GXT 970 Morfix Customisable Gaming Mouse
Mysz gamingowa z wymiennymi częściami
Precyzyjna mysz gamingowa z podświetleniem RGB i wymiennymi bokami
Key features
• Zaawansowany czujnik optyczny o rozdzielczości 10000 DPI
• 4 wymienne boki mocowane na magnes pozwalają dostosować
kształt i boczne przyciski
• 2 lewe boki w z 3 lub 9 przyciskami, które można
zaprogramować do każdej gry
• 2 prawe boki o różnych kształtach
• W pełni regulowane kolorowe podświetlenie z wieloma efektami
• Do 14 niezależnie programowalnych przycisków
What's in the box
• Mysz gamingowa
• 4 boki
System requirements
• System operacyjny Windows 10, 8 lub 7
• Gniazdo USB
Publication date: 17-07-2020 Item number: 23764
© 2020 Trust. All rights reserved. URL: www.trust.com/23764
All brand names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. EAN Code: 8713439237641
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. High resolution images: www.trust.com/23764/materials

GXT 970 Morfix Customisable Gaming Mouse
Tailored Side Plates
Enjoy a personalised experience with four magnetically
interchangeable side plates. With a diverse choice of
side-buttons and plate shapes, you can design your unique
weapon of choice. The included two plates on the left have 3
and 9 buttons, programmablefor any game – whether that’s a
shooter, MOBA, battle royale, RTS or MMORPG. The plates on
the right feature different shapes to suit your design
Customised Gaming Control
A gaming mouse has the biggest impact with even the
smallest of movement, so it better be meticulous. Imagine a
mouse so meticulous that it’s fully attuned to your gaming
style and does exactly what you want. A customisable mouse
makes that dream a reality; the Trust GXT 970 Morfix
Customisable Gaming Mouse can be tailored to your unique
gaming preferences.
Accuracy at Hand
The Trust GXT 970 Morfix Customisable Gaming Mouse is
fitted with an advanced optical sensor with a resolution of up
to 10.000 DPI, giving you greater control. The highly accurate
sensor ensures precise control over your mouse movement.
What's more, the DPI level is indicated by a specific coloured
LED light, so you can keep an eye on your settings.
Program your Victory
With 14 independently programmable buttons (depending on
the side plate of choice) you can be sure of a truly customised
experience. The advanced software enables you to program
buttons and macros, allowing you to launch up to 168 actions
with a single click. You can even customise your light settings.
Publication date: 17-07-2020 Item number: 23764
© 2020 Trust. All rights reserved. URL: www.trust.com/23764
All brand names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. EAN Code: 8713439237641
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. High resolution images: www.trust.com/23764/materials