GXT 707 Resto Gaming Chair - black
Fotel dla gracza
Ergonomiczny, regulowany fotel dla gracza zaprojektowany na wygodne, wielogodzinne sesje
Key features
• Możliwość obrotu o 360°
• Regulowana wysokość podłokietników
• Sprężyna gazowa klasy 4 umożliwia regulację wysokości
• Oparcie regulowane w zakresie 90˚-180˚
• Wychylane oparcie z blokadą.
• Zdejmowalna i regulowana poduszka pod odcinek lędźwiowy
kręgosłupa i kark
What's in the box
• Fotel
• Poduszka pod kark
• Poduszka pod odcinek lędźwiowy kręgosłupa
• Narzędzia i materiały montażowe
• Instrukcja obsługi
• Naklejka gracza
Publication date: 12-10-2019 Item number: 23287
© 2019 Trust. All rights reserved. URL: www.trust.com/23287
All brand names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. EAN Code: 8713439232875
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. High resolution images: www.trust.com/23287/materials

Perfect fit for every gamer
The armrests’ height is adjustable as well and may even help
you avoid neck pain. Besides that, you're able to lay down
your arm exactly how you wish and improve your grip when
you are controlling your mouse and keyboard.
GXT 707 Resto Gaming Chair - black
Optimal comfort improves your game
The Resto gaming chair comes with two removable and
adjustable cushions to provide optimal comfort, allowing you
to keep on top of your game for hours. The lumbar pillow
provides your back with support and extra relief. The neck
cushion features as a headrest and releases tension.
Tiltable seat with locking possibilities
Simply tilt the seat forward to reduce pressure on your legs,
or tilt it backwards to properly align your spine to prevent
back problems.
Publication date: 12-10-2019 Item number: 23287
© 2019 Trust. All rights reserved. URL: www.trust.com/23287
All brand names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. EAN Code: 8713439232875
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. High resolution images: www.trust.com/23287/materials