Trust Vibration Feedback Rally Master User Manual

Vibration Feedback Rally Master
User’s manual
Version 1.0
Vibration Feedback Rally Master
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Copyright Statement
No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the purchaser's personal use, without the prior written permission of the manufacturer.
Disclaimer Statement
The manufacturer specifically disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the software, the product manual(s) and written materials, and any other accompanying hardware. The manufacturer reserves the right to revise or make improvements to its product at any time and without obligation to notify any person of such revisions or improvements.
In no event shall the manufacturer be liable for any consequential or incidental damages, including any loss of business profits or any other commercial damages, arising out of the use of its product.
All company or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.
01 UK 11160 VIBFRM.doc
Vibration Feedback Rally Master
Table of contents
1. Introduction........................................................................................................2
1.1. Package contents.........................................................................................2
1.2. System requirements ...................................................................................3
2. Safety ..................................................................................................................3
2.1. General ........................................................................................................3
2.2. Power supply adapter...................................................................................3
3. Installation..........................................................................................................4
3.1. Assembling the steering wheel.....................................................................4
3.2. Connecting and installing the steering wheel ...............................................5
3.2.1. DOS through the joystick port ...............................................................5
3.2.2. Windows 95 or 98 through the joystick port ..........................................5
3.2.3. Windows 98 through the USB adapter (Combined version)..................7
4. Button functions ................................................................................................8
5. Troubleshooting...............................................................................................10
Vibration Feedback Rally Master
1. Introduction
This manual is intended for users of the Vibration Feedback Rally Master. Installation and use of this product require no technical knowledge.
The Vibration Feedback Rally Master is a steering wheel with vibration feedback. Racing games will be much more realistic with the vibrations you feel as you speed along the track.
If you have any questions after reading this manual, please contact one of the Trust service centres. You will find information on the service centre nearest to you at the back of this manual. You can also visit the Trust website ( for support, comprehensive product information, drivers, and FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) sheets.
The following conventions have been used in this manual to indicate instructions:
> Here you should press a key. The name of the key is given between
the brackets.
Additional information will be shown as follows:
Note: Do not leave the device out in the rain.
This is a specific term used in a program. These are the terms used
by, for example, Microsoft Windows 95.
] Key in the text shown in square brackets [….]
The text between the parentheses (….) is the English term, e.g. (File) used in the figure referred to.
1.1. Package contents
Check the contents of the packaging before reading the manual. You should find the following items in it:
Steering wheel
Pedal set
2 table clamps
Power supply adapter
USB adapter (optional, USB model only)
This user's manual
Please contact your dealer if anything is missing or damaged.
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