Trust Easy Scan 19200 Plus User Manual

Easy Scan 19200 Plus
User’s manual
Version 1.0
Easy Scan 19200 Plus
Thank you
Thank you very much for purchasi ng t hi s pr oduct f r om the Trust range. We wish you hours of fun with i t . Pl ease read this manual carefully before using the product.
Register your purchase now at the Trust Internet site ( and you could win one of the fabulous prizes. The web site is also the place to look for dealer addresses, comprehensive product information, drivers, and FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) sheets.
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No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmi t ted, in any form or by any means, electronic or m echanical , i ncluding photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems, for any pur pose other than the purchaser's personal use, without the prior writ ten permission of the manufact urer.
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The manufacturer specifically disclaims al l warranties, either express or implied, including but not l imited to implied warranties of merchantability and fit ness for a particular pur pose, wit h r espect to the software, the product manual(s) and written materials, and any ot her accompanying hardware. The manufacturer reserves the right to revise or m ake improvements to its product at any t i me and without obligation to notify any person of such revisions or improvements.
In no event shall the manufacturer be liabl e for any consequential or i ncidental damages, including any loss of business profits or any other com mercial damages, arising out of t he use of its product .
* All company or pr oduct names are trademarks or registered trademarks or service marks of their r espective owners.
01 UK 11126 ES19200PLUS.DOC
Easy Scan 19200 Plus
1. Introduction.....................................................................................................2
1.1. Conventions...............................................................................................2
1.2. Contents....................................................................................................2
2. Safety...............................................................................................................4
3. Connecting the scanner..................................................................................5
3.1. Unlocking the transport locks.....................................................................5
3.2. Connecting the scanner .............................................................................6
4. Installing the driver and software...................................................................7
4.1. Installing the driver.....................................................................................7
4.2. Installing TextBridge Classic 2.0 ................................................................9
4.3. Inst alling Adobe PhotoDeluxe 2.0.............................................................12
5. Making a scan ............................................................................................... 16
5.1. TWAIN main menu..................................................................................16
5.2. Advanced TWAIN menu...........................................................................18
5.3. Monitor calibration...................................................................................20
5.4. Preferences.............................................................................................21
5.5. Making a scan.........................................................................................22
6. Working with Adobe PhotoDeluxe................................................................ 23
6.1. Ini tial scanner settings ............................................................................. 23
6.2. Scanning wi t h Adobe PhotoDeluxe...........................................................24
7. Working with TextBridge.............................................................................. 25
7.1. Settings...................................................................................................25
7.2. Scanning wi t h TextBridge Classic............................................................. 26
8. Maintenance.................................................................................................. 28
9. Troubleshooting............................................................................................29
9.1. Testing the scanner.................................................................................. 29
10. Specifications...............................................................................................32
11. Trust Service Centers...................................................................................33
Easy Scan 19200 Plus
1. Introduction
This manual is intended for users of the Easy Scan 19200 Plus scanner. No previous knowledge is required for installati on and use of t hi s pr oduct.
This scanner will not work with MS-DO S, Windows 3.1x/NT3.x, or Apple Macintosh computers.
If you have any questions after reading t his manual, please cont act one of t he Trust service centres. You will find information on the service centre nearest to you at the back of this m anual . You can al so visit the Trust website ( .com) for suppor t, comprehensive product information, drivers, and FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) sheet s.
1.1. Conventions
This manual uses the foll owing layout conventions for instruct i ons: <
> Requires the user to press a key. The key legend is shown between
the angle brackets.
This is a software-specific t erm, e.g. a term used by Wi ndows.
] Text in this font is to be typed by the user.
The text between the parentheses (….) is the English term, e.g. (File), referred to in the accompanyi ng illustration.
Additional i nf or mation is shown as follows:
Switch off the computer before connect ing the scanner
The examples assume that your computer system has assigned the letter “D” to your CD-ROM drive. If your com put er uses a diff erent drive designation f or your CD-ROM drive, e.g. “E”, replace “D” in the text with “E”.
1.2. Contents
After unpacking, you should have the following i t em s:
Power supply adapter
Interface cable
CD-ROM with drivers, applic at i ons, and user's manual
Adobe PhotoDeluxe 2.0 CD-ROM
Quick Installation Manual
Easy Scan 19200 Plus
Minimum system requirements
IBM Compatible PC with Pentium 75MHz CPU and 16 MB RAM
Microsoft Windows 95 / 98 or W i ndows NT 4.0
Printer po r t (EPP)
Hard disk drive with at least 60 MB free disk space (for installation)
4-speed CD-ROM dr ive
Easy Scan 19200 Plus
2. Safety
Read the following instructions car efully before use:
1. Disconnect any power plugs from the mains supply before cleaning the equipment.
2. Do not use this equipment in humid environments like bathrooms, damp cellars, swimm i ng pools, etc.
3. Make sure nothing is placed on the power supply lead.
4. Do not insert any objects into the slots in the equipment's casing.
5. Do not attempt to repair this equipment yourself.
6. If any of the following condit ions occur, remove the power plug from the mains supply and have the equipment serviced by qualified personnel:
a) the power lead or plug have become damaged or worn; b) liquid has entered the equipment; c) the equipment has been dropped, and/or the casing has become damaged;
7. Do not place this product in direct sunlight. Exposure to direct sunlight or excessive heat can damage the product.
Easy Scan 19200 Plus
3. Connecting the scanner
Switch off the computer before connecting peripheral equipment.
3.1. Unlocking the transport locks
1. The scanner has 2 locks to prevent damage during tr anspor t . Before the scanner can be used, these must be unlocked.
2. The first lock is on the front of t he scanner. Slide the lever to the left to unlock (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Unlocking the t r anspor t locks
3. The second lock is on the underside of the scanner. Turn the knob a quarter turn anti-cl ockwis e to unlock ( Fi gur e 2).
Figure 2: Unlocking the t r anspor t locks
Easy Scan 19200 Plus
3.2. Connecting the scanner
Proceed as follows to connect the scanner to your computer:
1. Switch off the computer and any peripheral equipm ent.
2. Disconnect the power plug from the mains supply.
3. Disconnect the printer cable plug from the parallel port at the rear of the computer (if i n use).
4. Connect the printer cable (if in use) to the ‘Printer’ connection at the rear of the scanner (connector A, Figure 3).
5. Take the interface cable supplied and connect it to the parall el port of your computer.
6. Connect the other end of the cable to the ‘Host’ connection on the scanner (connector B, Figure 3).
7. Connect the power supply adapter lead to the scanner (connector C, Figure 3).
8. Connect the power supply adapter to the mains supply.
9. Connect the power plug of your comput er to t he m ains supply.
Your scanner (and printer) have now been connected and you are ready to start installi ng t he driv er and appli c at i on software. You may have to reinstall your printer.
The scanner is switched on and off automatically by the driver. This is why the scanner has no on/off switch.
Figure 3: Rear view of the scanner
Easy Scan 19200 Plus
4. Installing the driver and software
4.1. Installing the driver
In order for you to be able to use your scanner under Windows, t he TWAIN driver and applications sof t ware m ust first be installed.
Close any active programs before installing the software.
1. Start Windows.
2. Insert the application CD-ROM supplied into your CD-ROM dri ve.
3. Using the mouse, click on ‘Start’ and select ‘Run’.
4. On the command line, type [D:\SETUP.EXE], t hen click on ‘OK’ (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Instal l a t i on in Windows 95, 98 and NT 4
5. Using the mouse, select your preferred language for the installation (English, French, German, It al ian, Spanish, Portuguese, or Dutch, see Figure 5). After you have selected the preferred language, a screen like the one shown in Figure 6 is displayed.
Figure 5: Language selecti on
Easy Scan 19200 Plus
6. Click on ‘Scanner Driver’. A screen as in Figure 7 is displayed.
Figure 6: Instal lation menu
7. Click on ‘Next’. The driver is installed.
Figure 7: Driver I nst al lation
8. You have now completed the driver installation. Proceed with section 4.2 to install TextBridge Classic 2.0.
Easy Scan 19200 Plus
4.2. Installing TextBridge Classic 2.0
After the driver installation, the installation menu will remain visible (Figure 6). If this is not the case, repeat steps 1 to 5 from section 4.1. Proceed as follows to i nst al l TextBridge.
1. In the installation menu (Figure 6), click on ‘TextBridge’. A screen as in Figure 8 is displayed.
Figure 8: Language selecti on
2. Select the language for TextBridge Classic (US English, UK English, French, Spanish, Itali an, or Portuguese). A screen as in Figure 9 is displayed.
Figure 9: Instal l ing TextBridge Classic 2.0
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