Widescreen Mini Tablet
AAddvvaanncceedd UUsseerr’’ss MMaannuuaall

1 USB cable 6 Spare tips (x2)
2 Status LED 7 Battery compartment
3 Shortcut area 8 Pen buttons
4 Working area 9 Replaceable pen tip
5 Pen-tip removal tool
Status LED
Blinking: pen out of range of tablet
Steady: pen in range, but not touching the surface
Off: pen touching the surface
Working area
The working area is the zone of the tablet that detects the pen movements.
The cursor on your screen will follow the movements of the pen when you move it across this part of the tablet.
The pen tip does not need to touch the surface of the tab let to be detected.

Open a drawing program (for example: Artweaver)
Create a new document (File > New)
Set the attributes of your new document, press OK
Select a tool that supports Pen Pressure Sensitivity (Ex:
in Artweaver: default brush)
With the pen’s pressure levels , you can use your brush
the way you would use a real pencil, and draw the thickness
and opacity you desire.
Move the pen in the tablet’s working area : the cursor
will follow the movements. Hovering the pen tip at about
5 mm from the surface will allow you to move the cursor
on your screen. When you touch the tablet’s surface, your
brush will start drawing on the new document.
The color panel allows you to select different colors.
Pressure levels
The pen can detect 1024 levels of pressure, and use the variation in levels to automatically change the size, the color, or
various settings of the tool you are currently using.
This allows for flexibility and gives a very intuitive feeling to your graphic work.
By default in most drawing programs, the color your brush is applying is black. Depending on the pressure you exert with
the pen on the tablet’s surface, your brush will paint in nuances going fro m white (no pressure) to black (full pressure).
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