Please contact our Service Dept for all technical queries, repairs or calibrations.
System Components
The ProLaser 4 speed detection system consists of the following components:
ProLaser 4
Carrying case
Operator’s Manual
Calibration certificate
AA batteries (4)
Shoulder stock
Neck strap
Soft bag
The ProLaser 4 has a maximum range restricted to 750 metres for use in the UK.
The minimum range is 3 metres.
Speed range 0 to 200mph
When selecting a roadside location please take account of Health and Safety considerations
for operator safety.
Your ProLaser 4 is supplied with Duracell Ultra Power AA size disposable batteries which are our
recommendation. These have been chosen after testing a number of well know brands. If however,
you prefer to use rechargeable batteries we would recommend the Ansmann Ni MH 2700mAh, AA size.
This publication may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in whole or in part in any form or by any means electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without prior written permission of Truvelo (UK) Ltd.
ProLaser 4 UK Operator’s Manual Ver 1.3 Feb16
Rear Display Brightness
Power On / Off
Poor Weather
HUD Brightness
Poor Weather Mode
Speed – Range
Speed or Range
Up (In Menu)
Down (In Menu)
Lock Mode
Self Test
ProLaser 4 Multi-function Buttons
First Time Operation
1). Press and hold Power button to turn on.
2). Hold unit by handle and aim at target using HUD.
3). Press and hold the trigger to fire the laser.
4). Position the reticle on the target and track the vehicle.
5). While holding the trigger, the speed and range continually update. A “single shot” mode will not
update as you track.
ProLaser 4 UK Operator’s Manual Ver 1.3 Feb16
6). Audio tones provide targeting feedback:a).Varying tones indicate speed data has been received.
b).Solid tone indicates target acquired.
c).Intermittent regular beep – target out of range.
7). Release trigger to lock speed – this is displayed on the HUD and on the rear panel.
a). Count-up timer starts.
8). Press tick button to unlock the display. Wait 3 seconds and pull trigger again to clear the display.
9). Press tick button to lock any speed recorded. Press Tick button again to unlock.
10).Press and hold Tick Button to perform a Self Test.
Range and alignment tests should be carried out periodically, with a record being made that can be
recalled if required. For example in an equipment log, a witness statement or a pocket notebook.
Press the PWR switch on the back panel and allow the instrument to complete the self-test sequence.
The internal test performs a complete check of the ProLaser 4’s range and speed processing circuitry.
The following tests may then be carried out.
First check the alignment of the head-up display (HUD) aiming reticle. Select an isolated target 30
metres or more away (100ft), such as a Stop sign, utility pole or overhead power wire. Slowly sweep
the ProLaser 4 across the target and observe that the proper range is is displayed only when the target
is within the reticule area, indicating lateral alignment. Listening to the “chirp” indicating reflection of
laser pulses is helpful when using overhead wires. Rotate the ProLaser 4 so that it is at right angles to
its normal operating position (positioned on its side) and repeat the process to verify vertical alignment.
Lay out a range of known distance using one of the methods in Chapter 10 of the “ACPO Guidance for
the Operational Use of Speed and Red-Light Offence Detection Technology”. Make a measurement of
the distance between the reference mark and the target. The measurement should be taken from the
front face of the ProLaser 4. The speed should read 0 mph and the range should match the premeasured distance. Any difference should not exceed +/- 0.2 of a metre. A Range test can be carried
out in Speed mode or Range mode.
We recommend that if an operator wishes to evidence that the system confidence checks were correct
at the start and end of the enforcement, that they do that. ACPO have removed “must” from their
The ProLaser 4 will measure speeds of 0mph up to 200mph. Therefore, to make a speed accuracy test
point the laser at a stationary target such as a roadsign. Pull the trigger and check that the speed
reading is 0mph.
ProLaser 4 UK Operator’s Manual Ver 1.3 Feb16
Chapter 1: ProLaser 4 Description
Control Locations
Operation of the ProLaser 4 primarily involves using the rear display, the control buttons that are
located on the back panel, the Head-Up Display (HUD) on top of the unit, and the trigger that is used to
activate the unit. These controls are briefly described below
A. Organic Light Emitting Diode (OLED): A display window that shows speed, range, command
menus and unit status in a text format.
B. Power Button: A dual-function button used to turn the unit On and Off and control the rear
display brightness in Speed and Range modes.
C. Weather Button: A dual-function button used to set the unit’s Inclement Weather feature and
set HUD Brightness in Speed and Range modes.
D. Menu Button: Used to enter the Menu set-up mode and configure the unit’s 6 major functions.
In Menu mode, pressing the menu button exits and returns to Speed and Range modes.
E. Speed/Up Button: A dual-function button that sets Speed or Range mode and is used to
navigate between the Menu set-up screens in Menu mode. This button is referred to as the up button in
Menu mode.
F. Down/Volume Button: A dual-function button that sets the audio alert sound level in Speed or
Range mode and is used to navigate between the Menu set-up screens in Menu mode. This button is
referred to as the down button in Menu mode.
G. Tick Button: A multi-function button that runs the unit’s “self test” when pressed for 3 seconds
in Speed or Range mode. The tick button is also used to lock and release speed and range displays.
On the Menu set-up screens, the tick button is used to select menu options.
H. Head-Up Display (HUD): displays the aiming reticle, speed and range of a target.
I. Type A – USB Host Port: this port is for future development and is not used at this time.
Type B – USB Device Port: provides a means to physically connect the ProLaser 4 to a
Windows PC.
K Trigger: Activates the range/speed measurement function.
See Figure 1-1 on next page.
ProLaser 4 UK Operator’s Manual Ver 1.3 Feb16
AOLED displayG Tick button
BPower buttonH Head-Up Display (HUD)
C Weather buttonIType A - USB port (not used)
D Menu buttonJType B - USB port
ESpeed/up buttonKTrigger
FDown/volume button
Shown with USB cover
removed for clarity.
Figure 1-1.ProLaser 4 Controls
ProLaser 4 UK Operator’s Manual Ver 1.3 Feb16
Chapter 2: System Operation
General Description
This chapter provides a detailed explanation of the operating characteristics of the ProLaser 4 speed
detection system.
The ProLaser 4 is a versatile instrument that measures both the range and speed of selected targets.
The advanced technology of the ProLaser 4 provides pinpoint aiming capability, permitting the user to
isolate a single vehicle out of a group. At the maximum range of 750 metres the laser beam is only
750mm wide. The technology employed in the ProLaser 4 also renders laser detection devices
relatively ineffective due to the pinpoint accuracy of the system.
The ProLaser 4 emits 200 light pulses per second. Because the wavelength of these light pulses is so
much shorter than microwaves, they can be readily focused into a narrow beam for accurate target
The technology used by the ProLaser 4 to measure distances and speeds is referred to as LIDAR,
which stands for light detection and ranging. When the trigger is pulled, the ProLaser 4 sends out two
hundred invisible infrared laser light pulses per second. As each pulse is transmitted, a timer is started,
and when the energy of a laser pulse is reflected from a target and received by the ProLaser 4, the
timer is stopped. From the elapsed time taken for the laser pulse to strike and return from the target,
the distance to the object is calculated with the known speed of light through the atmosphere. If the
target is moving with respect to the ProLaser 4, a sophisticated algorithm is used to derive the speed of
the target from a successive number of range calculations. This speed determination is then displayed
to the user.
Rear Display Control Descriptions
In Chapter 1 ProLaser 4 Description, the locations of the operating controls and displays were
introduced. (See fig 1-1). This chapter will provide detailed descriptions of each control and display.
The trigger of the ProLaser 4 performs two functions. When the trigger is pulled, it activates the firing of
laser pulses and the range and speed measurement functions of the system. When the trigger is
released, the ProLaser 4 locks the last measured speed and range in the HUD and rear display.
Rear Display Control Buttons
The control buttons that are located adjacent to the Rear Display provide dual and multi-functionality
based on whether the unit is in Speed or Range mode or within the Menu set-up screens.
Power Button to Power On/Off
The Power Button performs two functions. It turns the unit On and Off and is used to set the brightness
of the rear display. If the ProLaser 4 is off, a single press and release of the Power Button will turn the
unit ON. Once it has powered on, press and hold the Power Button for three seconds to power the
ProLaser 4 OFF. (The ProLaser 4 will go into Sleep mode after two minutes of inactivity.)
Power Button to Control Brightness
Two separate buttons are used to adjust the brightness of the Rear Display and the Head-Up Display.
Rear Display Brightness: In Speed or Range mode, use the Power Button to set Rear Display
brightness. Five brightness settings ranging from minimum to maximum are available. Pressing the
Power Button six times cycles through all the settings (1-2-3-4-5 and back to 1). Each increment is
indicated by three lines on the display. Three lines indicate one. In the following Fig 2.1, the six lines
on the display indicate that the current setting is two.
ProLaser 4 UK Operator’s Manual Ver 1.3 Feb16
Weather button
Figure 2-1. Rear Display Brightness Screen
Weather Button
The Weather Button performs two functions. It sets the brightness of the Head-Up Display (HUD) and
turns the unit’s inclement weather feature on and off.
In either Speed or Range mode, use the Weather Button to set the brightness of the HUD, using the
HUD Brightness menu. Five brightness settings ranging from minimum to maximum are available.
Each increment is indicated by three vertical lines. In the following graphic, there are six lines,
indicating that the current setting is two. Pressing the weather button six time cycles through all the
settings (1-2-3-4-5 and back to 1).
Avoid using excessively bright settings for lower level ambient light conditions as this makes target
identification more difficult. Upon being powered up, the ProLaser 4 automatically defaults to the
brightness level set at the factory.
Figure 2-2. Weather Button Location
In Menu set-up mode, press the Weather Button once on any of the Menu screens to set theunit’s
Inclement Weather feature. The Weather icon displays on the rear display as shown above whenever
the unit is set for inclement weather. The Weather Mode prevents the ProLaser 4 operating below 60
metres and enables it to operate more efficiently in adverse weather conditions. In Speed or Range
mode press and hold the Weather Button for three seconds to set Inclement Weather mode.
Tick Button
The Tick Button is located on the back panel. This button is used to initiate three functions.
In Speed or Range mode, press and hold the Tick Button for three seconds to initiate a self-test.
Refer to Power-On Sequence for details about self-test messages.
The Tick Button is also used to activate Lock mode after taking range or speed readings. Press
the tick button once after releasing the trigger to lock the reading on the display. The Lock icon
displays when the unit is in Lock mode. To clear the locked range and speed displays in Lock
mode, momentarily press the Tick Button.
The Tick Button is also used to select menu options. Press the button when a menu or menu
option is displayed to access the selected menu, or select the displayed option.
ProLaser 4 UK Operator’s Manual Ver 1.3 Feb16
HUD options
Set Direction
Set Time/Date
Continuous/ Single
Enforcement Limit
Menu tree
Menu button
Tick Button
Speed/Up button
Figure 2-3. Tick Button Location
Menu Button
In Speed or Range mode, press the Menu button to enter the Menu set-up mode. There are six
submenus that can be accessed in Menu set-up mode. A menu tree icon displays on the left side of
the rear display to indicate where the user is within the menu screens. Text above the Up and Down
Buttons identifies the previous and next menu function.
Figure 2-4. Menu Mode – Displaying the Distance Menu Selection
The configurable menu functions are:
The ProLaser 4 menu operation is covered in detail in Chapter 3 “Using the ProLaser 4 Menu System”.
Speed/Up Button
The Speed/Up Button performs two functions. It sets the unit to either Speed or Range mode and
navigates between screens and options in the Menu mode. In Speed or Range mode, the user can
toggle between the two modes by pressing the Speed/Up Button.
Figure 2-5. Speed/Up Button – Range Mode Display
ProLaser 4 UK Operator’s Manual Ver 1.3 Feb16
Down/volume button
Lines indicate setting
(three (3) lines per
Down/Volume Button
The Down/Volume button performs two functions. The button is used to set the volume of the audio
alerts sound level when the unit is in Speed or Range mode and to navigate between options when in
Menu mode. There are five sound levels, from minimum to maximum, plus one setting with no sound
(1-2-3-4-5 and OFF). With each press of the volume button, the volume will increase one increment.
Once the volume has reached level 5, the next press of the volume button will turn the volume
completely Off. Another press of the volume button will advance to volume setting one. Each
increment is indicated by three lines on the display. Zero lines indicate OFF, three lines indicate one.
In the following figure, the six lines on the display indicate that the volume is currently set to setting two.
Figure 2-6. Volume Menu (Setting 2 Shown)
Displays and Indicators
Rear Display
The unit’s primary display is an OLED located on the back panel of the unit. The display is called the
Rear Display in the remainder of this manual. In addition to speed and range data, the Rear Display
provides set-up menus, user alerts, and self-test status. All user set-up menus and alerts are
communicated via the Rear Display in text format.
Head-up Display (HUD)
The HUD performs two critical functions in the operation of the ProLaser 4.
First, it provides the aiming reticle by which the instrument is aimed at the desired target.
Secondly, it displays the current speed and range of the target as the user continues to observe the
target, creating a tracking history.
The aiming reticle approximates to the laser beam spot size. The aiming reticle is located in the centre
of the HUD reflecting glass and defines the area where the laser beam hits the target vehicle. The
reticle is always illuminated provided the PL4 has not gone into sleep mode. The brightness can be
adjusted along with the brightness of the HUD, by using the Weather Button.
Please note: The operator can choose one of four different reticle styles, namely :dotted circle (factory default), dot (.) cross hairs (+) and X
Please note: The operator can also choose one of three different information modes in the HUD.
Speed only, Speed + Range and Range only.
Figure 2-7. Aiming Reticle (cross hairs style)
ProLaser 4 UK Operator’s Manual Ver 1.3 Feb16
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