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Functional Description – TQ9502 Receiver
The TQ9502 consists of a clock and data recovery
circuit, a multiplexer, and a serial-to-parallel converter
block, as shown in Figure 3. The multiplexer selects
between the RX and RY inputs or the RLX and RLY
inputs. Outputs RTX, RTY, RLTX and RLTY, not shown
on Figure 3, are provided for Fly-By
which allows termination resistors to be placed away
from the chip. The multiplexer output is selected by the
LOOPEN pin as shown in Table 1. The selected data
goes to the CDR (Clock/Data Recovery) block.
The clock and data recovery block has two modes:
clock recovery and frequency acquisition. In the clock
input, it automatically switches to the frequency
acquisition mode which causes the CDR to lock onto
the REFCLK signal. This prevents the PLL from drifting
away from the serial data rate and ensures that the
CDR will properly lock onto the input serial data when it
is reapplied.
The receiver synchronizes 1 ms after applying power,
REFCLK and data. The receiver synchronizes 200 µs
after applying valid data if power and REFCLK has
already been applied. The output of this block is latched
into the output register. When SYNCEN is high
(SYNCronization ENable), the serial-to-parallel
converter monitors the serial data for the K28.5
character. When it sees a K28.5, it realigns the 10-bit
register to the K28.5 character and drives SYNC high.
The clock generate block also detects SYNC going high,
and delays the phase of the output RXCLK to coincide
with the new alignment. Some bits may be lost during
the realignment. When SYNCEN is low, SYNC is driven
low and the serial-to-parallel converter ignores the
K28.5 character.
The output register takes in the 10-bit-wide output
from the Serial-to-Parallel Converter and drives the
RXD0..9 outputs. RXD0..9 are strobed on the rising
edge of RXCLK. CLKPOL = 1 results in a longer setup
time and shorter hold time than CLKPOL = 0. The first
serial bit is placed in RXD9 and the tenth bit is placed
in RXD0.
Fibre Channel Interface
Figure 3 illustrates a typical Fibre Channel physical
layer block diagram using the TQ9501, TQ9502 and
TQ9303 chip set. The interface between the host and
ENDEC operates at 26.5625 MHz with a data width of
32-bits for the transmit path and a separate 32-bits for
the receive path. The ENDEC performs the 8b/10b
encoding and decoding; ordered set encoding and
decoding; parity checking and generation; 32-bit CRC
checking and generation; and word synchronization.
The interface between the TQ9303 and the TQ9501/
TQ9502 operates at 531.25 or 106.250 MHz with an
encoded data width of 10-bits. The serial interface
operates from 531.125 Mbaud or 1.0625 Gbaud
respectively, which is connected to an optical, coaxial
or twisted pair interface.
For additional information on the ENDEC, please refer
to the TQ9303 data sheet.