GXT 877 Scarr Mechanical Gaming Keyboard
Klawiatura mechaniczna
Metalowa klawiatura mechaniczna z przełącznikami o krótkim czasie reakcji i 8 trybami kolorystycznymi
Key features
• Szybkie, liniowe, mechaniczne przełączniki wytrzymujące do 50
milionów wciśnięć
• Wytrzymała metalowa pokrywa górna
• 7 tęczowych trybów kolorystycznych o regulowanej jasności
• Zaawansowane funkcje anti-ghosting i N-key rollover
pozwalające na wciśnięcie wielu klawiszy jednocześnie
• Specjalny tryb gracza dezaktywujący klawisz Windows
• 8 wymiennych klawiszy do gier, ściągacz klawiszy w zestawie
What's in the box
• Klawiatura mechaniczna
• Instrukcja obsługi
• Naklejka gracza
• Narzędzie do wyciągania klawiszy
• 8 dodatkowych nasadek klawiszy
System requirements
• Komputer PC / laptop z portem USB
• System operacyjny Windows 10, 8 lub 7
Publication date: 12-05-2020 Item number: 23385
© 2020 Trust. All rights reserved. URL: www.trust.com/23385
All brand names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. EAN Code: 8713439233858
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. High resolution images: www.trust.com/23385/materials

Be Accurate at a High Speed
With the Scarr, the accuracy level you want, comes at the
speed you need. Advanced anti-ghosting with N-key rollover
ensures you can act both quickly and precisely. You’re in
charge; even when you press keys simultaneously.
Furthermore, the Scarr comes with interchangeable extra
keysfor both the direction and gaming keys, plus a key puller
to conveniently change keys and clean the keyboard.
GXT 877 Scarr Mechanical Gaming Keyboard
Mechanical Keyboard for Better Gaming
Coming in a robust metal plate design enhanced with
colourful lighting, the Trust GXT 877 Scarr Mechanical
Keyboard brings the best in durability and style.
More Control by Demand
Apart from the usual optimised features, the Scarr has 11
extra direct-access media keys. These handy keys offer fast
control to all the functions you want to be able to manage
quickly on demand, like adjusting the volume or opening your
email. The special game mode ensures that you won’t return
to your desktop accidentally when hitting the Windows key
since it’s disabled during those intense gaming sessions.
Solid Design for Intense Gaming
A strong metal crafted top plate makes the Trust GXT 877
Scarr Mechanical Keyboard a durable piece of design. The
linear mechanical switches are just as sturdy, lasting up to 50
million keystrokes. Whatever your go-to game, this keyboard
is sure to provide the firm basis for your actions; doubly
ensured by its anti-slip rubber base.
Publication date: 12-05-2020 Item number: 23385
© 2020 Trust. All rights reserved. URL: www.trust.com/23385
All brand names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. EAN Code: 8713439233858
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. High resolution images: www.trust.com/23385/materials