TSI and TSI logo are registered trademarks of TSI Incorporated. AirAssure is a trademark of TSI Incorporated.
TSI has released an API for the AirAssure Web Software that will enable customers to extract data
from AirAssure Web to use on any other interface of their choice. AirAssure Web is TSI software
that enables customers to securely and easily configure multiple meters remotely and also collect
aggregate, access, analyze and publish the data read by the AirAssure PM2.5 monitors. This note
describes the elements of the API for customers to be able to extract specific data from AirAssure
Sections 3.2 - Data Controller table, all the entries that start with /data
Section 4 - JSON Data Query and Display Format
Section 4 - Date format
Section 5.3 - All
Other - You also need a note to say that all the URLs that start /data require an authentication
session for a user with ADMIN privileges.
The Java based APIs published in this document give the user the ability to accomplish the
Download all data readings as a data dump (helps in moving AirAssure Web data to another
database like SQL or Access)
Downloads all data readings for single instrument (helps in moving AirAssure Web data to
another database like SQL or Access)
Downloads the last data reading of all instruments (for display on a dashboard)
Downloads the last data reading of single instrument (for display on a dashboard)
Downloads data readings based on query data (for display on a dashboard or analytical tools)
Clears all collected data on AirAssure Web for every instrument (useful to periodically clear
AirAssure Web memory)
Please note that all the URLs published below require an authentication session for a user with
Admin privileges. All values (except for download of all data) returned will be in JSON.
The APIs to be used are listed in the table below:
Downloads all data readings
as a data dump
(ADMIN Role only)
Downloads all data readings
(ADMIN Role only)
Downloads all data readings
(ADMIN Role only)
Downloads all data readings
for single instrument
(ADMIN Role only)
Downloads the last data
reading of all instruments
(ADMIN Role only)
Downloads the last data
reading of single instrument
(ADMIN Role only)
Downloads data readings
based on query data
(ADMIN Role only)
Clears all collected data for
every instrument
(ADMIN Role only)
Deletes all instruments and
data (ADMIN Role only)
The relevant Data Query and Display formats are described in more detail to follow.