GXT 960 Graphin Ultra-lightweight Gaming Mouse
Lekka mysz gamingowa z kolorowym podświetleniem
Lekka mysz gamingowa z kolorowym podświetleniem i teksturą plastra miodu
Key features
• Lekka, ważąca 74 gramy obudowa o strukturze plastra miodu
zapewnia szybką reakcję
• Precyzyjny czujnik optyczny o rozdzielczości do 10000 DPI
• Regulowane próbkowanie do 1000 Hz zapewnia doskonałą
reakcję sterowania
• Konfigurowalne kolorowe podświetlenie z efektami pulsowania i
• Kabel w oplocie nie zaczepia o biurko, zapewniając płyny ruch
• Wyposażona w 2 łatwo dostępne przyciski pod kciukiem
What's in the box
• Mysz gamingowa
• Instrukcja obsługi
System requirements
• System operacyjny Windows 10, 8 lub 7
• System operacyjny Chrome OS
• Gniazdo USB
Publication date: 07-09-2020 Item number: 23758
© 2020 Trust. All rights reserved. URL: www.trust.com/23758
All brand names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. EAN Code: 8713439237580
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. High resolution images: www.trust.com/23758/materials

GXT 960 Graphin Ultra-lightweight Gaming Mouse
Float Like a Butterfly
When you’ve got the weight of your teammates on your
shoulders, you don’t want the weight of your mouse slowing
you down. The GXT 960 Graphin weighs only 74 grams thanks
to its honeycomb shell housing. Combined with the polling
rate of up to 1000Hz, the adjustable resolution of up to 10.000
DPI and the ultra-low friction gliding pads, you will have the
advantage over your opponents.
Speed Is Everything
When you’re out on the battlefield, you don’t have time to
think. That’s why you need a mouse that can keep up. The
Trust Gaming GXT 960 Graphin is lightweight, blazing fast and
has an adjustable polling rate of up to 1000Hz. It’s durable,
uses ultra-low friction gliding pads for smooth movement and
has a unique identity due the RGB lighting. Shoot first, ask
questions later.
While Looking Fabulous
The honeycomb design isn’t just useful, it gives the GXT 960
Graphin a unique look, too. Adjust the RGB lighting to your
liking with the advanced software and show the world who it
is they’re dealing with. The next time you go to a LAN party,
they’ll be sure to remember you.
Sting Like a Bee
But speed can only get you so far; your equipment needs to
be reliable. The zero drag braided cable makes sure you will
move your mouse around freely, without having to worry
about it getting jammed behind something on your desk. Also,
the Graphin has two easy to reach thumb buttons giving you
complete control over your games, while the two main
buttons inspire you to keep your finger on the trigger.
Publication date: 07-09-2020 Item number: 23758
© 2020 Trust. All rights reserved. URL: www.trust.com/23758
All brand names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. EAN Code: 8713439237580
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. High resolution images: www.trust.com/23758/materials