Troy-Bilt 12210 Super Bronco, 12209 Bronco, 12227 Tuffy Owner's Manual

Before © read this
12227 - 3.75HP TUFFY® 12209 - 5.5HPBRONCOTM
12210 - 6.5HPSuper BRONCO'M
Table of Contents
You now own one of the finest standard-rotating-tine tillers available.Your new tiller allows you to till and cultivate your
garden with ease,and accomplish other property manage-
ment projects aswell. Your tiller is famous for its rugged- ness,performance and high-quality engineering. We know
you'll enjoy using it.
Pleasecarefully readthis Manual. It tells you how to safely
and easily assemble,operate and maintain your machine
(four tiller models arecovered in this Manual--be sure to useonly the information that applies to your model). Be
sure thatyou andany other operatorscarefully follow the recommendedsafetypractices atall times. Failureto do so could result in personal injury or property damage.
Of course, if you should ever haveany problems or ques- tions, pleasecontact your local authorized dealeror callthe
Factory(seeback cover of this Manual).We want to be sure
that you are completelysatisfied at all times.
NOTE: Besureto fill out and return the Warranty Registra-
tion Cardthat was suppliedwith this Manual.
See Back Cover for
Customer Service information
This is a safetyalertsymbol. It is used in this
manualand on the unit to alert you to potential hazards. Whenyou seethis symbol, readand
obeythe messagethat follows it. Failureto obey safety messagescould result inpersonal injury or
property damage.
This machine meets voluntary safety standard
B71.8 - 1996, which is sponsored by the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, Inc., and is published
by the American National Standards Institute.
The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause
cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
SECTION1: SAFETY........................................... 3
SafetyDecals ............................................................. 5
OperatingSymbols ..................................................... 5
SECTION2: ASSEMBLY....................................... 6
Attach Handlebar........................................................ 6
Move Tiller Off Shipping Platform .............................. 6
Install ForwardClutch Cable....................................... 7
Install ReverseClutch Cable(Models 12209/12210).. 8
CheckLevel of TransmissionGearOil ........................ 9
Add Motor Oilto Engine............................................. 9
CheckHardwarefor Tightness.................................... 9
CheckAir Pressurein Tires ........................................ 9
SECTION3: FEATURES& CONTROLS........................ 10
EngineControls .......................................................... 10
WheelDrive Pins ........................................................ 10
ForwardClutch Bail .................................................... 11
ReverseClutch Control............................................... 11
DepthRegulator Lever................................................ 11
HandlebarHeightAdjustment ..................................... 11
SECTION4: OPERATION...................................... 12
Break-InOperation..................................................... 12
Starting and Stoppingthe Engine............................... 12
Operatingthe Tiller ..................................................... 13
Tilling Tips & Techniques........................................... 14
Loadingand Unloadingthe Tiller ................................ 16
SECTION5: MAINTENANCE.................................. 17
MaintenanceSchedule................................................ 17
Tiller Lubrication......................................................... 17
Checkfor Oil Leaks..................................................... 17
CheckHardware......................................................... 17
CheckTire Pressure.................................................... 17
Transmission GearOil Service.................................... 17
BoloTines................................................................... 18
CheckingandAdjusting Forward DriveBelt Tension .. 19
ForwardClutch BailAdjustment ................................. 20
CheckingandAdjusting ReverseDrive BeltTension... 20
EngineCleaning.......................................................... 20
Air CleanerService..................................................... 20
EngineOil Service....................................................... 20
Spark Plug Service..................................................... 21
SparkArrester ScreenService.................................... 21
Throttle LeverAdjustment .......................................... 21
Carburetor/GovernorControl Adjustments ................. 21
Off SeasonStorage..................................................... 21
Troubleshooting ............................................... 22
PartsList........................................................ 23
CustomerService Information .................... BackCover
UnderCalifornia law, and under the laws of several
other states, you are not permitted to operate an
internal combustion engine using hydrocarbon fuels on any forest, brush,hay, grain, or grass covered land; or land covered by any flammable agricultural crop without an engine spark arrester in continuous effec- tive working order.
The engine on the unit is an internal combustion
engine which burns gasoline, a hydrocarbon fuel, and
must be equippedwith a spark arrester muffler in con- tinuous effective working order. The spark arrester
must be attachedto the engineexhaust system in such a manner that flames or heat from the system will not
ignite flammable material. Failureof the owner/oper- ator of the unit to comply with this regulation is a mis-
demeanor under California law (and other states) and
may also be a violation of other state and/or federal
regulations, laws, ordinances or codes. Contact your
localfire marshalor forest servicefor specificinforma- tion about whichregulations apply in your area.
ForwardClutch Bail
TineHood Flap
Tines (SRT)
Figure1. I: Tiller featuresand controls(5.5HP Model shown). See separate
EngineOwner'sManual toidentify engine controls.
Control (Models
1. Carefullyreadthis Owner's
Manual, the separateEngine
Owner's Manual, and any other literatureyou may receive.Bethor- oughly familiar with the controls and the
proper useof the tiller andits engine. Knowhow to stop the unit and disengage
the controls quickly.
2. Neverallow children to operatethe
tiller. Neverallow adults to operate the tiller without proper instruction.
3. Keepthe areaof operationclearof all persons,particularly children andpets.
4. Keepin mind that the operator or user
is responsiblefor accidentsor hazards
occurring to other people,their property, and themselves.
1. Thoroughlyinspectthe areawhere the
tiller is to be usedand remove all foreign objects.
2. Be sureall tiller controls are released
and both wheels are in the Wheel Drive
position before starting the engine.
3. Do not operatethe tiller without
wearing adequateouter garments. Avoid
loosegarments orjewelry that could get
caught in moving parts.
4. Do not operate thetiller whenbarefoot or wearing sandals, sneakers,or light
footwear. Wear protective footwear that will improve footing on slippery surfaces.
5. Do not till nearunderground electric
cables,telephone lines, pipesor hoses. If
in doubt, contactyour telephone or utility
6. Warning: Handlefuel with care;it is highlyflammable and its vapors are explo- sive.Takethe following precautions:
a. Storefuel incontainers specifically
designedfor this purpose.
b. Thegascapshallnever be removed
or fuel addedwhilethe engineis run- ning. Allowthe engineto coolfor severalminutesbefore addingfuel.
c. Keepmatches,cigarettes, cigars,
pipes, open flames, and sparks away from the fuel tank and fuel
d, Fillfuel tank outdoors with extreme
care. Neverfill fuel tank indoors.
Useafunnel or spout to prevent
e. Replaceall fuel tank andcontainer
caps securely.
f. If fuel is spilled, do not attemptto
start the engine,but movethe machine awayfrom the areaof spillage and avoidcreating any source of ignition until fuel vapors havedissipated.
7. Nevermakeadjustmentswhen engine is running (unless recommendedby
I. Do not put handsor feet nearor under
rotating parts.
2. Exerciseextremecaution when on or
crossing graveldrives, walks, or roads. Stay alertfor hidden hazardsor traffic. Do not carry passengers.
3. After striking aforeign object,stop the
engine, removethe wirefrom the spark plug wire and preventit from touching the
spark plug. Thoroughly inspect the machine for anydamage andrepair the damagebefore restarting and operating
the machine.
4. Exercisecaution to avoid slipping or
5. If the unit should start to vibrate abnor- mally, stop the engine,disconnect the
spark plug wire and prevent it from
touching the spark plug, and checkimme-
diatelyfor the cause. Vibration isgener- allya warning of trouble.
6. Stopthe engine,disconnect the spark plug wire and prevent it from touching the
spark plug, wheneveryou leavethe oper- ating position, before unclogging the tines,
or when making any repairs, adjustments or inspections.
7. Takeall possible precautionswhen leavingthe machineunattended. Stopthe
engine. Disconnectthe spark plugwire and move it awayfrom the spark plug. Be
surethat both wheels are in the Wheel Drive position.
8. Beforecleaning,repairing, or inspecting, stop the engineand make cer-
tain allmoving parts havestopped. Dis-
connectthe spark plug wire and prevent it
from touching thespark plug to prevent
9. Theflap on thetine hoodmust be down
when operating thetiller.
10. Neverusethe tiller unless proper guards, plates,or other safety protective devicesare inplace.
11. Donot run the engine in an enclosed area. Engineexhaustcontains carbon
monoxide gas, a deadlypoison that is odorless,colorless, andtasteless.
12. Keepchildren and petsaway.
13. Neveroperatethetiller underengine powerif thewheels are in theFreewheel
position. Inthe Freewheelposition, the
wheels will not holdthe tiller backandthe
revolving tines could propel the tiller rapidly, possibly causing lossof control.
AIways engagethewheels with the wheel
drive pins in the WheelDrive position beforestarting the engine orengaging the
tineslwheels with the Forward ClutchBail
(all models) orthe ReverseClutchcontrol (Models 12209112210only).
14. Beawarethatthe tiller mayunex- pectedly bounceupwardorjump forward
ifthe tinesshouldstrike extremelyhard packedsoil, frozen ground,or buried
obstacleslike largestones,roots,or
stumps.If in doubtaboutthe tilling con-
ditions, alwaysusethe following
operatingprecautionsto assistyou in
maintainingcontrolofthe tiller:
a. Walk behindandtoone side ofthe
tiller, usingone handon thehan- dlebars. Relaxyourarm, butusea secure handgrip.
b. Use shallower depthregulatorset-
tings, workinggraduallydeeper with each pass.
c. Useslower enginespeeds.
d. Clear the tilling area ofall large
stones, rootsandotherdebris.
e. Avoidusingdownwardpressureon
the handlebars.If need be, use slight upwardpressureto keepthe
tines from diggingtoodeeply.
f. Beforecontactinghardpackedsoil
at the endof a row, reduceengine speedand lift the handlebarsto
raise the tines outof the soil.
g. In an emergency,stop the tines and
wheels byreleasingwhichever clutchcontrolis engaged.Donot attemptto restrainthe tiller.
15. Donot overloadthe tiller's capacity by attempting to till too deeplyattoo fast a
16. Neveroperatethetiller at high trans- port speedson hard or slippery surfaces. Look behind and use carewhen backing
17. Donot operatethe tiller ona slope
that is too steepfor safety.Whenon
slopes,slow down and make sureyou havegood footing. Neverpermit the tiller
to freewheeldown slopes=
18. Neverallow bystanders nearthe unit.
19. Onlyuseattachments and accessories
that are approvedby the manufacturer of the tiller.
20. Usetiller attachmentsand accessories
when recommended.
21. Neveroperatethetiller without good
visibility or light.
22. Neveroperatethetiller if you aretired; or underthe influenceof alcohol, drugs or medication.
23. Operatorsshall not tamper withthe engine-governorsettings onthe machine;
the governor controls the maximum safe
operatingspeed to protect theengine and all moving partsfrom damagecaused by
overspeed. Authorized serviceshallbe sought if a problem exists.
24. Donot touch engine parts which may be hot from operation. Letparts cool down sufficiently.
25. Pleaseremember:You can always stop the tines andwheelsby releasing the
ForwardClutch Bail or onModels 12209 and 12210 the ReverseClutchcontrol,
(whichever control is engaged),or by moving the ignition switch andlor throttle control lever on the engineto "OFF"or
26. To loador unload the tiller, see the instructions in Section 4 of this Manual.
27. Useextremecaution whenreversing or pulling the machinetowards you.
28. Startthe enginecarefully according to instructions andwith feet well awayfrom thetines.
29. Neverpick upor carry a machine while theengine is running.
Maintenance and Storage
I. Keepthe tiller, attachments and acces- sories in safeworking condition.
2. Checkall nuts, bolts, and screws at frequent intervalsfor proper tightness to
be surethe equipment is in safeworking condition.
3. Neverstorethe tiller with fuel in the fuel tank inside a building where ignition
sourcesare present such as hot water and spaceheaters,furnaces, clothesdryers, stoves,electric motors, etc.). Allow the engineto cool before storing the unit in anyenclosure.
4. To reducethe chancesof a fire hazard, keepthe engine freeof grass, leaves,or
5. Storegasoline in a cool, well-ventilated area,safely awayfrom anyspark- or
flame-producing equipment. Storegaso- line in anapproved container, safelyaway
from the reachof children.
6. Referto the Maintenance sections of this Manual and the separateEngine
Owner'sManual for instructions if the unit is to be stored for an extendedperiod.
7. Neverperform maintenancewhile the engine is running or the spark plug wire is connected,exceptwhen specifically
instructed to do so.
8. If thefuel tank hasto be drained, do this outdoors.
Foryour safety andthe safety of others, various safety and opera- tional decalsare located on your unit (seeFigureI-2).
Keepthedecals cleanand legibleat all times. Contactyour local ser- vice dealeror the factory for replacements ifany decalsare damagedor missing.
Referto the Parts List pages in this Manualfor decallocations, descrip- tions and part numbers.
Starting Stabilization Message (on engine)
Hot Surfaces Warning
(on belt cover)
Figure 1.2: Locationof safety and operatingdecals(5.5HP Modelshown).
Various symbols (shown here, with word descriptions) may be used on the tiller and engine. Your unit may not have all of the symbols.
H I÷1 R
To prevent personal injury or property damage, do not start the engine until all assembly steps are complete and you have read and understand the safety and operatinginstructionsinthis
Carefullyfollow theseassembly stepsto correctly prepareyour tiller for use. It is
recommendedthat you read this Section in its entirety before beginning assembly.
NOTE:Varioustiller modelsare presented in this Manual. Useonly the information
appropriatefor your tiller model.
Inspect the unit and carton for damage immediately after delivery. Contactthe carrier (trucking company) if you find or suspectdamage. Inform them of the damageand request instructions for filing a claim. To protectyour rights, put your claim in writing andmail a copy to the car- rier within 15 days after the unit hasbeen delivered.Contactthe factory if you need
assistancein this matter.
(1) 3/8"open-end wrench* (2) 7/16"open-end wrench* (2) 1/2"open-end wrench* (2) 9/16"open-end wrench* (1) Largeadjustablewrench (Models
12209/12210 only)
(1) Scissors (to trim plastic ties) (1) Ruler (for belt tension check)
(1) Block of wood (to support tiller
when removing wheels)
(1) Tire pressure gauge (for models with
pneumatic tires) (1) Cleanoilfunnel (1) Motor oil. Referto the EngineOwner's
Manualfor oil specificationsand
quantity required.
* Adjustablewrenches may be used.
NOTE: While unpacking,do not severely bend any control cables,
I. The tiller weighsapproximately133 Ibs. Do not attemptto remove it from the ship-
ping platform until instructed to do so in theseAssembly steps.
2. Removeanypackaging materialfrom the carton. Removeany staples from the
bottom of the carton andremovethe carton from the shipping platform.
3. Removeall unassembledparts andthe separatehardwarebag from the carton. Checkthat you havethe items listed in the
LooseParts List (contact your localdealer
or the factory items aremissing or dam- aged). NOTE: Usethe screw lengthtem-
plate (Fig. 2-I) to identify screws.
Qty. Description
1 HandlebarSupport (seeA, Fig.2-2) I HandlebarAssembly(seeK, Fig.2-2)
Hardwarebag contents:
1 Slotted hd. screw, #10-24 x 2"
1 Hexhd. screw, 1/4-20 x 1-1/4" 6 Hexhd. screw, 5/16-18 x 1-1/2" 2 Hexhd. screw, 3/8-16 x 3/4" 2 Flatwasher,3/8"
6 Split Iockwasher,8/16"
1 HexIocknut, 1/4"-20 6 Hexnut, 5/16"-18
1 Hexnut, #10-24 2 HexIocknut, 3/8"-16
1 Spring, cable(seeW, Fig. 2-5)
1 Bracket,forward clutch cable (see
P, Fig.2-4)
IMPORTANT:Motor oil must be added to the enginecrankcasebefore the engineis
started. Follow the instructions inthis Assembly Section and in the separate
EngineOwner's Manual.
NOTE:LEFTand RIGHTsides of the tiller are asviewed from the operator's position
behind the handlebars.
Figure2. I: To identifylengthof screws,
place screwontemplate as shownand mea-
suredistancebetween bottomof screw head and tipof screw.
I. Loosely attachthe legsof the handlebar support (A, Fig. 2-2)to the innersides of
the tiller frame usingtwo 318"-16x 314"
hexhd. screws (B), 318"flat washers (C) and 318"-16hex locknuts (D).
2. Thereare three height adjustment holes in the two handlebarsupport brackets(E and F,Fig. 2-2). Usea setting that will position the handlebarsat approximately
waist levelwhenthe tines are 3"-4"into the
soil. Loosely attachthe support brackets
to the handlebarsupport (A) using two
8116"-18x 1-112"screws (G),5116"split lockwashers (H)and 5116"-18hexnuts (I).
NOTE: If asupport bracket will not move, loosenattaching screw (J) and nut.
3. Attach the handlebarassembly(K) to
the handlebarsupport (A) using four
5116"-18x 1-112"screws (G),5116"split lockwashers (H)and 5116"-18hexnuts (I).
Tighten the four screws securely.
4. Tighten all handlebarmounting hard-
ware securely.
To roll the tiller off the shipping platform,
put the wheelsin FREEWHEEL,as follows: I. Placea sturdy blockunder the trans-
mission to raiseone wheelabout I" off the ground.
Fig. 2-2,"Attachhandlebar (5.SHPModel shown).
2. Removethe hairpin cotter (L, Fig. 2-3) and wheel drive pin (M) from the wheel hub (O) andwheel shaft (N).
3. Slidethewheelfully inwardon the wheel shaft (N,Fig. 2-3). Reinstallthe wheel drive pin (M) throughthe wheel
shaft only (not through the wheel hub). Securethe wheel drive pin with the hairpin
cotter (L), pushingthe hairpincotter inas far as it will go. The wheel should now
spin freely(freewheel)on the wheel shaft.
Repeatwith the other wheel.
4. Usethe handlebarto roll the tiller to a flat area.
a m
Fig. 2-3: Wheelin FREEWHEELposition
(wheeldrivepin throughwheel shaft only).
1. Attach the forward clutch cable bracket (P, Fig.2-4) to the handlebarsupport (A)
with a 1/4"-20 x 1-1/4" hexhd. screw (R)
and 1/4"-20 hex Iocknut (S). Tighten
2. Carefullyunwrapthe forward clutch cable(cable withoutan attached knob)
from its shipping position andslidethe
thincable wire (T, Fig.2-4) into the slot in the cablebracket=Pushthe cable con-
nector (U, Fig.2-4) up through the hole in
the bracketuntil the groove in the con-
nector snapsinto place.
3. Insertthe #10-24 x 2" slotted hd. screw (V, Fig.2-5) downthroughthe hooked
end of the cablespring (W) until the screw
threadsextendthroughthe spring.
IMPORTANT:Beforestarting theengine,
the wheelsmust beplacedin the WHEEL
DRIVEposition (pins through wheelhubs
and wheelshaft). This procedureis described in WheelDrivePins in Section 3.
Fig. 2-4: Installing forwardclutchcable bracketand cable.
4. Threadthe #10-24 hexnut (Z,Fig. 2-5) halfwayonto the screw (V).
5. Threadthe screw (V) into thecable adjuster (X).
6. Hookthe cable spring (W, Fig.2-6) into
the V-shapedbend inthe ForwardClutch
Bail (Y).
7. Checkfor correct tension on the for-
ward drive belt by taking two measure-
ments of thecablespring, as follows: a.With the ForwardClutch Bail (Y, Fig.2-
6) in an open (released)position, mea- surethe lengthof the cablespring (W)
from the outermost coil to the outer- most coil.
b. Squeezethe ForwardClutch Bail against
the handlebar (seeFig.2-7) and re-
measurethe spring length. Thebelt
tension is correct if this second mea-
surement is between1/16"to 3/16" longer thanthe first measurement. If
so, turn the hexnut (Z, Fig.2-7) tightly againstthe cableadjuster (X)while pre-
venting the cableadjuster from turning.
c. If the spring lengthis incorrect, you
must adjust the cabletension as described in Checkingand Adjusting
Forward Drive Belt Tensionin Section5. Incorrect cable tension can result inbelt
slippage (cabletension too loose),or unintentional tine movementwhen the
clutch bailis in Neutral (cabletension too tight).
W m
Fig. 2- 7: Tocheck forward belt tension, taketwomeasurementsof the length of thecoils in thespring- first withthe bail open, then withthe bail heldagainst thehandlebar.
1. Unwrap the reverseclutch cable(CC, Fig.2-8 and Fig.2-9) from its shipping
position and route it up to the handlebar. Besurethat the cable is routed beneath
the Forward Clutch Bail.
2. Removethe two self-tapping screws (AA,Fig. 2-8) from the handlebars,posi-
tion the reversecable mounting bracket
(BB) asshown, and reinstall the two
Flat Side
3. Insertthe cable(CC,Fig.2-8) through
the slot in the cablebracketand position
Fig. 2-8: Install reverse cable bracketand reverseclutchcable,
the flat side ofthe threadedassemblynext to the flatside of the hole. Slidethehex
nut (DD) up the cableand tighten it securely.
4. Fastenthe reverseclutch cable to the left side handlebarwith acable tie (EE, Fig.2-9).
5. Testthe function of the reverseclutch bypulling out andreleasingthe cable
knob. The knobshould return to its neu-
tral position (resting against bracket). If it doesn't, contact your local dealeror the
factory for technical assistance.
Fig.2.5: Cable springand
Fig. 2-8: Attachforward
clutchcable springto forward clutchbail.
Fig. 2.9: Route reverse clutchcable (CC)as shown. Attachwithcable tie (EE).
Thetransmission was filled with gearoil at the factory. However,you should check the gear oil levelatthis time to makecer-
tain it is correct. IMPORTANT:Do not operatethe tillerif
the gear oil levelis low. Doingso will result in severedamagetothe transmis- sion components.
1. With the tilleron level ground, pull the Depth Regulator Lever (FF,Fig. 2-10) back and then all the way up until the lowest notch in the leveris engaged.
2. Removethe oil fill plug (GG, Fig.2-11) from the transmission housing cover and
locate the main drive shaft situated inside the housing.
3. Thegear oil level is correct if thegear oil is approximately halfway up theside of
the main drive shaft.
4. If the oil levelis low, addgearoil by referring to A. To Checkthe Transmission
GearOil Level in Section5.
Thetiller is shipped withoutoil in the
engine. IMPORTANT:Do not startthe engine
without first addingmotor oil. Severe
enginedamagewill result if the engine is run without oil.
1. Refertothe separateEngineOwner's Manualfor engineoil specifications and capacities.
2. Withthetilleron levelground, move the Depth Regulator Lever (FF,Fig.2-10) up
or down until the engine is level.
3. Add motoroil asdescribed in the EngineOwner's Manual.
4. Move the Depth Regulator Leverall the
way down until the highest notch is
engaged. Thisplacesthetines inthe "travel" position, whichallows the tiller to
be moved without thetines touching the ground.
Checkall nutsand screws for tightness.
Fig. 2.10: AdjustDepthRegulatorLever.
Fig. 2.11: Removegear oil fill plug.
TIRES (units with pneumatic tires)
Ontires equippedwith air valves, check
the air pressure with atiregauge. Deflate
or inflate the tiresequallyto 15 to 20PSI (pounds per squareinch). Besure that
both tires are inflatedequallyor the unit
will pull to one side.
IMPORTANT:This completes theassembly steps. Before operating your tiller,make sure you read the following sections inthis Manual, as well as the separateEngineOwner's Manual:
Section 1: Safety
Section 3: FeaturesandControls
Section 4: Operation
Before operating your machine, care- fully read and understand all safety, controls and operating instructions in this Manual, the separate Engine
Owner's Manual, and on the decals on themachine.
Failure to follow these instructionscan resultin seriouspersonalinjury.
This Sectiondescribes the location and function of the controls on your tiller=
Referto thefollowing Section, Operation
for detailedoperating instructions=
Practiceusing thesecontrols, withthe engineshut off, until you understand the operationof the controls and feel confi-
dentwith eachof them.
ENGINECONTROLS Referto theengine manufacturer's Engine
Owner'sManual (included in the tillerliter- aturepackage)to identify thecontrols on
your engine.
IMPORTANT:Thecontrol for stoppingthe engine is locatedon the engine.
Control (Models
Wheel DrivePin
Figure3.1: Tillerfeaturesandcontrols(5.SHPModelshown). SeeseparateEngineOwner's Manual toidenti[y enginecontrols,
Forward Clutch Bail (all models) or the ReverseClutch Control (Models12209
and 12210) is engaged. Usethe FREEWHEELmode only whenthe
engine is not running. In FREEWHEEL,the wheeldrive pinsare placedonly through
the holes inthe wheelshaft (not thewheel hubs), thus allowing the wheels to turn
freely when you manually move the tiller.
wheel hub (D) and wheel shaft (B).Secure wheel drive pinwith hairpin cotter (C) by
pushing hairpin cotter in as far as it will go. Repeatwith the other wheeland then removethe supportfrom beneaththe
Eachwheel is equippedwitha wheeldrive pin (A, Figures3-2 and 3-3) that secures
thewheelto the wheelshaft (B). The wheelscan be positioned ineither a
Never allow either of the wheels to be
in the FREEWHEELposition when the engine is running. Always put both
wheels in the WHEEL DRIVE position beforestartingthe engine.
Failure to comply could cause lossof tiller control, property damage, or per-
Beforestarting the engine,put both
wheels in the WHEELDRIVEposition by
inserting the wheeldrive pinsthrough the
wheel hubs andthe wheel shaft. Doing so
"locks" the wheels to thewheel shaft, causingthe wheels to turn wheneither the
To placethe wheels in WHEELDRIVEor FREEWHEEL:
I. Stop engine,disconnectspark plug wire from spark plugandallow engineto cool.
Do not place tiller on its side when changingwheel drive positions. Doing
socould result in gasoline leakingfrom the fuel tank.
Failure to follow this instruction could result in personal injury or property damage.
2. Raiseonewheel aboutone inch off the
ground and placea sturdy support under the transmission=
3. Removehairpin cotter (C,Figures 3-2 and 3-3) from wheel drive pin (A)=
4. FORWHEELDRIVEMODE(Figure3-2): Slide wheeloutward and align holes in wheel hub (D, Figure3-2) and wheel shaft
(B). Insert wheeldrive pin (A)through
Figure3-2: WHEELDRIVE position.
5. FORFREEWHEELMODE(Figure 3-3): Slidethe wheelinward andinsert the
wheel drive pin (A, Figure3-3) only through the hole in the wheelshaft (B).
Securewheel drive pin with hairpin cotter (C) bypushing hairpin cotter in as far asit
will go=Repeatfor the other wheel and then removethe support from beneaththe transmission=
+ 22 hidden pages