Trust TA333 Operating Manual

Trust Automation, Inc. TA333 High Power Linear Drive
High Power Linear Servo Amplifier
Revision 0.13
6-Feb-09 Operating Manual
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Trust Automation, Inc. TA333 High Power Linear Servo Amplifier
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Trust Automation, Inc. TA333 High Power Linear Servo Amplifier
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© 2009 Trust Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Trust Automation products contain static sensitive parts that may be damaged if handled improperly. We strongly encourage you to follow proper ESD procedures when handling electronic components. Removing component covers, except where expressly permitted, may expose products to static damage and increase the risk of premature failure.
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Trust Automation, Inc. TA333 High Power Linear Servo Amplifier
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Trust Automation, Inc. TA333 High Power Linear Servo Amplifier

Table of Contents

1.0 Features and Setup ........................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................7
1.2 Setup..............................................................................................................................................8
1.3 Drive Modes...................................................................................................................................8
1.4 Command Input.............................................................................................................................9
1.5 Upgrading from a TA320 or TA330..............................................................................................9
1.6 Transconductance Ratio..............................................................................................................9
1.7 Thermal Limits ............................................................................................................................10
1.8 Dynamic Transconductance Selection.....................................................................................10
1.9 Enable Input ................................................................................................................................11
1.10 Fault Output...............................................................................................................................11
1.11 Ground Connections................................................................................................................12
1.12 Drive Power Supply..................................................................................................................12
1.13 Optional External 24VDC Supply.............................................................................................13
1.14 Power Dissipation Calculations ..............................................................................................13
1.15 Motor Connections...................................................................................................................14
1.16 Serial Monitoring.......................................................................................................................15
2.0 General Specifications.................................................................................................... 18
2.1 Electrical Specifications.............................................................................................................18
2.2 Mechanical Specifications.........................................................................................................18
2.3 Environmental Specifications....................................................................................................18
2.4 TA333 Safe Operating Area Curve (SOA) .................................................................................19
2.5 TA333 Output Frequency Response.........................................................................................22
3.0 Mechanical Information................................................................................................... 23
3.1 Dimensions..................................................................................................................................23
4.0 Connector and Switch Information................................................................................ 24
4.1 Front Panel Connector and Switch Layout ..............................................................................24
4.2 Connector Types.........................................................................................................................24
4.3 J1 – External 24VDC Supply......................................................................................................24
4.4 J2 – Serial Monitoring Port ........................................................................................................24
4.5 J3 – Command Signals...............................................................................................................25
4.6 J4 – Hall Sensor Input ................................................................................................................25
4.7 J5 – Motor Signals......................................................................................................................25
4.8 J6 – Motor Power........................................................................................................................25
4.8 SW1 – Switch Settings ...............................................................................................................26
4.9 SW1 – Switch 3 and 4, Fixed Gain and DTS Settings..............................................................26
4.10 SW1 – Switch 5-8 Motor type...................................................................................................27
4.11 Isolation Diagram......................................................................................................................28
5.0 Application Examples ..................................................................................................... 30
5.1 Brushless Motor, Sinusoidal (Differential Command Input)...................................................30
5.2 Brushless Motor, Sinusoidal (Single Ended Command Input)...............................................31
5.3 Brushless Motor, Trapezoidal, Hall Commutation...................................................................32
5.4 Brush Motor, Bridge Mode.........................................................................................................33
5.5 Brush Motor, Dual Motor Mode .................................................................................................34
5.6 Stepper Motor, Sinusoidal Commutation .................................................................................35
6.0 Warranty........................................................................................................................... 36
7.0 TA333 Hardware Revision History ................................................................................. 37
8.0 TA333 Manual Revision History ..................................................................................... 38
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Trust Automation, Inc. TA333 High Power Linear Servo Amplifier
Figure 1 – Enable Circuit ......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 2 – Fault Circuit ............................................................................................................ 11
Figure 3 – Drive Power Connection......................................................................................... 12
Figure 4 – Com Port Settings for Serial Communication ......................................................... 15
Figure 5 – Data Transmission Format, HyperTerminal............................................................ 16
Figure 6 – Sample Fault Printout ............................................................................................. 17
Figure 7 – TA333 SOA Curve.................................................................................................. 19
Figure 8 – Output Current vs. Time Graph for Time to Fault @ ~30°C.................................... 20
Figure 9 – Dissipation Wattage vs. Time for Time to Fault @ ~30°C ...................................... 20
Figure 10 – Temperature De-rating, Time to Fault for Dissipation Wattages vs. Heatsink
Temperature ............................................................................................................................ 21
Figure 11 – TA333 Frequency Response ................................................................................ 22
Figure 12 – TA333 Mechanical Dimensions ............................................................................ 23
Figure 13 – TA333 Front Panel ............................................................................................... 24
Figure 14 – Fixed Gain and DTS Settings ............................................................................... 26
Figure 15 – SW1 Motor Type settings ..................................................................................... 27
Figure 16 – TA333 Isolation Diagram ...................................................................................... 28
Figure 17 – Application Example 1 .......................................................................................... 30
Figure 18 – Application Example 2 .......................................................................................... 31
Figure 19 – Application Example 3 .......................................................................................... 32
Figure 20 – Application Example 4 .......................................................................................... 33
Figure 21 – Application Example 5 .......................................................................................... 34
Figure 22 – Application Example 6 .......................................................................................... 35
Table 1 – Data Transmission Format ...................................................................................... 16
Table 2 – Fault Codes ............................................................................................................. 16
Table 3 – Electrical Specifications ........................................................................................... 18
Table 4 – Mechanical Specifications ....................................................................................... 18
Table 5 – Environmental Specifications................................................................................... 18
Table 6 – Connector Types ..................................................................................................... 24
Table 7 – External 24VDC Supply Connector.......................................................................... 24
Table 8 – Serial Monitoring Connector .................................................................................... 24
Table 9 – Motor Command Signals Connector........................................................................ 25
Table 10 – Hall Sensor Input Connector.................................................................................. 25
Table 11 – Motor Signals Connector ....................................................................................... 25
Table 12 – Motor Power Connector......................................................................................... 25
Table 13 – SW1 Settings .........................................................................................................26
Table 14 – Fixed Gain and DTS Switch Settings..................................................................... 26
Table 15 – SW1 Motor Type Selection .................................................................................... 27
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Trust Automation, Inc. TA333 High Power Linear Servo Amplifier
1.0 Features and Setup
1.1 Introduction
The TA333 is a 4 with pure analog throughput at virtually infinite resolution and is free from digital conversion losses. This versatile linear drive is an excellent choice for a variety of different servo motors and applications that require high resolution positioning and/or ultra low noise applications with sensitive measuring equipment, (e.g., transducers, sensors).
The TA333 is a highly configurable device with four common configuration modes:
Drive one brushless motor using external sinusoidal commutation.
Use Hall Effect sensor feedback for smooth internally commutated trapezoidal operation.
Supports one or two brush or voice coil type motors.
Drive a two coil stepper motor under sinusoidal control.
The TA333 features digital on-the-fly gain control (Dynamic Transconductance or DTS). This allows an application to modify the drive transconductance on-the-fly, permitting both high acceleration control and high resolution control. Normally one of these parameters is sacrificed in favor of the other due to DAC limitations at the driving motion controller.
Why use a Trust Automation linear amplifier?
The majority of motion control applications use PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) drives. PWM drives are very efficient, but are electrically noisy as they operate by pulsing the motor at full supply voltage at typical frequencies of 4 kHz to 30 kHz. This pulsing tends to saturate everything electrically in the surroundings, often including the intended operation. A second side effect of using PWM drives shows up in ultra-high precision systems requiring nanometer precision. Due to the pulsing nature of the PWM drive, the motor will tend to dither causing position error that cannot be tuned out.
The TA333 features a true Class-AB linear power stage with a fast current feedback loop to put it in torque mode. This means that the output is a pure current signal with virtually no distortion around zero, eliminating all of the side effects of a PWM drive. Some Class-C linear designs, which have a dead band at zero volts out, attempt to mask this with a fast current loop. This works for some applications, but performance will suffer in ultra-high precision applications.
Two important considerations where linear servo amplifiers are utilized are cooling and power supply selection. A linear servo amplifier acts similarly to a large electronic variable resistor. Any power supply voltage not delivered to the load is dumped as heat into the heatsink. Power supply voltages should be matched closely to the required load voltage with a small margin for overhead. Excessive supply voltage will result in amplifier overheating. Cooling linear servo amplifiers is often overlooked or not well understood. Many products are available with similar current output specifications, but require the user to supply heatsinks or fans. The TA333 incorporates a large heatsink with integral cooling fans to accommodate most demanding applications provided there is adequate air space around the chassis and the ambient temperature does not exceed specification. The TA333 intelligently monitors temperature and compensates its internal dissipation to protect the drive from damage due to high temperatures. The TA333 has a serial diagnostics port to monitor application performance and power levels to aid in assuring optimal performance and a long life.
All Trust Automation drive products are built for safety, installation ease and long life. The TA333 offers a fully isolated user interface for safe operation in high voltage applications. In addition the TA333
generation Trust Automation Linear Drive featuring a true Class-AB linear amplifier
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housing reduces the risk of operator injury and protects the drive, ensuring longer useful life. All connections utilize pluggable terminal connectors making them easy to install and remove while reducing the risk of connection errors.
1.2 Setup
The TA333 is configurable for several drive motor type options and configurations. All configurations require the use of bipolar supplies that can be in the range of 24 to 100V. Current outputs are adjustable from 10 to 25A.
Some of these options are shown in the application example section.
1.3 Drive Modes
Sinusoidal commutation of three-phase brushless servo motors plus a linear drive power stage eliminates the familiar cogging and torque ripple problems that plague most trapezoidal digital drives. Control is consistent and smooth at any velocity.
In sinusoidal mode, the TA333 is designed to accept two command signals (A and B @ ±10V) from a motion controller that is performing the commutation based upon encoder feedback. The TA333 derives the third phase internally (C = - (A+B)). (See application example 5.1 and 5.2)
Trapezoidal operation is the simplest configuration used to drive a DC brushless motor. The TA333 reduces the audible tick often associated with Hall commutation by smoothing the transitions without sacrificing performance. As a practical limitation, Hall commutation is limited to ~ 3 kHz throughput. In this mode, the motors Hall Sensors are connected to J4. If the motor has differential Hall outputs, only connect the “+” Hall outputs to J4 and leave the “–” Hall signals unconnected. (Do not tie to ground, the motor will be damaged.)
The motion command signal (±10V) is connected to the “A” command input. (See application example
Brushed-bridge mode supports operating a traditional brushed or voice coil-type motor, bridged across the A & C output phases. The command signal (±10V) is connected to the “A” command input. (See
application example 5.4)
This mode supports driving two independent brushed or voice coil-type motors. This mode could also be used to drive a stepper motor in sinusoidal mode. The first motor (winding) would be connected to the “A” phase output and the common ground of the bipolar power supply. The second motor (winding) would connect to the “B” phase output and the common ground. The command inputs (±10V) are connected to the “A” and “B” command inputs. (See application examples 5.5 and 5.6)
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Trust Automation, Inc. TA333 High Power Linear Servo Amplifier
1.4 Command Input
Motion command connections to the TA333 are made at J3. Inputs are provided for two of the three phases (A and B) and the TA333 can derive the third phase (C = - (A+B)) in sinusoidal applications. The inputs are common mode terminated at 10K and there is no need to ground an input if it is unused.
The input range is set to ±10V commands.
Differential Inputs
Using differential input helps reduce or eliminate potential noise susceptibility from other sources. Connect the motion controller ± command outputs to the TA333 ± inputs at J3. For best immunity use a twisted pair cable. Terminate the motion controller signal ground to the TA333 ISO ground connection at J3. (See application examples 5.1)
Single-Ended Inputs
Many motion controllers only offer single-ended command signals with a common ground. Single­ended configurations are accommodated by referencing the A+ and B+ signals to the command output and referencing the A- and B- signals to the motion controller signal ground. It is good practice to use a twisted pair cable for the “+” command, terminating the “-” command at the controller signal ground. Terminate the motion controller signal ground to the TA333 ISO ground connection at J3.
(See application example 5.2)
1.5 Upgrading from a TA320 or TA330
When changing a preexisting application from a TA320 or TA330, the command signal polarity must be reversed to maintain the applications direction of motion.
The original TA320 and TA330 linear amplifiers operated with inverted outputs, meaning a positive command induces a negative current. The TA333 is a non-inverting amplifier (positive command = positive current).
Differential inputs would place the motion controller’s “+” signal on the TA333 “–” command input and the controller’s “–” signal on the TA333 “+” command input.
Single-ended configurations place the motion controller’s command output on the TA333 “–” command inputs and terminate the TA333’s “+” command inputs to the motion controller’s signal ground and the TA333 ISO ground connection.
1.6 Transconductance Ratio
The TA333 operates in current mode (commonly referred to as Torque mode). For a given input voltage, the TA333 will output a proportional current by raising the output voltage until the commanded current is drawn. As current flow in a motor is directly proportional to torque, it is common to refer to this as “Torque mode”. The ratio between the command voltage and the output current is referred to as the “Transconductance Ratio,” which is measured in amps per volt and is expressed by the following equation:
= Io / Vc
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Trust Automation, Inc. TA333 High Power Linear Servo Amplifier
= current gain (Transconductance)
= output current
= command voltage
If: I Then: g
desired = 15A and Vc (max) = 10V
= 15 / 10 or 1.5A/V
For every 1 volt of command 1.5A of current will be driven.
Note: Current output is limited by Ohm’s Law (I = V
/ R
TA333 is factory configured for 10A, 15A, 20A and 25A for a commanded input voltage of ±10V, set at SW1, positions 3 and 4. (See table 4.9
Note: 25A output duration is limited by the SOA graph and temperature. (See SOA section 2.4) Custom Transconductance ratios can be preset by the factory. Please contact
to discuss your requirements.
1.7 Thermal Limits
The TA333 is internally thermally protected with integral variable speed cooling fans. The heatsink temperature is monitored and the fan speed is automatically adjusted to maintain a safe operating temperature. If the heatsink temperature rises to 70°C, a FAULT output is generated but the drive will continue to operate. If FAULT is ignored and the heatsink temperature rises to 90°C, the drive will shutdown. When the heatsink temperature drops below 40°C, the drive can be re-enabled by toggling the enable line.
1.8 Dynamic Transconductance Selection
A feature pioneered by Trust Automation, Dynamic Transconductance, or DTS, enables on-the-fly changes to the transconductance settings. This feature is advantageous in frictionless systems (i.e., air bearing systems) where start, stop and turn around currents are high, but moving currents are very low.
Due to the digital nature of most motion controllers there is limited DAC resolution to cover both the high and low currents with sufficient resolution. By switching the transconductance on the fly, the motion controller’s DAC can be utilized at its full resolution for both high current moves and precision motion.
The DTS inputs are logically “OR”ed with the DTS switch inputs. In this way a highest current setting can be chosen by the switches and logic can “OR” with this data to set a lower setting.
The TA333 accomplishes this by allowing the motion controller to logically control the DTS bits D0 and D1 through pins 5 and 6 of J3 (5V TTL). (See application example 5.4)
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Trust Automation, Inc. TA333 High Power Linear Servo Amplifier
1.9 Enable Input
The ENABLE input can be selected as active-high or active-low logic at SW1 position 1. (See table 4.8
The input must be pulled to logic low (ISO GND) or logic high (ISO +5) for the TA333 to operate. The ENABLE line is pulled up internally to ISO +5. The TA333 provides an isolated +5V source at connector J3 and J4 with a maximum draw of 100mA. If the application requires more current, the user must supply an external 5V that must be referenced to the ISO ground connection.
The TA333 must not be enabled during power up.
If the drive is powered up when enabled, the drive will not enable and will assert FAULT. The ENABLE input must then be cleared and re-asserted to enable the drive.
Note: A minimum sinking capability (I
) of 5mA is required.
Note: Logic low input minimum voltage (V
) is 0.8V. Logic high input minimum voltage (VIH) is 2.0V with
a maximum on 5.2V.
See circuit in the following figure:
Figure 1 – Enable Circuit
1.10 FAULT Output
The TA333 FAULT output is selectable as active-high or active-low logic, set at SW1 position 2. (See
table 4.8
graph. (See section 2.4) the serial monitoring port. (See section 1.16)
Note: Logic output high minimum voltage (V
See circuit in the following figure:
) The TA333 will assert FAULT upon over-current or thermal overload based on the SOA
Past FAULT information is stored in internal memory and may be accessed at
) is 2.5V. Logic output low maximum voltage (VOL) is
Figure 2 – Fault Circuit
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Trust Automation, Inc. TA333 High Power Linear Servo Amplifier
1.11 Ground Connections
Command and Signal Logic
Connections to a motion controller must be referenced to ISO ground at J2. These signals include Enable, FAULT, DTS and the analog command inputs. For single-ended command signals, reference the TA333 command A- and B- inputs to ISO ground on connector J2.
ISO Ground and all user interface signals on J2, J3 and J4 are isolated from drive power GND and the External 24V GND with a minimum 1500V hipot separation.
1.12 Drive Power Supply
A pair of matching power supplies (24V to 100V) must be used to power the TA333. A high quality switching supply is suitable for most applications. These supplies tend to be small, affordable, and highly available. Trust Automation recommends supplies with an output ripple less than 100mV. Some high quality supplies available offer less than 50mV. In some cases, particularly where there is great concern for noise interference, a linear power supply, regulated or unregulated, will be required. For unregulated supplies, verify that the voltage supplied either at V+ or at V- does not exceed the absolute maximum supply voltage of 100V. Also note that the supplies must be within 12V of each other or a supply fault will be generated.
When using the TA333 or any linear servo amplifier, power supply voltage that is not delivered to the motor will be lost as heat in the amplifier. (See section 1.14)
When selecting supplies for a given motor application it is recommended that the total voltage be approximately 20V more than the required motor voltage. (The TA333 can drive to within ~ 8V of the supply). Excessive supply voltages will result in higher peak wattage dissipation. Reference the SOA graph for actual currents allowed. (See section 2.4)
Figure 3 – Drive Power Connection
Connect the positive supply positive “+” to V+ and the positive supply negative “-” to GND. Connect the negative supply positive “+” to GND and the negative supply negative “-” to V-. This is shown in Figure 3 above.
Note: When designing a system E-stop, never cut the motor leads. Doing so will result in a runaway condition and may damage the TA333. Always cut the incoming DC supply (crowbar with a low value resistor) to the TA333 to produce a rapid stop.
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