Troy-Bilt 12216 Owner's Manual

Features and Controls
Parts List
Serial Numbers: 122161100101-122161199999
Congratulationson your purchaseof a Tiller/Edgerwith EdgerAttachment. It has beendesigned, engineeredand manufactured to giveyou the best possible dependabilityand performance.
Pleasecarefully readthis Manualwhich provides information on howto safelyandeasily set-up, operateandmaintain your machine. Besure thatyou and any other operatorscarefully
follow the recommended safety practices at all times. Failure
todo so could result in personal injury or property damage.
If you should everhaveanyproblems or questions, please contact your local authorized servicedealer or call the Factory.
Seethe backcover of this Manualfor Customer Serviceinfor- mation.
Wewant to be surethat you arecompletely satisfied at all times.
See Back Cover for
Customer Service Information
SafetyAlert Symbol
_ his is a safety alertsymbol. It is used in this
sagescould result in personalinjury or propertydamage.
manualand on the unit to alert you to potential haz- ards. When you seethis symbol, readand obeythe
messagethat follows it. Failureto obeysafety mes-
Table of Contents
SECTION1: SAFETY........................................... 3
Training......................................................................... 3
Preparation................................................................... 3
Operation...................................................................... 4
Maintenance/Storage.................................................... 4
SECTION2: ASSEMBLY........................................ 5
UnpackingInstructions ............................................... 5
Assembly Steps.......................................................... 5
SECTION3: FEATURESANDCONTROLS..................... 6
SECTION4: OPERATION...................................... 7
Pre-start Preparation.................................................. 7
Stopping and Starting the Engine............................... 7
Tilling and Cultivating ................................................. 8
Installing and Using the EdgerAttachment ................. 9
Attachments ............................................................... 9
SECTION5: MAINTENANCE.................................. 10
RequiredMaintenanceSchedule ................................ 10
EquipmentMaintenance............................................. 10
EngineMaintenance................................................... 11
TineRemovaland Installation..................................... 11
Storage....................................................................... 12
Troubleshooting.......................................................... 12
PARTSLIST ..................................................... 13
Safetyand Operating Decals....................................... 15
This machine meets voluntary safety standard B71.8 - 1996, which is sponsored by the Outdoor
Power Equipment Institute, Inc., and is published by the American National Standards Institute.
The engine exhaust from this productcontains chemi- cals known to the State of California to cause cancer,
birth defects or other reproductive harm.
UnderCalifornia law, and under the lawsof severalother states, you arenot permitted to operatean internalcombustion engine using hydrocarbon fuels onanyforest, brush, hay,grain, or grass covered land;or land covered byanyflammable agricultural crop
without an enginespark arrester in continuous effectiveworking order. Theengineon the unit isan internalcombustion enginewhich burns gasoline,a hydrocarbon fuel, and must be equippedwith a
spark arrester muffler in continuous effectiveworking order. The spark arrester must be attachedto the engineexhaustsystem in such a mannerthat flames or heatfrom the system will not ignite flammable material. Failureof the owner/operator of the unit to
comply with this regulation is a misdemeanorunder California law (and other states)andmay also bea violation of other state and/or federalregulations, laws, ordinances or codes. Contactyour local fire marshal or forest servicefor specific information about which regulations apply in your area.
Readthis Owner's Manualand the sep- arateEngineOwner'sManualvery care- fully beforeoperating this equipment. Be completely familiar with the controls and the proper useof the equipment. Know
how to stop the unit and disengagethe controls quickly. A replacementManual is availableby contacting your authorized dealeror the Factory.
Neverallow children or untrained adults to usethis equipment. Let adults
operatethe unit only if instructed properly.
Keepthe areaof operationclearof all persons, particularly small children and pets. Keepbystanders at least25 feet from the areaof operation.
Keepin mind that the operator or user is responsible for accidents or hazards occurring to other people,their property
Familiarizeyourself with all of the safety and operatingdecals on this equip- ment and on anyof its attachments or
Do not run engine in an enclosedarea. Engineexhaustcontains carbon monoxide gas, a deadlypoison that is
odorless, colorless, and tasteless. Do not operatethis equipmentnear buildings,
windows, or air conditioning equipment.
Do not allow handsor anyother part of the bodyor clothing nearthe rotating tines or near any other moving part. The
tines begin to rotate forward oncethe engine is startedand the Throttle/Tines Control Leverissqueezed. Thetines con- tinueto rotate until the operator releases
the Throttle/TinesControl Lever.
Before inspectingor servicing any part of the equipment, shut off engine,make sure all moving parts havecome to a completestop, then disconnect spark plug wire from spark plug and move wire awayfrom the plug.
Do not operatethis equipmentifyou are underthe influenceof alcohol,medication,
or whenyou aretired or ill.
Thoroughly inspectthe areawherethe equipment is to beusedand remove all
foreign objects.
Make sure that theThrottle/Tines Con-
trol Leveris disengagedand is in the neu- tral position before you beginto start the
Donot operate the machinewithout wearingadequateouter garments. Avoid loosegarments orjewelry that could get caught in moving partsof the machine or
its engine.
Donot operate the equipment when barefoot or whenwearing sandals, sneakers,or similar lightweight footwear. Wearprotective footwear thatwill protect
your feet and improve footing on all
Wearapprovedsafety glasses when op- eratingthis equipment. The operationof anypowered machinecan result in for- eign objects beingthrown by high-speed
rotating parts.
Donot till near underground electric cables,telephone lines,pipes, or hoses. If indoubt, contact your utility or tele- phone company to locate underground
Handlefuel with care. Itis highly
flammable and has explosivevapors.
Takethese precautions:
a. Usean approvedfuel container. b. Addfuel beforestarting the engine.
Neverremovethe cap of the fuel
tank or addfuel while the engineis
running orwhen the engine is hot. Operatorsshall not smoke.
c. Keepmatches,cigarettes,cigars,
pipes, open flames, and sparks awayfrom thefuel tank andfuel
d. Fillfuel tank outdoors andwith ex-
treme caution. Neverfill fuel tank
when indoors. Usea funnel or spout to prevent spillage.
e. Replaceall fuel tankand fuel con-
tainer caps securely.
f. If fuel is spilled, do not attempt to
start the engine, but move the ma- chine awayfrom the areaof spillage and avoid creatinganysource of ig- nition until fuel vapors have dissipated.
Nevermake adjustmentsto your equip- ment when the engine is running or spark plug wire is connected(unless specifically
recommendedin Owner'sManual).
Operator's Position
LEFTand RIGHTsidesof thetiller are from the operator'spositionbehindthe
handlebars(unless notedotherwise).
Thecorrect operator's position iswhen you arestanding behind and gripping the handlebar,facing forward toward the engine. Donot leavethis position while using the engineThrottle/Tines lever.
Do not puthandsor feet nearor under rotating parts.
Section1: Safety
Exerciseextreme caution when on or crossing gravel drives, walks or roads.
Stay alert for hidden hazardsor traffic. Do not carry passengers.
After striking a foreign object,stop the engine,let all moving parts come to a completestop, disconnectthe spark plug
wire and prevent it from touching the spark plug, then carefully inspectthe ma- chinefor damage. Repairthe damage beforerestarting andoperating the
Exercisecaution to avoidslipping or falling.
If the machine should start to vibrate abnormally,stop theengine. Disconnect
the spark plug wire and prevent it from touching the plug. Checkimmediately for the cause. Vibration is generallya
warning of trouble. Fixthe problem beforeusing the equipment again.
Stop the engine,disconnect the spark plug wire and prevent it from touching the spark plug wheneveryou leavethe equip- ment, beforeunclogging the tines, or when making anyrepairs, adjustments or inspections.
Takeall possibleprecautionswhen leavingthe machine unattended. Always
stop the engine. Disconnect the spark plug wire and prevent it from touching the
Beforecleaning, repairing, or inspecting, stop the engineand make certain all moving parts have stopped. Disconnectthe spark plug wire and prevent it from touching the spark plugto avoidaccidentalstarting.
Neveroperateequipment without proper guards, plates,or other protective
safety devices in place.
Do not runthe engine inan enclosed area. Theexhaustfumes from the engine contain extremely dangerouscarbon monoxide gas. Thisgas is colorless, odorless,tastelessand deadlypoisonous.
Keepchildren andpetsaway.
Beawarethat theequipment mayunex- pectedlybounce upwardorjump forward if the tines should strike extremely hard packedsoil, frozenground, or buried ob- staclessuch as largestones, roots or stumps. If you arein doubt about the
tilling conditions, always use the fol-
lowing operating precautions to assist
you in maintainingcontrol of the
a. Standbehind the equipment, using
both handson the handlebars. Relaxyour arms, but usea secure
hand grip.
b. Start tilling at shallowdepths,
working graduallydeeperwith each pass.
c. Clearthe tilling areaof all large
stones, roots, andother debris.
In an emergency,stop the tines by releasingthe engineThrottle/Tines leveron the handlebar. Tostop the engine,movethe engineOn/Off
switch to OFE
Donot overload the machine'scapacity by attempting to till too deeplyattoo fast
a rate.
Neveroperatethe equipment on slip- pery surfaces. Look behind and use care when backing up.
Donot operate the equipment on a slopethat is too steepfor safety. When on slopes, slow down and makesure you havegood footing.
Neverallow bystandersnear the unit.
Onlyuse attachmentsandaccessories
that arefactory-approved.
Neveroperatethe equipment without good visibility or good light.
Neveroperatethe unit if you aretired, or underthe influence of alcohol, drugs,
or medication.
Donot tamper with the engine gov- ernor settings on the machine;the gov- ernor controls the maximum safeoper- ating speedand protectsthe engine and all other moving parts from damage causedby engine overspeed. Authorized serviceshall be sought if a problem
Do not touch engineparts which may be hot from operation. Allow partsto cool before inspecting, cleaningor repairing.
Remember:you canstop the tines by releasingthe engineThrottle/Tines lever. Move the engineOn/Off switch to OFFto
shut the engineoff.
Nevertransport this machinewhen the engine is running.
Terminalsand non-insulated electrical parts shall beprotected against shorting
during normal servicing, refueling or lubrication.
Useextreme cautionwhen reversing or pulling the machinetoward you.
Start the enginecarefullyaccording to instructions and with feet well awayfrom
Keepthetiller, attachmentsand acces- sories insafeworking condition.
Checkall nuts, bolts, andscrews atfre- quent intervalsfor proper tightnessto be
sureequipment is in safeworking condition.
Neverstore equipmentwith fuel infuel tank inside abuilding wherefumes may reachan open flame or spark(hot water and spaceheaters,furnaces, clothes dryers, stoves, electric motors, etc.).
Allow the engineto cool beforestoring theequipment.
Keep the engine freeof grass, leaves, or greaseto reducethe chanceof afire
Store gasolinein acool, well-ventilated area,safely awayfrom anyspark- or flame-producing equipment. Storegaso- line inan approved container, safely away
from the reach of children.
Neverperform maintenancewhen engine is running or spark plugwire is
connectedunless instructed to do so.
If fuel tank must be drained,do so out- doors.
Follow manufacturer's recommenda- tions for safe loading, unloading, trans-
port and storage of machine.
2 Assembly
Topreventpersonalinjuryor propertydamage, do notstart the engine until all assembly stepsare completeand you haveread andunderstandthe safetyand operatinginstruc-
tionsin this manual.
Carefullyreadthese instructions in their entirety beforeyou attempt to assembleor operateyour new equipment.
TheBorder EdgerAttachment (D, Figure1) doesnot needto be installed until you are readyto do edging projects (referto
instructions in Section4).
1. Inspect your machine immediately. If you find or suspect damageto the carton or contents,contact your localautho- rizeddealeror the Factoryfor assistance.
2. Removeany packingmaterial. Checkfor loose parts beforediscarding the packing material or carton. Loose parts includethe following:
(1) Wheel(for edging) (1) EdgerTine
(2) *Long Bushings (1) *Short Bushing
*Packedin a separateplastic bag.
3. Perform the assemblyon a clean, levelsurface. Becareful not to severely bend anyof the control cables on the unit.
STEP2: Inspect and Tighten Hardware
Checkall nuts, bolts andscrews on your unit andtighten as needed.
ToolsNeededto Checkfor LooseHardware:
Adjustable wrench
7/16"socket and extension (to checkhardwareat ends of handlebar)
STEP3: Add Motor Oil to Engine
IMPORTANT:Theengine is shippedwithout oil inthe
crankcase. Donot start theengine without first adding motor oil. Severeenginedamage will result if the engine is run
without motor oil.
1. Referto the separateEngineOwner'sManual for motor oil
specifications and capacities.
2. Add oil asdescribed in the EngineOwner's Manual(the
engine is a vertical type, GX31 model).
STEP 1: Unfold and AdJustHandlebars
IMPORTANT: Becareful not to pinch anycontrol cables.
Pushthe cablesout and awaybefore swivelingthe handle- bars.
1. Loosenthe two handlebarknobs (A,Figure 1) and unfold the handlebarsinto the operatingposition. Donot useforce
-- if there is binding, continue to loosenthe knobs.
2. Thereare two height setting holes in the upperhandlebar. Theunit isshipped with the handlebar knobs in the lowest height setting holes. Ifthis height is correct for you, simply tighten the two handlebar knobs. Ifdesired, reposition the
handlebarknobs, mounting screws andwashersin the other set of holes.
3. Checkthe six (6) plasticties (C, Figure 1). Ties must be positioned as shown.
NOTE:Thereis only onehandlebarstorage position- folded over anddown as originally shipped.
Figure 1
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