TriQuint Semiconductor Inc TGA8061-SCC Datasheet

Product Data Sheet
.1 - 3.5 GHz Low Noise Amplifier TGA8061-SCC
Key Features and Performance
100 MHz to 3.5 GHz Frequency Range
3 dB Bandwidth Exceeds 5 Octaves
2.4 dB Noise Figure with Low Input and Output SWR
18 dB Gain
15 dBm Output Power at 1 dB Gain Compression
Operates from Single 12V Supply
1.524 x 1.524 x 0.102 mm (0.060 x 0.060 x 0.004 in.)
The TriQuint TGA8061-SCC is a GaAs monolithic low noise amplifier intended for use as a universal gain block in applications requiring simultaneous flat gain, low noise figure, and low SWR over a very wide bandwidth. Three FET stages with resistive feedback maintain highly repeatable linear phase and amplitude characteristics.
The high isolation, low SWR, and unconditional stability of the TGA8061-SCC make it ideal for following or driving mixers and filters. Small size and low external parts count simplify system design and integration into higher-level assemblies.
Bond pad and backside metallization is gold plated for compatibility with eutectic alloy attachment methods as well as thermocompression and thermosonic wire bonding processes. Ground is provided to the circuit through vias to the backside metallization.
TriQuint Semiconductor Texas Phone: (972)994 8465 Fax: (972)994 8504 Web:
Product Data Sheet
TriQuint Semiconductor Texas Phone: (972)994 8465 Fax: (972)994 8504 Web:
Product Data Sheet
Positive supply voltage, V+……………………………………………………………………………16 V
Bias control voltage range, V
Positive supply current, I+…..………………………………………………………………………
Pow er dissipation, P
, at (or below) 25oC base-plate temperature *………………………………4.3 W
Operating Channel temperature, T
Mounting temperature (30 s ec .), T
Storage temperature range, T
………………………………………………………………………0 V to 15 V
200 mA
………………………………………………………………………-65 to 150oC
Ratings over operating channel temperature range, TCH (unless otherw ise noted).
Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may c aus e permanent damage to the device.
These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond
those indicated under "RF Characteristics" is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rated conditions
for extended periods may affect device reliability.
* For operation above 25
C base-plate temperature, derate linearly at the rate of 9.1 mW/oC.
** Operating channel temperature directly aff ec ts the dev ice MTTF. For maximum life, it is recommended that
channel temperature be maintained at the low est possible level. These ratings apply to each individual FET.
TriQuint Semiconductor Texas Phone: (972)994 8465 Fax: (972)994 8504 Web:
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