Thermostatic Mixing Valve
Installation Instructions
Models EC-TMV and 5EF-TMV are a direct replacement Thermostatic
Mixing Valve (TMV) for the Mechanical Mixing Valve used on ChekPoint
(EC) and Equip (5EF) Electronic Faucets. These TMV’s are tested
and certi ed to ASSE 1070. These TMV’s will control and limit the
temperature of tempered water to the faucet. They are equipped
with an adjustable and lockable means to limit the maximum outlet
temperature with the intention of reducing the risk of scalding.
NOTE: This device is pre-set for approximately 100˚F (38˚C). This device must be adjusted, veri ed and locked
to a speci c maximum temperature at the time of installation.
Adjustable wrench
#2 Phillips Screwdriver
1. Turn o Hot and Cold water supply to the faucet.
2. Disconnect the Hot and Cold ex supply hoses at the mechanical mixing valve.
3. Loosen and unscrew the swivel nut connecting the Mechanical Mixing Valve to the tting on the Control Module.
Remove the Mechanical Mixing Valve.
4. Install the Filter Washers supplied with the TMV in the Hot (H) and Cold (C) inlets of the TMV.
5. Install the outlet side of the TMV (OUT) into the swivel nut connection on the Control Module and tighten.
6. Connect and tighten the Hot and Cold ex supply hoses to the corresponding Hot and Cold inlets of the TMV.
7. Turn on Hot and Cold water supply and check for leaks.
1. Activate the faucet several times until the outlet water temperature stabilizes. Check the temperature with the
thermometer (Caution - the outlet temperature may be excessively hot).
2. Loosen the Phillips head screw in the TMV knob approximately 6 turns and pull the knob. It should now turn.
If not, loosen the screw a little more until the knob turns.

3. Turn the knob to adjust the outlet water temperature to the desired comfort. It is recommended that the outlet
temperature does not exceed 118˚F (48˚C) to reduce the risk of scalding. To decrease the temperature, turn
the knob so more blue is seen on the color band. To increase temperature, turn the knob so more red is seen
on the color band. Continue activation and adjustment until the water temperature has stabilized at the
desired setting.
4. Push the knob back and tighten the screw to lock the temperature setting.
Limited One Year Warranty
T&S warrants to the original purchaser (other than for purposes of resale) that such product is free from defects in material and workmanship for a period
of one (1) year from the date of purchase. During this one-year warranty period, if the product is found to be defective, T&S shall, at its options, repair and/or
replace it. To obtain warranty service, products must be returned to...
T&S Brass and Bronze Works, Inc.
Attn: Warranty Repair Department
2 Saddleback Cove
Travelers Rest, SC 29690
Shipping, freight, insurance, and other transportation charges of the product to T&S and the return of repaired or replaced product to the purchaser are the
responsibility of the purchaser. Repair and/or replacement shall be made within a reasonable time after receipt by T&S of the returned product. This warranty
does not cover Items which have received secondary fi nishing or have been altered or modifi ed after purchase, or for defects caused by physical abuse to or
misuse of the product, or shipment of the products.
Any express warranty not provided herein, and any remedy for Breach of Contract which might arise, is hereby excluded and disclaimed. Any implied warranties
of merchantability or fi tness for a particular purpose are limited to one year in duration. Under no circumstances shall T&S be liable for loss of use or any special
consequential costs, expenses or damages.
Some states do not allow limitations on how long and implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above
limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. Specifi c rights under this warranty and other rights vary from state to state.
T&S Brass and Bronze Works, Inc. · 2 Saddleback Cove · P.O. Box 1088 · Travelers Rest, SC 29690
www.tsbrass.com · E-mail: tsbrass@tsbrass.com · Phone (800) 476-4103 · Fax (800) 868-0084
West Coast Sales and Distribution · 4596 Ish Drive · Unit 220
Simi Valley, CA 93063 · Phone (800) 423-0150
098-018460-45 Rev. 0
Drawn TEH 07-31-12
Checked GEF 08-01-12
Approved JHB 08-01-12