Troy-Bilt Pony 12211, Pony 12212 Owner's Manual

Before ( , read this
Parts List
12211- RecoilStart 12212- ElectricStart
(Recoil Start Model Shown)
DearOwner: You now own one of the finest standard-rotating-tine tillers
available.Yournew PONY® Model tiller allows you to till and cultivate your garden with ease,andaccomplish dozensof other property managementprojects aswell. Your tiller is famous for its ruggedness,performanceand high-quality engineering. We know you'll enjoy using it.
Pleasecarefully readthis Manual. It tells you how to safely and easilyassemble, operate andmaintain your machine.
Be sure that you and any other operators carefully follow the recommendedsafetypractices atall times. Failureto do so could result in personal injury or property damage.
Ofcourse, if you should ever haveany problems or ques- tions, pleasecontact your local authorized servicedealeror callthe factory (see back cover of this Manual).
Wewant to be surethat you arecompletely satisfied at all times.
NOTE:Besureto fill out and return the Warranty Registra- tion Cardthat was suppliedwith this Manual.
See Back Cover for
Customer Service information
SafetyAlert Symbol
This is a safetyalert symbol. It is usedin this
manualand on the unit to alertyou to potential hazards. Whenyou seethis symbol, readand
obey the messagethat follows it. Failureto obey safety messagescould result in personal
injury or property damage.
This machine meets voluntary safety standard B71.8
- 1996, which is sponsored by the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, Inc., and is published by the
American National Standards Institute.
The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause
cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Table of Contents
SECTION1: SAFETY........................................... 3
SafetyDecals .................................................................... 5
SECTION2: ASSEMBLY....................................... 6
Attach Handlebars.............................................................. 6
Attach ReverseClutch Control ........................................... 7
Attach ForwardClutch Control Cable................................. 7
CheckTransmission GearOil Level.................................... 8
Add Motor Oil to Engine..................................................... 8
AttachWheelGearLever.................................................... 8
CheckAir Pressure in Tires................................................ 8
CheckHardwarefor Tightness........................................... 8
ElectricStart Assembly Steps............................................ 9
SECTION3: FEATURES& CONTROLS........................ 11
WheelGearLever............................................................... 11
ForwardClutch Control...................................................... 11
ReverseClutch Control ...................................................... 12
Depth Regulator................................................................. 12
HandlebarHeightAdjustment............................................ 12
EngineControls ................................................................. 13
SECTION4: OPERATION...................................... 14
Starting and Stoppingthe Engine...................................... 14
OperatingtheTiller ............................................................ 15
Tilling Tips & Techniques.................................................. 17
PowerComposting ............................................................ 19
Loading and Unloadingthe Tiller ....................................... 19
SECTION5: MAINTENANCE.................................. 20
MaintenanceSchedule....................................................... 20
Tiller Lubrication ................................................................ 20
CheckHardware................................................................. 20
CheckTire Pressure........................................................... 20
Checkfor Oil Leaks............................................................ 21
Transmission GearOilService........................................... 21
EngineOilService.............................................................. 22
Air CleanerService............................................................. 22
SparkPlug Service............................................................. 22
SparkArrester Screen Service........................................... 22
EngineCleaning................................................................. 22
Carburetor/GovernorControlAdjustments ........................ 22
Throttle Control Adjustment............................................... 22
WheelGearCableAdjustment............................................ 23
Off Season Storage............................................................ 23
Bolo Tines.......................................................................... 23
Checkingand Adjusting Tension on the Clutch Belts......... 24
ForwardClutch Belt Removal/Replacement....................... 25
ReverseClutch Belt Removal/Replacement....................... 27
BatteryMaintenance.......................................................... 28
TILLERATTACHMENTS........................................ 28
TROUBLESHOOTING.......................................... 29
PARTSLIST..................................................... 30
UnderCalifornia law,and under the lawsof severalother states,you are not permitted to operate an internalcom-
bustion engineusing hydrocarbon fuels on any forest, brush, hay,grain, or grass covered land;or landcovered
by anyflammable agricultural crop without an engine spark arrester in continuous effective working order.
The engineon the unit isan internal combustion engine which burns gasoline, a hydrocarbon fuel, and must be
equippedwith a spark arrester muffler in continuous effectiveworking order. The spark arrester must be attachedto the engineexhaustsystem in such a manner
that flames or heatfrom the system will not ignite flammable material. Failureof the owner/operator of the
unit to comply with this regulation is a misdemeanor under California law (and other states) and may also be a
violation of other state and/or federal regulations, laws,
ordinances or codes. Contactyour local fire marshal or
forest servicefor specific information about which regu-
lations apply in your area.
1. Carefullyreadthis
Owner's Manual,the sepa- rateEngineOwner's Manual, and any other literature you may receive. Bethoroughly familiar with thecontrols andthe proper use of thetiller and its
engine.Know how to stop the unit and disengagethe controls quickly.
2. Neverallow children to operatethe
tiller. Neverallow adults to operatethe tiller without proper instruction.
3. Keepthearea of operation clear of all persons, particularly children and pets.
4. Keepin mind thatthe operator or user is responsible for accidents or hazards
occurring to other people,their property andthemselves.
1. Thoroughly inspect the areawherethe
tiller is to be used and remove all foreign
2. Besure all controls arereleasedand
the Wheel GearLever is in ENGAGE
beforestarting theengine.
3. Donot operatethe tiller without
wearing adequateouter garments. Avoid
loosegarments orjewelry that could get caught in moving parts.
4. Donotoperatethe tiller when barefoot or wearing sandals,sneakers,or light
footwear. Wearprotectivefootwearthat will
Figure I
improvefooting onslippery surfaces.
5. Donottill nearundergroundelectric cables,telephonelines,pipesor hoses. If in doubt, contactyour telephoneor utility
6. Warning:Handlefuelwith care;it is
highlyflammableandits vaporsareexplo- sive. Takethefollowingprecautions:
Storefuel in containers specifically
designedfor this purpose.
Thegascap shall neverbe removed
or fuel addedwhile the engine is
running. Allow the engine to cool
for severalminutes beforeadding fuel.
Keepmatches, cigarettes,cigars, pipes, openflames, and sparks
away from the fuel tank and fuel container.
d. Fill fuel tank outdoors with extreme
care. Neverfill fuel tank indoors.
Usea funnel or spout to prevent spillage.
e. Replaceall fuel tankand container
caps securely.
f. Iffuel is spilled, do not attempt to
start theengine, but move the machineawayfrom the areaof spillageand avoid creating any source of ignition until fuel vapors havedissipated.
7. Never makeadjustments when engine
is running (unless recommendedby manufacturer).
Wheel Gear
Contml Lever
1. Donot put handsor feet nearor under
rotating parts.
2. Exerciseextreme caution when on or crossing graveldrives, walks, or roads.
Stay alert for hidden hazardsor traffic. Do not carry passengers.
3. After striking aforeign object,stop the engine (and remove the ignition keyon
electric start models), disconnect the spark plug wire and prevent it from
touching the spark plug, carefully inspect the tiller for any damage,and repairthe damagebeforerestarting and operating
4. Exercisecautionto avoid slipping or
5. If the unit should start to vibrateabnor- mally,stop the engine(and removethe
ignition key on electricstart models). Dis- connectthe sparkplug wire and preventit from touchingthespark plug, andcheck
immediatelyfor the cause.Vibration is generallya warning of trouble.
6. Stop theengine (and removethe igni- tion keyon electric start models), discon- nect the spark plug wire and prevent it from touching the spark plug whenever you leavethe operating position, before unclogging the tines,or when making any repairs, adjustments or inspections.
7. Takeall possible precautionswhen leavingthe machine unattended. Stop the engine.Removeignition keyon electric start models. Disconnectspark plug wire and move it away from the spark plug.
Move Wheel GearLeverto ENGAGE.
8. Beforecleaning, repairing, or inspect- ing, stop the engine, removethe ignition key on electricstart models,and make certain all moving parts havestopped. Disconnectthe spark plug wire and prevent it from touching the spark plug to prevent accidental starting. On electric start models, alwaysremove the cable from the negativeside (-) of the battery.
9. Alwayskeepthetiller tine hood flap down, unless using the hiller/furrower
10. Neverusethe tiller unless proper guards, plates,or othersafetyprotective
devicesarein place.
11. Donot run engine in an enclosed area.Engineexhaust contains carbon
monoxide gas, a deadly poison that is odorless, colorless, and tasteless.
12. Keepchildren and petsaway.
13. Never operatethe tiller under enginepowerif the Wheel GearLever is
in DISENGAGE(FREEWHEEL).In this position,the wheels will notboldthe
tiller backand therevolvingtinescould propelthe tiller rapidly, possibly
causinglossofcontrol.Always move the
WheelGearLeverto ENGAGEbefore starting the engine or engaging the
tines/wheelswith the Forward Clutch Control or the ReverseClutch Control.
14. Beaware thatthetiller may unex- pectedlybounceupwardorjump
forward if the tinesshouldstrike
extremelyhardpackedsoil, frozen ground,or buriedobstacleslike large
stones,roots,or stumps.If in doubt aboutthe tilling conditions,alwaysuse
thefollowing operatingprecautionsto assistyou in maintainingcontrolof the
a. Walk behindand toone sideofthe
tiller, usingonehandonthe han- dlebars. Relax yourarm, butusea
b. Use shallower depthregulatorset-
tings, workinggraduallydeeper with each pass.
c. Useslowerengine speeds. d. Clear the tilling area of all large
e. Avoidusingdownwardpressure
on handlebars. If need be, use slight upwardpressureto keepthe
tines from diggingtoodeeply.
f. Beforecontactinghardpackedsoil
at the endof a row, reduceengine speedand lift handlebarstoraise
tines outofthe soil.
Inan emergency,stoptinesand
wheels by releasing whichever ClutchLeveris engaged. Do not attempttorestrainthe tiller.
15. Donot overloadthetiller'scapacity byattempting to till too deeplyattoo fast
16. Neveroperatethe tiller at high trans- port speedson hardor slippery surfaces.
Look behind and usecarewhen backing up.
17. Donot operatethe tiller on a slope
that is too steepfor safety.Whenon
slopes,slow down and makesure you havegood footing. Neverpermit thetiller
to freewheeldown slopes.
18. Neverallow bystanders nearthe unit.
19. Only useattachments and acces- soriesthat areapprovedby the tiller
20. Usetiller attachments andacces- sorieswhen recommended.
21. Neveroperatethe tiller without good
visibility or light.
22. Neveroperatethetillerif youaretired, or underthe influenceof alcohol,drugs or
23.Operatorsshallnottamperwith the engine-governorsettingsonthe machine;
thegovernorcontrolsthe maximumsafe
operatingspeedto protecttheengineand allmoving partsfrom damagecausedby
overspeed.Authorizedserviceshallbe soughtif aproblem exists.
24. Donottouchenginepartswhich may behotfrom operation.Letpartscooldown sufficiently.
25. Thebatteryon electricstart modeltillers containssulfuric acid.Avoidcontactwith
skin,eyes,or clothing.Keepout of the reachof children.
Antidote-ExternalContact:Flushimme- diatelywith lotsofwater.
Antidote-lntemal: Drinklargequantities of wateror milk. Followwithmilk of
magnesia,beateneggs or vegetableoil. Calla doctor immediately.
Antidote-EyeContact: Flushwith water for 15 minutes.Getprompt medical
26. Batteriesproduceexplosivegases.Keep sparks,flame,andsmokingmaterialsaway. Ventilatewhen charging batteriesorwhen
usinga batteryin anenclosedspace. ALWAYSwearsafetygoggleswhen
working nearbatteries.
27. Pleaseremember:Youcanalwaysstop thetinesandwheelsbyreleasingthe ForwardClutchControlLeveror the
ReverseClutchControlknob(whichever controlyou haveengaged),or bymoving
theEngineThrottleControlLever(located on engine)to STOPon recoil start models
or by turning the ignition keyto OFFon electricstart models.
28. Toloador unloadthetiller, seethe instructionsin Section4 of this Manual.
29. Useextremecautionwhen reversingor pullingthe machinetowardsyou.
30. Starttheenginecarefullyaccordingto instructionsandwith feetwellawayfrom thetines.
31. Neverpickup orcarry amachinewhile theengineis running.
1. Keepthe tiller, attachmentsand acces- sories in safe working condition.
2. Checkall nuts, bolts, and screws at frequent intervals for proper tightness to
be sure the equipment is in safeworking condition.
3. Neverstorethe tillerwith fuel in thefuel tank insideabuildingwhereignition
sourcesarepresentsuch as hot waterand spaceheaters,furnaces,clothesdryers, stoves,electricmotors, etc. Allowengineto coolbeforestoringin anyenclosure.
4. To reducethechancesof afire hazard,keepthe enginefree of grass, leaves,orexcessivegrease.
5. Storegasolinein a cool, well-venti- latedarea,safely awayfrom any spark- or flame-producing equipment. Store gasolinein an approvedcontainer, safelyawayfrom the reachof children.
6. Referto the Maintenancesection of
this Manualand intheseparateEngine
Owner'sManual for instructions if the
tiller isto be stored for anextended
7. Neverperform maintenancewhile the engine is running or the spark plug wire is connected,exceptwhen specifi-
cally instructed to do so.
8. If the fuel tank hasto bedrained, do this outdoors.
Various symbols (shown here,with worddescriptions)may beusedonthe tillerandengine.
Foryour safety and the safety of others, various safety messagedecals are on your unit (seeFigure2). Keepthe decalsclean and legible atall times. Contactyour local servicedealeror the factoryfor
TineWarning (on right
sideof hoodflap)
topofengine orfuel tank)
replacementsif anydecals aredamagedor missing,
Referto the Parts List pagesfor decal locationsand part numbers.
I KeyswitchWarning
(electrc start unton y)
Instructions and
Warning Messages
6 8 I-'-I
I÷1 R
Figure2: Locationof Safetyand OperatingDecals
To prevent personal injury or property damage, do notstartthe engineuntil all assembly steps are complete and you haveread and understandthe safetyand operatinginstructionsin thisManual.
Carefullyfollow these assembly stepsto correctly prepareyour tiller for use. It is
recommendedthat you readthis Section in its entirety beforebeginning assembly.
Inspect the unit and carton for damage immediately after delivery. Contact the carrier (trucking company) if you find or suspect damage. Inform them of the damageand request instructions for filing a claim. To protect your rights, put your claim in writing and mail a copy to the carrier within 15 daysafter the unit has
beendelivered. Contactus at thefactory if you needassistancein this matter.
1. Removeanycardboardinserts and packagingmaterial from thecarton. Removeanystaplesfrom the bottom of
thecarton and remove the carton.
2. Cutthe large,plastictie strap that securesthe transmission tube to the ship-
ping pallet. Leavethe handlebarson top of thetiller to avoiddamaginganycables.
3. A bagwith loose hardware is inside the literature envelope. Checkthecon- tents againstthe following list and Figure 2-1. Contactyour localdealer orthe factory if any items are missing or damaged.
NOTE: Forelectric start units, a second hardwarebag is locatednearthe battery.
4. Thetiller is heavy. You should not attempt to remove it from the shipping
platform until instructed to doso in these "Assembly" steps.
Fig. Ref. Qty. Description
1 2 3/8-16 x 1"Hex Hd. Screw 2 1 KeyedWasher
3 1 WheelGear LeverKnob 4 1 HeightAdjustment Flange
Screw (SeeFigure2-1A)
5 2 3/8" FlatWasher 6 2 #10 Lockwasher
7 2 3/8"-16 Nylock Lock Nut 8 2 #10-32 x 1/2" RoundHd.
9 2 #10-32 Nut 10 1 Cotter Pin (not used)
11 4 Plastic Tie Strap (2 not used)
Tools/Materials Needed for Assembly
(1) 3/8"open-end wrench* (1) 7/16" open-end wrench* (electric
start unit only) (2) 9/16" open-end wrench* (1) 7/8" open-end wrenchor 8"long
adjustablewrench (1) Scissors (to trim plastic ties) (1) Ruler (1) Small board (to tap plastic knobon
lever) (1) Tire pressure gauge (1) Cleanoil funnel (1) Clean,high-quality motor oil. Refer
to the separateEngineOwner's Manualfor motor oil specifications
and quantity required.
* Adjustable wrenches may be used.
IMPORTANT:Motor oil must be addedto
the engine crankcasebeforethe engine is started. Follow the instructions in this
"Assembly" Section andin the separate
EngineOwner's Manual. NOTE:LEFTand RIGHTsides of the tiller
are as viewed from the operator's posi- tion behind the handlebars.
1. Onelectric start units, remove one
screw and Iockwasherfrom the curved
81 T
700 lo
Figure2-I: Loosehardware(shownin reducedsize).
Figure2.1,4: Handlebarheightadjustment usestheflangeheadscrew,
Figure2.2," Onelectricstart units, move heightadjustmentbracketaside.
height adjustment bracket (A, Figure 2-2), loosenthe secondscrew, andswing the
bracketto one side.
2. Cutthe large, plastic cable ties that securethe handlebarends to the handle-
bar mounting tabs on the transmission top cover.
3. Gentlylift handlebar(do not over- stretch attachedcable) and placehandle-
bar cross-brace (B, Figure2-3) in front of curved height adjustment bracket (C).
Figure 2.3: Forwardclutch controlcable not
shownfor clarity.
4. With theforward clutchcable (N, Figure2-4) onthe insideof handlebar,
position the handlebarends on the outside of the two mounting tabs (M,
Figure2-3) on the transmission top cover.
NOTE: Thecurved handlebarheight adjustment bracket appearsas shown in C, Figure 2-3 for non-electric start units.
Forelectric start units, the bracketis loos- enedand movedto one side.
5. Loosely attachthe handlebarsto the mounting tabs with two 3/8-16 x 1"
screws (heads of screws go to inside of tabs),3/8" flat washers and 3/8"-16 lock nuts (O, Figure2-4).
Figure2.4: Attachhandlebars.
6. On electric start units, reattach the height adjustment bracket (A, Figure 2-2).
Tighten both screws securely. Makesure the handlebarcross-brace (B, Figure2-3) is under the bracket.
7. Move the handlebars up or down to align the threaded hole in the cross-brace
with one of the four slots in the curved height adjustment bracket. Placethe
keyedwasher (E,Figure 2-3) on the flange headheight adjustment screw (F)
with the raised keys (edges) of the washer facing down.
8. Threadthe height adjustment screw (F, Figure2-3) into the hole in the handle- bar cross-brace, making sure that the raised keyson the washer fit into the slot on the height adjustment bracket. Tighten the height adjustment screw securely. Next,securelytighten the two
screws and nuts in the endsof the han- dlebar (M, Figure2-3)=
9. To remove the tiller from its shipping platform, first carefully unwrap the wheel gear cable (with attached lever- see Figure2-5) from around the chassis.
Move the Wheel GearLever(G) to the DISENGAGEposition--this allows the
wheelsto rotate freely. Usethe handle- barsto roll the tiller off the platform.
Figure2.5: CarefullyunwrapWheelGear LeverandmovelevertoDISENGAGE.
NOTE: TheWheelGearLeverwill be installed later in this procedure.
IMPORTANT: UsetheDISENGAGEposi- tion only whentheengine is not running.
Beforestarting the engine,theWheelGear Levermust be placed in the ENGAGE
position (see Section 3 for details). STEP 3: ATTACH REVERSE
1. Carefully unwrapthe reverseclutch
control cable (H, Figure2-6) from its shipping position and route it up along the inside edgeof theleft side handlebar. A knob and large hex nut (I) is installed
on the cable.
Left Side ReverseClutch
Handlebar Control Knob
Figure2.6:Attachreverseclutchcontrol assemblytoslottedholeinhandlebarpanel.
2. Insertthe cableinto the slot inthe control paneland fit the threadedassem-
bly into the hole in the slot (see Figure2-
6)= Besure thatthe flat side of the threadedassembly is aligned with theflat
side of thehole=Slide the hexnut (I) up the cableand tighten it securely=
3. Testthe function of the reverse clutch control cable by pulling the knob out and releasingit. The knob should return to its
neutral position against thetapered bushing. If it doesn't, contact your local dealer or the factory for technical
1. Removeany fasteners (rubber bands,
tape, etc.) that may securethe Forward
ClutchControl levers (J, Figure 2-7) to the handlebar.
Figure2- 7: ForwardClutchControllevers (J). Forwardclutch controllinkage (K).
2. Theforward clutch control cable (with attachedspring) is hanging loosely near
the right-side wheel. Beingcareful not to
kink or stretch the cable, insert the z-con- nector (L, Figure2-8 - end of the spring)
into the hole at the end of the forward clutch control linkage (K, Figure2-7).
3. Attach the cableadjuster (A, Figure 2-9) to the bracket on the right-side han-
dlebar. Usetwo 1/2"wrenches to loosen
the two jam nuts (B)just enoughto slide the cableadjuster onto the bracket. Then
handtighten thejam nuts.
Incorrectcable adjustment could cause thewheels and tines to rotate unexpect-
edly. Follow adjustment procedures carefully. Failure to do so could result in personal injuryor propertydamage.
4. Checkfor correct spring/cabletension
as instructed in Section 5, Checkingand Adjusting Forward Clutch Belt Tension.
5. Whentension is correct, tighten the two jam nuts (B) securely.
Thetransmission wasfilled withgear oil at thefactory. However,besure to check
the oil level at this time to makecertain it
iscorrect. IMPORTANT:Donot operatethe tiller if
the gearoil levelis low=Doing sowill result in severedamageto the transmis-
sion components.
I. With the tiller on levelground, pull the DepthRegulator Lever(R, Figure2-13)
back and then slide it to the second notch from the top. NOTE:If the leverdoesnot
move, lift the fine hood flap and look for a plastic tie securing the lever in place. Cut
and remove the tie.
2. Removethe oil level check plug (M, Figure2-I0) on the left-side of thetrans-
mission= (Dueto dried paint on the plug threads, it may require some force to
remove the plug the first time.) Thegear oil level is correct if oil starts to flow out
of the hole as the plug is removed. If so, securely reinstall the plug.
Figure 2-11: Addinggear oil.
(b) If adding only a few ounces of gear oil, useAPI ratedGL-4 or GL-5 gearoil
having aviscosity of SAE140, SAE85W- 140 or SAE80W-90. If refilling anempty
transmission, use only GL-4 gearoil having aviscosity of SAE85W-140 or
SAE140. (c) Using a clean funnel, slowly add gear
oil until it flows from the gear oil level check hole (N, Figure2-11).
(d) Reinstall andtighten securely the gear oil fill plug (M, Figure 2-10).
STEP 6: ADD MOTOR OIL TO ENGINE Thetiller is shipped withoutoil in the
engine crankcase. IMPORTANT:Do not start the engine
without first adding motor oil. Severe engine damagewill result if the engineis
run without oil=
1. Referto the separateEngineOwner's Manualfor motor oil specifications and capacities.
2. With the unit on levelground, move the Depth Regulator Lever(R, Figure 2-
13) up or down until the engine is level.
3. Add motor oil as described in the EngineOwner's Manual.
4. Move the DepthRegulatorLever all the way down until the highest notch is engaged. This placesthe tines in the
"travel" position.
Figure2.12: Attach Wheel Gear Lever.
Figure2.13: Attachwheelgear cable and reverse clutchcable withcable ties ($).
3. Usea small board to tap the Wheel
Gear Lever knob securely onto the lever.
4. Securethe wheelgear cable and the reverseclutch control cableto the left-
sidehandlebarwith two plastic ties (S, Figure2-I 3) locatedabout two feet apart. Snip off anyexcesstie lengthwith
scissors. STEP 8: CHECK AIR
PRESSURE IN TIRES Usea tire pressuregaugeto check the air
pressure in both tires. Deflateor inflate bothtires equally to 154o-20 PSI (pounds per square inch). Besure that bothtires are inflated equally or the unit
will pull to oneside=
Figure2-10: Gearoil level checkplug.
3. If oildoes not flow from the check hole, addoil asfollows:
NOTE:Do not use automatic transmission fluid or motor oil in the transmission.
(a) Cleanareaaround the fill hole (N, Figure2-11) and unscrew gearoil fill
I. Insert theWheelGear Lever (P, Figure
2-I 2) upthrough the slot in thecontrol panel that is labeled"WHEELGEAR."
2. Insert two #10-32 x I12"round head screws down through the "+"marks on
the control panel decaland securely attachthe wheelgear mounting bracket using two #10 lockwashersand #10-32
Inspect the hardware on the unit and
tighten any loose screws, bolts and nuts=
This completesassembly for recoil start
tillers. Readthe rest of this Manual, and the separateEngineOwner's Manual,
before operatingthe tiller.
Electric start models--continue with the
Assembly Steps.
Electric Start
Thefollowing steps explain how to prepareand install the battery. FOR
PANYINGSAFETYMESSAGES.Checkfor the following items (see Figure 2-14):
I. Battery (installed on tiller)
2. Clearplastic vent tube
3. Two hex screws and hex nuts
2 3
the battery unlessyou arefully experi- encedin battery activation and charging procedures.
To ensurethat the battery is properly acti- vated and charged,you should review the
activating and charging instructions with your battery technician.
Battery electrolyte is a sulfuric acid
solution that is poisonous and causes severeburns.
Avoidspills or contactwithskin, eyes,
To preventaccidents, wear protective
clothes, rubberglovesandshield eyes with safety goggles when working on
or nearthe battery.
Neutralize acid spills with a baking soda and water solution. Neutralize
electrolyte container with same solu- tion. Then rinse with clear water.
ANTIDOTE:External- Flushwith water.
Eyes- Flush with water for 15 minutes
and get immediate medical attention. ANTIDOTE: Internal - Drink a large
quantity of water or milk. Follow with milk of magnesia, beaten eggs, or veg- etable oil. Call physicianimmediately.
the UPPERLEVELline printed on the
battery. Do not add water or anyother liquid during this initial activation.
6. Allow batteryto stand for 30minutes and then recheck the electrolyte levelin eachcell. Add more electrolyte solution if
needed. Donot overfill the battery as this could result in flooding from the cells during charging.
Keep sparks, flame and cigarettes
Ventilate area when chargingor using
batteryin an enclosedspace.
Make sure venting path of battery is alwaysopenoncebatteryis filled with
Follow safety rules and instructions supplied by manufacturers of battery andchargerunit.
During charging,do not leave battery unattended. Charging time need not
When checking the battery for gassing, always wear safety goggles and use a flashlight to look down into
Remove metal jewelry before working near the battery or near the electrical
Failure to comply may cause a short circuit, resulting in electrical burns, electrical shock, or an explosion of batterygases.
STEP 1: Battery Activation and Charging
Thebattery is shippeddry=It must be filled with battery electrolyte (battery grade sulfuric acid) and fully charged
beforeit canbe used. Adding electrolyte and charging the
battery canbe dangerous. Theelectrolyte contains acidthat can burn or blind you.
Batterycharging produces potentially explosivegases.
It is strongly recommended that you have the batteryserviced by atrained profes- sional (your authorized tiller dealer, a reli- ableservice station, abattery store, etc.).
Donot attempt to activate and charge
A. To Activatethe Battery:
I. Removethe batteryfrom thetiller by
removing the screws, lockwashers and nuts from the battery hold-down clamp
2. Placebattery on a levelsurface, safely away from any spark- or flame-producing
sources such as stoves, heaters, electrical switches, pilot lights, dryers, etc.
3. Removeand discard the short sealing tube (if soequipped) that coversthe vent fitting locatedon the negative(-) side of the top of the battery.
4. Removethe six filler caps from the top of the battery. Leavethe caps off while activating and charging the battery.
5. Puton protectiveclothing, rubber gloves and eyeprotection. For best
results, the temperature of the battery and electrolyte should be between600 Fto
80° F. Carefully fill eachof the six cells with electrolyte (batterygrade sulfuric
acidwith a specific gravity of 1.265) up to
B. To Chargethe Battery: Formaximum battery life, charge the
batteryusing the following method until all cells are gassingfreely. A battery is gassing freely when the surfaceof the electrolyte is covered with tiny bubbles.
Besureto follow all instructions provided
bythe manufacturer of the battery charg-
ing unit that is being used to charge the
1. Chargethe batteryapproximately three to five hours at a rateof 1-to-2 amperes. Turn the battery chargeroff and discon-
nectthe charger cablesfrom the battery
2. Checkthe electrolyte level in eachcell.
If the electrolyte level hasfallen, refill the batterywith distilled water until the level reachesthe UPPERLEVELline.
3. Securelyreplaceall six filler caps. Use a baking soda and water solution to rinse
off any electrolyte that may havespilled. Thendry the battery.
Do not touch positive (+) battery terminal and any surrounding metal with tools, jewelry or other metal
objects. Failure to complycouldcause
a shortcircuitthat couldcauseelectri-
cal burns or an explosion of battery gases.
Incorrectinstallationofthe batterycan
result in electrical system damage. Follow installation instructions care-
fully to avoid damage.
Figure2.18: Checktightness of upper mountingscrew.
Figure2.16: Attachpositive (+) battery
cable. Coverconnectionwithrubber boot.
STEP2: Install Battery
1. Reinstallthebattery on the battery mounting basewith thetwo cablemount-
ingposts facing to the rear of the tiller= Besure that thepositive (+) post ison the left-sideof the tillerand the negative (-) post is on theright-side (as viewedfrom rear of tiller). SeeFigure 2-15.
2. Reinstallthe battery hold-down bracketoverthe batterywiththe ignition
switch (T, Figure2-15) toward thefront of the unit. Attach the bracket to the
mounting base using the two 1/4-20 x 1-
1/4"carriage screws (insert screws up from beneath mounting base), 1/4" lock- washers and 1/4"-20 nuts removedprevi-
ously. Tightenthe nuts securely,but not
so much as to bend thetabs on the hold-
down bracket.
STEP3: Attach Battery Cables
and Vent Tube
1. Locatethe positivebattery cable,
which is connectedto the starter solenoid
on the left-side of the battery post (a
rubber boot covers the connection). A
second rubber boot is loosely installed on the cable. Get the small screw and nut
from the hardware bag, connect the loose end of the cable to the positive (+) post on the battery. See Figure2-16.
2. Slidethe rubber boot over thepositive (+) batterypost.
3. The negativebattery cableis con-
nected to the upper mounting screw that attachesthe starter solenoidto the back
of thebattery post. This is the ground for the negativecable. Usingthe second
screw and nut, attachthe looseend of the cableto thenegative (-) battery post. See
Figure2.17: Attachnegative (.) battery cable.
4. Checkthetightnessof the upper
mounting screw that securesthe negative cableand starter solenoid to the battery post. SeeFigure2-18, Scrapeaway any paint betweenthe cableand the screw as the paint canprevent a good electrical ground.
5. Install one endof the clearplastic vent
tube overthe vent fitting (U, Figure2-19) on the battery= Insertthe other end down into thevent tube shield (V)=
Figure2.19: Instafl vent tube.
Improper ventingcan causea battery to explode, resulting in severe personal injuryor propertydamage.
Be sure that the vent tube does not becomekinked, folded or pinchedalong
itsentire length.
STEP 4: Connect Wiring Harness
Attachthe wiring harness receptacleto the prongs on the back of the ignition
switch (seeFigure2-20). IMPORTANT: This completes the assem-
bly steps for the electric start tiller. Be sureto read the rest of this Manual, and
the separateEngineOwner'sManual, beforeyou operateyour tiller.
Figure2.20: Attachwiringharnessto keyswitch.
Before operating your machine, care- fully read and understand all safety, controls and operating instructions in this Manual, the separate Engine
Owner's Manual, and on the decals on the machine.
Failure to follow these instructionscan
resultin seriouspersonal injury.
This Section describesthe location and function of the controls on your tiller.
Referto thefollowing section "Opera- tion" for detailedoperating instructions,
Practiceusing these controls, withthe engine shut off, until you understandthe
operationof the controls and feel confi- dentwith them.
IMPORTANT:Referto theseparate engine manufacturer's EngineOwner's
Manualfor information aboutthe con- trois on theengine.
WHEEL GEAR LEVER Thislever (A, Figure 3-1) hastwo posi-
tions: ENGAGEand DISENGAGE. In the ENGAGEposition, the wheels will
start turning when eitherthe Forward ClutchControl or the ReverseClutch
Control is engaged (thetines will also start turning when eitherclutch is
Figure3. I: Controlslocated onhandlebar.
TheDISENGAGEposition placesthe wheels in the freewheeling mode to allow
the unit to be moved without the engine running. Usethe DISENGAGEposition only whenthe engine is not running. See
"DANGER"statementthat follows. To shift to ENGAGE,gently (do not force)
move the lever forward whilealso rolling thetiller a few inchesforward or back-
ward. Moving thetiller helps to align the shift mechanismwith the transmission
wheeldrive gears. To shift to DISENGAGE(freewheel),
move the lever rearward, without rolling thetiller. The wheels will roll freely
whenthe lever is properly set in the DISENGAGEposition.
Thetwo interconnectedlevers (B, Figure
3-1) control the engagementof forward
drive to the wheels and tines. To Operate the ForwardClutch Control:
1. Beforeengagingthe Forward Clutch
Control, put the WheelGearLeverin the
ENGAGEposition (see"WARNING" below).
2. Pull up and hold one or both of the leversagainst the handlebargrips to
engagethe wheelsand tines.
3. ReleaseBOTHlevers to disengage (stop) the wheels and tines. All forward motion will stop (theenginewill continue
to run).
Never place the Wheel Gear Lever in DISENGAGE (Freewheel) when the
engine is running. Having the Wheel Gear Lever in
DISENGAGE and then engaging the tines/wheels with either the Forward
Clutch Control or the Reverse Clutch Control could allow the tines to propel
thetiller rapidly forward or backward. Failure to follow this instructioncould
result in personal injury or property damage.
Never engage the wheels andtines with
the Forward Clutch Control or the
Reverse Clutch Control unless the
Wheel GearLever is in ENGAGE.
Engagingthe ForwardClutchControl or
the Reverse Clutch Control when the wheels are not engagedcould allow the
tines to rapidly propel the tiller forward or backward.
Failure to follow this warning could result in personal injury or property
TheReverseClutch Control (C,Figure
3-1) controls the engagementof reverse
drive to the wheels and tines. The revers-
ingfeature is usedfor maneuveringthe
tiller only - neverengagethetines in thegroundwhile goinginthe reverse direction.
Use extreme caution when reversing
or pulling the machine towards you.
Look behindto avoid obstacles.
Never attemptto till inreverse.
Failure to follow this warning could result in personal injury or property damage.
To Operatethe ReverseClutch Control:
1. Put the WheelGearLeverinthe ENGAGEposition (seethe "WARNING"
statementon previous page).
2. Stop all tiller motion by releasingthe ForwardClutchControl levers=
3. Lift up the handlebarsuntil thetines
cleartheground, look behind you to avoid any obstacles,andthen pullthe Reverse
Clutch Control knob out. Thetines and wheels will rotate in a reversedirection=
4. Releasethe ReverseClutchControl knobto disengage(stop) thewheelsand
tines=All reversemotion will stop (the engine will continue to run).
Do not attempt to till too deeply too quickly. Gradually work down to
deepertilling depths.
Place the Depth RegulatorLever in the "travel" position before starting the
engine. This position prevents the tines from touching the ground until youare readyto begintilling.
Failure to follow this warning could result in personal injury or property
TheDepth Regulator lever (D, Figure 3-2) controls thetillingdepthof the tines. Pull
theleverstraight backand slide it upor down toengagethenotched height set-
Figure3.2: DepthRegulatorLever.
Thehighest notch (leverall the way down) raises the tines approximately
1-1/2 inches offthe ground= This"travel" position allows the tiller to be moved
without the tines digging into theground. Moving the lever up increasesthe tilling
depth. The lowest notch allows a tilling depth of approximately six to eight
inches,depending on soil conditions.
Forbestresults, alwaysbegintilling at a very shallowdepthsetting andgradu- ally increasethe tilling depth. Complete
details on using the Depth Regulator are
found in the "Operation" Section of this
Figure3.3: Handlebar heightadjustment.
The handlebarheight is adjustableto four
different settings. Setthe handlebar heightto a comfortable setting, but keep
in mind that the handlebarswill be lower
when the tines are engagedin thesoil. To Adjust the HandlebarHeight:
I. Stop the engine, wait for all partsto stop moving and then disconnect the
spark plug wire. Removethe ignition key on electric start models.
2. Loosenthe two screws at the lower endsof the handlebar=
3. Loosenthe height adjustment screw (E,Figure3-3) and pull the keyedwasher
(F)free of theslots in the curved height adjustment bracket.
4. Move the handlebars to the new slot setting and insert the raised keyson the keyedwasher into the slot. Tightenthe
height adjustment screw securely.
5. Retightenthetwoscrews at the ends of the handlebar.
Referto the engine manufacturer's Engine
Owner's Manual (included inthe tiller lit- erature package)to identify the controls
on your engine. The following two con- trols areusedwhen stopping or starting the engine.
IMPORTANT:Thecontrol for stopping the recoil start engine is located on the engine.
TheEngineThrottleControlLever(located on engine--see Figure4-1) is usedto reg-
ulatethe engine speed. Onthe recoil start
modelonly, it is also used to stop the engine (on the electricstart model, the
electric start keyswitch is used to stop the engine). Thethrottle settings areshown
IMPORTANT: See"Starting andStopping the Engine"in the "Operation" Section for detailedengine starting andstopping
The ignition keyswitch on the electric start model (H, Figure 3-5) is usedto start and stop the engine. The keyswitch
settings are described below.
Figure3.5: Electricstartkeyswitch.
IMPORTANT: See"Starting and Stopping the Engine"in the "Operation" Section for detailedengine starting and stopping
instructions. OFF-Stops engine. RUN - After starting, keyreturns to run
,_ FAST- Usefor most tilling and cul-
tivating projects.
SLOW- Usewhen idling engineor when slower tilling and cultivating
speeds areneeded.
O STOP- Stops the engine (onrecoil
start models only).
START- Starts engine. Releasekey when engine starts (avoid cranking enginefor
longer than 15 secondsfor eachattempt).
ForwardClutch ControlLever
Before operating your machine, care- fully read and understand all safety
(Section 1), controls (Section 3) and operating instructions (Section 4) in
this Manual, in the separate Engine Owner's Manual, and on the decals on themachine.
Failure to follow these instructionscan resultin seriouspersonal injury.
Readthis Sectionof the manualthor- oughly beforeyou start theengine, Then,
takethe time to familiarizeyourself with the basicoperation of the tiller before using it in the garden.
Findan open, level areaand practice using thetillercontrols without the tines engagingthe soil (put tines in"travel" setting). Only after you've becomecom- pletely familiar with the tiller should you begin using it in the garden.
BREAK-IN OPERATION Perform the following maintenanceafter
thefirst two hours of new operation (see "Maintenance" in this manual andthe
EngineOwner's Manual).
1. Changeengine oil.
2. Checkfor loose or missing hardware on unit. Tighten or replaceas needed.
3. Checktransmission gear oil level.
4. Checktension on forward clutch belt.
EngJ Control Lever
Figure 4- I: Locationof main tiller controls.
To help prevent serious personalinjury or damagetoequipment:
Before starting engine, put Wheel GearLeverin ENGAGEposition.
Before starting engine, put Forward Clutch Control levers and Reverse
ClutchControlin neutral (disengaged) positionsby releasing controls.
Never run engine indoors or in enclosed, poorly ventilated areas.
Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide, an odorless and deadly
Avoid engine muffler and nearby areas. Temperatures in these areas may exceed150OF.
PRE-START CHECKLIST: Make the following checks and perform
the following services beforestarting the engine.
Control Lever
1. ReadSections 1 and 3 in this Manual. Readthe separateEngineOwner's
2. Checkunit for loose or missing hard-
ware. Serviceas required.
3. Checkengine oil level. SeeEngine
Owner's Manual.
4. Checkthat all safety guards and covers are in place.
5. Checkair cleanerand engine cooling system. See EngineOwner's Manual.
6. Attachspark plug wire to spark plug.
Follow gasoline safety rules in this manual (see Section1) and in the sepa- rate EngineOwner'sManual.
Failure tofollow gasoline safety instruc- tions can result in serious personal
injuryand propertydamage.
7. Fillthefuel tank with gasolineaccord-
ing to the directions in the separate EngineOwner's Manual. Follow all instructions andsafety rules carefully.
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