Method when using for the first time Chapter
1. Uninstalling old drivers and devices (3.1)
2. Connecting (3.2)
3. Software Installation in Wi ndows (3.3)
1 Introduction
This instruction manual is for users of the TRUST EASY SCROLL SILVERLINE KEYBOARD. The TRUST EASY SCROLL SILVERLINE KEYBOARD has 33 multifunctional buttons and has been developed to provide greater efficiency and productivity when working with a PC. Now you have more hot keys which makes working with the PC easier and programs (like Office ) are quickly accessible by a simple press of a key. The Trust navigation wheel lets you scroll up & down any (Internet) page. With a simple click and scroll on the integrated wheel you have quick access to your frequently used text, task or application.
2 Safety
Carefully read the following instructions before use:
- The TRUST EASY SCROLL SILVERLINE KEYBOARD does not require any special maintenance. Use a slightly damp, soft cloth to clean the set.
- Do not use aggressive substances, such as petrol or white spirit, to clean the device. These may harm the material.
- Do not submerge the device in liquid. This may be dangerous and will damage the device. Do not use this device near water.
- Make sure nothing is placed on the cable. Do not use this device in an area where the cable can become worn or damaged as a result of people walking over it.
- Do not repair this device yourself.
3 Installation
3.1 Uninstalling old drivers and devices
The most common cause of faults during installation is the presence of a driver for a similar, old product. The best solution is to first remove all drivers related to old devices before installing the new driver.
1. Enter the Windows ‘Safe Mode’ (press F8 before starting Windows and then
select ‘Safe Mode’ from the menu which is displayed).
2. Go to ‘Start – Settings – Control Panel’ and double-click on the ‘Add/Remove
Programs’ icon.
3. Find all the programs for similar, old devices and remove these by clicking on
the ‘Add/Remove’ button. When in the ‘Safe Mode’, it is possible for some programs to appear twice. In that case, remove all the programs that appear twice.
4. Restart the computer.
3.2 Connecting
1. Connect the keyboards purple plug to the PS/2 keyboard connection on your
computer. Read the manual of the pc/mainboard how to do this.
2. Turn the computer on.
3. The keyboard will be installed automatica lly as a standard PS/2 keyboard.
4. Hardware installation is finished, now continue with the software to use the
extra multifunctional buttons.
3.3 Software installation in Windows 95 / 98 / ME / 2000 /
Note: The latest driver/software can be downloaded from Check whether a new driver is available and use this for the installation.
Note: Make sure all other programs are closed during the installation. Note: In the example, ‘D:\’ is used to indicate the CD-ROM drive. This may be
different for your computer, it could be E:\ or another letter.
1. Insert the CD-ROM into your computer’s CD-ROM drive. The installation program will start automatica lly. If it does not start automatically, carry out the following: a) Select 'Run' from the Start menu. b) Type [D:\SETUP.EXE] and click on 'OK' to start the Trust Software
2. Figure 1 will appear.
3. Click on ‘EASY SCROLL SILVERLINE KEYBOARD ‘ to start the installation of the keyboard.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
The installation of the software for the keyboard has now been completed.
4 Checking after the installation
After installing the device and the driver, the following are installed on your computer and can be checked: ‘Start – Settings – Control Panel’. Double-click on the ‘System’ icon and select the ‘Device Manager’ tab.
- Keyboard – Standard 101/102 Key or Microsoft Natural Keyboard
‘Start – Settings – Control Panel’ and then double-click on the ‘Add/Remove Programs’ icon. Trust EASY SCROLL SILVERLINE KEYBOARD Start - Programs - Trust - EASY SCROLL SILVERLINE KEYBOARD Trust - EASY SCROLL SILVERLINE KEYBOARD v1.0
Note: The information given in this chapter may vary when the user has altered
the installation (for example, not everything has been installed or locations other than the default locations have been selected).
Note: Deviations may also occur as a result of using new drivers available on
the Internet.
Note: The location or name in the ‘Control Panel’ may vary for different
Operating Systems.
5 Usage
5.1 Keyboard buttons
Besides the standard keys, the keyboard also has 33 multimedia buttons. These are listed below. Use the Office Lock Key (fig. 4) to switch between the normal function keys or the office keys.
Key Function Explanation/remarks
Office lock Fig. 4
Switch the function from the normal function keys to the enhanced function keys. Led under spacebar with fig.4 icon will be lit.
Help Open the Help file (if available) for the active
Create a new document in programs that support the command
Open Open a document in programs that support
this command
Save Save the file in the active window
Replace Search for and replace the specified text and
Start the spell-checking program in the active document if the document’s program provides this feature.
Redo Redo the previous undo
Reply Reply to the e-mail in the active window
Reply All Reply to all the e-mails in the active window
Forward Forward the e-mail in the active window
Send Send the e-mail in the active window
Print Print the document in the active window
*Bold Bold or un-bold the characters you marked
Press one key to display Euro sign mark. Office and Num. lock must be on
Open Microsoft Word
This hot key can be configured to another application for user’s need
Open Microsoft Excel
This hot key can be configured to another application for user’s need
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