Protect Important Documents
• Special toner formula forces a bright red stain
to appear if chemical alteration is attempted.
Any solvent that will remove toner will release
the dye.
• High adhesion toner formula makes it
more difficult to remove toner using
mechanical alteration.
• Simple and easy confirmation of document
• TROY Security Toner protects the characters
and graphics on documents. Print using
either plain or security paper.
HHeellppss lliimmiitt ggrroowwiinngg ffiinnaanncciiaall lloosssseess aanndd ootthheerr
bbuussiinneessss rriisskk aassssoocciiaatteedd wwiitthh ffrraauudd
Verify Records with TROY Security Toner
A Solution for use in Hewlett-Packard LaserJet Printers
Secure your Documents using an HP LaserJet or TROY Printer
A Worldwide Provider of Secure Output Solutions
Protect the Integrity of your HIPAA compliant documents
Government regulations have changed in the
Health Care industry in attempt to protect
patient rights.
Documents pass through the hands of more
patients in attempt to protect patient
confidentiality; leaving the opportunity for
fraudulent alteration or unauthorized copying of
patient documents.
FFoorr oovveerr 3300 yyeeaarrss TTRROOYY hhaass pprroovviiddeedd ssppeecciiaalliizzeedd
pprriinnttiinngg ssoolluuttiioonnss ttoo bbaannkkss,, ccoorrppoorraattiioonnss
aanndd ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt iinnssttiittuuttiioonnss..
FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn vviissiitt::
Headline news over the past few years has
reported numerous problems with the integrity
of corporate records.
TROY Security Toner can be used as a form of
authentication on any document printed using a
Hewlett-Packard LaserJet printer.
TROY Security Toner
TROY Security Toner
with TROY Security Toner
with TROY Security Toner
Protect Important Documents
TROY Group, Inc.
3 Bryan Drive
Wheeling, WV 26003-6121 USA
Phone:304-232-0899 US Toll Free: 800-332-MICR
Fax: 304-232-0996
TROY Group, Inc.
3535 Hyland Avenue, Suite 200
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Phone: 714-241-4760 US Toll Free: 877-324-3254
Fax: 714-241-4761
UUSS SSaalleess
For more information contact:
It is estimated that every day 1.2 million
fraudulent checks are written.*
TROY Security helps protect checks and
negotiable documents against chemical
* According to “Protection Against Check Fraud”
available at
© TROY Group, Inc. 2007 B