B-2865, B-2865-04
Model B-2865 includes 6” wrist handles
(B-WH6) and Model B-2865-04 includes
4” wrist action handles (B-WH4)
Medical Commercial Faucet Assembly
1 Screw, Handle 000922-45 10 Locknut, Body Bottom 000960-20
2 Index, Button, Blue/Cold 001660-45 11 Washer, Yoke 001091-45
Index, Button, Red/Hot 001661-45 12 Washer 000981-45
3 Handle, Wrist Action, 6" (B-2865) B-WH6 13 Nut, Coupling 000958-20
Handle, Wrist Action, 4" (B-2865-04B-WH4 14 Asm, Center Body 006217-40
4 Escutcheon 001257-40 15 Nipple 000342-20
5 Asm, Body - Cold 161A 16 Insert 003700-45
Asm, Body - Hot 162A 17 Locknut 002954-45
6 Asm, Spindle Eterna - LH/Col 006477-40 18 Washer 000999-45
Asm, Spindle Eterna - RH/Hot 006478-40 19 Asm, Rigid Gooseneck 120X
7 Locknut, Body Top 000959-20 20 Gooseneck 120X
8Washer, Body 002290-45 21 Asm, Rosespray B-0103
9Washer, Nipple 001006-45
T&S Brass and Bronze Works, Inc. • Travelers Rest, South Carolina • 1-800-476-4103