Tip
The home page icons are highlighted by using the left and right buttons, pressing the select button will open the highlighted function. These icons may also be selected with the touch screen function.
6.3 Power Requirements
The FTE-7000A is equipped with a 100-240V-0.3A input and 9V, 0.67A center positive output universal AC/ DC battery charger. This charger is supplied with interchangeable mains for US, Great Britain, Europe and Australia The unit is shipped with 4-AA NiMH batteries (2700mA hours). Fully charged battery pack will typically enable approximately 4 of use. Fully discharged batteries require 6 - 8 hours of recharging.
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Chapter 6 FTE-7000A Description
6.4 Battery Replacement
To replace the batteries, remove the OTDR from the protective boot by pulling the bottom of the boot down and back allowing the bottom of the unit to be lift out. The battery door is located on the back side of the unit. Replace the batteries with only high quality AA NiMH batteries. Spare battery packs are available with a charging unit for extended battery operation. If you install NiMH batteries that are dead or less than 1 volt each, charge these batteries for one (1) hour before using the OTDR. For proper maintenance, batteries require a monthly recharge.
To Prevent Fire or Shock Hazard:
Do not install battery types other than those speci ed by the manufacturer
Do not use the charger without the proper NiMH batteries installed
Do not expose the battery charger to rain or excessive moisture
Do not use the AC adapter when there are signs of damage to the enclosure or cord
Ensure that you are using the correct charger for the local line voltage
Do not use any other charger than the one provided with this instrument.
Failure to follow these caution statements could cause unsafe conditions for the operator and equipment and may void the warranty.
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