Troy-Bilt 12A-463E500, 12A-465D515, 12AD466A563, 12A-558O552, 12AD565C501 Owner's Manual

IM POR TANT: Read Safety Rules and In struc tions Care fully
Owner’s Man ual
and re cord the in for ma tion in the space pro vided be low.
IM POR TANT: You must have these num bers, along with the date and proof of pur chase to re ceive war ranty or ser vice.
If you are hav ing dif fi culty as sem bling this prod uct or if you have any ques tions re gard -
ing the con trols, op er a tion or main te nance of this unit, please call an au tho rized dealer.
Please have your model num ber and se rial num ber ready when you call.
NOTE: Al though both num bers are im por tant, you will be asked to en ter only your se rial num ber be fore your call can be pro cessed.
This is where your model num ber will be, re cord model num ber here:
This is where your se rial num ber will be, re cord se rial num ber here:
CALLING CUS TOMER SUP PORT .............................................2
TA BLE OF CON TENTS .....................................................2
IM POR TANT SAFE OP ER A TION PRAC TICES ....................................3
SLOPE GAUGE...........................................................6
UN PACKING.............................................................7
AS SEM BLY..............................................................7
CON TROLS .............................................................9
OP ER A TION ............................................................10
AD JUST MENTS .........................................................12
LU BRI CA TION ..........................................................12
MAIN TE NANCE..........................................................12
OFF SEA SON STOR AGE IN STRUC TIONS......................................14
TROU BLE SHOOTING ....................................................15
RE PLACE MENT PARTS/PIÈCES DÉTACHÉES...................................16
WAR RANTY ............................................................21
Read, un der stand, and fol low all in struc tions
on the ma chine and in the man ual(s) be fore at tempt ing to as sem ble and op er ate. Keep this man ual in a safe place for fu ture and reg u lar ref er ence and for or der ing re place ­ment parts.
Be fa mil iar with all con trols and their proper
op er a tion. Know how to stop the ma chine and dis en gage them quickly.
Never al low chil dren un der 14 years old to
op er ate this ma chine. Children 14 years old and over should read and un der stand the op er a tion in struc tions and safety rules in this man ual and should be trained and su ­per vised by a par ent.
Never al low adults to op er ate this ma chine
with out proper in struc tion.
To help avoid blade con tact or a thrown ob -
ject in jury, keep by stand ers, help ers, chil dren and pets at least 75 feet from the ma chine while it is in op er a tion. Stop ma ­chine if any one en ters the area.
Thor oughly in spect the area where the
equip ment is to be used. Re move all stones, sticks, wire, bones, toys and other for eign ob jects which could be trip ped over or picked up and thrown by the blade. Thrown ob jects can cause se ri ous per sonal in jury.
Plan your mow ing pat tern to avoid dis -
charge of ma te rial to ward roads, side walks, by stand ers and the like. Also, avoid dis ­charg ing ma te rial against a wall or ob struc tion which may cause dis charged ma te rial to ric o chet back to ward the op er a ­tor.
Al ways wear safety glasses or safety gog -
gles dur ing op er a tion and while per form ing an ad just ment or re pair to pro tect your eyes. Thrown ob jects which ric o chet can cause se ri ous in jury to the eyes.
Wear sturdy, rough-soled work shoes and
close-fit ting slacks and shirts. Shirts and pants that cover the arms and legs and steel-toed shoes are rec om mended. Never op er ate this ma chine in bare feet, san dals, slip pery or light weight (e.g. can vas) shoes.
Many in ju ries oc cur as a re sult of the mower
be ing pulled over the foot dur ing a fall caused by slip ping or trip ping. Do not hold on to the mower if you are fall ing; re lease the han dle im me di ately.
Never pull the mower back to ward you while
you are walk ing. If you must back the mower away from a wall or ob struc tion first look down and be hind to avoid trip ping and then fol low these steps:
a) Step back from the mower to fully ex tend
your arms.
b) Be sure you are well bal anced with sure
foot ing.
c) Pull the mower back slowly, no more than
half way to ward you.
d) Re peat these steps as needed.
Do not op er ate the mower while un der the
in flu ence of al co hol or drugs.
Do not put hands or feet near ro tat ing parts
or un der the cut ting deck. Con tact with the blade can am pu tate hands and feet.
A miss ing or dam aged dis charge cover can
cause blade con tact or thrown ob ject in ju ­ries.
Do not en gage the self-pro pelled mech a -
nism on units so equipped while start ing en gine.
Never at tempt to make a wheel or cut ting
height ad just ment while the en gine is run ­ning.
The blade con trol han dle is a safety de vice.
Never at tempt to by pass its op er a tion. Doing so makes the safety de vice in op er a -
This unit has been in spected against the man u fac tur ers qual ity check list. In case of a dis crep ­ancy, please call us. We will make ev ery ef fort to ship the part(s) by cou rier within one work ing day of your call.
WARNING: This sym bol points out im por tant safety in struc tions which, if not fol ­lowed, could en dan ger the per sonal safety and/or prop erty of your self and oth ers. Read and fol low all in struc tions in this man ual be fore at tempt ing to op er ate this ma chine. Fail ure to com ply with these in struc tions may re sult in per sonal in jury. When you see this sym bol— heed its warn ing.
DANGER: This ma chine was built to be op er ated ac cord ing to the rules for safe op ­er a tion in this man ual. As with any type of power equip ment, care less ness or er ror on the part of the op er a tor can re sult in se ri ous in jury. This ma chine is ca pa ble of am pu tat ing hands and feet and throw ing ob jects. Fail ure to ob serve the fol low ing safety in struc tions could re sult in se ri ous in jury or death.
tive and may re sult in per sonal in jury through con tact with the ro tat ing blade. The blade con trol han dle must op er ate eas ily in both di rec tions and au to mat i cally re turn to the dis en gaged po si tion when re leased.
Never op er ate the mower in wet grass. Al -
ways be sure of your foot ing. A slip and fall can cause se ri ous per sonal in jury. If you feel you are los ing your foot ing, re lease the blade con trol han dle im me di ately and the blade will stop ro tat ing within three sec onds.
Mow only in day light or in good ar ti fi cial
light. Walk, never run.
Stop the blade when cross ing gravel drives,
walks or roads.
If the equip ment should start to vi brate ab -
nor mally, stop the en gine and check im me di ately for the cause. Vi bra tion is gen ­er ally a warn ing of trou ble.
Shut the en gine off and wait un til the blade
co mes to a com plete stop be fore re mov ing the grass catcher or un clog ging the chute. The cut ting blade con tin ues to ro tate for a few sec onds af ter the en gine is shut off. Never place any part of the body in the blade area un til you are sure the blade has stopped ro tat ing.
Never op er ate mower with out proper trail
shield, dis charge cover, grass catcher, blade con trol han dle or other safety pro tec tive de ­vices in place and work ing. Never op er ate mower with dam aged safety de vices. Fail ure to do so, can re sult in per sonal in jury.
Muf fler and en gine be come hot and can
cause a burn. Do not touch.
Only use parts and ac ces so ries made for
this ma chine by the man u fac turer. Fail ure to do so, can re sult in per sonal in jury.
If sit u a tions oc cur which are not cov ered in
this man ual, use care and good judg ment. Con tact your cus tomer sup port de part ment.
Slopes are a ma jor fac tor re lated to slip and fall ac ci dents which can re sult in se vere in ­jury. Op er a tion on slopes re quires ex tra cau tion. If you feel un easy on a slope, do not mow it. For your safety, use the slope gauge in cluded as part of this man ual to mea sure slopes be fore op er at ing this unit on a sloped or hilly area. If the slope is greater than 15 de grees, do not mow it.
Mow across the face of slopes; never up
and down. Ex er cise ex treme cau tion when chang ing di rec tion on slopes. Watch for holes, ruts, bumps, rocks, or other hid den ob jects which can cause you to slip or trip. Tall grass can hide ob sta cles. Al ways be sure of your foot ing. A slip and fall can cause se ri ous per sonal in jury. If you feel you are los ing your bal ance, re lease the blade con trol han dle im me di ately, and the blade will stop ro tat ing within 3 sec onds.
Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches or em -
bank ments, you could lose your foot ing or bal ance.
Do not mow slopes greater than 15 de grees
as shown on the slope gauge.
Do not mow on wet grass. Un sta ble foot ing
could cause slip ping.
Tragic ac ci dents can oc cur if the op er a tor is
not alert to the pres ence of chil dren. Children are of ten at tracted to the mower and the mow ing ac tiv ity. They do not un der stand the dan gers. Never as sume that chil dren will re ­main where you last saw them.
a) Keep chil dren out of the mow ing area
and un der the watch ful care of a re spon ­si ble adult other than the op er a tor.
b) Be alert and turn mower off if a child en -
ters the area.
c) Be fore and while mov ing back wards, look
be hind and down for small chil dren.
d) Use ex treme care when ap proach ing
blind cor ners, door ways, shrubs, trees, or other ob jects that may ob scure your vi ­sion of a child who may run into the mower.
e) Keep chil dren away from hot or run ning
en gines. They can suf fer burns from a hot muf fler.
Never al low chil dren un der 14 years old to
op er ate a power mower. Children 14 years old and over should read and un der stand the op er a tion in struc tions and safety rules in this man ual and should be trained and su ­per vised by a par ent.
To avoid per sonal in jury or prop erty dam age
use ex treme care in han dling gas o line. Gas ­o line is ex tremely flam ma ble and the va pors are ex plo sive. Se ri ous per sonal in jury can oc cur when gas o line is spilled on your self or
your clothes which can ig nite. Wash your
skin and change clothes im me di ately. a) Use only an ap proved gas o line con tainer. b) Never fill con tain ers in side a ve hi cle or on
a truck or trailer bed with a plas tic liner. Al ways place con tain ers on the ground away from your ve hi cle be fore fill ing.
c) When prac ti cal, re move gas-pow ered
equip ment from the truck or trailer and re fuel it on the ground. If this is not pos si ­ble, then re fuel such equip ment on a trailer with a por ta ble con tainer, rather than from a gas o line dis penser noz zle.
d) Keep the noz zle in con tact with the rim of
the fuel tank or con tainer open ing at all times un til fuel ing is com plete. Do not use a noz zle lock-open de vice.
e) Ex tin guish all cig a rettes, ci gars, pipes
and other sources of ig ni tion. f) Never fuel ma chine in doors. g) Never re move gas cap or add fuel while
the en gine is hot or run ning. Al low en -
gine to cool at least two min utes be fore
re fu el ing. h) Never over fill fuel tank. Fill tank to no
more than ½ inch be low bot tom of filler
neck to pro vide space for fuel ex pan sion. i) Re place gas o line cap and tighten se -
curely. j) If gas o line is spilled, wipe it off the en gine
and equip ment. Move unit to an other
area. Wait 5 min utes be fore start ing the
en gine. k) Never store the ma chine or fuel con tainer
in side where there is an open flame,
spark or pi lot light as on a wa ter heater,
space heater, fur nace, clothes dryer or
other gas ap pli ances. l) To re duce fire haz ard, keep ma chine free
of grass, leaves, or other de bris build-up.
Clean up oil or fuel spill age and re move
any fuel soaked de bris. m) Al low ma chine to cool at least 5 min utes
be fore stor ing.
Never run an en gine in doors or in a poorly
ven ti lated area. En gine ex haust con tains car ­bon mon ox ide, an odor less and deadly gas.
Be fore clean ing, re pair ing, or in spect ing,
make cer tain the blade and all mov ing parts have stopped. Dis con nect the spark plug wire and ground against the en gine to pre ­vent un in tended start ing.
Check the blade and en gine mount ing bolts
at fre quent in ter vals for proper tight ness. Also, vi su ally in spect blade for dam age (e.g., bent, cracked, worn) Re place blade with the orig i nal equip ment man u fac turer’s (O.E.M.) blade only, listed in this man ual. “Use of parts which do not meet the orig i nal equip ment spec i fi ca tions may lead to im ­proper per for mance and com pro mise safety!”
Mower blades are sharp and can cut. Wrap
the blade(s) or wear gloves, and use ex tra cau tion when ser vic ing them.
Keep all nuts, bolts, and screws tight to be
sure the equip ment is in safe work ing con di ­tion.
Never tam per with safety de vices. Check
their proper op er a tion reg u larly.
Af ter strik ing a for eign ob ject, stop the en -
gine, dis con nect the spark plug wire and ground against the en gine. Thor oughly in ­spect the mower for any dam age. Re pair the dam age be fore start ing and op er at ing the mower.
Grass catcher com po nents, dis charge cover,
and trail shield are sub ject to wear and dam age which could ex pose mov ing parts or al low ob jects to be thrown. For safety pro tec tion, fre quently check com po nents and re place im me di ately with orig i nal equip ­ment man u fac turer’s (O.E.M.) parts only, listed in this man ual. “Use of parts which do not meet the orig i nal equip ment spec i fi ca ­tions may lead to im proper per for mance and com pro mise safety!”
Do not change the en gine gov er nor set ting
or overspeed the en gine. The gov er nor con ­trols the max i mum safe op er at ing speed of the en gine.
Main tain or re place safety and in struc tion la -
bels, as nec es sary.
Ob serve proper dis posal laws and reg u la -
tions. Im proper dis posal of flu ids and ma te ri als can harm the en vi ron ment.
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(Keep this sheet in a safe place for fu ture ref er ence.)
WARNING - Your Re spon si bil ity:
Re strict the use of this power ma chine to per sons who read, un der stand and fol low the warn ings and in struc ­tions in this man ual and on the ma chine.
It is suggested that this manual be read in its entirety before attempting to assemble or operate. Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference and for ordering replacement parts.
This unit is shipped WITHOUT GASOLINE or OIL. After assembly, service engine with gasoline and oil as instructed in the separate engine manual packed with your unit.
NOTE: Ref er ence to right or left hand side of the mower is ob served from the op er at ing po si tion.
Re move sta ples, break glue on top flaps, or
cut tape at car ton end and peel along top flap to open.
Re move loose parts in cluded with unit (i.e.,
op er a tor’s man ual, oil, etc.).
Cut cor ners and lay car ton down flat. Re -
move pack ing ma te rial.
Roll or slide unit out of car ton. Check car ton
thor oughly for loose parts.
Pair of Pli ers Fun nel
Re move grass bag from the unit and set it
out of the way. See Fig ure 1, step 1.
Re move any pack ing ma te rial which may be
be tween the up per and lower han dles for ship ping pur poses.
Raise the lower han dle in the di rec tion
shown in Fig ure 1, step 2 till it snaps into place.
Raise the up per han dle in the di rec tion
shown in Fig ure 1, step 3. Tighten the wing nuts which are al ready on the han dle. See Fig ure 2.
Pull the drive con trol han dle all the way
While hold ing the drive con trol han dle, hook
the “Z” end of the drive ca ble into the bot -
tom hole of the drive con trol han dle from in ­side to out side. See Fig ure 3.
NOTE: Make cer tain the drive ca ble is routed around the out side and above the lower han dle so it does not in ter fere with at tach ing the grass bag.
At tach drive ca ble to the lower han dle with
one ca ble tie. In sert peg on ca ble tie into the hole on the lower han dle. Pull ca ble tie tight and cut off the ex tra.
For ship ping pur poses, the hair pin clip is
placed in the outer hole of the weld pin on the lower han dle. Re move the hair pin clip from the outer hole of the weld pin. See Fig -
ure 4.
Using a pair of pli ers, in sert the hair pin clip
into the in ner hole on the weld pin. Re peat on other side.
Fig ure 1
2 Lift lower han dle.
3 Lift
up per han dle.
1 Move
bag away.
Fig ure 3
Drive Control Handle
Insert "Z" fittiing
Figure 2
Wing Nut
Saddle Washer
Carriage Bolt
In sert the car riage bolt, in cluded in the
hard ware pack, in the up per hole on the han dle mount ing bracket (car riage bolt must go to the in side of han dle).See Fig ure 4. Se ­cure with one plas tic wing nut, also in cluded in the hard ware pack. Re peat on the other side with re main ing items from the hard ware pack.
The drive ad juster block is at tached to the
drive ca ble.
Re move bolt at tached to the lower right han -
Align the drive ad juster block, curved side
against han dle, with hole in han dle.
Se cure drive ad juster block with bolt pre vi -
ously re moved. See Fig ure 5.
The rope guide and wing nut are at tached to
the starter rope, on top of the en gine. Re ­move the wing nut from rope guide. Re move the rope guide from the starter rope.
With the spark plug wire dis con nected and
grounded as in structed in the sep a rate en ­gine man ual, hold the blade con trol han dle against the up per han dle, and pull the starter rope out of the en gine. Hold the rope guide as shown so the open ing in the rope guide is to ward the front of mower. Slip the rope guide around the starter rope and into the right side of lower han dle us ing the hole shown. Se cure us ing the small wing nut. See Fig ure 5.
Make cer tain all nuts and bolts are tight ened
se curely.
NOTE: If your mower's grass catcher is
as sem bled, pro ceed to the next sec ­tion. If not, fol low these steps.
Soft Grass Bag
NOTE: Make cer tain the grass bag is
turned right side out be fore as sem bling (warn ing la bel will be on the out side).
Place bag over frame (black plas tic side is
the bot tom of bag.) In sert the hooks on the frame through the holes in the side plas tic chan nels of the bag. See Fig ure 6.
Se cure bag to frame by work ing the plas tic
chan nels on bag over frame as shown in Fig ure 6. All of the plas tic chan nels ex cept cen ter top of bag at tach from the out side of bag. Cen ter top of bag at ta ches from the in ­side of bag.
Lift the rear dis charge door on the mower,
and place the grass catcher on the pivot rod. Let go of dis charge door so that it rests on the grass catcher. See Fig ure 7.
NOTE: Make cer tain ca bles are routed to the out side of the han dle so they are not in the way when at tach ing the grass catcher.
Lift the rear dis charge door on the mower as
shown in Fig ure 7. Lift the grass catcher up
Fig ure 4
Wing Nut
Upper Hole
Place the hairpin clips in the inner hole.
Weld Pin
Lower Handle
Fig ure 5
Drive Adjuster
Starter Handle
Rope Guide
Small Wing Nut
Fig ure 6
Hole in Plastic Channel
Plastic Channels
and off the pivot bar. Re lease the rear dis ­charge door.
WARNING: Never op er ate the mower un less the hooks on the grass catcher are seated on the pivot rod, and the rear dis charge door rests firmly against the top of the grass catcher.
If your unit is equipped with a side dis charge de flec tor, you can con vert to a side dis ­charge mower as fol lows:
Re move the grass catcher as pre vi ously de -
On the side of the mower deck, lift the
hinged mulch ing plug. See Fig ure 8.
Slide the two hooks on the side dis charge
de flec tor un der the hinge pin on the hinged mulch ing plug as sem bly.
Lower the hinged mulch ing plug.
NOTE: Do not re move the hinged mulch - ing plug at any time, even when you are not mulch ing.
WARNING: All mow ers are equipped with a rear pro tec tive guard. The guard helps elim i nate pro jec tiles thrown by the blade from in jur ing the op er a tor. DO NOT RE MOVE THIS GUARD.
Re move the grasscatcher.
If the unit was set up for side dis charge, lift
the hinged mulch ing plug on the side of the deck and re move the side dis charge chute. Lower the hinged mulch plug. See Fig ure 8.
CAU TION: Do not run your lawn mower with out chute de flec tor, mulching plug or an ap proved grass catcher in place. The de flec tor will de flect a pro jec tile thrown by the blade into the lawn.
Check all nuts and bolts for cor rect tight -
Read this owner’s man ual and safety rules be fore op er at ing your lawn mower. Com pare Fig ure 9 with your lawn mower to fa mil iar ize your self with the lo ca tion of var i ous con trols and ad just ments. Save this man ual for fu ture ref er ence.
WARNING: The op er a tion of any lawn mower can re sult in for eign ob jects be ing thrown into the op er ­a tor’s eyes thus caus ing se vere eye dam age. Al ways wear safety glasses while op er at ing the mower, or while per form ing any ad just ­ments or re pairs on it.
Drive Con trol Han dle
This mower is equipped with Smart Speed™ trans mis sion which en ables the drive con trol han dle to ad just the mow ing speed au to mat ­i cally with your walk ing. The drive con trol han dle is lo cated on the up per han dle. Push the han dle for ward to en gage drive, pull it back wards to stop. The far ther the han dle is pushed for ward, the faster the mower will pro pel.
Blade Con trol Han dle
The blade con trol han dle is lo cated on the up per han dle of the mower. See Fig ure 9. The blade con trol han dle must be de ­pressed in or der to op er ate the unit. Re lease the blade con trol han dle to stop the en gine and blade.
WARNING: The blade con trol han ­dle is a safety de vice. Never at ­tempt to by pass its op er a tions.
Fig ure 8
Hinged Mulching Plug
Fig ure 7
Rear Discharge
Pivot Rod
Starter Rope
The starter rope is at tached to the han dle. Stand be hind the unit and pull the starter rope to start the unit.
Throt tle Con trol
The en gine is equipped with a con stant speed throt tle which is set at full throt tle for max i mum en gine and cut ting per for mance.
Cut ting Height Ad just ment Le ver
These le vers are lo cated on each wheel and they are used to ad just the cut ting height. All four le vers have to be at the same rel a tive po si tion to en sure uni form cut.
Ser vice the en gine with gas o line and oil as in structed in the sep a rate en gine man ual packed with your mower. Read in struc tions care fully.
WARNING: Never fill fuel tank in ­doors, with en gine run ning or un til the en gine has been al lowed to cool for at least two min utes af ter run ning.
At tach spark plug wire to spark plug. If unit
is equipped with a rub ber boot over the end of the spark plug wire, make cer tain the metal loop on the end of the spark plug wire (in side the rub ber boot) is fas tened se curely over the metal tip on the spark plug. See Fig ure 10.
WARNING: Be sure no one other than the op er a tor is stand ing near the lawn mower while start ing en ­gine or op er at ing mower.
WARNING: Never run en gine in ­doors or in en closed, poorly ven ti ­lated ar eas. En gine ex haust con ­tains car bon mon ox ide, an odor less and deadly gas.
WARNING: Keep hands, feet, hair and loose cloth ing away from any mov ing parts on en gine and lawn mower.
If your unit is equipped with a primer, prime
en gine as in structed in the sep a rate en gine man ual packed with your unit.
If your unit is equipped with a two speed
con trol on en gine re fer to sep a rate en gine man ual packed with your unit.
Stand ing be hind the mower, de press the
blade con trol han dle and hold it against the drive con trol han dle. Make sure the drive con trol han dle is pulled all the way back.
WARNING: If the drive con trol han ­dle is not pulled all the way back, the mower will pro pel for ward when started.
Grasp the re coil starter han dle and pull
slowly un til re sis tance is felt, then pull rap idly to start en gine and avoid kick back. Re turn it slowly to the rope guide bolt.
Af ter the en gine starts, push the han dle for -
ward to en gage drive, pull it back wards to stop. Re lease the drive clutch con trol to slow down when ne go ti at ing an ob sta cle, mak ing a turn, or stop ping. The far ther the han dle is pushed for ward, the faster the mower will pro pel.
Fig ure 10
Metal Loop
on Spark
Plug Wire
Rubber Boot
Fig ure 9 - The left rear wheel
has been left out of the pic ture for clar ity
Recoil Starter
Blade Control Handle
Height Adjustment Lever
Drive Clutch Control
NOTE: The blade con trol han dle must be de pressed in or der to op er ate the unit. Re lease the blade con trol han dle to stop the en gine and blade.
Re lease the blade con trol han dle to stop the
en gine and blade.
Dis con nect the spark plug wire as in structed
in the sep a rate en gine man ual to pre vent ac ­ci den tal start ing while equip ment is un at tended.
WARNING: The blade con tin ues to ro tate for a few sec onds af ter the en gine is shut off.
WARNING: If you strike a for eign ob ­ject, stop the en gine. Re move wire from spark plug, thor oughly in spect the mower for any dam age, and re pair the dam age be fore re start ing and op ­er at ing the mower. Ex ten sive vi bra tion of the mower dur ing op er a tion is an in di ca tion of dam age. The unit should be promptly in spected and re paired.
Mulching mow ers use a spe cially de signed blade to chop the grass clip pings ex tra fine and then blow them back down into the lawn. The small clip pings de com pose quickly be com ing a nat u ral fer til izer that re ­turns much of the needed nu tri ents to the soil. Con tin u ous mulch ing means con tin u ous free nat u ral fer til iza tion, no messy clip pings to worry about ever again and the end re sult for you is a much greener health ier lawn.
WARNING: Your mower is de signed to cut nor mal res i den tial grass of a height no more than 10". Do not at ­tempt to mow through un usu ally tall, dry grass (e.g., pas ture) or piles of dry leaves. De bris may build up on the mower deck or con ­tact the en gine ex haust pre sent ing a po ten tial fire haz ard.
Clear lawn of de bris. Be sure that the lawn
is clear of stones, sticks, wire or other for ­eign ob jects which could dam age the lawnmower. Such ob jects could be ac ci den ­tally thrown out by the mower in any di rec tion and cause se ri ous per sonal in jury to the op er a tor and oth ers as well as dam ­age to prop erty and sur round ing ob jects.
Do not cut wet grass. For ef fec tive mulch -
ing do not cut wet grass be cause it tends to
stick to the un der side of the deck pre vent ing proper mulch ing of the grass clip pings.
Cut no more than 1/3 the length of the
grass. The rec om mended cut for mulch ing is 1/3 the length of the grass. Ground speed will need to be ad justed so the clip pings can be dis persed evenly into the lawn. For es pe ­cially heavy cut ting in thick grass it may be nec es sary to use one of the slow est speeds in or der to get a clean well mulched cut. When mulch ing long grass you may have to cut the lawn in two passes, low er ing the blade an other 1/3 of the length for the sec ­ond cut and per haps cut ting in a dif fer ent pat tern than was used the first time. Over ­lapping the cut a lit tle on each pass will also help to clean up any stray clip pings left on the lawn. The mower should al ways be op er ­ated at full throt tle to get the best cut and al low it to do the most ef fec tive job of mulch ­ing.
Clean un der side of deck. Be cer tain to
clean the un der side of the cut ting deck af ter each use to avoid a build-up of grass, which would pre vent proper mulch ing.
Mulching Leaves. The mulch ing of leaves
can also be ben e fi cial to your lawn. When mulch ing leaves make sure they are dry and are not lay ing too thick on the lawn. Do not wait for all the leaves to be off the trees be ­fore you mulch.
It is rec om mended keep ing drive ways and
side walks on the op er a tors right while mov ­ing. Con tinue mow ing us ing this pat tern, hav ing the left side of your lawnmower next to the un cut grass. Mulching with the cut ting area of the mower on the lawn avoids grass clip pings in un de sir able ar eas.
The un der side of the mower deck should be cleaned af ter each use to pre vent a buildup of grass clip pings, leaves, dirt or other mat ter. If this de bris is al lowed to ac cu mu late, it will in vite rust and cor ro sion, and may pre vent proper mulch ing.
The deck may be cleaned by tilt ing the mower and scrap ing clean with a suit able tool (make cer tain the spark plug wire is dis con nected).
NOTE: We do not rec om mend the use of pres sure wash ers or gar den hose to clean your unit. These may cause dam ­age to elec tric com po nents, spin dles, pul leys, bear ings, or the en gine. The use of wa ter will re sult in short ened life and re duce ser vice abil ity.
PLUG WIRE Adjusting Cutting Height
Stop mower and dis con nect spark plug ca -
ble be fore chang ing mower cut ting height.
The wheel ad just ers give you nine (9) dif fer -
ent cut ting po si tions. Me dium is the best for most mow ers.
To change the height
of cut, squeeze ad ­juster le ver to ward the wheel, mov ing up or down to se lected height. See Fig ure 11.
NOTE: All wheels must be in the same height of cut.
When cut ting in heavy or moist grass, the
rear of lawnmower may be raised higher to al low better dis charge of the grass.
Ad justing Drive Clutch
The drive clutch ad just ment wheel is lo cated on the lower right han dle and is used to tighten or loosen ten sion on the drive ca ble. Ad just this ca ble if:
a) the mower does not pro pel it self; or b) the wheels hes i tate with the drive con trol
han dle pushed for ward.
To ad just, ro tate the ad just ment wheel with
your fin gers, see Fig ure 12. Turn the wheel to the left to tighten the drive ca ble. Turn the wheel to the right to loosen the drive ca ble.
WHEELS - Lu bri cate the ball bear ings (if so
equipped) in each wheel at least once a sea ­son with a light oil. Also, if the wheels are re moved for any rea son, lu bri cate the sur ­face of the axle bolt and the in ner sur face of the wheel with light oil. En gine oil may also be used.
ENGINE - Fol low en gine man ual for lu bri ca ­tion in struc tions.
BLADE CON TROL - Lu bri cate the pivot points on the blade con trol han dle and the brake ca ble at least once a sea son with light oil. The blade con trol must op er ate freely in both di rec tions.
DIS CHARGE DOORS - The tor sion springs and pivot points should be lu bri cated pe ri od ­i cally with light oil to pre vent any rust or bind ing. Door must work freely.
TRANS MIS SION - The trans mis sion is pre-lu bri cated and sealed at the fac tory and does not re quire lu bri ca tion on a reg u lar ba ­sis as part of main te nance.
For best re sults your blade should be sharp. The blade may be resharpened by re mov ing it and ei ther grind ing or fil ing the cut ting edge keep ing as close to the orig i nal bevel as pos si ­ble.
Im proper blade bal ance will re sult in ex ces sive vi bra tion caus ing even tual dam age to the en ­gine and mower. Be sure to care fully bal ance blade af ter sharp en ing.
Af ter pro longed use, es pe cially in sandy soil con di tions, the blade will be come worn and lose some of the orig i nal shape. Cut ting ef fi ­ciency will be re duced and the blade should be re placed. Re place with an ap proved fac tory re ­place ment blade only. Pos si ble dam age re sult ing from blade un bal ance con di tion is not the re spon si bil ity of the man u fac turer.
NOTE: Tip mower as spec i fied in sep - a rate en gine man ual. If not spec i fied tip with car bu re tor up.
CAUTION: Cutting grass in sandy soil condition causes abrasive wear to the blade.
Fig ure 12
Drive Clutch
Fig ure 11
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