1. Introduction.
The TRP-C31M, MODBUS gateway allows the legacy MODBUS RTU/ASCII devices to operate on
a MODBUS TCP network. It allows either MODBUS serial master or slave to communicate with
MODBUS TCP’s slave or master. When TRP-C31M function as “MODBUS TCP masters to
RTU/ASCII slaves”: It allows multiple MODBUS TCP masters to communicate with a MODBUS
serial network. the queries from different masters are pipelined and processed one by one. When
TRP-C31M function as MODBUS RTU/ASCII master to MODBUS TCP slaves: it can connect up to
8 MODBUS TCP slaves. User can specify a UID range for each MODBUS TCP slave. TRP-C31M
provides inactive timeout that allows user to specify a time period to disconnect TCP/IP connection
to prevent one connection slot was occupied if there is no activity in the network., or prevent any
another connection again. A friendly management software provides user an easy way of
configuration over Ethernet. TRP-C31M can work at Loop back Mode, all data is sent back
immediately. This feature makes the connection testing easy. The industry standard DIN rail and
panel mount design enable user a fast and professional installation.
1-1. Features
¾ DIN rail or Panel mount.
¾ Supports 10/100 Mbps Ethernet.
¾ Supports RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 serial interface.
¾ Supports LAN and WAN communications.
¾ Management access password protected.
¾ High speed up to 230.4Kbps
¾ Supports 8 MODBUS TCP master to MODBUS RTU/ASCII slave (up to 31).
¾ Supports MODBUS RTU/ASCII master to MODBUS/TCP slave devices (up to 8).
¾ Provide inactive timeout for connection auto-recovery when power failures.
¾ Automatically generate exception when RTU/ASCII slave device does not response.
¾ Remote IP address filtering function to reject unwanted incoming connection source.
1-2. Specifications
¾ Output: 64K bytes.
¾ Input: 8K bytes.
¾ Serial Connection: DTE – BD-9 male
¾ LAN: 10/100 Mbps Auto-detecting.
¾ RS-422: TX+, TX-, RX+, RX-, RTS+, RTS-, CTS+, CTS-, GND.
¾ RS-485: Data +, Data –, GND.
¾ Data Rate: 110 bps to 230.4 k bps.
¾ Parity: none, even, odd, mark, space.
¾ Data Bits: 5, 6, 7 or 8.
¾ Stop Bits: 1, 1.5 or 2.
¾ Protocol: TCP, IP, ARP, DHCP, Telnet, HTTP, UDP, ICMP.