Section1: Safety
7. Takeall possible precautions when
leavingthe machineunattended.Stopthe
engine. Disconnectspark plug wire and
move it awayfrom the spark plug. Be
sure both wheels are in the WheelDrive
8. Before cleaning, repairing, or inspect-
ing,stop the engineand makecertain all
moving parts havestopped. Disconnect
the spark plug wire and prevent it from
touching the spark plug to prevent acci-
9. The flap on the tine hood must be
down when operatingthe tiller.
10. Never usethe tiller unless proper
guards, plates, or other safety protective
devicesare in place.
11. Do not run engine in an enclosed
area.Engineexhaustcontains carbon
monoxide gas,a deadly poisonthat is
odorless, colorless, andtasteless.
12. Keepchildren and pets away.
13. Never operatethe tiller under
engine powerif the wheels are in the
Freewheelposition.Inthe Freewheel
position,the wheelswill notholdthe
tiller backand therevolvingtines could
propelthe tiller rapidly, possibly
causinglossof control.Always engage
the wheelswith the wheel drive pins in
the WheelDrive position before starting
the engine orengaging thetines/wheels
with the Forward Clutch Bailor the
14. Beawarethat thetiller may unexpect-
edly bounceupward or jump backward
and bepropelled towardyou if the tines
should strike extremely hard packedsoil,
frozen ground, or buried obstacleslike
largestones, roots, or stumps. If in doubt
about thetilling conditions, alwaysuse
thefollowing operating precautionsto
assist you in maintaining control of the
a. Walk behindandto oneside ofthe
tiller, usingone handonthe han-
dlebars. Relaxyour arm, butuse a
b. Use a deepdepthregulator
c. Useslowerenginespeeds.
d. Clear the tilling area of all large
e. Avoidusingdownwardpressure
on handlebars.If needbe, use
slightupwardpressureto keep the
tines from diggingtoodeeply.
f. Beforecontactinghardpackedsoil
at the endof a row, reduceengine
speedand lilt handlebarsto raise
tines out ofthesoil.
g. In an emergency,stoptines and
wheels by releasingwhichever
clutchcontrolis engaged. Donot
attemptto restrainthetiller.
15. Do not overloadthetiller's capacity
by attempting to till too deeplyattoo fast
a rate.
16. Neveroperatethetiller at high
transport speeds on slippery surfaces.
Look behind and usegreat care when
backing up.
17. Do not operatethe tiller on a slope
that istoo steepfor safety. When on
slopes,slow down and makesureyou
havegood footing. Never permitthe tiller
to freewheel down slopes.
18. Neverallow bystanders nearthe unit.
19. Only use attachments and acces-
sories that areapproved bythe manufac-
turer of the tiller.
20. Usetiller attachments and acces-
sories when recommended.
21. Neveroperatethetiller without good
visibility or light.
22. Neveroperatethetiller ifyou are
tired, or underthe influenceof alcohol,
drugs or medication.
23. Operatorsshall not tamper with the
engine-governorsettings on the machine;
the governor controls the maximum safe
operatingspeedto protect the engineand
all moving partsfrom damagecausedby
overspeed. Authorized serviceshall be
sought if a problem exists.
24. Do not touch engine parts which may
be hot from operation. Let parts cool
down sufficiently.
25. Pleaseremember:You canalways
stop the tines and wheels by releasingthe
Forward Clutch control or the Reverse
Clutchcontrol (whichevercontrol you
haveengaged),or by moving thethrottle
control leveron the engineto "OFF"or
26. To load or unload thetiller, seethe
instructions in Section4 of this Manual.
27. Useextremecaution when reversing
or pulling the machinetowards you.
28. Startthe engine carefully according to
instructions andwith feet well awayfrom
the tines.
29. Neverpick up or carry a machine
while the engine is running.
Maintenance and Storage
1. Keepthe tiller, attachments and acces-
sories in safe working condition.
2. Checkall nuts, bolts, and screws at
frequent intervals for proper tightness to
besure the equipment is in safeworking
3. Neverstore thetiller with fuel in the
fuel tank insidea building where ignition
sources are presentsuch as hot water
and space heaters,furnaces, clothes
dryers,stoves, electric motors, etc.).
Allow engine to cool before storing in any
4. To reduce the chancesof afire hazard,
keepthe enginefree of grass, leaves,or
5. Storegasoline in acool, well-ventilated
area,safelyaway from any spark- or
flame-producing equipment. Store
gasoline in anapprovedcontainer, safely
away from the reachof children.
6. Referto the Maintenancesections of
this Manualand theseparate Engine
Owner's Manualfor instructions if the
tiller isto be stored for an extended
7. Neverperform maintenancewhile the
engine is running or the spark plug wire
is connected,exceptwhen specifically
instructed to do so.
8. If the fuel tank hasto be drained,do
this outdoors.