Trust Easy Scan 19200 User Manual

Easy Scan 19200
Easy Scan 19200
User’s Manual
Version 1.2
Easy Scan 19200
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The manufacturer accepts no liability for any explicit or implicit guarantees, including but not limited to the guarantees for saleability and suitability pertaining to a given objective with respect to the software, the enclosed product manual or manuals and written documentation and all other hardware included. The manufacturer reserves the right to modify or improve its product without prior warning or ackn owledgement of any kind to third parties.
The manufacturer accepts no liability for any ensuing or accidental damages, inclu ding damages resulting in any form of business or commercial forfeiture on the stren gth of use of the product.
All company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the relevant owners.
Easy Scan 19200
This manual is for users of the Easy Scan 19200. No specific knowledge is required for installa tion or operation of this product.
This user’s manual uses the following conventions for commands:
‘Configurati on scr een’
Software term, shown on the screen.
Key that has to be pressed on the keyboard.
A command t hat is to be entered using the keyboard.
Important information i s given in the form shown below:
Note: The disk should not be formatted.
Easy Scan 19200
Blank Page
Easy Scan 19200
1. Introduction....................................................................................1
2. Safety First.....................................................................................2
3. Installing the scanner....................................................................3
3.1 Contents of th e packaging.........................................................3
3.2 Transport safety catch...............................................................3
3.3 Connecti o n.................................................................................3
4. Software installation.....................................................................6
4.1 Installing the TWAIN driver ........................................................6
4.1.1 Windows 3.1x.........................................................................6
4.1.2 Windows 95 / Windows NT.....................................................7
4.2 Installing MGI PhotoSuite SE.....................................................8
4.2.1 Windows 3.1x.........................................................................8
4.2.2 Windows 95 / Windows NT.....................................................9
4.3 Installing TextBridge...................................................................9
4.3.1 Windows 3.1x.........................................................................9
4.3.2 Windows 95 / Windows NT...................................................10
4.4 Installing PaperCom.................................................................12
4.4.1 Windows 3.1x.......................................................................12
4.4.2 Windows 95..........................................................................12
5. Working with MGI PhotoSuite SE ..............................................14
5.1 Once-onl y set-up......................................................................14
5.2 Scanning with MGI PhotoSuite SE...........................................15
6. Working with Tex t Bridge............................................................18
6.1 TextBridge 3.0 OCR for Windows 3.1x....................................18
6.1.1 Once-only set-up of the scanner...........................................18
6.1.2 Producing a scan with TextBridge 3.0 OCR..........................18
6.2 TextBridge Cl assic for Windows 95.........................................20
Easy Scan 19200
6.2.1 Setting up the scanne r.......................................................... 20
6.2.2 Scanning with TextBridge Classic.........................................20
7. Working with PaperCom ............................................................22
8. Maintenance.................................................................................23
9. Troublesh ooting..........................................................................24
Appendix A: Technical Specifications...........................................27
Easy Scan 19200
1. Introduction
The scanner can be used to scan texts an d images. The bundl ed software enables the scanned images to be edited.
Take time to read this manual thoroughly so th at you can make optimal use of the scanner’s features.
Note: The scanner does NOT work under DOS, OS/2 or with an
Apple Macintosh computer. You must be running Windows
3.1x, Windows 95 or Windows NT on a PC.
System requirements
Your computer must meet the follo wing minimum requirements for you to be able to operate this scanner:
Compatible PC with 486 processor running at 33MHz
Microsoft Windows 3.1x
Printer port
Hard disk with at l east 20 MB free space
Graphics card that can display at least 65,535 colours
CD-ROM drive
Easy Scan 19200
2. Safety First
Please read the following instructions carefully:
1. Remove the plugs from the sockets before cleaning the equipment. Do not use liqu id cleaning agents or spray cans. Wipe off the equipment with a damp cloth.
2. Do not use this equipment in damp environments such as in bathrooms, damp cellars or at swimming pools etc.
3. Make sure there is nothing on the power cable. Do not place the equipment where the mains cable may be subject to wear and tear or become damaged.
4. Never insert objects into the slots on the outside of the equipment as you can touch live components. This can cause fire or sev ere electric shocks .
5. Never attempt to repair the equipment yourself. If you open or remove the housing, you may accidentally touch parts carryi ng a voltage. You may also face other hazards. Thi s equipment may only be serviced by special ly trained personnel.
6. Remove the plug from the socket under the following conditions and have the equipment repaired by specially trained personnel:
a) the cable or the plug has been damaged or worn; b) liquid has been spilled into the equipment; c) the equipment has been exposed to rain or water; d) the equipment is not working normally; e) the equipment has been dropped and/or the housing is
f) the equipment is clearly performing poorly .
7. Do not place the scanner i n direct sunlight. Direct exposure to the sun or excessive heat can damage the housing.
Easy Scan 19200
3. Install ing the scanner
3.1 Contents of the packaging
After unpacking you should have the following items:
Mains adapter
Interface cable
CD with drivers and applications
User’s guide
Contact your dealer if anything is missing or damaged.
3.2 Transport safety catch
The scanner is delivered with the transport safety catch engaged. This is position 1 (figure 1). Move this to position 2 to disengage the safety catch. The switch for the transport safety catch is on the bottom of the scanner.
Figure 1: Transit safety catch (1 = transport, 2 = operation)
3.3 Connection
Note: Only connect peripherals when the computer is switched off.
Easy Scan 19200
Proceed as follows to conn ect the scanner to your PC:
1. Switch off the computer and all the peripherals connected.
2. Unplug the printer cable from the parallel port on the rear pan el of your computer.
3. Connect the printer cable to the ‘Printer’ connection on the rear panel of the scanner. See figure 2.
4. Now take the scanner cable out of the package. Connect it to the parallel port of your computer. This is the connection to which your printer was connected.
5. Conn ect the other end of the cable to the remaining connection on the scanner. See figure 2.
6. Conn ect the mains adapter cable to the scanner.
7. Then plug the main s adapter into the socket.
Your scan ner and printer are now connected. You are ready to install the driver and the applications.
Note: The scanner is switched on and off automatically and
therefore has no on/off switch.
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