Trust Easy Scan 9600 Plus User Manual

Easy Scan 9600 Plus
Easy Scan 9600 Plus
User’s Manual
Version 1.0
Easy Scan 9600 Plus
Copyright Statement
No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical , including photocopying, recording, or in formation storage and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the purchaser's personal use, without the prior written permission of the manufacturer.
Disclaimer S tatement
The manufacturer specifically disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the software, the product manual(s) and written materials, and any other accompanying h ardware. The manufacturer reserves the right to revise or make improvements to its product at any time and without obligation to notify any person of such revisions or improvements.
In n o event shall the manufacturer be liable for any consequential or inciden tal damages, including any loss of business profits or any other commercial damages, arising out of the use of its product.
* All company or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.
16 EN 10678 ES96P.DOC
Easy Scan 9600 Plus
Table of Contents
1. Introduction....................................................................................2
1.1 Conven tions...............................................................................2
1.2 Contents....................................................................................2
1.3 Minimum system requirements ..................................................3
2. Safety .............................................................................................4
3. Connecting.....................................................................................5
4. Installing the software...................................................................6
4.1 Installation of the TWAIN program.............................................6
4.2 Ins tallation of TextBridge............................................................6
4.3 Installation of Adobe Photo Deluxe............................................8
5. Working with the scanner.............................................................9
5.1 Activating the TWAIN program ..................................................9
5.1.1 From the Start menu...........................................................9
5.1.2 From the software...............................................................9
5.2 The TWAIN program ...............................................................10
5.2.1 Main..................................................................................10
5.2.2 Advanced window .............................................................12
5.2.3 Preferences window..........................................................13
5.3 Using the scan key...................................................................14
6. Working with Adobe PhotoDeluxe.............................................15
6.1 One-off setting of the scanner..................................................15
6.2 Scanning with Adobe PhotoDeluxe..........................................15
7. Working with Tex tBridge............................................................17
7.1 Setting the scanner..................................................................17
7.2 Scanning with TextBridge Classic............................................17
8. Troublesh ooting..........................................................................19
9. Specifications..............................................................................22
Easy Scan 9600 Plus
1. Introduction
This manual is intended for users of the Easy Scan 9600 Plus scanner. No specific knowledge is required for installing or using this product.
The scanner works only under Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4.0.
Note: The scanner does not operate under MS-DOS, Windows
3.1x/NT3.x and Apple Macintosh.
1.1 Conventions
This manual uses the following conventions to illustrate instructions: <key> Here you must press a key. The name of the key will
appear between brackets.
System’ This is a specific term from a program; e.g. a term
used in Windows.
[DIR] Text in this font i ndicates that you are required to ty pe
in text.
Additional information will be shown as follows:
Note: Turn off the computer before connecting the keyboard.
1.2 Contents
After unpacking, you should have the following items:
Power supply adapter
Interface cable
CD-ROM with drivers and applications
CD-ROM with Adobe Photo Deluxe
This manual
Contact your dealer if something is missing or has been damaged.
Easy Scan 9600 Plus
1.3 Minimum system requirements
Compatible PC with an 80486 CPU and 8 MB RAM
Microsoft Windows 95/98 or Windows NT 4.0
Printer port (EPP)
Hard disk with at least 60 MB of available hard-dis k space (for
VGA card, 256 colours
CD-ROM player
Easy Scan 9600 Plus
2. Safety
Read the following instructions thoroughly before using the product:
1. Remove the plugs from the outlet before cleaning the device. Do not use any cleaning fluids or spray cans to clean the product. Wipe off the device with a damp cloth.
2. Do not use this device in damp or wet environments; e.g. bathrooms, damp cellars, s wimming pools, etc.
3. Make sure that nothing rests on the power cord. Do n ot put this device in a place where the cord can wear or be damaged.
4. Never insert objects into the openi ngs on the outside of the device, as you can come into contact with live electrical components. This can cause fire or give strong electrical shocks.
5. Do not try and repair this device by yourself. The device may be maintained by qualified personnel only.
6. Remove the plug from the outlet and have the device repaired by qualified personal when:
a) the cord or plug is damaged or worn b) fluid has penetrated the device c) the device has fallen and/or the casi ng is damaged
7. Do not place thi s product in di rect sunli ght. Direct exposure to sun or excessive warmth can damage the casing.
Easy Scan 9600 Plus
3. Connecting
Note: Turn off the computer before you connect any peripheral
Follow the instructions below to connect the scanne r to your computer:
1. Turn off the computer and all its peripheral equipment.
2. Remove the plug of the printer cable from the parallel port (if present) located on the back of your computer.
3. Connect the printer cable (if present) to the ‘Print’ connection at the rear of the scanner (Figure B, Connector B).
4. Remove the interface cable from the packaging and connect it to the parallel port of your computer.
5. Connect the other side of the cable to the ‘Host’ connection of the scanner (Figure 1, Conn ector A).
6. Connect the cable of the power supply adapter to the scanner (Figure 1, Connector C).
7. Plug the power supply adapter into the wall outl et.
Your scan ner (and printer) are connected. You are now ready to install the driver and the applications.
Note: The scanner is turned on and off automatically. This is
why it does not have an on/off switch.
Figure 1: Rear of the scanner
Easy Scan 9600 Plus
4. Instal ling the software
All files required for installing the drivers and applications are on the CD-ROM.
Note: The following drive letters are used in the examples: Hard
disk: driver ’C:’, CD-ROM player: driver ‘D:’ Substitute these letters if your system uses different ones.
In order to be able to use your scanner in Windows, you must first install the TWAIN driver and the applications.
Quit all programs before you install the software.
4.1 Installation of the TWAIN program
1. Re-start Windows.
2. Insert the CD-ROM with the driver into your CD-ROM player.
3. Click the ‘Start’ button wi th your mous e and select ‘Run’.
4. Type in [D:\DRIVER\SETUP.EXE] on the command line (see Figure 2) and click ‘OK’.
Figure 2: Starting setup
5. The installation process will start. Files are copied to your hard disk
and a program group is created.
Continue with the installation of the software.
4.2 Installation of TextBridge
1. Click on the ‘Start’ button with you r mouse and then select ‘Run’.
2. Type in
on the command line
(Figure 2) and click ‘OK’. The installation program will then start.
3. Select the language you want to use during installation.
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