Trust Bato Ultra Slim Wireless Presenter User Manual [pl]

Bato Ultra Slim Wireless Presenter
Bezprzewodowe narzędzie do prezentacji
Stylowe bezprzewodowe narzędzie z czerwonym laserem do sterowania prezentacjami
• Nowoczesna i bardzo cienka konstrukcja ułatwia transport
• Dopracowany kształt świetnie leży w dłoni
• 3 funkcje programu PowerPoint (następny slajd, poprzedni slajd i start/ stop)
• Do 15 metrów zasięgu bezprzewodowego
• W zestawie mikroodbiornik USB, który można przechowywać wewnątrz narzędzia do prezentacji
• Kompatybilne również z komputerami Mac (Office for Mac 2011 / Mac-Keynote 2014 i nowsze)
What's in the box
• Bezprzewodowe narzędzie do prezentacji
• Mikroodbiornik USB
• 2 baterie AAA
• Instrukcja obsługi
System requirements
• System operacyjny Windows 10, 8 lub 7
• Komputery Mac z procesorami firmy Intel i systemem operacyjnym MacOS X w wersji 10.5 (Leopard) lub nowszym
• Gniazdo USB
Publication date: 12-07-2019 Item number: 23251 © 2019 Trust. All rights reserved. URL: All brand names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. EAN Code: 8713439232516 Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. High resolution images:
Slide through
The presenter includes 3 PowerPoint and slideshow functions. In this way, you can easily start and stop your presentation or go the next or previous slide. Connect it to any PC or laptop, even Mac!
Bato Ultra Slim Wireless Presenter
On point
With the Bato Ultra Slim Wireless Presenter, your presentation will be on point! Its refined shape will feel good in your hand and gives you the confidence of a smooth presentation. The Bato is the perfect accessory to have in your bag at all times.
Always on point
Want to start your presentation? Simply plug the receiver into a USB port and you can start scrolling through your sheets. The wireless receiver allows you to move around freely while presenting within a range of 15 meters. When you are finished with your presentation, you can easily store the receiver in the presenter itself.
Publication date: 12-07-2019 Item number: 23251 © 2019 Trust. All rights reserved. URL: All brand names are registered trademarks of their respective owners. EAN Code: 8713439232516 Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. High resolution images:
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