Troy-Bilt 42052, 42051 User Manual

42051 - 9.5HP / 26" Auger 42052 - 11HP / 30" Auger
Features and Controls
Parts List
(11HP Model shown)
Before operating this equipment, read this
Owner’s Manual and the separate manual
supplied by the engine manufacturer.
Table of Contents
SECTION 1: SAFETY ........................................... 3
Safety Decals ......................................................................... 5
SECTION 2: ASSEMBLY ....................................... 6
Inspect Unit............................................................................. 6
Unpack Unit ............................................................................ 6
Hardware Bag Contents........................................................... 6
Remove (optional) Drift Slicers............................................... 6
Install Handlebars ................................................................... 7
Install Discharge Chute........................................................... 7
Attach Chute Control Rod........................................................ 8
Attach Auger Drive Control Rod.............................................. 8
Attach Wheel Control Rod....................................................... 8
Attach Gear Shift Control Rod................................................. 8
Connect Wiring for Handlebar Warmers and Light.................. 10
Add Motor Oil to Crankcase .................................................... 10
Check Auger Gear Case Oil Level............................................. 10
Check Tire Pressure................................................................10
Install Drift Slicers................................................................... 10
SECTION 3: FEATURES AND CONTROLS...................... 11
SECTION 4: OPERATION ....................................... 12
Pre-Operation Checklist........................................................... 12
Starting the Engine.................................................................. 13
Stopping ................................................................................. 13
Auger Drive Engagement......................................................... 14
Wheel Drive Engagement........................................................14
Auger Drive/Wheel Drive Interlock Feature.............................. 14
Shifting Gears ......................................................................... 14
Transporting the Unit..............................................................14
Snow Throwing Tips...............................................................14
Snow Throwing Patterns......................................................... 15
SECTION 5: MAINTENANCE ................................... 16
Engine Maintenance................................................................ 16
Lubrication.............................................................................. 16
Wheel Drive Disc Adjustment.................................................. 16
Auger Drive Belt and Wheel Drive Belt Replacement
............. 18
Shear Bolts.............................................................................. 18
Auger Drive Belt(s) Adjustment............................................... 18
Gear Shift Rod Adjustment
................................................ 19
Drive Disc Clearance Adjustment............................................ 19
Brake Arm Adjustment............................................................19
Skid Shoes/Scraper Blade....................................................... 20
Slip Differential Adjustment..................................................... 20
Off-Season Storage................................................................. 20
Troubleshooting Chart ............................................................ 21
Required Maintenance Schedule............................................. 23
SPECIFICATIONS/KITS & ACCESSORIES ..................... 24
PARTS LIST ...................................................... 25
Dear Owner: Thank you for purchasing this product. The unit was care-
fully designed and manufactured to provide excellent performance if properly operated and maintained.
Review this manual frequently to familiarize yourself with the unit, its features and its safe operation. Be sure that
you and any other operators carefully follow the recom­mended safety practices at all times. Failure to do so could result in personal injury or property damage. This
Manual is considered a permanent part of the unit and it must stay with the unit if the unit is resold.
The warranty statement is included in the literature pack­age. Read it carefully. Also, please complete and return the postpaid owner registration card included with this Manual. The purpose of the card is to register each unit and owner at the factory to provide product updates.
If you have any problems or questions concerning the unit, contact your local authorized dealer or the Factory (see back page of this Manual).
We want to ensure your complete satisfaction at all times.
See Back Cover for
Customer Service Information
Safety Alert Symbol
This is a safety alert symbol. It is used in this manual and on the unit to alert you to potential hazards. When you see this symbol, read and obey the message that follows it. Failure to obey safety messages could
result in personal injury or property damage.
This machine meets voluntary safety standard B71.3 – 1995, which is sponsored by the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, Inc., and is published by the American National Standards Institute.
The engine exhaust from this product contains chemi­cals known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Under California law, and under the laws of several other states, you are not permitted to operate an internal combustion engine using hydrocarbon fuels on any forest, brush, hay, grain, or grass covered land; or land covered by any flammable agricul­tural crop without an engine spark arrester in continuous effec­tive working order.
The engine on the unit is an internal combustion engine which burns gasoline, a hydrocarbon fuel, and must be equipped with a spark arrester muffler in continuous effective working order. The spark arrester must be attached to the engine exhaust system in such a manner that flames or heat from the system will not ignite flammable material. Failure of the owner/operator of the unit to comply with this regulation is a misdemeanor under California law (and other states) and may also be a violation of other state and/or federal regulations, laws, ordinances or codes. Contact your local fire marshal or forest service for specific information about which regulations apply in your area.
1. Read this Owner’s Manual and the sepa­rate Engine Owner’s Manual carefully before operating the unit. Be completely familiar with the controls and the proper use of the unit. Know how to stop the unit and disengage the controls quickly. A re­placement manual is available by con­tacting the factory.
2. Never allow children to operate the unit. Never allow adults to operate the unit without proper instruction.
3. Keep the area of operation clear of all persons, particularly small children and pets. Keep bystanders at least 25 feet away from the area of operation.
4. Exercise caution to avoid slipping or falling, especially when operating in reverse.
5. Familiarize yourself with all of the safety and operating decals on the unit and on any attachments or accessories.
6. Do not run the engine in an enclosed area. Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide gas, a deadly poison that is odorless, colorless, and tasteless. Do not operate the unit near buildings, windows, or air conditioners.
7. Keep hands or any other part of the body or clothing away from the inside of the collector (auger/impeller) hous­ing, the discharge chute opening, or moving parts.
8. Do not operate the unit if you are under the influence of alcohol, medi­cation, or when tired or ill.
1. Wear approved safety glasses or eye shields during operation or while per­forming an adjustment or repair to protect eyes from foreign objects that may be thrown from the unit.
2. Do not wear loose-fitting clothing, such as scarves, which could be caught by moving parts. Tie up or re­strain long hair.
3. Before starting the engine, check the tightness of all screws, nuts, bolts, and other fasteners. Replace or clean any damaged or unreadable safety and operating labels.
4. Wear adequate winter outer garments when operating the unit. Wear footwear that will improve footing on slippery surfaces.
5. Use extra care when handling gasoline or other fuels. Gasoline and its vapors are highly flammable and explosive. To help prevent a fire or explosion:
a. Store gasoline only in an approved
gasoline storage container, safely out of the reach of children.
b. Never remove the fuel fill cap on
the fuel tank, or add fuel while the engine is running or hot.
c. Keep matches, smoking materials,
open flames, and sparks away from the fuel tank and gasoline storage container.
d. Fill the fuel tank outdoors and with
extreme care. Never fill the fuel tank indoors.
e. Replace the fuel fill cap on the fuel
tank, the cap on the gasoline stor­age container, and clean up fuel spills before starting the engine.
f. Leave 1-1/2 inch (3.81 cm) of air
space at the top of the fuel tank to allow for fuel expansion.
g. Do not store unit or gasoline stor-
age container where there is a dan­ger of an open flame or spark, or where ignition sources are present such as hot water and space heaters, furnaces, clothes dryers, stoves, electric motors, etc.
6. For units equipped with electric-start: a. Only use a 3-pronged, UL rated and
approved, outdoor use power cord. Do not use any adapters on the cord.
Discharge Chute
Chute Deflector Cap
Auger Drive Control Lever
Chute Directional Control
Wheel Drive Control Lever
Auger Assembly
Skid Shoe
Collector (auger/impeller) Housing
Gear Shift Lever
Section 1: Safety
b.The 120V A.C. starter is equipped
with a three-wire power cord and plug and is designed to operate on 120V A.C. household current. The starter must be properly grounded at all times to avoid the possibility of injury or death from electrical shock. Determine that your house wiring is a Ground Fault Interrupted (G.F.I.) three-wire grounded sys­tem, or ask a licensed electrician if you are not sure. If your house wiring system is not a G.F.I. three­wire grounded system, DO NOT use the electric starter under any condi­tion. If your house wiring system is grounded but a G.F.I. three-prong wall receptacle is not available at the location your starter will be used, one should be installed by a licensed electrician.
c. Inspect the power cord for damage
before use. If it is damaged, do not use it.
d.Stand on dry ground when handling
the power cord. Do not handle the power cord with wet hands or wet gloves. Do not use the electric starter if it is raining.
e. Connect the cord to the electric
starter first, and then plug the cord into a properly grounded outlet (this lessens the chances of sparks from occurring near the engine).
f. Do not abuse the power cord. Do
not pull the unit by the cord. Do not pull the cord to disconnect it from the outlet. Keep the cord away from sharp edges, oil, and exces­sive heat.
g.Store the power cord in a secure
place, safely out of the reach of children.
7. Adjust the skid shoes and scraper blade so the collector (auger/impeller) housing clears gravel or crushed rock surfaces.
8. Never attempt to make any adjust­ments while the engine is running (except when specifically recom­mended by the the manufacturer).
1. The operator of the unit is responsible for the safety of all persons in the op­erating zone of the unit.
2. Before starting the unit, disconnect the spark plug wire and check the col­lector (auger/impeller) housing and discharge chute to make sure they are free of ice.
3. Disengage all clutches before starting the engine.
4. Let the unit adjust to outdoor temper­ature before use.
5. Check the operation of the controls before using the unit. Do not operate the unit unless all controls are operat­ing properly.
6. Never carry passengers on the unit. They could fall off and be seriously in­jured, or they could interfere with safe operation.
7. Keep hands, other body parts, and clothing away from any moving or ro­tating parts. Keep clear of the intake and discharge openings at all times.
8. Before starting the engine, inspect the area where the unit is to be used and remove all sleds, boards, doormats, wire, bottles, cans, or other debris.
9. Keep children out of the area of opera­tion and under the watchful eye of an adult not operating the unit. Never as­sume that children will remain where you last saw them.
10. If the unit makes an unusual noise or vibration, immediately shut the engine off, wait for all moving parts to stop, disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug and perform the fol­lowing steps:
a. Inspect for damage. b. Replace or repair any damaged
c. Check for and tighten any loose
11. Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug wire whenever you leave the operating position, before unclog­ging the collector (auger/impeller) housing or discharge chute, and when making any repairs, adjustments, or inspections. Use only a wooden stick (at least 3 feet long) to clear away any blockage.
12. When cleaning, repairing, or inspect­ing, make certain the auger, impeller and all moving parts have stopped. Disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug and secure the wire away from the spark plug.
13. Keep all guards, covers, shields and safety devices in place and in good working condition. Do not attempt to defeat the purpose of any safety device.
14. Exercise extreme caution on slopes.
15. Do not attempt to clear steep slopes.
16. Do not clear snow across the face of slopes. Exercise extreme caution when changing direction on slopes.
17. Always observe the terrain. Watch for and avoid obstacles. Stay away from holes, ditches, soft or steep embank­ments and other potentially danger­ous terrain. Deep snow can hide ob­stacles and drop-offs.
18. Do not use the unit near drop-offs, ditches, or embankments. If a wheel goes over an edge, or if an edge caves in, the unit could overturn.
19. Never operate the unit at high trans­port speeds on slippery surfaces. Wet surfaces reduce traction and stability.
20. Look behind and use care when oper­ating the unit in reverse. If you have to pull the unit backward, disengage the auger and wheel drives. Always check behind for hazards.
21. Be extremely careful when using the unit near blind corners, shrubs, trees, and other objects that may obscure vision.
Section 1: Safety
22. Be extremely careful when operating on or crossing gravel drives, walks or roads. Stay alert for hidden hazards or traffic. Remove any hearing protection.
23. Do not overload the machine capacity by attempting to clear snow at too fast a rate.
24. After striking a foreign object, stop the engine, remove the wire from the spark plug, thoroughly inspect the unit for any damage, and repair the damage before restarting and operat­ing the unit.
25. Use only attachments and accessories that are approved for use with the unit (such as wheel weights, counter­weights, cabs, and the like). Contact an authorized dealer or the factory if you are not sure about the use of any attachment or accessory.
26. Operate the unit only in daylight or in good artificial light. Always be sure of your footing, and keep a firm hold on the handlebars. Walk; never run.
27. Do not tamper with the engine gover­nor settings. The governor controls the maximum safe engine operating speed and protects the engine and moving parts from damage. Contact your local engine dealer for service if a problem exists.
28. Disengage the auger drive when the unit is being transported or is not in use. Disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug to prevent acci­dental starting.
29. Do not touch the muffler or other en­gine parts which may be hot from op­eration. Wait for parts to cool com­pletely before inspecting, cleaning or repairing the unit.
30. Never operate the unit near buildings, glass enclosures, automobiles, win­dow wells, drop-offs, etc., without first properly adjusting the discharge angle and direction. Keep children and pets away.
31. Never direct discharge at persons, an­imals, vehicles or buildings. Never allow anyone in front of the unit when the engine is running.
32. Disengage the auger and wheel drives if you are approached by any child, inattentive person or pet.
33. Run the unit for a few minutes after use to prevent freeze-up. Remove any snow from the unit (snow can melt, re-freeze and jam the unit).
Maintenance and Storage
1. When the unit is stopped for servicing,
inspection, storage, or to change an attachment or an accessory, disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug and secure the wire away from the plug. Allow the engine to cool before making inspections, ad­justments or performing any maintenance.
2. Maintain the unit and all attachments
and accessories in safe working condition.
3. Never perform any maintenance while
the engine is running, or when the spark plug wire is connected to the spark plug.
4. Do not store the unit or fuel container
inside an enclosure where there is an open flame or spark, or where ignition sources are present, such as: hot water and space heaters, furnaces, clothes dryers, stoves, electric motors, etc.
5. Allow the engine to cool before storing
in any enclosure.
6. Store gasoline in a cool, well-venti-
lated area, safely away from any spark­or flame-producing equipment.
7. Store gasoline only in an approved
gasoline storage container, safely out of the reach of children.
8. Use only original equipment replace-
ment parts. Parts manufactured by others could present a safety hazard even though they may fit on the unit.
9. Store the unit where children will not have access to it. Always disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug to prevent accidental starting. On units equipped with the electric start­ing, store the power cord in a secure place, safely out of the reach of children.
10. Check the tightness of the auger shear bolts and other fasteners at frequent intervals to be sure the unit is in safe working condition. Torque shear bolts to 11 ft. lbs. (15 Nm).
11. Maintain or replace safety and instruc­tion decals as needed if they are dam­aged or illegible.
12. Refer to the separate Engine Owner’s Manual for complete engine operating and maintenance information.
13. Refer to the storage instructions in this Manual and in the Engine Owner’s Manual if the unit is to be stored for an extended period.
Safety Decals
For your personal safety and the safety of others, a number of safety message decals have been affixed to your unit. Keep them clean and legible at all times. Contact your local service dealer or the factory for re­placements if any decals are damaged or missing.
Refer to the parts listing for decal locations, part numbers, and ordering instructions.
NOTE: Left and right sides of the unit are determined from the operator position, facing the direction of forward travel.
A. Inspect Unit
Inspect the unit and shipping crate for damage immediately after delivery. Contact the carrier (trucking company) if you find or suspect damage. Inform them of the damage and request instructions for filing a claim. To protect your rights, put your claim in writing and mail a copy to the car­rier within 15 days after the unit has been delivered. Contact the Factory if you need assistance.
Tools/Materials Required for Assembly
(1) Scissors or knife (to cut plastic ties) (1) *5/16" wrench (1) *3/8" wrench (2) *7/16" wrenches (2) *1/2" wrenches (1) *9/16" wrench (1) Phillips head screwdriver (medium) (1) Needle-nosed pliers (medium) (1) Automotive-type tire pressure gauge (1) Funnel (1) Clean, high-quality motor oil. Refer to
the separate Engine Owners Manual for the exact oil specifications and amount needed for your engine.
* Adjustable wrenches may be used. IMPORTANT: Motor oil must be added to
the engine crankcase before the engine is started. Follow the instructions in this Section.
B. Unpack Unit
Follow these steps to unpack your unit.
1. After removing cardboard carton, re­move discharge chute (O, Figure 2-4) assembly (with attached hardware bag) from inside cardboard sleeve.
2. Cut plastic ties securing handlebar ends to chassis and remove handle­bars. Remove any protective wrapping on handlebars.
3. Cut the four plastic ties (two on auger shaft and two on wheel axle) that se­cure the unit to the shipping pallet.
4. Move unit onto a clean, level surface.
The unit is heavy. To move the unit off the shipping pallet, use caution and obtain the help of at least one assistant.
5. The hardware bag should contain the following items:
* These are replacement parts (Figure 2-1) that should be kept with this manual (if the auger jams, the shear bolts are designed to break to prevent damage to the auger drive). See Section 5 for replacement information.
C. Remove Drift Slicers
(if equipped)
1. Remove the four screws (B, Figure 2-2) and locknuts (two on each side) that secure the drift slicers (A) and re­move them from both sides of the col­lector (auger/impeller) housing.
NOTE: For shipping purposes, the drift slicers are mounted backwards.
2. Place the drift slicers and hardware
aside. The drift slicers can be attached after the unit is assembled (see last step of these assembly instructions).
Description Qty.
Engine Stop Switch Key .................... 1
Plastic Cable Tie ................................ 3
Hex Hd. Flange Screw, 3/8-16 x 3/4 .. 4
Hex Hd. Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/4.............. 2
Locknut, 1/4-20 ................................ 2
Phillips Hd. Screw, #10-24 x 3/8 ...... 2
Locknut, #10-24................................ 2
Cotter Pin .......................................... 1
Electric Start Power Cord .................. 1
*Shear Bolt, 5/16-18 x 1-3/4 ............ 2
*Locknut, 5/16-18 ............................ 2
To prevent personal injury or property damage, do not start the engine until all assembly steps are complete and you have read and understand the safety and operating instructions in this manual.
Figure 2-1
Figure 2-2
Drift Slicers (Optional)
Discharge Chute
Chute Deflector Cap
Auger Drive Control Lever
Chute Directional Control
Wheel Drive Control Lever
Auger Assembly
Skid Shoe
Collector (auger/impeller) Housing
Gear Shift Lever
Section 2: Assembly
D. Install Handlebars
1. Use the four 3/8-16 x 3/4" hex flange screws to attach the handlebars to the sides of the chassis.
a. Install a screw in the upper mount-
ing hole (C, Figure 2-3) on each side. Leave screws loose enough to allow handlebar to pivot.
b. Install a screw (D) in the lower
mounting hole on each side.
c. Using light pressure, press down on
the left side handlebar and tighten the two screws. Repeat on the right side.
2. There are four pre-installed screws (E, Figure 2-3) on the inside of the handlebars that secure the control panel. Tighten each screw securely.
E. Install Discharge Chute
1. Remove the cardboard shield from the discharge chute mount opening.
2. Loosen (do not remove) the left and right-side sets of plastic shims (G, Figure 2-4) and plastic hold-down clips (H) on the toothed flange (J) of the dis­charge chute assembly. Remove and save the remaining (front) hold-down clip, shim and mounting hardware.
3. From either side of the unit, slide the discharge chute onto the chute mount­ing flange (K, Figure 2-4), making sure that the plastic shims (G) are above the flange and the plastic hold-down clips (H) are below the flange. Tighten the clip mounting hardware securely (if necessary, rotate the discharge chute to the right to tighten the left­side clip).
4. Hook the front hold-down clip (H, Figure 2-4) under the mounting flange (K) and place the front plastic shim (G) on top of the hold-down clip, between the top of the flange and the toothed chute flange. Secure with the mount­ing hardware previously removed.
5. Remove the plastic tie that secures the worm gear assembly (L, Figure 2-4) to the mounting bracket.
Figure 2-3
Figure 2-4
(Front shim) G
(Front hold­down clip) H
Section 2: Assembly
6. Remove the washer and locknut from the screw (M, Figure 2-4) in the worm gear assembly (L). Position the worm gear assembly on the mounting bracket as follows:
a. Engage the worm gear threads 1/2-
way with the teeth on the flange of the discharge chute base (rotate chute as needed).
b. The length of the worm gear should
be centered with the teeth on the flange of the discharge chute base.
c. Reinstall the washer and locknut on
the screw (M) and tighten securely.
7. Insert the flexible fins on the plastic snow deflector (N, Figure 2-4) inside the chute deflector cap (O). Close the deflector cap by pulling the lever (P) outward and moving the deflector cap down. Release the lever to secure the deflector cap in one of the discharge angle selector holes.
F. Attach Chute Control Rod
1. Remove the plastic tie that secures the auger drive control rod (AA, Figure 2-
5) to the right handlebar. Next, re­move the plastic tie that secures the chute crank rod (short rod with plastic swivel blocks) to the auger drive con­trol rod.
2. Pull the chute crank rod (Z, Figure 2-5) up through the top of the control panel.
3. Attach the chute control rod sections (S and U, Figure 2-5) as follows:
a. Insert the angled end of the chute
control rod, (U, Figure 2-5 inset) into the hole in the swivel block (V) that is attached to the end of the chute crank rod (S).
b. Insert a cotter pin (W) through the
hole in the chute control rod (U) and spread the ends of the cotter pin.
4. Position the chute control rod support bracket (Y, Figure 2-6) against the un­derside of the handlebar console as shown. Secure the bracket with the two #10–24 x 3/8" Phillips pan head screws and #10–24 locknuts supplied.
5. Rotate the chute control crank (Z, Figure 2-5). The discharge chute should turn freely, but with enough re­sistance to prevent free rotation of the discharge chute during snow removal operation. Adjust the worm gear as­sembly bracket (L, Figure 2-4) as nec­essary to prevent binding.
G. Attach Auger Drive Control Rod
1. Remove the plastic tie that secures the auger drive control arm (AD, Figure 2-7) to the transmission shift arm (AB).
2. The auger drive control rod (AA, Figure 2-7) has been pre-adjusted at the fac­tory. To avoid misadjustment, do not rotate the jam nut (AT, Figure 2-7) while completing the following steps.
3. Hold jam nut (AT) in place with a 7/16" wrench and use another 7/16" wrench to thread the adjusting thimble (AS) downward a total of 12 turns.
4. Raise Auger Drive Control Lever (X, Figure 2-5) all the way up. Then hook the spring (AC, Figure 2-7) at the lower end of the auger drive control rod (AA) into the hole in the auger drive control arm (AD).
5. Thread the adjusting thimble (AS, Figure 2-7) upward until it contacts the jam nut (AT). Using two wrenches, tighten the jam nut against the adjust­ing thimble.
6. Check that the spring (AC) is under the correct amount of tension by perform­ing Steps 2 through 5 of Auger Drive Belt(s) Adjustment in Section 5 of this
H. Attach Wheel Drive Control Rod
1. Remove the plastic tie that secures the wheel drive control rod (AE, Figure 2-
7) and the gear shift control rod (AF) to the left handlebar.
2. Hook the spring (AG, Figure 2-7) at the lower end of the wheel drive control rod (AE) into the hole in the wheel drive control arm (AH). If necessary, raise the wheel drive control arm (AH) while attaching the spring.
3. Check that the spring (AG) is under the correct amount of tension by perform­ing Steps 1 through 4 of Wheel Drive Disc Adjustment in Section 5.
4. The wheel drive control rod has been pre-adjusted at the factory. When the engine is started, as described in the Operation section, you will be given a functional check to make sure the wheel drive control rod is properly adjusted.
I. Attach Gear Shift Control Rod
1. Place the Gear Shift Select Lever (T, Figure 2-5) in the No. 5 position.
2. Gently push the transmission shift arm (AB, Figure 2-8) fully downward.
3. Align the holes in the transmission shift arm (AB) and the lower end of the gear shift control rod (AF). If the holes do not align, follow the Gear Shift Rod Adjustment procedure in Section 5.
4. Use two 1/4-20 x 3/4 hex head screws and 1/4-20 locknuts (Figure 2-8) to attach gear shift control rod (AF) to transmission shift arm (AB).
Section 2: Assembly
Figure 2-6
Figure 2-7
Figure 2-5
Figure 2-8
Section 2: Assembly
J. Connect Wiring for Handlebar
Warmers and Light
1. Gently unwind the electrical wiring har­ness (A, Figure 2-9) from its shipping position and route it back toward the right-side handlebar.
2. Without over-stretching the wiring har­ness, loop it up and around the handle­bar as shown in Figure 2-9.
3. Connect the double-stranded black and red wires leading from each handlebar to the matching wires leading from the wiring harness. The plastic connectors can only be plugged in one way.
4. Connect the single black wire leading from the light to the single black wire leading from the wiring harness.
5. Remove excess slack from the wiring harness and insert the wires into the two wire clips shown in Figure 2-9. On the right-side of the engine, tuck the wire harness in between the starter box and the side of the engine (see inset, Figure 2-9).
6. Using the plastic wire ties (B, Figure 2-9) provided, loosely secure the wiring harness to the handlebar.
K. Add Motor Oil to Crankcase
1. Be sure that the engine is level before
checking or adding oil.
2. Unscrew dipstick. Fill oil at the dip­stick opening with fresh oil. See the Engine Owners Manual for correct oil specifications and quantity required. Do not use SAE 10W40.
3. Wait a few minutes after filling, allow-
ing oil to settle. Insert dipstick and tighten securely. Remove dipstick and check oil level. Oil level on dipstick should always be at the FULL mark. Adjust oil level as necessary. Reinsert and tighten dipstick.
L. Check Auger Gear Case Oil Level
The auger gear case was filled at the fac­tory with the correct amount of SAE 90 gear oil. This level should be checked be­fore using the unit. Refer to Lubrication in the Maintenance section of this manual for complete information.
M. Check Tire Pressure
Check the air pressure in both tires using an automotive-type tire pressure gauge. Inflate tires evenly to 8-12 psi (55-82 kPa).
N. Install Drift Slicers (if equipped)
The drift slicers (C, Figure 2-10) are de­signed for use in deep snow. Their use is optional for normal snow conditions.
NOTE: For shipping purposes, the drift slicers are installed backward.
To install the drift slicers:
1. Position the drift slicers as shown, (C, Figure 2-10) to the outside of the col­lector (auger/impeller) housing.
2. Attach the drift slicers with the four 5/16–18 x 3/4 screws and locknuts (D) provided with the drift slicers.
Connect Double Stranded (Black
and Red) Wires
Single (Black)
Wire Clips
Do not start engine until engine crankcase has been filled with motor oil. Failure to follow this instruction will re­sult in serious engine damage.
Figure 2-10
Figure 2-9
Tuck Wire Harness
between Starter Box
and Engine
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