In addition to th e user’s manual please note so me a dditional In formation:
I. At the bottom of the product you see a wron g display of the pin assignment for
― Output2‖. The following Picture displays the correct assignment. Y ou can also find the right one i n
the user’s manual.
II. The Power cable of the c onnection jack 15/16 is equippe d wi th a miniature fuse. It’s
necessary to replace this fuse, if th e batt ery LE D remains d ark (in this case there is no ex ternal
How to replace a fuse:
1. Unscrew th e circuit b reake r carefully.
2. Substitute t he mi niature fuse by a fuse o f the same type and nomin al current (5
3. Screw the circui t breaker together.
Thank you fo r your attention.
Your Mobi-Click team
15. Dispo sal ...................................................................................................................................... 51
16. Declaration of Conformity (DOC) ............................................................................................... 52
17. T echnical Data ............................................................................................................................. 52
1. Introduction
Dear Customer,
Thank you for pu rch asing this product.
This product co mplies w ith the st atutory national and Eu ropean req uirements . To m aintain this
status and to ensu re safe ope rati on, you as the user must obse rve these ope rating inst ructi ons!
Read th e c om plete oper ating instru ctions befor e takin g the pr od uct into
oper ation; ob ser ve all op er ating n otes and safety in for mation.
All company names and p roduct n ames are t radem arks of th eir respec tive owners. All rig hts
reserve d.
These op eratin g instr uctio ns desc ribe th e function and operation at th e time of print
(see d ate on the top right of the titl e page).
Chang es that se rve p roduct im provem ent can be perfor me d at any tim e. The most current
opera ting inst ructions are offe red on ou r websites in the download are a for the resp ectiv e
product on our websit es in a tim ely mann er.
If ther e ar e any tec hnic al questions, con tact:
Please note:
2. Intended Use
The product serves to monitor an obj ect. For this, s ensors like vibratio n, switchi ng in puts (up
to 32 V/ DC) and th e GPS signal are availa ble. The product must only b e install ed in the drive r
space, splash-wate r p rot ection i s requi red.
Two switching relays for 30 V/DC, 2 A can b e switch ed remo te-controll edly by co nsume rs o r
automa tically. Swi tching th e consume r must not influ ence the safe ty and operational readi ness
of the v ehicl e .
An ex ternal microphone and a speak er permit ph one call s. I nte rio r monitoring must be
according to the stat uto ry p rovisions .
Any other use tha n describ ed before is not i nte nded and may caus e loss of wa rranty/
guara ntee.
The custome r is responsibl e for applicatio n of the prod uct in acc orda nce with the law. Co nrad
Electr onic d oes not ass u me any res po nsibi lity/liabilit y ex ceeding applicatio n of the product as
descri bed here.
No pa rt of this product must be modified or converted.
Read these ope rati ng i nstructio ns t horoughly and c arefully, they con tain a lot of i m portant
info rmation for asse mbly, com missioni ng and operati on. Observe all safety info rm ation in
these opera ting instructi ons!
3. Scope of Delivery
• Car ala rm syste m
• Remote Con trol
• Microph one
• Speak ers
• Light diode
• Mains cable
• Various conn ection w ires
• Operating inst ructio ns
4. Explanation of Symbols
An ex clamation ma rk in a t ria ngle indicat es im portant not es in thes e o perating
instructions that must b e strictly obse rve d.
The „hand― symb ol indicates speci al info rm ation and advic e o n opera tion.
5. Safety Information
The guar antee/w ar ranty will expir e if dam age is incurr ed resu lting from noncomplianc e with the oper ating instr uctions! We do not assume any li abili ty
fo r consequential damage !
We do not a ssume any liabili ty fo r damage to p rop erty or per sonal injur y caused by
impr op er use or the failure to o bser ve th e sa fety ins truc tions! In suc h cases th e
guar antee/w ar ranty will expir e!
• For s afety and li ce nsing reaso ns ( CE ), unaut horis ed co nversi on an d/or
modific ation of the sys t em is no t pe rmitt ed.
• The system only serves to trig ge r ala rms but d oes not reliev e the user from his
diligence oblig ation.
• Setting when the relay sw itches and what effects this has is subject to the area
of respo nsibility of the cust omer. The man ufactu re r does not as su me any liabili ty
for da ma ge th at occ urs in this cas e.
• The GPS functi o ns only serv e to monit or p roperty. Th e custome r is person ally
responsible for complianc e with the statutory require ments fo r f urth er m onito rin g.
• Du ring inst allation and oper atio n, obse rve the applicable approval provisions
and th e ro ad traffic ordi nance (Straßenv erkehrso rd nung).
• Ensu re p rope r co mmissio ning of the system. Obs erv e the ope rati ng instructions
for it.
• Avoi d st rong mec hanic al strain on the syste m comp onents.
• Do not ex pose the devic e to any high te mperatu res , dripping or spl ashing water,
strong vibratio ns or heavy mecha nical stress .
• Consult an ex pert wh en in do ubt as t o the oper atio n, the safe ty or the con necti on of the
• Do no t leave the p ackaging m aterial lying aroun d carelessl y si nce such mate rials ca n
become dange rous toys in the hands of chil dren.
• Keep the device out of reach of c hildren. It is no t a toy .
• Also obse rve the a dditio nal safety inf ormation in the individual cha pters of thes e
instructions .
• If you are not su re about the correct con necti on or if questi ons arise whic h are not covere d
by the op erating inst ructi ons, please do not hesitate t o co ntact us or ano ther speciali st.
6. General Notes on Rechargeable Batteries
• Keep the rech argeabl e battery out of reach of c hild ren.
• Leaking or d amaged b atteries /rechar gea ble batt eries can cause chemic al burns to skin
when t ouc hed witho ut the us e of ade quate p rotective glov es.
• The recha rgeabl e batte ry must nev er b e sho rt-ci rcuite d or thrown in to fire. Th ere is a risk of
fire and ex plosion!
• Never open or disass emble the rech a rgeable batt ery!
• If the recharg ea ble bat tery heats up strongly when char ging, in terrupt the chargi ng process!
• Never c harge the battery un observe d.
• For reas ons of s afety, only c harge th e rec ha rgeable batt ery on a heat -resista nt surface .
• If the recha rge able batt ery shows any defo rmatio n, holes or oth er obvious defects, no long er
use the recha rg ea ble b attery and do not try t o ch arge it.
• Dispose of the r echa rgeable batte ry envi ronmentally co mpatibly.
7. Product Description
The car al arm syste m can be us ed to m onit or a vehicle. The prima ry task is not i n frigh teni ng
the thief away via the sp eake r but via live tr ans mission of an ala rm mess age to up to 6 pho ne
numbe rs by tex t message.
If the senso rs and exte rnal electr onic s (co nnec ted to the swi tching i npu ts) recog nise any
impermissibl e i nteraction, v arious ac tions like al arm via tex t message and calli ng or swi tchi ng
consu me rs may be triggered .
The custome r may at any time perf orm ot her actio ns by sending tex t messa ge from hi s mobile
phone, e.g. dete rmin e the cu rrent GPS position (coo rdin ation o r web link ), re quest the status,
switch the relay, c heck the switc hing i nputs o r pe rfo rm a „ sil ent call― to hear w hat is cu rrently
taking place inside the vehicle.
The mic ropho ne or s peake r can be use d t o acc ept c alls an d cal l p re-set phone numbe rs.
Many transv erse fu nctions (switc hing rel ays when deactiv ati ng the ala rm, the call c auses an
answeri ng tex t message with the cu rrent GPS position, etc) can be us ed by the custo mer to
config ure the product as desi red.
The GPS receive r is us ed to det ermine an d monit or GP S zon es (A rea, GeoFenc e), i.e. places
where the produc t may be p rese nt.
The USB -int erface, which is not mandato ry for operatio n o r c onfigu ratio n can b e used by the
custom er for fir mwa re updat es to rec eive furth er functions.
The product is s ecured against mani pulati on with an i nternal b attery.
8. Connections and LEDs
The product is ex plained s tep by step i n the fol low ing c hapte rs.
To ensu re tha t th e devic e is set up correctly, make s ure to read t hese oper atin g
instructions, includi ng the sa fety i nstructio ns, completely and attentively b efore use .
Assembly and elec trical connecti on of the syst em must be perfo rmed by a specialist.
8.1. Casing Overview
1. GSM status LED
2. Battery status LED
3. GPS st atus LED
4. RF st atus LE D (rem ote co ntrol)
5. Ex pa nsion p ort
6. Mi ni-USB
7. Ex ternal alarm LED and switchi ng plus input
8. Switc hing inp uts an d rel ay conn ections
9. Microphon e/ spe aker connec tion
10. Microphon e/ spe aker connec tion
11. Ex ternal power supply
12. Prog rammin g switch (RF )
13. O pe ning GPS cable
14. SIM c a rd hold er
In the follow ing , the PI N assi gnmen ts are d escrib ed.
All rel ays are in the co nditio n „ OFF/RESET― .
1. LE D + ex ternal ala rm LE D
2. LE D – ex ternal alarm LE D
3. P+ swi tching plus
4. No t assigned
5. IN1 switching input a
6. IN1 switc hing input b
7. IN2 switching input a
8. IN2 switching input b
9. O UT2 relay out put co mm on
10. O UT2 relay out put closer
11. O UT2 relay out put opene r
12. O UT1 relay out put opene r
13. O UT1 relay out put co mm on
14. O UT1 relay out put closer
15. VCC volta ge sup ply pl us/+
16. GND volt age su pply min us/ -
8.2. Description of the Connections
GS M status LE D (1):
This LED shows the c urrent GSM st atus. For this, the LED has the f ollowing presen tati on
opti ons:
• LED is lit green: Searching fo r GSM ne twork
• LED fl ashes green (ev ery 1 s): Device registered in the netw o rk
• LED fl ashes green (ev ery 1/ 2 s): C all / ph one con necti on
• LED fl ashes red: No netw ork co nnection / PIN error / inv alid SIM ca rd / PUK / …
• LED off: No powe r supply pres ent / d evic e d efec tive i f volt age supply an d SIM ca rd are
prese nt
Batter y status LED (2) :
The internal bat tery is charged and managed via a se parate h ardwa re. Th us, the ba ttery c an
also be cha rged when no SIM c a rd is inserted and the entire GS M hardware is deactivated.
It i s unimpo rtant of wh ether the bat te ry is charged via the ex ternal voltage supply (on -b oard
voltag e) or via USB.
This LED provides the following infor mation:
• LED is lit red: The b attery is being c harged
• LED is lit green: The ba ttery is c harg ed
• LED is lit re d and green: An error was reco gnised (e.g. no batte ry present)
• LED o ff: No ex ternal voltage s u pply present
GPS sta tus LED ( 3):
This LED is used to recog nise the activity and st atus of the ex ternal GPS r eceiver.
The follow ing dis play options are av ailable for this :
• LED fl ashes blu e: Current GPS position dete rmined
• LED is lit blu e: GPS positi on not determined / det ermina ble
• LED o ff: GPS module is in sle eper m ode / sw itch ed off / not present
RF status LED (4):
This LED s hows whethe r the RF recipient of th e wireless remo te cont rol has receive d a signal
from a vali d rem ote con trol.
Obse rve that only correctly coupled remo te co ntrols are recognis ed and dis playe d. How to
couple a rem ote con trol can b e taken from the co rrespondi ng c hapter.
The LED has the following display informatio n acc o rdingly:
• LED fl ashes red: Sig nal r eceived by valid rem ote co nt rol
• LED o ff: Wai ting fo r sig nal
RF bu tton:
You can reach the RF butto n wi th a pointe d object throu gh the corres ponding openi ng. This
is requi red t o couple a new / different wireless remot e cont rol wi th the produc t. For more on
this, see the co rrespon ding chapte r.
Reset bu tton :
The devic e can b e res et to fac to ry settings with a pointe d objec t. For more on this, see the
corresp onding chap te r.
Feedthr oug h GP S rec eiver :
The GPS rec eiver is delive red pre-asse mble d. The GPS receiv e r must be place d so that a sig ht
connection to the sky is p resent w ith as few obs tacles as possibl e. Partic ularly obse rve panes
that are applied w ith film or vapo rise d because th ey interf ere with o r even block the GPS sign al.
The same ap plies for fro nt or rea r win dow heati ngs.
Exter nal p ower sup ply:
Use pins 15 and 16 to supply the devic e with the vehicle’s ba ttery vol tage (permanent plus ).
The voltage range is between 6 and 3 2 V/ DC and thus match es nea rly any im portant v ehicle
volta ge.
The current lo ad may be up to 700 mA (peak ) at bad GSM rec eption, active sw itchi ng relays
and active GPS.
Two connec tion s fo r speaker / microp hone:
Eithe r the inclu ded micr oph one or the speake r can be conn ected to the two RJ12 sock ets. Both
sockets are assign ed in precisely the sam e ma nner an d switc h ed i n parallel.
The PI N assign ment co rresp onds to th at of a sta ndard phone handse t. Func tion
cannot be gu aranteed for ev ery ph on e han dset .
Exter nal LED c on nec tion :
Pins 1 and 2 are intend ed for connection of the ex ternal LED. Please use recommend ed
accessories only (see w ww.con ra m)
P+ switching plu s recognition:
Connect a sw itching plus signal to pin 3 and 4 . Functio nally, howev er, this input only serves
to directl y trigger an ala rm because the switching plus refers to an imp ermissi ble ac tion in the
The refer ence po te ntial is GND from the ex te rnal powe r s upply (16 ). No volta ge above 3 2 V
must be pres ent he re.
To avoid unint ended short circ uit for wi ring, only the „P+― pin (3) is assigne d. The
other pin was not c onnect ed. The refore, if no reaction appears w hen the swi tc hing
plus is activ at ed, this pin may have been c onnected.
Switch ing inp uts IN1 / IN2:
The pins 5 and 6 fo r „ IN1― , as well as 7 and 8 for „ IN2― serve to recognise vario us switching
conditio ns in the v e hicl e. Th ese lines can be directly co nnected , e.g. to lamps, door cont acts
or other sw itchable cons umers. An integ rated rectifie r and o ptoc ou pler p rotects the d evice
from pola rity reve rsal and sho rt circ uit.
It must only be e nsured that a volta ge difference of at least 4 V and no more than 32 V is pendi ng
betwee n the two pins (no ma tte r the pol arity) and the resp ective sw itching in put is recognis ed
as „HIGH― . A v oltage of less than 2. 5 V is securely interpre ted as „LOW― . The area b etween
serves to prevent multi ple ala rming and can only be assigned to a level und er specific
circums tances. For more o n this, see the c orres ponding chapt er.
Relay switch ing outputs O UT1 / OUT2:
The devic e has two relays with alte rnate cont ract that are int ended fo r a voltage o f 30 V an d
a cu rrent of 2 A.
When a high er p ower is to be sw itched, the c orresp ondi ng r elays mus t be
connected ex ternally.
The relays are not bist able and acco rdingly return to „ OFF― or „ RESET― when al l voltage
supplies (bat te ry, USB , ex ternal volta ge) dr op or a system reset is performed.
Obse rve th at the devi ce for the relays has no extra f use inst alled. Th erefore,
provide an ex ternal fuse if requi red (depe ndin g on appl ication cas e).
Impro pe r wirin g and switching of imp ermis sibl e cons umers (buzzer, igniti on plus )
may c ause a risk of sh o rt ci rcuit, fire and loss of the gene ral operating per mit.
Expansio n p ort:
This port was in tende d fo r poss i ble ex pansio ns. T his i s possi bly avail able on our
websi te: ww .
USB c on nec tion :
You may us e this USB connectio n to updat e the pr oduc t firmwar e to th e latest v ersion. For this,
the co rrespo nding update prog rammes may b e provide d on the product side a t www
The softw are version cu rrently inst alled on the prod uct can be taken f rom every answer t ext
mess age .
Ideas an d wi shes fo r new functio ns o f the prod uct can be put on th e forum page. Where
technic ally an d econ omical ly possi ble, we w ill alw ays try to sensi bly put this i nto p ractic e.
8.3. Notes on the Installation
• It can be installed i n any positio n.
• Observe t hat th e re is enough space for cables when c hoosi ng the instal latio n positio n.
Strongly bent cables ( particul arly ri ght behi nd the plug ) inc reas e th e risk of ca ble breaks and
may ca use contact proble ms in the pl ug. The PCB is unde r a st rong mechanical s train due
to this.
• To warrant the d evice functi on, cho ose a mo unti ng site where the GMS n etwork rec eption
is as g ood as possi ble.
• The applica tion sit e sho uld be protecte d against overheatin g of the devic e, ex cessive
moistu re and dus t.
• The product s hould be take n to a s ite where vehicle vibratio n can be measu red.
• The product must not be s ubject to c ontinuo us strong vibrations (vib rati ng machi nes, direct
motor /chassi s contact, etc .).
• The produc t is not p rotect ed against weathe r and there fore must be installe d insid e the
vehicl e .
• Observe th at the SIM ca rd h older position was placed close t o the casing hol der on pu rpos e.
You may use a co rrespondi ng screw to secu re the SI M ca rd against im permissibl e remov al.
Replacin g the batter y:
If the batte ry must be repl aced, o bserve the f ollowing i nstructio ns:
1. All removal cable c o nnectio ns mus t be removed from the device ; separat e it from the
power su pply unde r all circums tances
2. Re move th e SIM ca rd.
3. Loos en the 4 scr ews on th e p roduct bott om; tu rn it out.
4. Now the casing may be used ca refully ; do not apply any fo rce!
Obse rve the GPS recei ver! It may b e necessa ry to lo osen the screws a t the G PS
cables for relief .
5. The bat tery is connected to the m ain PCB via a pl ug s ecu red agai nst pol arity reversal;
carefull y discon nect the bat te ry.
Any cha nges in the vehicle that beco me n ecessary fo r the inst allatio n of the alarm
system or oth er c ompon ents must be carried out in such a way th at n either traffic
security nor the c onst ructi onal an d func tional sta bility of the car are affect ed.
The operation permit may lapse eve n wh en saw ing out the sh eet part.
No parts must be inst alled in the airba g trigger area becaus e this may caus e injury to the
vehicl e passe ngers i n case of accide nt.
Never loosen the plugs for an airbag, which may cause unint ended t rigge ri ng of the airbag o r
functio nal impairme nt.
If there are any doubts re gardin g selecti on of the installatio n site, i nq uir e for informa tion from
your ca r v endor.
Before drilling the bores, m ake sure t hat no elec tric c ables, b rak e lines , the fuel ta nk or simil ar
are d amaged.
When using tools to i nstall yo ur ala rm system, obs erve the t ool m anufacturer’s safety
info rmation .
When i nstalling the p roduct, take into co nside ra tion the risk of acci dent which can arise from
devices being torn away in the case of an accident. T he ref ore, you sho uld sec ure eve ry
component in a place where it cannot be danger ous to passe ngers.
In dou bt, installa tion m ust be pe rfor med by a s pecialist .
8.4. Notes on the Electrical Connection
• The max imum load resilienc e in the relays mus t not b e exceed ed. If re quired , they m ust b e
protect ed f rom ov erload with addition al exte rnal fuses.
• The external c ables must be ke pt as short as possible and remainin g line len gths must n ot
be c oiled .
• Too-str ong te mpera ture fluctuatio ns may l ead to t empora ry im pairment and requi re manual
reset in ex treme cases .
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