TRITTON BIP Pro Flight User Manual [en, de, es, fr, it]

GEttING StartEd 4 INtroductIoN 5 INStaLLatIoN 5 SEttING uP 7 Smart tEcHNoLoGy ProGrammING SoftwarE 8
démarraGE 12 INtroductIoN 13 INStaLLatIoN 13 coNfIGuratIoN 15 Smart tEcHNoLoGy ProGrammING SoftwarE 16
GEttING StartEd INtroductIoN
Compatible with Microsoft® Flight Sim™ X, the Pro Flight Backlit Information Panel
provides users with clear and authentic information during ight. Supplied with 51 individual ‘Optical Tiles’ which display a wide variety of in ight
events and information, users can customize their Information Panel to display ight
For real time in-game feedback Pour une rétroaction en temps réel dans le jeu Echtzeitfeedback während des Spiels Per feedback in tempo reale durante il gioco Para retroalimentación durante el juego en tiempo real
Choose between red, green & amber Choisissez entre rouge, vert et ambre Wählen Sie zwischen rot, grün und gelb Per scegliere tra rosso, verde e ambra Escoge entre rojo, verde y ámbar
information relevant to their aircraft or personal preference.
Optical Tiles not illuminated remain invisible to the naked eye, allowing aspiring pilots to
accurately access the information they need, when they need it.
Backlit Information Panel
24 Individually controlled segments
• Each segment has 3 user dened colours: Red, Orange and Green
51 optical lenses with individual legends included
Works with Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX)
• Powerful ST Graphical User interface
drIvErS aNd SoftwarE INStaLLatIoN for uSErS of wINdowS® XP, 32- aNd 64-bIt
1. With your computer powered on, close down any programs that are currently running, and then insert the Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2. When the Welcome screen appears, click Next to continue. If the CD does not run automatically, select Start from the Windows Taskbar, then Run, then type D:\ Setup.exe into the Run window’s text entry eld, and then click OK (assuming D:\ is the letter of your CD-ROM drive).
3. After reading the Disclaimer, select the I accept the terms of the Disclaimer option and click Next to continue.
4. At the Driver Setup screen, if you haven’t already done so, plug the USB cable into one of your computer’s USB ports, and then click Next.
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5. The drivers will now install
6. In the following Software Setup screen, click Next and follow the on-screen instructions. At this point you will be asked to install such features as the
Programmable Support for Mouse, Programmable Support for Keyboard and Programmable Hotkeys (these are important components of the programming
software and are required).
7. If you are asked if Windows can connect to Windows Update to search for software, choose No, not at this time. Continue to click Next and Finish to accept the installation.
8. Upon completion of the installation, you have the option to Run Prole Editor, which will give you a view of the programming environment. If you do not wish to see the Prole Editor at this point, uncheck the box and click Finish to complete the installation.
drIvErS aNd SoftwarE INStaLLatIoN for uSErS of wINdowS® vISta aNd 7, 32- aNd 64-bIt
1. With your computer powered on, close down any programs that are currently running, and then insert the Installation CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2. When the Welcome screen appears, click Next to continue. If the CD does not run automatically, select Start from the Windows Taskbar, then Run, then type D:\ Setup.exe into the Run window’s text entry eld, and then click OK (assuming D:\ is the letter of your CD-ROM drive).
3. After reading the Disclaimer, select the I accept the terms of the Disclaimer option and click Next to continue.
4. At the Driver Setup screen, if you haven’t already done so, plug the USB cable into one of your computer’s USB ports and then click Next.
5. The drivers will now install
6. In the following Software Setup screen, click Next and a pop-up box will appear asking if you “want to trust software from Saitek.” Click yes, and then click Next
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7. Upon completion of the installation, you have the option to Run Prole Editor, which will give you a view of the programming environment. If you do not wish to see the Prole Editor at this point, uncheck the box and click on Finish to complete the installation.
SEttING uP your backLIt INformatIoN PaNEL (bIP)
In the packaging of your BIP you will nd:
Setting up your Backlit Information Panel (BIP)
• In the packaging of your BIP you will nd:
• 1 x Backlit Information Panel with 24 tted optical lenses
• Box containing an extra 27 optical lenses
• Unirack
Velcro strips
1. Remove the front fascia: Unscrew the 4 corner nuts and to remove: just pull the
clear fascia away from the cabinet of your BIP (take note the fascia is magnetically coupled to the BIP).
2. Set up your legends: You will see 24 individual optical lenses displaying various legends already tted to the BIP; these lenses can be interchanged amongst themselves or with the extra lenses supplied in the packaging. A good tip here is
to keep similar announcements together, so Eng Fire 1, Eng Fire 2, Eng Fire 3 and
Eng Fire 4 should all be in the same area, as should Gear Up and Gear Down. Its
is recommended you have all the slots covered by Optical Lenses even if they are
not in use.
3. Program the Backlit Information Panel: Now we need to tell the programming
software what optical lenses you have used where, and which colour you want
them to light up.
[Tip: It is a good idea to have the fascia off when programming so that you can see the
Optical Lenses]
ProGrammING your Pro fLIGHt backLIt INformatIoN PaNEL wItH Smart tEcHNoLoGy ProGrammING SoftwarE
Introducing Smart Technology Programming Software Smart Technology (ST) Programming Software is the software supplied to congure
your controller for enhanced functionality. ST delivers a powerful set of features, allowing you to program your device with the ultimate conguration for total interaction.
Despite a level of sophistication previously unseen in the market, the software remains
simple and intuitive to use.
How to start the Smart Technology software
A. Click on Start, then All Programs, then Smart Technology then Prole Editor. B. Look on your desktop for the Smart Technology icon, once found, double click and
the Smart Technology software will load. C. Right click the BIP icon in the applet tray by the clock, in the bottom left hand corner of your desktop. Then select the Prole Editor.
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The product page is the main screen that appears when the Smart Technology software
is rst opened (as shown above). This screen detects which Pro Flight hardware
you have plugged in and shows it on this screen, if you have no Pro Flight hardware
plugged in the Pro Flight BIP will appear in the screen, this is because they are rst in the list.
From the programming tab, you can setup your BIP to correspond to the Optical Lenses
you set up manually. Once programmed, these will correspond to the Flight Simulator X (FSX).
When you click on the programming tab you will be presented with a high resolution
image of the backlit information Panel, which will have no events programmed. You
will also see blocks of different events that correspond to the different Optical Lenses
that can be assigned under the BIP image. Each event can be dragged to any slot. If
an event already occupies that slot, that event will be replaced by the new one and will
return to the event list under the BIP image. Each event has a pre dened colour of either Red, Amber or Green, these colours can be changed by right clicking the event and choosing between Red, Amber or Green. Typically a red colour indicates a warning (such as an engine re!). Green typically indicates an on-state or helpful condition. Above the BIP you will see a Prole Page icon. The icon will have a blue glow to show this is the current prole that is being edited.
Multiple BIP Programming
You can plug a second BIP and this will be detected as a second icon Prole Page above the BIP image. You can interchange between the BIP’s and program them as you see t. There are no restrictions on event sharing on BIP’s.
Exporting and Importing Programming
The Prole Editor will automatically save any progress even if you close down the Editor. So, as you update the BIP with events that particular prole is automatically saved. If you want to have a backup copy of that prole, then click Export Programming. Give the prole a name and it will be saved in your proles folder. If you want to import a prole then click Import Programming and browse to the folder that contains the prole you want to use.
From the support tab, you can access the following features by clicking on them:
dowNLoad drIvErS aNd SoftwarE
Clicking on this link will open your default browser and direct it to the download drivers
and software page.
coNtact uS
Clicking on Contact Us will open your default browser and direct it to the contact information page; from here you can choose from a list of contacts.
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démarraGE INtroductIoN
Compatible avec Microsoft® Flight Sim™ X, le panneau d’informations rétroéclairé Pro
Flight donne aux utilisateurs des informations claires et ables pendant le vol. Disposant de 51 « pavés optiques » individuels qui afchent un grand nombre
d’événements et d’informations de vol, les utilisateurs peuvent personnaliser leur
panneau d’informations pour que celui-ci afche les informations de vol appropriées à
For real time in-game feedback Pour une rétroaction en temps réel dans le jeu Echtzeitfeedback während des Spiels Per feedback in tempo reale durante il gioco Para retroalimentación durante el juego en tiempo real
Choose between red, green & amber Choisissez entre rouge, vert et ambre Wählen Sie zwischen rot, grün und gelb Per scegliere tra rosso, verde e ambra Escoge entre rojo, verde y ámbar
leur avion ou à leurs préférences personnelles. Les pavés optiques qui ne sont pas éclairés restent invisibles à l’œil nu, ce qui permet aux aspirants pilotes d’accéder au bon moment aux informations dont ils ont besoin.
caractérIStIquES :
Panneau d’informations rétroéclairé
24 segments contrôlés de manière individuelle
• Chaque segment possède 3 couleurs dénies par l’utilisateur : Rouge, orange et vert
51 verres optiques avec légendes individuelles inclus
Fonctionne avec Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX)
Puissante interface utilisateur graphique ST
INStaLLatIoN dES PILotES Et du LoGIcIEL Pour LES utILISatEurS dE wINdowS® XP, 32 Et 64 bItS
1. Lorsque votre ordinateur est allumé, fermez tous les programmes en cours de fonctionnement, puis insérez le CD d’installation dans le lecteur de CD-ROM.
2. Lorsque l’écran de bienvenue apparaît, cliquez sur Next pour poursuivre. Si le CD ne s’exécute pas automatiquement, sélectionnez Start dans la barre des tâches Windows, puis Run, puis saisissez D:\Setup.exe dans le champ de saisie de la fenêtre Run, puis cliquez sur OK (en supposant que D:\ correspond à la lettre de votre lecteur de CD-ROM).
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+ 16 hidden pages