Report No : PRO_SPC_276
Issue : B
Date : 06/06/2005
Commercially Confidential
AC20 User Manual
Background & Summary Background
AUTOCRUISE / TRW is an established player in the ACC market place. The purpose of the ACC system is to provide an extension to cruise control and to control the vehicle’s speed, in accordance with a driver’s set speed, or headway, taking account of the traffic conditions.
This document provides the potential user with information about the top level functionality of this AC20 radar sensor to be fitted on a vehicle by a car or truck manufacturer
(Last issue)
Checked by:
Project Manager, Autocruise
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Report No : PRO_SPC_276
Issue : B
Commercially Confidential
Release History
Issue Date Author Details
A 02/05/05 P. MALLEJAC First issue
B 06/06/05 P. MALLEJAC Section 6.2 completed
Ce document n’est maîtrisé que s’il est identifié “copie maîtrisée” ou examiné d’une zone autorisée du système informatique d’Autocruise. Les informations contenues dans ce document sont la propriété d’Autocruise SA et ne peuvent être utilisés par une tierce partie sans l’accord écrit d’Autocruise SA
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Printed 06-Jun-05
Report No : PRO_SPC_276
Issue : B
Commercially Confidential
Table of Contents
APPROVALS.......................................................................................................................................... 1
1 SCOPE.............................................................................................................................................4
2 SAMPLE SYSTEM SCHEMATIC .............................................................................................. 5
2.1 ACC SYSTEM COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGY............................................................................ 5
3 ACC VEHICLE SYSTEMS COMMUNICATIONS .................................................................. 6
4 CONFIGURING THE ACC SYSTEM ........................................................................................ 6
4.1 INITIAL CONFIGURATION...........................................................................................................6
4.2 ELECTRICAL INTERFACE............................................................................................................ 6
4.2.1 Power Supply....................................................................................................................6
4.3 MECHANICAL DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................8
4.3.1 AC20 Sensor Illustrations................................................................................................. 8
4.4 OUTLINE DRAWING ................................................................................................................... 8
4.4.1 Sensor Alignment Process ..............................................................................................10
4.4.2 Radar Alignment Principles ...........................................................................................10
5 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................................... 12
6 WARNINGS / STATEMENTS ................................................................................................... 14
6.1 WARNING REQUIRED BY 15.21 ................................................................................................ 14
6.2 STATEMENT REQUIRED BY 15.19 AND RSS210 .......................................................................14
6.3 STATEMENT REQUIRED BY 15.105 ........................................................................................... 14
7 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................14
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Printed 06-Jun-05
Report No : PRO_SPC_276
Issue : B
Commercially Confidential
1 Scope
Autocruise/TRW is an established player in the ACC market place. This document provides a product summary of the AC20 sensor that is suitable for integration into cars and trucks.
The products offered will be comfort assistance ACC system, as well as providing some meaningful steps along the road to driver warning systems.
This document provides the user with information about the top functionality of this AC20 radar sensor to be fitted on a vehicle by a car or truck manufacturer
The AC20 radar sensor needs a number of inputs to allow it to function correctly. These include the following
Electrical Power
Mounting instructions
Yaw rate information
Vehicle speed information
The data interface to the AC20 radar sensor is via a CAN communications link.
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Printed 06-Jun-05
Report No : PRO_SPC_276
Issue : B
Commercially Confidential
2 Sample System Schematic
An ACC system can be configured which will supply data that can be monitored or used as an input to a control system to control a vehicle. It can also be connected to a PC running the CCP protocol [Ref. 1] for re­programming and monitoring what is happening inside the radar sensor.
The AC20 radar sensor requires yaw and vehicle speed data and will give out the distances and speeds of the vehicles in front.
Vehicle Speed &
Yaw Rate
AC20 radar
ACC targets &
Vehicle Information
tool or
Figure 1 - Sample System Schematic
2.1 ACC System Communications Strategy
At power up, the AC20 radar sensor will automatically report the speed and relative velocity of vehicles sensed by the radar if it has received yaw and vehicle speed data.
The radar requires the vehicle speed and vehicle yaw rate. This should be transmitted to the radar at an update rate of between 20mSec to 40mSec. This message is referred to as the vehicle dynamics message.
CAN interfaces are detailed in a separate document Ref. [2]. These CAN interface can be customized according to customer’s requirements.
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Printed 06-Jun-05
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