Q: What type of fuel should I use for my tiller?
A: Use clean and fresh gasoline which is of internal combustion and not bad.
Q: What is the recommended maintenance of the machine particularly in checking the transmission oil?
A: Transmission oil should be checked after 30 hour of operation of the tiller.
Q: Are there any restrictions to using the tiller on slopes?
A: Operating the tiller on a slope is possible but not advisable as it may lead to a loss of control of the machine, hence it is advisable to till up and down the slope to avoid such instances.
Q: Are there safety measures that should be kept in mind when the tiller is to be started?
A: All the controls should be accurately positioned and while doing so ensure that the Depth Regulator Lever is in a travel position, lastly, cross refer with the user manual on how to start your specific model.
Q: If the tiller begins to vibrate abnormally, how should I react?
A: Immediately turn of the engine and unplug the spark plug wire, this should allow you to check for any damage, remember, do not restart any of the electrical equipment until the problem is rectified.
Q: I was operating the engine indoors and now the room is filled with smoke, is there anything to worry about?
A: Yes, you have used the engine in an enclosed space, the exhaust released a hazardous gas called carbon monoxide which means the engine should not be used except outside.
Q: After using the tines, the debris started to build up within, how should I clean it properly?
A: Remove the tines from the soil, and then try using reverse on the tiller, this should attempt to untangle the debris stuck inside, if that does not work, turn off the machine and manually untangled the debris.