TROY MICR 601/602/603 Printers
H P A U T H O R I Z E D - T R O Y E N H A N C E D
Major Selling Points
TThhrreeee MMooddeell CChhooiicceess
Providing security options to fit your need.
HHiigghheesstt LLeevveell ooff WWoorrkkggrroouupp PPrriinnttiinngg SSeeccuurriittyy
Fast 45 – 62 page per minute printers with the
capabilities to help you secure all aspects of your
check printing workflow.
LLooww CCoosstt ooff OOwwnneerrsshhiipp
HP award-winning reliability combined with
superior fraud and theft deterrence from TROY.
IImmpprroovvee VVaalluuee
Access and manage print jobs with an easy-to-use
four-line graphical color display control panel.
TROY Exclusive Security Features
New Numeric Key Pad
TROY MICR Printers, enhanced with the capability of
locking a print job, allow for job authentication. Providing
only authorized personnel with the ability to print, the
convenience of the new numeric key pad*allows the PIN
number to be easily entered unlocking the printer capabilities
for each print job.
Available only on TROY MICR 602 and 603 Secure and Secure Ex printers.
3-Position Printer Key Locks and Paper Tray Locks
Most businesses locate their workgroup
printer in an open office environment. This
creates a security risk. TROY offers MICR
locks and paper tray locks to reduce the
risk of check stock theft and printer misuse.
Standard on TROY MICR 602 and 603 Secure Ex.
Exclusive TROYmark™ Intelligent Anti-tampering Technology
VVeerrssaattiillee SSuuppppllyy OOppttiioonnss
All TROY printers are fully compatible with TROY
MICR cartridges and standard HP cartridges.
TROY MICR 603 Secure Ex Printer shown
TROYmark™ is a watermark of user-defined
variable data, printed diagonally across each
check. It provides state-of-the-art deterrence of
fraudulent check alteration.
Standard on TROY MICR 602 and 603 Secure Ex
ExPT™ Exact Positioning Technology
A MICR line out of alignment is one cause of
rejected checks, a multi-million dollar problem
for banks and companies. ExPT™ allows users
to precisely adjust the MICR line without
affecting the data file.
Available on all TROY MICR 601,602,603 Printers
Built-in Secure Encryption and Decryption
Data security is critical in a distributed printing
application. TROY’s encryption/ decryption
technology “unlocks” and prints the data only
when it is received at the TROY printer.
Available on TROY MICR 602 and 603 Secure
and Secure Ex printers

MICR 601/602/603 Printers
TROY Feature
TROY ExPT™ — Exact Positioning Technology
MICR Toner Sensing
Disable Jam Recovery
Auto Set MICR Density
MICR Toner Low Notification
Flash Memory for Storing Digital Signatures and Logos
Barcode Fonts U.P.C. Version A & E, EAN 13 & 8, Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 39, Code 128, Postnet
MICR Fonts E13-B, CMC---7, OCR A and B, Convenience Fonts, and Security Fonts
User Customizable MicroPrint Font
Datastream Paper Tray Locks and Mapping
Auto Page Rotation
MICR Menu Administrator Password
MICR Quality Test Page
Uses both TROY MICR & HP Standard Toner Cartridges
Three PIN-activated Controls: Printer, MICR, Job
Datastream Encryption and Decryption
Password Protected Signatures and Logos
3-Position Keylock Printing Control
TROYmark™ Intelligent Anti-Tampering Technology
Paper Tray Security Locks
Numeric Keypad
Four-line graphical color display
TROY MICR 603 Secure Ex Printer
TROY MICR 602 Secure Printer
Highest Security Enhanced Security Basic MICR Printing
Optional Optional
TROY MICR 601 Printer
TROY MICR 601/602/603 Printer Product Summary
Print Speed : TROY MICR 603 Printer up to 62 ppm ; TROY MICR 602 Printer up to 52 ppm; TROY MICR 601 Printer up to 45 ppm;
Duty Cycle: TROY MICR 603 Printer: 275,000; TROY MICR 602Printer: 225,000; TROY MICR 601 Printer: 175,000
Input Capacity:
Input Tray Options:
Output Options:
Media Sizes, Std:
Multipurpose tray 1: letter, legal, executive, statement, 8.5 x 13 in, 3 x 5 in, 4 x 6 in, 5 x 7 in, 5 x 8 in, envelope(commercial No. 9, No. 10, Monarch), US postcard; Tray 2, optional 500-sheet input
tray: letter, legal, executive, 8.5 x 13 in; optional 1500-sheet High-capacity input tray: letter, legal
What’s in this Box?
• TROY MICR 601/602/603 printer with TROY Font Memory
Card and TROY MICR Font (installed)
Security Fonts
• One (1) TROY 601/602/603 MICR Toner Secure Cartridge
• Hewlett-Packard Printer Guide
• TROY Quick Start Guide
• Power cord
• TROY MICR Document Template
Complete the Solution
• TROY Secure CheckFlow and consulting services
• Signatures and logos using TROY Digital Imaging Service
• Printer service and preventive maintenance contracts
• Ask about TROY IRD Printing Solution
• TROY Security and Fortress Check Stock
U.S. Sales
TROY Group, Inc.
3 Bryan Drive
Wheeling, WV 26003-6121 USA
Phone :304-232-0899
US Toll Free: 800-332-MICR
Fax: 304-232-0996
TROY Group, Inc.
940 South Coast Drive, Suite 260
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Phone: 714-241-4760
US Toll Free: 877-324-3254
Standard: (one multipurpose tray) 600 sheets/Max: (500 sheet built-in tray) 3,600
TROY MICR 6000 Product Overview
Standard two trays: Maximum six trays
Standard: 600
TROY MICR 601/602/603 Series Summary
Part Number Printer Model 500 Sheet Trays Tray Locks Shipping Dimensions Shipping Wt. Warranty
01-03010-101 TROY MICR 601n Printer 1 No 21.3 x 23.2 x 19.7 in. 60.5 lbs.
01-03010-111 TROY MICR 601n Printer 1 Yes
01-03010-201 TROY MICR 601tn Printer 2 No
01-03010-221 TROY MICR 601tn Printer 2
01-03020-111 1 Yes
01-03020-221 2 Yes
TROY MICR 602n Secure Printer
TROY MICR 602n Secure Printer
TROY MICR 602tn Secure Printer
TROY MICR 602tn Secure Printer
01-03030-111 TROY MICR 602n SecureEx Printer
01-03024-111 1 Yes
01-03024-221 2 Yes
TROY MICR 602tn SecureEx Printer
TROY MICR 603n Secure Printer
TROY MICR 603n Secure Printer
TROY MICR 603tn Secure Printer
TROY MICR 603tn Secure Printer
01-03034-111 TROY MICR 603n SecureEx Printer
TROY MICR 603tn SecureEx Printer
1 No
2 No
1 Yes
2 Yes
1 No
2 No
1 Yes
2 Yes
02-81351-001 TROY 602/603 MICR Toner Secure High Yield Cartridge ** 17 x 8 12 7.33 lbs. 1 yr. from ship date
* Yield: 10,000 pages based on 5% toner coverage for letter size paper
** Yield: 24,000 pages based on 5% toner coverage for letter size pape
21.3 x 23.2 x 19.7 in. 60.5 lbs
23 x 24 x 30 in. 84 lbs.
23 x 24 x 30 in. 84 lbs.
21.3 x 23.2 x 19.7 in. 60.5 lbs
21.3 x 23.2 x 19.7 in. 60.5 lbs
23 x 24 x 30 in. 84 lbs.
23 x 24 x 30 in. 84 lbs.
21.3 x 23.2 x 19.7 in. 60.5 lbs
23 x 24 x 30 in. 84 lbs.
21.3 x 23.2 x 19.7 in. 60.5 lbs
21.3 x 23.2 x 19.7 in. 60.5 lbs
23 x 24 x 30 in. 84 lbs.
23 x 24 x 30 in. 84 lbs.
21.3 x 23.2 x 19.7 in. 60.5 lbs
23 x 24 x 30 in. 84 lbs.
17 x 8 12 5.43 lbs.TROY 601/602/603 MICR Toner Secure Cartridge*02-81350-001
1 yr. return to TROY
1 yr. return to TROY
1 yr. return to TROY
1 yr. return to TROY
1 yr. return to TROY
1 yr. return to TROY
1 yr. return to TROY
1 yr. return to TROY
1 yr. return to TROY
1 yr. return to TROY
1 yr. return to TROY
1 yr. return to TROY
1 yr. return to TROY
1 yr. return to TROY
1 yr. return to TROY
1 yr. return to TROY
1 yr. from ship date
TROY Group, 2012 D