Sferia Wireless Trackball
Bezprzewodowy trackball
Ergonomiczny bezprzewodowy trackball zapobiegający kontuzjom związanym z powtarzalnym obciążeniem
Key features
• Ergonomiczna konstrukcja zmniejszająca obciążenie nadgarstka,
ramienia i ramion
• Precyzyjny trackball z czułym czujnikiem laserowym
• Przesuwanie kursora kciukiem bez przesuwania dłoni
• Wygodne miejsce na kciuk i ergonomiczny kształt poprawiające
• Idealny do ciasnych miejsc pracy, zatłoczonych biurek i długich
okresów pracy
• 2 programowalne przyciski pod kciukiem i kółko myszy z funkcją
czułości na pochylenie
What's in the box
• Bezprzewodowy trackball
• Mikroodbiornik USB
• 1 bateria AA
• Instrukcja obsługi
System requirements
• Windows 10, 8 lub 7
• Komputery Mac z procesorami firmy Intel i systemem operacyjnym Mac OS X w
wersji 10.5 (Leopard) lub nowszym
• System operacyjny Chrome OS
• Port USB
Publication date: 10-07-2019 Item number: 23121
© 2019 Trust. All rights reserved. URL: www.trust.com/23121
All brand names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. EAN Code: 8713439231212
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. High resolution images: www.trust.com/23121/materials

Laser treatment
The Sferia comes with an accurate trackball with a sensitive
laser sensor. In this way, your thumb’s movement is perfectly
translated to cursor movement on the screen without moving
your whole hand. The comfortable thumb rest and ergonomic
shape make sure you have a perfect grip on your work.
Sferia Wireless Trackball
Reduce strain and work comfortably
The Sferia Wireless Trackball mouse will change the way you
control your PC and laptop. By moving around the trackball
with your thumb instead of moving around the complete
mouse, you will enjoy reduced strain on your wrist, arm and
shoulder. Thanks to its ergonomic design, you can work
comfortably for hours.
Work wirelessly
Want to use the Trust Sferia? Turn it on with the on/off button
and plug the micro USB receiver into a USB port. The receiver
allows the mouse to work wirelessly within a range of 8
meters. When you are finished using it you can easily store
the receiver in the product or simply leave the receiver in your
Control & scroll
The software allows you to alter the 2 programmable thumb
buttons so the mouse is perfectly adjusted to your
preferences. With the tilting scroll wheel, you can scroll both
horizontally as well as vertically which is handy when you are
viewing wide documents like a spreadsheet!
Publication date: 10-07-2019 Item number: 23121
© 2019 Trust. All rights reserved. URL: www.trust.com/23121
All brand names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. EAN Code: 8713439231212
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. High resolution images: www.trust.com/23121/materials