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No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted, in
any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, incl uding
photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval
systems, for any purpose other than the purchaser's personal
use, without the prior written permission of the manufacturer.
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The manufacturer specifically disclaims all warranties, either
express or implied, including but not limited to implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose, with respect to the software, the product manual(s)
and written materials, and any other accompanying hardware.
The manufacturer reserves the right to revise or make
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to notify any person of such revisions or improvements.
In no event shall th e manufacturer be liable for any
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* All company or product names are trademarks or registered
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Trust Handy Scan Colour------------------------1
Chapter 2: Setup ----------------------------------------------------------3
2.1 Installing the Scan Driver -----------------------------------------3
2.2 Installing the Interface Card--------------------------------------3
2.3 Connecting the scanner-------------------------------------------5
Chapter 3: Launching the Image Source (TWAIN)-------------7
Chapter 4: Scantools----------------------------------------------------9
4.1 Installing Scantools-------------------------------------------------9
4.2 Getting ready to use your scanner--------------------------- 10
4.3 Applying Gamma Correction to Images-------------------- 10
Chapter 5: StitchScan------------------------------------------------- 13

Congratulations on the purchase of your new Trust Handy Scan
Colour. Trust Computer Products is one of the leading
companies in the world in the development of the high
performance sheet-fed scanner.
Before you install and operate the new scanner, please take a
few minutes to read through the manual. It provides you the
proper instructions on how to unpack, install, operate and
maintain the scanner.
Safety Precautions
Keep the scanner out of the sun. Direct sun or excessive
heat may damage the unit.
Do not install the scanner in a humid or dusty place.
Retain scanner box and packing material for sh ipping

Chapter 1:
The Trust Handy Scan Colour
Figure 1 The Scanner Body
1. Viewing Window
2. Start Button
3. Brightness Control Dial
4. Clear Plastic Window
5. Rollers
6. Cable Connector