ing clutch operating shaft, Adjusting clutch, Adjusting
master cylinder, Adjusting slave cylinder, To remove
flexible hose, To fit flexible hose, Removal of slave
cylinder (with fork-rod assembly), To replace slave
cylinder, Dismantling slave cylinder, Assembly of slave
cylinder, To remove release bearing and clutch operating
shaft, To replace clutch operating shaft and release bearing, Removal of clutch from flywheel with gearbox
removed, Replacement of clutch to flywheel, Dismantling cover assembly using Churchill fixture No.
99A, As-
sembly of
cover plate assembly using Churchill fixture
99A, Dismantling cover assembly without
fixture, To assemble cover assembly without Churchill
fixture, Inspection of cover assembly, Adjusting release
levers, Condition of clutch facings, Reconditioning of
driven plate assembly, Service diagnosis chart
Dimensions and tolerances, Operation, Ratios, Bearings,
Mounting, Oil capacity, Nut and bolt data and tightening torques, To remove gearbox leaving engine in position, To replace gearbox, To dismantle, To assemble, To
dismantle top cover assembly, To assemble, Installation
of overdrive (dismantling, assembly of gearbox, fitting
overdrive unit, valve checking, valve adjustment, fitting
isolator switch, operating switch), Supplementary instructions for incorporating overdrive on "second" and
"third" gears (overdrive unit, gearbox top cover assembly)
General discription, To remove hubs, To replace hubs,
To remove hubs
(center lock type), To replace hubs
(center lock type), To remove axle shaft, To replace axle
shaft, To remove axle, To replace axle, To dismantle, To
Service diagnosis
Front suspension data, Description, Maintenance, Front
wheel alignment, To adjust front wheel alignment, Steer-
ing lock stops, To set steering lock stops, To remove
front hub and stub axle, To replace front hub and stub
axle, To remove front shock absorber, To fit shock absorber, To remove front road spring, To fit road spring,
To remove and dismantle front suspension unit, To assemble and replace front suspension unit, Steering, Type
and description, Maintenance, Adjustment of steering
box, To remove control head from steering wheel, To fit
control head and stator tube to steering wheel, To
remove steering wheel, To fit steering wheel, To remove
steering unit, To fit steering unit, To dismantle steering
unit, To assemble steering unit, Removal and replacement of drop arm, To remove idler unit, To fit idler unit,
Steering column bracing, Telescopic (adjustable) steering
unit (description, steering unit, steering wheel, control
head), To fit telescopic steering unit and steering wheel,
To remove telescopic steering wheel and steering unit, To
remove control head from
center of telescopic steering
wheel, To fit control head and stator tube
to telescopic
steering wheel, Steering stiffness, Assessment of accidental damage
Front spring (description, maintenance, to remove or
replace), Rear road springs (description, maintenance, to
remove rear road spring, to fit, rear road spring
overhaul, to dismantle, to assemble), Front shock absorber (description, maintenance, operation of telescopic
shock absorber, to remove or replace front shock absorber), Rear shock absorber (description, maintenance,
valve operation, to remove rear shock absorber, to fit
rear shock absorber)
Description, Assessment of accidental damage, preparation of car, Checking side members for twist, Checking
side members for cradling, Checking side members for
squareness, Checking side members for bowing
Description, Lubrication, Maintenance instructions,
Removal of propeller shaft, To dismantle propeller shaft,
To examine and check for wear, To assemble, To fit
propeller shaft
Construction of tire, Tire pressures, Repair of injuries,
Factors affecting tire life and performance (inflation
pressures, effect of temperature, speed, braking, climatic
conditions, road surface, impact fractures), Special types
of irregular tread wear ("heel and toe" or "saw tooth"
wear, "spotty" wear), Wheel alignment and its association with road camber (precautions when measuring
wheel alignment), Camber, castor and king pin inclination, Tire and wheel balance (static balance, dynamic
balance), Changing position of tires, Pressed steel wheels,
Wire wheels (to remove, to replace, examination, wheel
Batteries-models GTW7A/2, GTW9A12, GT9A/2,
and GTZ9A/2 (routing maintenance, service data, servicing, preparing new unfilled, uncharged
batteries for
service, preparing GTZ "dry-charged" batteries for service, battery cable connectors), Generator-model C.39
PV/2 (general, routine maintenance, performance data,
servicing), Starting motor-model
M418G (outboard
(general, routine maintenance,
performance data,
servicing, fault diagnosis chart), Starting motor drive
(general, routine maintenance, construction, dismantling, re-assembly), Distributor-model DM2 (general,
routine maintenance, design data, servicing),
Headlamps-model F700
MK/VI (general description,
replacement, setting,
renewal of light unit), Control
RB106-1 (general, setting data, servicing),
CRT15 (general, flashing
light direction
indicators), Electric
windtone horns--
WT614 and WT618 (general-adjustment, inter-
nal faults, both
horns fail to operate, one horn fails to
operate), Wiring diagram, Control box-model
(general, setting data, servicing)
Body mounting points, To remove body, To fit body,
Battery box drain, To remove and dismantle front
bumper, To fit front bumpers, To remove rear
overriders and brackets, To fit rear over-riders, To remove
front wing, To fit front wing, To remove
rear wing, To fit
rear wing, To remove bonnet lid, To fit bonnet lid, To
remove front apron, To fit front apron, Adjustment of
bonnet locks, To remove windscreen (windshield), To fit
windscreen (windshield), To fit aero-windscreen, To
remove door, To
fit door, Front door water sealing, To
remove door lock, To fit door lock,
Removal of gearbox
tunnel, To fit gearbox tunnel, To remove hood and fit-
tings, To fit hood and fittings, Water sealing of hood
seams, Adjustment of side curtains, To prepare car for
fiberglass hard top canopy, To fit fiberglass hard top
canopy, To remove fiberglass hard top canopy, To
remove luggage boot lid, To fit luggage boot lid, To dismantle spare wheel lid, To assemble spare wheel lid, To
fit Smiths circular heater
C.H.S. 92014
Data and description (tank capacity, petrol stop tap,
petrol pump, carburetors, air cleaners), To remove petrol
tank, To fit petrol tank, Petrol gauge, Precaution when
carrying out tests, To test dash meter, To test tank unit,
Fuel gauge fault location chart, To remove flexible petrol
feed pipe, To fit flexible petrol feed hose, Petrol stop tap,
To remove petrol stop tap, To fit petrol stop tap, Servicing petrol stop tap, To dismantle petrol stop tap, To assemble petrol stop tap, AC fuel pump type
"UP, Petrol
pump oil seal, To clean pump filter, Testing while on
engine, To remove
petrol pump from engine, To fit
petrol pump to engine, To dismantle
petrol pump, To as-
semble petrol pump, Inspection of parts,
air cleaners,
To remove air cleaners, To fit air cleaners to carburetors,
Servicing air cleaners, Disconnection of carburetor controls, To remove accelerator pedal, right hand side, To fit
accelerator pedal, right hand side, To remove accelerator
pedal, left hand side, To fit accelerator pedal, left hand
side, To remove carburetor from manifold, To fit
carburetors to manifold, S.U. carburetor (description, construction), Throttle
and mixture control interconnection,
Effect of altitude and climatic extremes on standard tuning, Carburetor jet needles, To remove jet needle, To fit