Wireless Bluetooth Keyboard with stand for iPad
Compact Bluetooth wireless keyboard with integrated stand for iPad; for a comfortable
working place
Key features
Compact Bluetooth wireless keyboard with integrated stand for iPad; for a comfortable
working place
Built-in rechargeable Li-ion battery that last for weeks
13 special iPad keys such as home, search, lock, screen brightness etc.
Lightweight, flat and super compact: easy to store and easy to take with you
Suitable to place your iPad vertically for reading, or horizontally for browsing internet,
playing games or watching movies
Easy wireless connection with a range of more than 10 meters
With retractable USB cable to charge the battery
Keyboard also works with iPhone, iPod Touch and Mac computers
More information
Item number: 17807
Product link: http://www.trust.com/17807
EAN code: 8713439178074
High resolution images: http://www.trust.com/17807/materials
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