Troy-Bilt TUFFY 634A, TUFFY 634K, TUFFY 630C, ProLine 634K, Super Bronco 634A Operator's Manual

Operator's Manual
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Rear-tine Tiller Models
630C--Tuffy ¢ 634AmSuper Bronco TM
IMPORTANT: Read safety rules and instructions carefully before operating equipment.
Warning: This unit is equipped with an internal combustion engine and should not be used on or near any unimproved forest-covered, brush-
covered or grass-covered land unless the engine's exhaust system is equipped with a spark attester meeting applicable local or state laws (if any). If a spark arrester is used, it should be maintained in effective working order by the operator. In the State of California the above is required by law (Section 4442 of the California Public Resources Code). Other states may have similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal lands. A spark arrester for the muffler is available through your nearest engine authorized service dealer or contact the service department, P.O. Box 361131
Cleveland, Ohio 44136-0019.
Troy-Bilt LLC,P.O.BOX361131CLEVELAND,OHIO44136-0019
Content Page Content Page
Customer Support 2 Maintenance 17 Safety 3 Off-season Storage 21 Assembly 6 Troubleshooting 22
Features and Controls 10 Parts List 23 Operation 12 Warranty Back Cover
This Operator's Manual is an important part of your new lawn tractor. It will help you assemble, prepare and maintain the unit for best performance. Please read and understand what it says.
Before you start assembling your new equipment, please locate the model plate on the equipment and copy the information from it in the space provided below. A sample model plate is also given below. You can locate the model plate by looking at the rear of the tine shield. This information will be necessary to use the manufacturer's web site and/or help from the Customer Support Department or an authorized service dealer.
Copy the model number here:
,. 1-800-520-552_
P. O. BOX 361131
Copy the serial number here:
PleasedoNOTreh/m thel/nit totheretailer withoutfirstcontactingCustomerSupport.
If you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regarding the controls, operation or maintenance of this unit, you can seek help from the experts. Choose from the options below:
Visit for many useful suggestions. Click on Customer Support button and you will get the four options reproduced here. Click on the appropriate button and help is
immediately available.
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If you prefer to reach a Customer Support Representative, please call 1(800) 520-5520.
The engine manufacturer is responsible for all engine-related issues with regard to
performance, power-rating, specifications, warranty and service. Please refer to the engine manufacturer's Owner's/Operator's Manual, packed separately with your unit, for more
This machine meets voluntary safety stan- dard B71.8-1996, which is sponsoredbythe Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, Inc., and is published by the American National
Standards Institute.
The engine exhaust from this productcontains chemicals known to the State of California to
cause cancer, birth defects or other reproduc-
,_ This is a safety alert symbol. It is used
and anyother literatureyou may receive. Bethoroughly familiar withthe controls andthe proper useof the tiller and its en- gine. Know howto stopthe unit anddisen- gagethe controls quickly.
2. Neverallow childrento operatethetiller. Neverallow adults to operatethe tiller without proper instruction.
3. Keepthe areaof operation clear of all persons, particularly children and pets.
4. Keepin mindthattheoperatoror useris responsible for accidents or hazardsoc- curring to otherpeople,their property,and
in this manual and on the unit to alert you to potential hazards. When you see
this symbol, read and obey the message that follows it. Failure to obey
safety messages could result in personal injury or property damage.
3. Donot operatethetiller without wearing
1. Carefully readthis Own-
er's Manual,the separate Engine Owner'sManual,
adequateouter garments. Avoid loose gar- ments or jewelry that could get caught in moving parts.
4. Donot operatethe tiller when barefoot or wearingsandals, sneakers,or light foot- wear.Wear protective footwear thatwill improve footing onslippery surfaces.
5. Donottill nearunderground electricca- bles,telephone lines, pipes or hoses.If in doubt, contactyour telephoneor utility
6. Warning: Handlefuel with care; it is highly flammable and its vapors areexplo- sive.Takethe following precautions:
a. Store fuel in containers specifically
b. Thegascapshall neverberemovedor
1. Thoroughly inspect the areawherethe
tiller is to be usedand removeall foreign
2. Be sure all tiller controls are released and bothwheels arein the WheelDrive po-
sition beforestarting the engine.
c. Keepmatches, cigarettes, cigars,
d. Fill fuel tank outdoors with extreme
Figure 1-1: Tiller featuresand contre/s. See separateEngine Owner'sManua/ to identifyengine contre/s.
e. Replaceall fueltank andcontainer
caps securely.
f. If fuel is spilled, do not attempt to
start the engine,but movethe ma- chineawayfrom the areaof spillage and avoidcreating any sourceof ig- nition until fuel vapors havedissi- pated.
7. Nevermakeadjustments whenengineis running (unless recommendedby manu-
1. Do not put hands or feet near or under rotating parts.
designedfor this purpose.
fueladdedwhiletheengineisrunning. Allowthe engineto coolforseveral minutesbeforeaddingfuel.
pipes, openflamesand sparks away from thefueltankandfuelcontainer.
care.Neverfill fuel tank indoors.Use a funnelor spout to preventspillage.
2. Exerciseextremecaution when onor
crossing gravel drives,walks, or roads. Stayalert for hiddenhazardsortraffic. Do
not carry passengers.
3. After striking a foreign object, stop the
engine,removethe wire from the spark plug wire and prevent it from touchingthe spark plug. Thoroughly inspectthe ma- chine for any damageand repairthe dam- agebefore restarting andoperatingthe
4.Exercisecautiontoavoidslippingorfall- ing.
5.Iftheunitshouldstarttovibrateabnor- mally,stoptheengine,disconnectthe
sparkplugwireandpreventitfromtouch- ingthesparkplug,andcheckimmediately forthecause.Vibrationisgenerallya warningoftrouble.
6. Stop the engine, disconnectthe spark plug wire and prevent it from touching the
spark plug,wheneveryou leavethe operat- ing position, beforeunclogging thetines,
or whenmaking any repairs,adjustments or inspections.
7. Takeall possible precautions whenleav- ing the machine unattended.Stopthe en-
gine. Disconnect thespark plug wire and move it awayfrom thespark plug. Besure
that both wheelsarein theWheelDrive po-
8. Beforecleaning,repairing,or inspect- ing, stop the engineand make certain all
moving partshavestopped. Disconnect
the spark plug wire and preventit from touching thespark plug to preventacci-
9. The flapon the fine hood must bedown when operating thetiller.
10. Neverusethetiller unless proper guards, plates,or other safetyprotective devicesare in place.
11. Donot run the enginein an enclosed area.Engineexhaust containscarbon
monoxide gas, a deadlypoison that is odorless, colorless, and tasteless.
12. Keepchildren and pets away.
13. Never operate thetiller underengine
powerif thewheels are in theFreewheel position.In the Freewheelposition, the
wheelswill not holdthe tiller back andthe revolvingtines could propel the tiller rapid-
ly,possibly causingloss of control. Always engagethe wheels with the wheel drive pins in theWheel Drive position before starting the engineorengaging the
tines4Nheelswith the ForwardClutch Bail
(all models)orthe ReverseClutchcontrol (Models 634Aonly).
14. Be awarethat the tiller may unex-
pectedlybounceupwardorjumpforward if the tines shouldstrikeextremelyhard packedsoil, frozenground,or buried ob- stacleslike large stones,roots,or stumps.
If indoubtaboutthetilling conditions, al-
ways usethe following operating precau-
tionsto assistyouin maintainingcontrol of the tiller:
a. Walk behindandto one side of the
tiller, usingone handonthehandle barsRelax yourarm, but use a
b. Useshallower depthregulator
settings,working graduallydeeper
with eachpass.
¢. Use slowerenginespeeds.
d. Clearthe tilling area of all large
stones,rootsorother debris.
e. Avoidusingdownwardpressureon
thehandlebars. If needbe, use slight upwardpressuretokeep the
tinesfrom diggingtoodeeply.
f. Beforecontacting hardpackedsoil
at the endof a row,reduce engine speedand lift thehandlebarsto
raise thetines out of the soil.
g. In anemergency,stopthetinesand
wheels byreleasing whichever clutch controlis engaged.Donot
attemptto restrainthetiller.
15. Donot overloadthe tiller's capacityby attempting to till too deeplyat too fast a
16. Neveroperatethetiller at hightrans- port speeds on hard or slippery surfaces.
Look behind and use carewhen backing up.
17. Donot operatethetiller on aslope that is too steepfor safety. When on slopes,
slow down and makesure you havegood footing. Neverpermit thetillerto freewheel
down slopes.
18. Neverallow bystandersnearthe unit.
19. Onlyuseattachmentsand accessories
that areapproved bythe manufacturer of the tiller.
20. Usetiller attachmentsand accessories when recommended.
21. Neveroperatethetiller without good visibility or light.
22. Neveroperatethe tiller if you aretired; or underthe influence ofalcohol, drugs or
23. Operatorsshall nottamper with theen- gine-governor settings onthe machine;
the governor controls the maximum safe
operatingspeedto protectthe engine and all movingparts from damagecaused by
overspeed.Authorized service shall be sought if a problem exists.
24. Do nottouch enginepartswhich may behot from operation.Letpartscool down
25. Pleaseremember:Youcan alwaysstop
thetines and wheels by releasingthe For- ward Clutch Bail or on Model634Athe Re-
verseClutchcontrol, (whichevercontrol is engaged),or by moving the ignition switch and/orthrottle control leveron the engine
to "OFF" or "STOP".
26. Toloador unloadthe tiller, seethe in-
structions in Section4 of this Manual.
27. Useextremecautionwhen reversing
or pullingthe machinetowards you.
28. Startthe enginecarefully accordingto
instructions and with feet well awayfrom thetines.
29. Neverpick up or carry a machinewhile
the engineis running.
1. Keepthe tiller, attachmentsand acces-
sories in safeworking condition.
2. Checkall nuts, bolts, and screwsfor
proper tightness to besurethe equipment is in safeworking condition.
3. Neverstore thetiller with fuel inthe fuel
tank insidea building where ignition sourc- esare presentsuchashot waterandspace
heaters,furnaces, clothes dryers, stoves, electric motors, etc.). Allow the engineto cool before storing the unit in any enclo-
4. Toreducethe chancesof a fire hazard,
keepthe enginefreeofgrass, leaves,or ex- cessivegrease.
5. Storegasolinein acool, well-ventilated
area,safely awayfrom anyspark- or flame-producing equipment. Store gaso- line in anapprovedcontainer,safelyaway
from the reachof children.
6. Referto the Maintenancesections of
this Manualand the separateEngineOwn- er'sManualfor instructions ifthe unit is to
bestored for an extendedperiod.
7. Neverperform maintenancewhilethe
engineis running orthe spark plug wire is connected,exceptwhen specifically in- structed to do so.
8. Ifthe fueltank hasto bedrained,dothis
Foryour safetyandthe safety of others, vari- ous safety and operational decalsare located on your unit (seeFigure 1-2).
Keepthe decalscleanand legibleatall times. Contactyour local servicedealeror thefactory
for replacementsif anydecalsaredamagedor missing.
Referto the PartsListpagesin this Manualfor decallocations, descriptions and part num-
Message(on engine)
Figure 1-2: Locationofsafety and operatingdeca/s.
ReverseClutch Control
(Models 634A)
Varioussymbols(shownhere,withworddescriptions) mayheusedonte'dllerandengine.
I"1 I*1 R
WARNING: Toprevent
personalinjury or property damage,do notstartthe engine
until all assemblysteps are completeandyou haveread
and understandthesafety and operatinginstructions in this manual.
Carefullyfollow these assemblysteps to correctly prepareyour tiller for use. It is recommendedthatyou readthis Sectionin its entirety beforebeginning assembly.
NOTE: Various rifler models are
presented in this Manual. Use only the information appropriate for your tiller model. Enginestyles varyby model, Your engine may appear differently than those
illustrated in this manual.
Inspect the unit and carton for damageim- mediatelyafter delivery.Contactthe carrier
(trucking company) if you find orsuspect damage. Inform them of the damageand
request instructions for filing a claim. To protect your rights, put your claim in writ-
ing and maila copyto the carrierwithin 15 days after the unit has beendelivered.
ContactTroy-Bilt LLCif you needassis-
tance inthis matter.
(2) 1/2" open-end wrench* (2) 9/16" open-endwrench* (1) 3/8" open-endwrench*
(1) Largeadjustable wrench
(Models 634F/634A only) (1) Scissors (totrim plasticties) (1) Ruler (for belttension check) (1) Block of wood (to support tiller when
removing wheels) (1) Tirepressure gauge (for models with
pneumatictires) (1) Cleanoil funnel (1) Motor oil. Refertothe EngineOwner's
Manualfor oilspecificationsand
* Adjustable wrenches may be used.
NOTE:While unpacking,do not severely bend anycontrol cables.
1.The tiller weighs approximately 133 Ibs. Do not attempt to remove it from the ship-
ping platform until instructed to do so in
these Assembly steps.
2. Removeany packagingmaterial from
the carton. Removeany staples from the
bottom of the carton and removethe car-
ton from the shipping platform.
3. Removeall unassembledparts andthe separatehardwarebag from the carton.
Checkthat you havethe items listed in the LooseParts List (contactyour local dealer or the factory items are missing or dam- aged).
NOTE: Use the screw length template
(Fig,2-1) to identify screws,
Qty. Description 1 HandlebarSupport (seeA, Fig. 2-2)
1 HandlebarAssembly(seeK,Fig.2-2)
Hardwarebag contents:
4 Hexhd. screw, 5/16-18 x 1-1/2" 2 Hexhd. screw, 3/8-16 x 3/4" 2 FlatWasher,3/8"
4 Split lockwasher,5/16" 4 Hexnut, 5/16"-18
2 HexIocknut, 34}"-16
*Model 634Aonly
IMPORTANT:Motor oil must beaddedto
the enginecrankcasebeforetheengine is
started. Followthe instructions inthis Sectionand in the separateEngine
Owner's Manual.
NOTE: LEFTandRIGHTsidesof thetiller are as viewedfrom the operator's position
behind thehandlebars.
1. Looselyattachthe legsof thehandlebar support (A, Fig. 2-2) to the inner sides of
the tiller frameusingtwo 3/8"-16x 3/4" hex
hd. screws (B), 3/8" flat washers(C), and 3/8"-16 hex Iocknuts (D).
Figure2-1: Toidentifylengthofscrews,place
2. Usingtwo 5/16"-18 x 1-1/2"screws (G), 5/16" split lock washers (H) and 5/16"-18 hexnuts (I), loosely attachthe handlebar support (A)usingthe upperholes.Tighten
thetwo screws securely.
3. Therearethree height adjustment holes in the two handlebar support brackets (E
and F,Fig. 2-2). Usea setting thatwill po- sition the handlebarsat approximately waist levelwhenthe tines are3"-4"into the
soil. Looselyattachthe support bracketsto theoutsideofthe handlebarassembly (K)
usingtwo 5/16"-18x 1-1/2" screws (G),5/
16"split lockwashers (H)and5/16"-18 hex nuts (I).NOTE:Ifa support bracketwill not move, loosen attaching screw (J) and nut.
IMPORTANT:The support bracketsmust
beassembledto theoutsideof the handlebarassembly.
4. Tightenall handlebarmounting hard- waresecurely.
STEP 3: MOVE TILLER OFF CRATE Toroll the tiller off the shipping platform,
put the wheelsinfreewheel,asfollows:
1. Placeasturdy block underthetransmis- sion to raiseone wheel about 1"off the
ground. 2, Removethe hairpin cotter (L, Fig.2-3)
and wheeldrive pin (M) from the wheel hub (0) and wheelshaft (N).
3. Slidethe wheelfully inwardonthe wheel shaft (N, Fig.2-3). Reinstall the wheel
°-! °
Fig. 2-3: Wheel in FREEWHEELposition
Fig. 2.2: Attachhandlebar.
drive pin (M) through thewheel shaft only (not through the wheel hub). Securethe
wheeldrive pinwith the hairpin cotter (L), pushingthe hairpincotter in asfarasit will
go. The wheelshould now spin freely (freewheel) on the wheel shaft. Repeat
with the other wheel.
4. Usethe handlebarto roll the tiller to a flat area.
1. Carefullyunwrapthe forward clutch ca-
ble(cablewithout an attachedknob) from its shipping position and slide thethin ca-
blewire (T,Fig. 2-4) into the slot in the ca-
blebracket. Pushthe cableconnector (U, Fig.2-4) upthrough the holein the bracket
untilthe groove in the connector snaps into place.
2. Threadthe#10-24 hexnut (Z, Fig. 2-5) halfway onto the screw (V) which runs through the spring (W, Fig.2-5).
3. Threadthe screw (V) into the cable ad- juster (X).
IMPORTANT: Beforestartingthe engine,
the wheels must beplacedin theWHEEL
DRIVEposition (pinsthrough wheelhubs andwheelshaft). This procedureis
describedin WheelDrivePinsin Section3.
Fig. 2-4: Installingforward clutchcable bracketand cable.
4. Checkfor correct tension ontheforward drive belt bytaking two measurementsof
the cable spring, as follows:
a.With the ForwardClutch Bail(Y,Fig. 2-
6) in an open (released)position, measure
the length ofthecablespring (W) from the
outermost coil to the outermost coil. b. Squeezethe ForwardClutch Bailagainst
the handlebar(seeFig.2-7) andre-mea-
surethe spring length. Thebelt tension is correct if this second measurementis be-
tween 1/16"to 3/16" longerthanthe first
measurement.If so, turn the hexnut (Z, Fig. 2-7) tightly against the cableadjuster (X) while preventingthe cableadjuster
from turning. c. Ifthe spring lengthis incorrect, you
must adjustthe cabletension asdescribed in Checkingand Adjusting Forward Drive
Belt Tensionin Section5. Incorrect cable
tension can result in beltslippage (cable tension too loose), or unintentional tine
movement whenthe clutch bail is in Neu-
tral (cabletension too tight).
Fig. 2-7: Tocheckforwardbelt tension, take twomeasurementsofthelengthofthe coils inthe spring-- first withthebail open, then withthe bail held against thehandlebar.
1. Unwrapthe reverseclutch cable (CC,
Fig.2-8 andFig.2-9) from its shipping po- sition androute it up to the handlebar.Be
surethat the cableis routedbeneaththe Forward Clutch Bail.
2. Insertthecable(CC,Fig.2-8)through the slot inthecablebracketandpositiontheflat sideof thethreadedassemblynextto the flat side of the hole.Slidethe hex nut (DD) up thecable andtighten it securely.
Flat Side
3. Fastenthe reverseclutch cable to the left sidehandlebarwith acabletie (EE,Fig.
4. Testthefunction ofthe reverseclutch by
Fig. 2-8:/nsta//reverse cablebracketand reverseclutchcable.
pulling out and releasingthe cableknob. Theknob should return to itsneutral posi-
tion (resting against bracket). Ifit doesn't,
contact your local dealeror Troy-Bilt LLC for technical assistance.
Fig.2-5: Cable springand adjuster.
Fig. 2-6: Attach forward clutchcable spring to
forwardclutch bail.
Fig. 2-9: Route reverseclutchcable(CC)as
shown.Attachwithcable tie(EE).
Thetransmission wasfilledwith gearoil at thefactory. However,you shouldcheckthe gear oil levelat this timeto makecertain it
is correct. IMPORTANT:Donot operatethetiller if the
gear oil level is low. Doingso will result in severedamageto the transmission com- ponents.
1. With the tiller on levelground, pull the Depth RegulatorLever(FF,Fig. 2-10) back
andthen all theway up until the lowest notch inthe lever isengaged.
2. Removethe oil fill plug (GG,Fig.2-11) from the transmission housing cover and
locatethe maindrive shaft situated inside the housing.
3. Thegear oil levelis correct if thegear oil isapproximately halfway upthe sideofthe
main drive shaft.
4. Ifthe oil levelislow, add gear oil by re- ferring to A. ToCheckthe Transmission
dear 0il Levelin Section5.
Thetiller isshipped withoutoil in the en- gine.
IMPORTANT:Donot start the enginewith- out first adding motor oil. Severeengine
damagewill result ifthe engineis run with- out oil.
1. Referto the separateEngineOwner's Manualfor engine oil specifications and
2. With the tiller on levelground, movethe Depth RegulatorLever(FF,Fig.2-1O)upor
down until the engine is level.
3. Add motor oil as describedin the En- gine Owner's Manual.
4. Movethe DepthRegulator Lever all the way down untilthe highest notch is en- gaged.This placesthe tines in the"travel" position, which allows the tiller to be moved without thetines touching the ground.
_1 El-'8: I.;HEI.;K HAHUWAHE Checkall nuts and screws for tightness. STEP g: CHECKAIR PRESSURE IN
TIRES (unitswithpneumatictires)
Checkthe air pressurewith a tire gauge.
Deflateor inflatethe tires equally to be- tween 15 PSIand 20 PSI (pounds per squareinch). Besurethat bothtires arein- flated equallyor the unit will pull to one
Fig. 2-10: AdjustDepth RegulatorLever.
Fig. 2-11: Removegear oil fill plug.
IMPORTANT: This completesthe assemblysteps. Be- fore operatingyour tiller, makesure you readthe follow- ing sectionsinthis Manual,as well asthe separateEngineOwner'sManual:
Section1: Safety
Section3: Featuresand Controls
Section4: Operation
_ ARNING: Before
operatingyour machine, carefully readand understand
all safety,controls and operatinginstructions in this
Manual,the separateEngine Owner's Manual,and on the decalson the machine.
Failureto follow these instructions can resultin
serious personalinjury.
This Section describesthe locationand
function of thecontrols onyourtiller. Refer to the following Section, Operationfor de- tailed operatinginstructions.
Practice using these controls, with the en-
gine shut off, until you understandthe op-
eration of the controls and feelconfident
with eachof them.
Referto the enginemanufacturer'sEngine
Owner'sManual(included in the tiller liter-
aturepackage)to identify the controls on your engine.
IMPORTANT:Thecontrol for stopping the
engine is located onthe engine.
Eachwheel is equippedwith a wheeldrive
pin (A, Figures3-2 and 3-3) that secures the wheel to the wheelshaft (B). The
wheelscan be positioned in either a
_ WARNING: Neverallow
either of thewheelsto bein the FREEWHEELposition whenthe
engineis running. Alwaysput both wheelsin the WHEEL
DRIVEposition before starting
the engine.
Failureto comply could cause loss of tiller control, property damage,or personalinjury.
Beforestarting the engine,put both wheels
in the WHEELDRIVEposition byinserting the wheel drive pins through the wheel
hubsandthewheelshaft. Doingso "locks" the wheels to the wheel shaft, causing the
wheelsto turn when either the
Figure3-1: Tiller features and controls.See separateEngineOwner's Manual toidentify enginecontrols.
Bail ReverseClutchControl
(Model 634A)
HandlebarHeight Adjustment
Wheel Drive Pin
Forward ClutchBail (all models) or the Re- verse ClutchControl (Model 634A)is en-
gaged. Usethe FREEWHEELmode only whenthe
engineis not running, in FREEWHEEL,the wheeldrive pins are placedonly through
the holes inthewheelshaft (notthe wheel
hubs), thus allowing the wheelsto turn freely whenyou manually movethe tiller.
Toplacethewheels in WHEELDRIVEor FREEWHEEL:
1. Stopengine,disconnectsparkplug wire
Figure3-2: WHEELDRIVEposition.
from sparkplug andallowengineto cool.
wheelhub (D, Figure3-2) andwheel
_ WARNING: Donotplace
tiller on its sidewhen changing
wheeldrive positions. Doingso could result in gasoline leaking from the fuel tank.
Failureto follow this instruction could result in personalinjury
or propertydamage.
2. Raiseone wheelabout one inch off the ground andplaceasturdy support under
the transmission.
shaft (B). Insertwheel drive pin (A) through wheel hub (D)and wheel shaft (B). Securewheeldrive pin with hair- pin cotter (C) by pushing hairpincotter in asfar as it will go. Repeatwith the other wheeland then removethe support from
beneaththe transmission.
5. FORFREEWHEELMODE(Figure 3-3): Slidethewheelinwardandinsertthewheel
drive pin (A, Figure3-3) onlythrough the hole in the wheel shaft (B). Securewheel
3. Removehairpin cotter (C,Figures3-2 and 3-3) from wheel drive pin (A).
4. FORWHEELDRIVEMODE(Figure3-2): Slide wheeloutward and align holes in
drivepin with hairpincotter (C) bypushing hairpin cotter in asfar as it will go. Repeat
for the other wheeland then removethe support from beneaththetransmission.
+ 22 hidden pages