GXT 435 Ironn 7.1 Gaming Headset
Słuchawki dla graczy w systemie dźwięku 7.1
Słuchawki nauszne dla graczy z głośnikami 50 mm i dźwiękiem przestrzennym 7.1
Key features
• Wirtualny dźwięk przestrzenny 7.1 zapewnia realistyczne
doznania dźwiękowe
• Mocne głośniki 50 mm
• Elastyczny mikrofon i samonastawny pałąk
• Miękkie i wygodne poduszki nauszników
• Sterowanie głośnością i wyciszaniem mikrofonu na nauszniku
• Elastyczny przewód pokryty gumą o długości 2 m
What's in the box
• Słuchawki z mikrofonem
• Instrukcja obsługi
• Naklejka gracza
System requirements
• System Windows 10, 8, 7
• Port USB
• 20 MB wolnego miejsca na dysku
Publication date: 10-07-2019 Item number: 23211
© 2019 Trust. All rights reserved. URL: www.trust.com/23211
All brand names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. EAN Code: 8713439232110
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. High resolution images: www.trust.com/23211/materials

The power of sound
The GXT 435 has powerful 50mm speaker units with 7.1
surround sound. It delivers clear high and deep tones as well
as a rich bass for a detailed and immersive sound experience.
The included software allows you to adjust the 7.1 sound and
equalizer to your needs. And this is not all you will hear; the
flexible microphone can be perfectly placed in front of your
mouth and offers clear voice quality for better in-game chats.
GXT 435 Ironn 7.1 Gaming Headset
Over-ear gaming headset with 50mm speaker units
and 7.1 surround sound
Cast your gaming sounds in iron with the GXT 435 Ironn
Gaming Headset. Connect this 7.1 surround sound headset to
your PC or laptop and you will stand strong against all your
gaming enemies.
Comfortably in control
The Ironn headset has a 2m USB cable to connect it to your
PC or laptop. It features soft and comfortable over-ear pads,
made for those long gaming sessions. Additionally, the
headband is self-adjustable for a perfect fit on every head.
With the Ironn, your gaming reflexes will never go rusty.
Shining armour
Stay fully concentrated on your game at all times. For easy
control of your gaming sounds, you can use the volume
control and microphone mute switch on the earcup: Also, the
white LED illumination on the sides of the headset ensures an
attractive design: you are armed for greatness.
Publication date: 10-07-2019 Item number: 23211
© 2019 Trust. All rights reserved. URL: www.trust.com/23211
All brand names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. EAN Code: 8713439232110
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. High resolution images: www.trust.com/23211/materials