For additional information and latest specifications, see our website: www.triquint.com
Symbol Parameter Min Typ Max Units Notes
Case Operating Temperature 0 85 °C 1,3
Supply Voltage 4.5 5.5 V
Load Termination Supply Voltage V
– 2.0 V 2
Output Termination Load Resistance 50 Ω 2
Thermal Resistance Junction to Case 7 °C/W
Notes: 1. TC measured at case top. Use of adequate heatsink is required.
2. The V
and R
combination is subject to maximum output current and power restrictions.
3. Contact the Factory for extended temperature range applications.
4. Functionality and/or adherence to electrical specifications is not implied when the device is subjected to conditions that exceed,
singularly or in combination, the operating range specified.
Table 2. Recommended Operating Conditions
Table 3. Pin Descriptions
Signal Name/Level Description
D0 to D15, Data input true and complement. Differential data input ports.
ND0 to ND15 Differential PECL
O0 to O15, Data output true and complement. Differential data output ports.
NO0 to NO15 Differential PECL
IA0:3 Input address. CMOS/TTL Input port selection address that is written into the selected output port
program latches (OA0:3).
IA3 IA2 IA1 IA0 Input port
0000 0
0001 1
0010 2
:::: :
1111 15
OA0:3 Output select address. Output port selection address. Selects the output port program latches to
CMOS/TTL which the input port selection address (IA0:3) is written.
OA3 OA2 OA1 OA0 Output port
0000 0
0001 1
0010 2
:::: :
1111 15
LOAD CMOS/TTL Enables the selected output port program latches while set ‘high’.
Latches the data when set to a 'low' level.
CONFIGURE CMOS/TTL Transfers the program latches data to the configuration latches and
implements the switch changes while set ‘high’. Latches the data when
set to a ‘low’ level.
RESET CMOS/TTL Configures the switch into Broadcast or Pass-Through mode, overwriting
existing configurations.
Broadcast mode:
All output ports are connected to data input port 0. This
mode is selected by applying a RESET “high” pulse with CONFIGURE held “low."
Pass-through mode: I0 is connected to O0, I1 to O1, etc. This mode is
selected by applying a RESET “high” pulse with CONFIGURE held “high."
CNTRL LVL Input level control. GND/Open Selects the input levels for the input address (IA0:3), output address
(OA0:3), CONFIGURE, LOAD and RESET inputs. Inputs are configured
for TTL when tied to GND and CMOS when left unconnected.