Product Data Sheet
6 - 17 GHz Dual-Channel Power Amplifier TGA6316-EEU
Key Features and Performance
• 6 to 17 GHz Frequency Range
• Dual Channel Power Amplifier
• 20.5dB Typical Gain, Single Channel
• 1.5:1 Typical Input SWR, 2.1:1 Typical
Output SWR, Single Channel
• 29.5 dBm Output Power at 3 dB Gain
Compression, (31dBm combined)
• 6.5024 x 4.8006 x 0.1016 mm (0.256 x
0.189 x 0.004 in.)
The TriQuint TGA6316-EEU is a dual channel GaAs monolithic amplifier which
operates from 6 to 17-GHz. Each channel features three-stage topology with a
1200-mm dual-gate FET distributed amplifier for the first stage, a 1200 µm single
gate FET second stage, and a 1900 µm single gate FET third stage. The dualchannel construction is designed for off-chip combining.
A single channel of the TGA6316-EEU provides 20.5-dB typical small signal gain
and 29.5 dBm output power at 3 dB gain compression. The TGA6316-EEU amplifier
is designed for use in wideband systems such as electronic warfare,
expendable decoys and test equipment.
Bond pad and backside metallization is gold plated for compatibility with eutectic
alloy attachment methods as well as the thermocompression and thermosonic wire
bonding processes. Ground is provided to the circuitry through vias to the backside
TriQuint Semiconductor Texas Phone: (972)994 8465 Fax: (972)994 8504 Web: www.triquint.com
Product Data Sheet
TriQuint Semiconductor Texas Phone: (972)994 8465 Fax: (972)994 8504 Web: www.triquint.com
Product Data Sheet
TriQuint Semiconductor Texas Phone: (972)994 8465 Fax: (972)994 8504 Web: www.triquint.com